Packages by category
Categories: (4), "Distributed Computing" (1), - (1), .NET (9), Accelerate (27), Accessibility (4), ACME (55), Actors (2), Adjunctions (2), ADSB (5), Aerospace (12), Aeson (4), Agda (1), AI (81), Algebra (62), Algebra Uniform (1), Algorithm (9), Algorithm Visualization (2), Algorithmic Music Composition (1), Algorithms (140), Amazon (1), Amqp (1), Anatomy (1), Animation (6), ANSI (1), AOP (2), API (40), Apple (3), Application (34), Application Server (2), Applicative (2), Archaeoinformatics (1), Archive (8), Argumentation (4), Arithmetic (1), Array (14), Arrows (9), Artificial Intelligence (2), Arxiv (1), ASCII (1), ASP (1), Aspect Oriented Programming (2), Assembler (1), AST (1), Astrology (1), Astronomy (3), Atom (1), ATS (8), Attoparsec (3), Attribute Grammars (1), Audio (16), Authentication (14), Automatic Music Generation (1), Automation (3), Avers (4), Aviation (27), AWS (386), Azure (1), Backup (3), Barcode (1), Base (1), Benchmark (2), Benchmarking (20), Big Data (2), Binary (5), Bindings (83), Bio (8), Bioinformatics (131), Bit (11), Bit Vectors (13), Bitcoin (19), Bits (1), Blockchain (7), Blog (1), Book (1), Browser (9), BSD (1), BSD3 (10), Bsparse (1), Build (10), Build Tool (3), Builders (3), Building (6), Bundle (2), Business (8), Bytes (1), ByteString (7), ByteStrings (1), BZip (1), C (6), C# (1), Cabal (4), Cache (5), Caching (1), CAPTCHA (1), Cardano (8), Cast (1), Categories (10), Category (4), Catgirls (1), CGI (1), Chaos Music (1), Charts (5), Chat (2), Chemistry (11), Chess Engine (1), CHs (1), CI (5), Classes (1), Classification (4), Clckwrks (12), CLI (54), CLI Tool (8), ClickHouse (1), Client (10), Clipboard (1), Closure (1), Cloud (227), Cloud Haskell (5), CLR (6), Clustering (7), CmdLineArgs (1), Code Competitions (1), Code Generation (30), Code-Generator (1), Codec (202), Codecs (9), Codegen (8), CodeQuality (1), Coerce (1), Combinatorics (3), Combinators (24), Command Line (14), Command Line Tool (5), Command Line Tools (7), CommandLine (4), Commerce (1), Commercial (2), Common-Parts (1), Comonad (4), Comonads (19), Compatibility (16), Compilation (1), Compiler (72), Compiler Plugin (18), Compilers (8), Compilers/Interpreters (147), Composite (9), Composition (11), Compression (36), Computational Geometry (2), Computer Algebra (1), Concourse (1), Concurrency (254), Concurrent (13), Conduit (76), Config (2), Configuration (68), Console (97), Constraint (1), Constraints (24), Consul (1), Containers (7), Contract (1), Contracts (1), Contravariant (5), Control (857), Control Language (1), Control.Monad (1), Control.Parallel.Eden (1), Convenience (1), Conversion (8), CouchDB (1), CPP (1), CRDT (1), Criu (2), Cron (1), Crosswords (1), Crypto (30), Cryptocurrency (1), Cryptography (207), CSharp (1), CsSyd (1), CSV (24), Culinary (1), Cursor (1), CustomSetup (2), Data (2545), Data Conduit (1), Data Control (2), Data Flow (3), Data Mining (28), Data Network (1), Data Science (11), Data Structure (3), Data Structures (340), Data Text JSON YAML Pandoc (1), Data Text Uniform (2), Data-structures (1), Database (556), Database Design (1), Database Driver (1), Database Testing Web (4), Databases (6), Dataflow (2), Datamining (3), Date (3), Debian (5), Debug (49), Debuggers (1), Debugging (5), Decoding (1), Decompiler (1), Deep Learning (2), Default (2), Delay (1), DeltaQ (2), Demo (7), Dependency Injection (2), Dependent Types (60), Derive-monoid (1), Deriving (1), Desktop (21), Desktop Environment (5), Development (889), Development Web (1), DevOps (6), DFINITY (1), Dhall (10), Dhall Pandoc (1), Diagnostics (2), Diagram (2), Diagrams (1), Diffing (1), Digest (2), Dijkstra (1), Directory (2), Disassembler (4), Distributed Computing (64), Distributed Systems (9), Distributed-Computing (2), Distribution (157), DNS (2), Docker (7), Documentation (32), Domain Specific Language (1), Download Manager (2), DSL (12), Dynamic Programming (1), EBNF (1), Eden (3), Editing (1), Editor (21), Education (33), Educational (2), Effect (30), Effectful (1), Effects (5), Efficient XML Pretty-printer (1), Electrs (1), Elliptic Curves (1), Elm (7), Emacs (1), Email (16), Embedded (38), Encoding (1), Enumerator (33), Envars (1), Environment (3), Error (1), Error Exception Uniform (1), Error Handling (27), Error Reporting (1), Eternity (1), Ethereum (7), ETL (1), (1), Event-sourcing (1), Eventloop (1), Eventsourcing (13), Eventstore (1), Example (2), Exception (2), Exceptions (13), Executable (2), Experiment (2), Experimental (3), Extension (10), Faas (1), Factory (1), Factual (2), Failure (26), Fake (2), FakeData (2), Fay (10), FCM (1), Fedora (3), Feed (1), FFI (144), FFI Tools (10), File (8), File Manager (3), FilePath (2), Filesystem (42), Filter (2), Finance (81), Finance Network Bitcoin (1), Financial (2), Find (1), Fitness (1), Flatpak (2), Flight (1), Flink (1), Folding (1), Font (3), Foreign (118), Foreign Binding (7), Formal Languages (13), Formal Methods (43), Format (3), Formatting (2), Foundation (2), Fractals (1), Framework (5), FRP (111), FSM (1), Functions (10), Functors (11), Futhark (5), Futures (1), Fuzzy (1), Game (299), Game Engine (45), Games (6), Gateway (1), Geckodriver (1), Gemini (8), Genealogy (2), General (4), Generative Music Grammars (1), Generic (5), Generics (143), Gentoo (1), Geo (2), Geography (16), Geometry (22), Geospatial (1), GHC (33), GIS (1), GIS Programs (1), Git (15), GitHub (6), GiveYouAHead (2), Go (1), Google (188), Gps (1), GPU (5), Graph (8), Graphics (655), GraphQL (14), Graphs (45), Groundhog (1), Groups (2), GRPC (2), GUI (83), Hakyll (3), HAM (1), Ham-radio (1), Happstack (17), Hardware (70), Hash (9), Haskell (16), Haskell Admin (2), Haskell2010 (3), Haskell2020 (1), Haskell98 (2), Hasql (21), HATEOAS (1), Health (2), Help (2), Heuristics (2), Hie (2), HKD (3), HLS (2), HNum (1), Hspec (2), HTML (29), HTTP (9), Hxt (1), Hydraulics (1), Hydrology (1), I18n (2), I2C (2), IDE (17), Identification (1), IDL (2), Image (26), Image Processing (2), Image Viewer (3), Images (1), In-other-words (1), Indexed (1), Infrastructure (1), Inspection (1), Instances (1), Integration (2), Interaction (2), Interactive (1), Interfaces (9), Interpolation (5), Interpreter (2), Interpreters (3), Interval (1), IO (11), IO-Streams (21), IoC (1), IoT (1), IRC (12), IRC Client (2), IRI (1), Iteratee (1), J (1), Japanese Natural Language Processing (1), Java (15), JavaScript (36), JSON (119), JSON5 (1), JSX (1), JVM (16), Kerf (1), Ketchup (1), Keynote (1), Keyword Extractor (1), KML (1), Korean (1), Lalr (1), Lambda Cube (1), LambdaCalculus (2), Language (795), Language Tools (1), Language.Nix (2), Languages (4), LaTeX (6), Lazy (1), Learning (1), Learning Environments (1), Learning Haskell (1), Lens (19), Lenses (57), Lexer (3), Lexers (1), Lexing (1), Lib (3), Library (67), Lightning (3), Linear Algebra (3), Linear Programming (1), LinearAlgebra (2), Linguistics (8), Linnet (3), Linux (5), Linux Desktop (1), Lisp (1), List (21), Little Game (1), Live Coding (7), Local Search (2), Log (1), Logger (1), Logging (69), Logic (42), Logic Programming (5), Logstash (1), LruCache (1), LUA (1), Machine Learning (69), Machine Vision (3), Machine-learning (1), Machines (3), Macros (1), Mail (5), Managed Functions (1), Manatee (17), Map (1), MapReduce (2), Markdown (2), Math (748), Mathematics (22), Maths (9), Matrix (1), Media (21), Medical (2), Megaparsec (1), Memoization (2), Memory (7), Message-Oriented (1), Message-Oriented Middleware (5), Meta (1), Metalanguage (1), Metaprogramming (1), Metrics (11), Microcontroller (4), Microservice (1), Middleware (3), Minecraft (2), Miscellaneous (1), Miso (2), Mit (1), Mobile (5), Model (5), Modelling (1), Modules (1), Monad (26), Monad Transformers (1), Monadic Regions (12), MonadIO (1), Monads (97), Money (6), Monitoring (14), Mptcp (2), Mtl (1), Multimedia (3), Multimedia Player (2), Mumeric.Statistics (1), Murmur (1), Music (110), MusicBrainz (1), Mutable State (3), N2O (4), NA (1), Naqsha (1), Natural Language (2), Natural Language Processing (93), Natural-language-processing (1), Neovim (8), Net (3), Network (1143), Network API (1), Network APIs (18), Network Control (1), NetworkAPI (1), NetworkAPIs (1), Networking (16), Nix (40), NLP (10), Noise (3), Non-determinism (2), None (1), NonEmpty (1), Ntrol (1), Number Theory (17), Numbers (2), Numeric (88), Numerical (75), Numerics (3), OAuth (2), Object Storage (1), Observability (12), OCaml (2), Ocilib (1), ODPI-C (1), Office (1), OGC (1), OOP (1), OpenAPI (4), Opengl (2), OpenLayers (1), OpenTelemetry (15), Operating System (4), Operations (1), Optics (19), Optimisation (21), Optimization (24), Options (15), Oracle (2), Orphan Instances (1), Other (27), OverloadeLabels (1), Package Management (6), Package.Category (1), Packaging (2), PagerDuty (1), Pandoc (2), Parallel (2), Parallelism (38), Parry (1), Parser (30), Parser Builder (1), Parser Combinators (2), ParserCombinators (1), Parsers (11), Parsing (269), Password (6), Pattern (4), Pattern Classification (2), Pattern Recognition (1), Payments (5), PDF (10), PDF Latex (1), PDF Viewer (1), Performance (11), Permutations (1), Persistent (2), PersonalGrowth (1), Phantom Types (5), Phishing (1), PHP (1), Physics (36), Picture (1), Pinboard (1), Pipes (56), PL/SQL Tools (1), Plaid (1), Planning (1), Plotting (2), Plugin (15), Plugins (3), Poker (3), Politic (5), Polymorphism (4), Polysemy (16), Polysemy Filesystem (2), Polysemy Vinyl (1), Portal (1), Possehl-Analytics (7), PostgreSQL (32), Potoki (3), Prelude (101), Preprocessor (3), Presentation (1), Pretty Printer (24), Pretty-printing (1), Primitive (3), Probability (3), Process (1), Process Manager (1), Productivity (5), Profiling (20), Profunctors (4), Program (7), Program Transformation (2), Programming Uniform (1), Project (18), Project Management (2), Prompt (1), Propagators (1), Proto (1), Protocol (16), Protocols (1), Proxies (1), PSP (1), Ptr (2), Pugs (8), Pup-Events (5), PureScript (2), PVP (1), Python (1), QL (1), QR (2), QualifiedDo (1), Quality (1), Quant (1), Quantum (3), QuasiQuotes (7), QuickCheck (3), Quipper (9), Qux (2), Raaz (1), Rabbitmq (1), Radio (1), RAKE (1), Random (22), Raphics (1), Raspberrypi (3), Raw (2), RDF (2), Reactive (10), Reactivity (39), Record (1), Records (39), Recursion (15), Redis (5), Refactoring (6), Reflection (11), Reflex (6), Regex (8), Relational Algebra (1), Relaxng (1), Relude (1), Remote Management (7), REPL (3), Resources (2), REST (1), Reverse Engineering (4), Rewriting (2), RFC (1), Robotics (8), Roles (1), Rounding (1), RPC (2), RSS (3), RSS/Atom Reader (1), Ruby (1), Rust (1), Saas (2), Safe (5), Sample Code (2), Sast (1), Scene (1), Schedule (1), Scheduling (3), Schema (4), Science (18), Scientific (1), Scientific Simulation (2), Scotty (2), Screencast (1), Screensaver (1), SCRIPT (1), Scripting (10), SDR (1), Search (15), Security (49), Selective (1), Selenium (3), Semantic Web (3), Semigroupoids (1), Semigroups (1), Serialization (32), Servant (70), Server (1), Serverless (1), Service (4), Services (17), Set Theory (1), Setup (2), Shake (13), Shell (4), Si5351 (1), Signatures (1), Silk (1), Silly Tool (1), SIMD (3), Simple (7), Simulation (19), Singletons (5), SMT (24), Snap (35), Snaplet-fay (1), Socket (1), Software (4), Software Defined Radio (2), Sorting (4), Sound (226), Source Code Analysis (3), Source Tools (1), Source-tools (8), Spam (5), Spellchecker (1), SpreadSheet (3), SQL (2), SQLite (2), Staged (1), State Machines (2), Static (1), Static Analysis (8), StaticAnalysis (1), Statistical Modeling (2), Statistics (67), Steganography (1), Stemming (1), STM (2), STM32 (4), Stochastic Control (1), Stomp (4), Storage (1), Stratux (5), Stream (1), Streaming (64), Streamly (18), String (11), Structures (2), Subscriptions (1), Subversion (1), Succinct Data Structures (8), Support Vector Machine (1), SVD (1), Svg (5), Swagger (11), Symbolic Computation (18), Syntax (7), SyntComp (1), Syslog (1), SYstem (812), System Tools (2), Systems (1), Tar (5), Task (2), Taskwarrior (1), Tasty (1), Tasty-kat (1), Tax (1), Teaching (9), Telemetry (5), Template (9), Template Haskell (49), Template-haskell (2), TemplateHaskell (3), Templating (2), Tensors (12), Terminal (13), Terraform (1), Test (51), Testing (452), Testing-hackage (1), Text (1059), Text Editor (1), Text Recognition (1), Text To Speech (1), Text.PrettyPrint (1), TH (3), Theorem Provers (52), Theorem Proving (1), These (7), This (1), Time (66), Time Uniform (1), Time-frequency Distributions (1), Timeout (2), TODO (6), Tokenisation (1), TOML (6), Tonatona (8), Tool (2), Tooling (5), Tools (55), Topology (1), TouchDesigner (1), Trace (13), Tracing (3), Training (1), Trans (1), Transformation (3), Transformers (1), Translation (1), Transpiler (1), Tree (5), Tree-sitter (14), Tropical Geometry (1), Truth Maintenance (1), Try (1), TUI (5), TUI Tool (1), Tutorials (1), Type (1), Type Errors (1), Type Inference (1), Type System (43), Type Theory (1), Type-safe (1), Typechecking (1), Typeclass (1), TypeID (1), Types (23), TypeScript (2), Typesystems (1), Typography (6), UI (11), Unicode (11), Unification (4), Uniform (8), Uniform Handling Of Some Pandoc Stuff (1), Unikernel (1), Unity3D (1), Unknown (3), Unlift (1), Unsafe (2), Ur/Web (2), Urbit (2), URI (2), URL (1), User Interface (5), User Interfaces (95), User-interface (9), UserInterface (4), Util (6), Utilities (15), Utility (68), Utils (116), UUID (1), UUIDv7 (1), Uzbl (1), Validation (6), Validity (13), Value (6), Vector (9), Verification (1), Video (4), Vinyl (4), Visual Programming (2), Visualization (3), VSCode (1), Vulkan (2), Wai (4), Warning (1), WASM (1), Watch (1), Water (1), Web (2054), Web Scraping (1), Web Server (1), Web XML (1), Web Yesod (1), Web-scraping (1), WebAssembly (2), WebDriver (3), Webframework (1), Welcome (1), Well-Known-Text (1), Wiki (1), WKT (1), Workflow (2), Wsjtx (1), X11 (2), XDG (1), XFCE (1), Xlsx (1), XML (116), XMonad (6), XMPP (1), YAML (4), Yampa (1), Yesod (106), Yi (18), Zeromq (1), Zift (7), Zip (2), Zipkin (1), Zippers (2), ZLib (1), Unclassified (512).
- array-memoize library: Memoization combinators using arrays for finite sub-domains of functions
- PortFusion program: high-performance distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling for TCP
- reflex-ghci library, program and test: A GHCi widget library for use in reflex applications
- wxSimpleCanvas library: Simple zoomable canvas for wxHaskell
"Distributed Computing"
- polling-cache library and test: Cache infrequently updated data for simpler distributed systems.
- tslib library and tests: -
- clr-bindings library and test: Glue between clr-host and clr-typed
- clr-host library and test: Hosting the Common Language Runtime
- clr-inline library, test and benchmark: Quasiquoters for inline C# and F#
- clr-marshal library: Marshaling for the clr
- clr-typed library and test: A strongly typed Haskell interface to the CLR type system
- clr-win-linker program: A GHC linker wrapper tool to workaround a GHC >8.2 bug
- hs-dotnet library: Pragmatic .NET interop for Haskell
- language-cil library: Manipulating Common Intermediate Language AST
- Salsa library: A .NET Bridge for Haskell
- accelerate library and tests: An embedded language for accelerated array processing
- accelerate-bignum library, tests and benchmark: Fixed-length large integer arithmetic for Accelerate
- accelerate-blas library, tests and benchmarks: Numeric Linear Algebra in Accelerate
- accelerate-examples library and programs: Examples using the Accelerate library
- accelerate-fft library and tests: FFT using the Accelerate library
- accelerate-io library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and raw pointers
- accelerate-io-array library and test: Convert between Accelerate and array
- accelerate-io-bmp library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and BMP images
- accelerate-io-bytestring library: Convert between Accelerate and ByteString
- accelerate-io-cereal library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using cereal
- accelerate-io-JuicyPixels library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and JuicyPixels images
- accelerate-io-repa library: Convert between Accelerate and Repa arrays
- accelerate-io-serialise library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using serialise
- accelerate-io-vector library and test: Convert between Accelerate and vector
- accelerate-kullback-liebler library, test and benchmark: Kullback-Liebler divergence
- accelerate-llvm library: Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR
- accelerate-llvm-native library and test: Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs
- accelerate-llvm-ptx library and test: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- colour-accelerate library: Working with colours in Accelerate
- containers-accelerate library and test: Hashing-based container types
- FAI library and test: Haskell Foreign Accelerate Interface
- gloss-accelerate library: Extras to interface Gloss and Accelerate
- gloss-raster-accelerate library: Parallel rendering of raster images using Accelerate
- hashable-accelerate library: A class for types which can be converted into a hash value
- lens-accelerate library: Instances to mix lens with Accelerate
- linear-accelerate library and test: Lifting linear vector spaces into Accelerate
- mwc-random-accelerate library and benchmark: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers
- bitspeak program: Proof-of-concept tool for writing using binary choices.
- festival library: C bindings plus conveniences for the festival tts system.
- hsay program: (ab)Use Google Translate as a speech synthesiser
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings
- ACME library: Essential features
- acme-all-monad library: A monad which is powerful enough to interpret any action
- acme-box library, program and test: A full featured empty project
- acme-cadre library: car, cdr and more
- acme-circular-containers library and test: Spineless containers which are fast to read but inefficient to update
- acme-cofunctor library: A Cofunctor is a structure from category theory dual to Functor
- acme-colosson library: Determines whether it is numberwang.
- acme-cuteboy library and program: Maybe gives you a cute boy
- acme-cutegirl library and program: Maybe gives you a cute girl
- acme-default library: A class for types with a distinguished aesthetically pleasing value
- acme-dont library and test: A "don't" construct
- acme-everything library: Install everything.
- acme-flipping-tables library: Stop execution with rage.
- acme-functors library: The best applicative functors.
- acme-grawlix library: More readable names for commonly used symbols
- acme-hq9plus library: An embedded DSL for the HQ9+ programming language
- acme-inator library and program: Evil inventions in the Tri-State area
- acme-io library: The only true way to do IO in Haskell!
- acme-lolcat library: LOLSPEAK translator
- acme-lookofdisapproval library: Express your disapproval
- acme-memorandom library: Memoized random number generation
- acme-microwave library: The eighth wonder of the world, kitchen math!
- acme-miscorder library: Miscellaneous newtypes for orderings of discutable use.
- acme-missiles library: Cause serious international side effects.
- acme-mutable-package library: A mutable package.
- acme-now library: An interface to the philosophical and metaphysical "now"
- acme-numbersystem library: Define the less than and add and subtract for nats
- acme-omitted library and test: A name for omitted definitions
- acme-one library: The identity element of package dependencies
- acme-php library: The flexibility of Haskell and the safety of PHP
- acme-pointful-numbers library: Make more than one point in numeric literals
- acme-realworld library: Primitives for manipulating the state of the universe
- acme-safe library: Safe versions of some infamous haskell functions such as fromJust
- acme-schoenfinkel library and test: Proper names for curry and uncurry
- acme-smuggler library and test: Smuggle arbitrary values in arbitrary types
- acme-strfry library: A binding to the glibc strfry function.
- acme-stringly-typed library: Stringly Typed Programming
- acme-strtok library: A Haskell port of the C/PHP strtok function
- acme-timemachine library: An easy way to perform and unperform IO and other stateful actions.
- acme-year library, test and benchmark: Get the current year
- acme-zalgo library: ...
- acme-zero library: The absorbing element of package dependencies
- apply-unordered library and test: Apply a function to an argument specified by a type level Nat
- apply-unordered-mono library and test: Apply functions to arguments in an unordered type-directed fashion
- ascii-cows library: A collection of ASCII cows. Moo.
- empty library: Ceci n'est pas une package
- hero-club-five-tenets library and program: Think back of the five tenets of hero club
- icfpc2020-galaxy library: A strange message received at the Pegovka observatory
- lacroix library: fizzy n dizzy
- monadacme library: The Acme and AcmeT monads
- plumbers library: Pointless plumbing combinators
- redesigned-carnival library: Package for dependency confusion
- roller library and program: Playing with applicatives and dice!
- typesafe-precure library and test: Type-safe transformations and purifications of PreCures (Japanese Battle Heroine)
- yes-precure5-command library, program and test: Extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes! Precure 5.
- theatre library: Minimalistic actor library
- theatre-dev library and test: Minimalistic actor library experiments
- adjunction library, test and benchmark: See README for more info
- adjunctions library and test: Adjunctions and representable functors
- stratux library: A library for stratux
- stratux-demo library and program: A demonstration of the stratux library.
- stratux-http library: A library for using HTTP with stratux
- stratux-types library: A library for reading JSON output from stratux
- stratux-websockets library: A library for using websockets with stratux
- ogma-cli program and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages.
- ogma-core library and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages.
- ogma-extra library and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages.
- ogma-language-c library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: C Language Frontend
- ogma-language-cocospec library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: CoCoSpec Language Frontend
- ogma-language-copilot library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: Copilot Language Endpoints
- ogma-language-fret-cs library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Specification Frontend
- ogma-language-fret-reqs library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Requirement DB Frontend
- ogma-language-jsonspec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend
- ogma-language-smv library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: SMV Language Frontend
- ogma-language-xmlspec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: XML Frontend
- ogma-spec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend
- aeson-extra library and test: Extra goodies for aeson
- aeson-helper library: Aeson helper func
- aeson-result library: API Result for aeson
- aeson-with library: withXField combinators for aeson
- agda2train library and program: Agda backend to generate training data for machine learning purposes.
- attoparsec-arff library: An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec
- basic-gps library: Basic implementation of General Problem Solver algorithm
- bpann library: backpropagation neuronal network
- CarneadesDSL library: An implementation and DSL for the Carneades argumentation model.
- CarneadesIntoDung library and program: A translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's AFs.
- conala-dataset library and test: bindings to the CoNaLa dataset
- creatur library and test: Framework for artificial life experiments.
- csp library and test: Discrete constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solver.
- CV library: OpenCV based machine vision library
- cv-combinators library and program: Functional Combinators for Computer Vision
- Dung library and program: An implementation of the Dung argumentation frameworks.
- Etage library: A general data-flow framework
- fast-downward library: Solve classical planning problems (STRIPS/SAS+) using Haskell & Fast Downward.
- fei-base library and program: FFI to MXNet
- fei-cocoapi library and program: Cocodataset with cocoapi
- fei-dataiter library, program and tests: mxnet dataiters
- fei-datasets library and programs: Some datasets
- fei-examples programs: fei examples
- fei-modelzoo library: A collection of standard models
- fei-nn library: Train a neural network with MXNet in Haskell.
- finito library and tests: Constraint Solver for Finite Domains
- GA library: Genetic algorithm library
- genprog library: Genetic programming library
- grenade library, test and benchmarks: Practical Deep Learning in Haskell
- HasGP library: A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes
- HaskellNN library: High Performance Neural Network in Haskell
- hasktorch-codegen library, program and test: Code generation tools for Hasktorch
- hasktorch-ffi-tests library: Testing library for Hasktorch's FFI bindings
- hasktorch-ffi-th library and test: Bindings to Torch
- hasktorch-ffi-thc library and test: Bindings to Cutorch
- hasktorch-indef library and test: Core Hasktorch abstractions wrapping FFI bindings
- hasktorch-signatures library and programs: Backpack signatures for Tensor operations
- hasktorch-signatures-partial library: Functions to partially satisfy tensor signatures
- hasktorch-signatures-support library: Signatures for support tensors in hasktorch
- hasktorch-signatures-types library: Core types for Hasktorch backpack signatures
- hasktorch-types-th library: C-types for Torch
- hasktorch-types-thc library: C-types for Cutorch
- hasktorch-zoo library: Neural architectures in hasktorch
- HaVSA library and program: An implementation of the Version Space Algebra learning framework.
- heukarya library: A genetic programming based on tree structure.
- hfann library and program: Haskell binding to the FANN library
- hgalib library: Haskell Genetic Algorithm Library
- hmep library, programs and test: HMEP Multi Expression Programming – a genetic programming variant
- hnn library: A reasonably fast and simple neural network library
- HOpenCV library and program: A binding for the OpenCV computer vision library
- hopfield library, programs and test: Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Machines and Clusters
- hpylos program: AI of Pylos game with GLUT interface.
- HSGEP library and programs: Gene Expression Programming evolutionary algorithm in Haskell
- huff library and program: A fast-foward-based planner
- hVOIDP library and program: Optimal variable selection in chain graphical model.
- ihp-openai library and test: Call GPT4 from your Haskell apps
- instinct library: Fast artifical neural networks
- keera-posture program and tests: Get notifications when your sitting posture is inappropriate.
- liblinear-enumerator library: liblinear iteratee.
- markov-processes library and test: Hidden Markov processes.
- mines program: Minesweeper simulation using neural networks
- moo library and test: Genetic algorithm library
- mxnet-dataiter library and tests: mxnet dataiters
- mxnet-nn library and program: Train a neural network with MXNet in Haskell.
- neet library: A NEAT library for Haskell
- neural-network-base library: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell
- neural-network-blashs library and test: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell
- neural-network-hmatrix library: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell
- nn library and test: A tiny neural network
- nondeterminism library and test: A monad and monad transformer for nondeterministic computations.
- opencv library, tests and benchmark: Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x
- opencv-extra library and test: Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x extra modules
- opencv-raw library: Raw Haskell bindings to OpenCV >= 2.0
- Probnet library: Geometric Extrapolation of Integer Sequences with error prediction
- sandlib library: SAND data serialization and manipulation library
- simple-genetic-algorithm library and program: Simple parallel genetic algorithm implementation
- simple-genetic-algorithm-mr library and program: Simple parallel genetic algorithm implementation
- simple-neural-networks library and programs: Simple parallel neural networks implementation
- SimpleEA library: Simple evolutionary algorithm framework.
- smarties library, programs and test: Haskell Behavior Tree Library
- SoccerFun library and program: Football simulation framework for teaching functional programming
- SoccerFunGL library and programs: OpenGL UI for the SoccerFun framework
- svm library: A support vector machine written in Haskell
- svm-simple library: Medium level, simplified, bindings to libsvm
- tensor-safe library and program: Create valid deep neural network architectures
- typechain library and program: An implementation of LangChain in Haskell
- acts library: Semigroup actions and torsors.
- agum library and program: Unification and Matching in an Abelian Group
- algebra library: Constructive abstract algebra
- algebraic library: General linear algebra structures.
- algebraic-graphs library and test: A library for algebraic graph construction and transformation
- allen library, program, test and benchmark: A monadic way of calculating relations between intervals of time.
- cayley-dickson library and test: Complex numbers, quaternions, octonions, sedenions, etc.
- cl3 library, test and benchmarks: Clifford Algebra of three dimensional space.
- cl3-hmatrix-interface library: Interface to/from Cl3 and HMatrix.
- cl3-linear-interface library: Interface to/from Cl3 and Linear.
- cl3-posit library and test: Clifford Algebra of three dimensional space, implemented with Posit numbers.
- clif library, test and benchmark: A Clifford algebra number type for Haskell
- clipper library: Haskell API to clipper (2d polygon union/intersection/xor/clipping API)
- cmu library and program: Unification in a Commutative Monoid
- commutative-semigroups library: Commutative semigroups
- constructive-algebra library: A library of constructive algebra.
- csa library and test: Connection-set algebra (CSA) library
- eigen library and tests: Eigen C++ library (linear algebra: matrices, sparse matrices, vectors, ...
- fadno-braids library: Braid representations in Haskell
- fcf-graphs library and test: Type-level version of algebraic-graphs.
- finite-field library and test: Finite Fields
- free-algebras library and test: Free algebras
- free-category library, test and benchmark: efficient data types for free categories and arrows
- gasp library: A framework of algebraic classes
- ghc-bignum : GHC BigNum library
- group-theory library: The theory of groups
- groups library: Groups
- groups-generic library: Generically derive Group instances.
- haskell-eigen-util library and test: Some utility functions for haskell-eigen library
- hspray library, test and benchmark: Multivariate polynomials and fractions of multivariate polynomials.
- integer-gmp library: Integer library based on GMP
- interval-algebra library, program and tests: An implementation of Allen's interval algebra for temporal logic
- interval-patterns library and test: Intervals, and monoids thereof
- involutive-semigroups library: Semigroups with involution.
- jackpolynomials library, test and benchmark: Jack, zonal, Schur, and other symmetric polynomials
- linear library and tests: Linear Algebra
- linear-accelerate library and test: Lifting linear vector spaces into Accelerate
- linear-grammar library and test: A simple grammar for building linear equations and inclusive inequalities.
- linear-tests library and test: Linear Algebra
- magma library and test: magma is an algebraic structure.
- metamorphic library: metamorphisms: ana . cata or understanding folds and unfolds
- monoid-absorbing library: A library for (left, right) zero monoids and backtracking with cut
- monoid-subclasses library and test: Subclasses of Monoid
- mpolynomials library: Simple multivariate polynomials.
- multi-instance library and test: Typeclasses augmented with a phantom type parameter
- nats library: Natural numbers
- oalg-abg library and test: Finitely generated abelian groups.
- oalg-base library and test: ...
- partial-semigroup library and tests: A partial binary associative operator
- partial-semigroup-hedgehog library: Property testing for partial semigroups using Hedgehog
- partial-semigroup-test library: Testing utilities for the partial-semigroup package
- semigroups library: Anything that associates
- semigroups-actions library: Semigroups actions
- semilattices library and test: Semilattices
- semirings library: two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
- sign library and test: Arithmetic over signs and sets of signs
- simplex-basic library and test: Very basic simplex implementation.
- sparse-tensor library and test: typesafe tensor algebra library
- subhask library, tests and benchmark: Type safe interface for programming in subcategories of Hask
- tropical-geometry library, program, test and benchmark: A Tropical Geometry package for Haskell
- unification-fd library: Simple generic unification algorithms.
- yap library: yet another prelude - a simplistic refactoring with algebraic classes
Algebra Uniform
- uniform-algebras library: Pointless functions and a simplistic zero and monoid
- grfn library, program, test and benchmark: Uniformly-random pre-factored numbers (Kalai)
- jps library: Jump point search for Haskell
- kmeans-par library, test and benchmark: Sequential and parallel implementations of Lloyd's algorithm.
- longshot library, program and test: Fast Brute-force search using parallelism
- mealy library and test: Mealy machines for processing time-series and ordered data.
- pathfinding library: pathfinding in grid and graphs
- Ritt-Wu library, program, test and benchmark: Parallel implementation of Ritt-Wu's algorithm.
- search-algorithms library, tests and benchmark: Common graph search algorithms
- typed-session-state-algorithm library and test: Automatically generate status for typed-session.
Algorithm Visualization
- provenience library and program: Computations that automatically track data dependencies
- treeviz library, program and test: Visualization of computation decomposition trees.
Algorithmic Music Composition
- AlgoRhythm library, program and test: Algorithmic music composition
- ac-library-hs library, program, tests and benchmark: Data structures and algorithms
- Adaptive library and program: Library for incremental computing.
- adp-multi library, programs and test: ADP for multiple context-free languages
- adp-multi-monadiccp library, program and test: Subword construction in adp-multi using monadiccp
- ADPfusion library, programs and test: Efficient, high-level dynamic programming.
- ADPfusionSet library and test: Dynamic programming for Set data structures.
- aeson-diff library, programs and tests: Extract and apply patches to JSON documents.
- AlanDeniseEricLauren library, test and benchmark: Find the minimal subset/submap satisfying some property.
- algebraic-graphs library and test: A library for algebraic graph construction and transformation
- AlignmentAlgorithms library: Collection of alignment algorithms
- arithmoi library, test and benchmarks: Efficient basic number-theoretic functions.
- assignment library, test and benchmarks: A solution to the assignment problem
- batching library and test: An Applicative Functor deferring actions to run in a batch later.
- binary-search library and tests: Binary and exponential searches
- Binpack library: Common bin-packing heuristics.
- bordacount library and test: Implementation of the Borda count election method.
- build library and test: Build Systems à la Carte
- ChibiHash library, program and test: a simple and fast 64-bit hash function
- cmaes library and test: CMA-ES wrapper in Haskell
- collate library and test: An Applicative Functor for extracting parts of a stream of values
- concorde library: Simple interface to the Concorde solver for the Traveling Salesperson Problem
- concurrent-sa library: Concurrent simulated annealing system.
- conduit-aeson library and tests: Short description
- cubicspline library: Natural cubic spline interpolation.
- DecisionTree library: A very simple implementation of decision trees for discrete attributes.
- dgim library and test: Implementation of DGIM algorithm
- Diff library and test: Diff algorithm in pure Haskell
- DifferentialEvolution library: Global optimization using Differential Evolution
- DimensionalHash library: An n-dimensional hash using Morton numbers.
- dom-lt library, test and benchmark: The Lengauer-Tarjan graph dominators algorithm.
- DP library: Pragmatic framework for dynamic programming
- dtw library and test: (Fast) Dynamic Time Warping
- edit-distance library, test and benchmark: Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
- edit-distance-linear library, program, test and benchmark: Efficient implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance in linear memory.
- edit-distance-vector library and test: Calculate edit distances and edit scripts between vectors.
- eigen library and tests: Eigen C++ library (linear algebra: matrices, sparse matrices, vectors, ...
- epanet-haskell library: Haskell binding for EPANET
- equivalence library and test: Maintaining an equivalence relation implemented as union-find using STT.
- ersatz library, programs and tests: A monad for expressing SAT or QSAT problems using observable sharing.
- ersatz-toysat library and programs: toysat driver as backend for ersatz
- exact-cover library, program and test: Efficient exact cover solver.
- fast-arithmetic library, test and benchmark: Fast functions on integers.
- fibonacci library: Fast computation of Fibonacci numbers.
- funsat library and program: A modern DPLL-style SAT solver
- GA library: Genetic algorithm library
- garsia-wachs library: A Functional Implementation of the Garsia-Wachs Algorithm
- genprog library: Genetic programming library
- graph-generators library, program and test: Functions for generating structured or random FGL graphs
- Graphalyze library: Graph-Theoretic Analysis library.
- graphs library: A simple monadic graph library
- GraphSCC library: Tarjan's algorithm for computing the strongly connected components of a graph.
- gutenberg-fibonaccis library: The first 1001 Fibonacci numbers, retrieved from the Gutenberg Project.
- heapsort library and programs: Heapsort of MArrays as a demo of imperative programming
- hgal library and test: library for computation automorphism group and canonical labelling of a graph
- hlcm library and programs: Fast algorithm for mining closed frequent itemsets
- HMM library: A hidden markov model library
- hmm library: A hidden markov model library
- hps-kmeans library: A nice implementation of the k-Means algorithm.
- hqcsim library and program: A library for simulating quantum circuits.
- htn library and test: resolver using htn algorithm
- Hungarian-Munkres library, test and benchmark: A Linear Sum Assignment Problem (LSAP) solver
- hypertypes library, test and benchmark: Typed ASTs
- imj-animation library and test: Animation Framework
- imj-base library, program and test: Game engine with geometry, easing, animated text, delta rendering.
- incremental-sat-solver library: Simple, Incremental SAT Solving as a Library
- infinite-search library: Exhaustively searchable infinite sets.
- integer-logarithms library and test: Integer logarithms.
- integer-roots library and tests: Integer roots and perfect powers
- iproute library and test: IP Routing Table
- kmeans library: K-means clustering algorithm
- KMP library and test: Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm
- kmp-dfa library and test: KMP algorithm implementation, based on Deterministic Finite State Automata
- lca library: O(log n) persistent online lowest common ancestor search without preprocessing
- learning-hmm library: Yet another library for hidden Markov models
- libgraph library: Store and manipulate data in a graph.
- LinearSplit library: Partition the sequence of items to the subsequences in the order given
- ListTree library: Trees and monadic trees expressed as monadic lists where the underlying monad is a list
- majority library: Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm
- markov-chain library: Markov Chains for generating random sequences with a user definable behaviour.
- maximal-cliques library: Enumerate all maximal cliques of a graph.
- mdp library, programs and test: Tools for solving Markov Decision Processes.
- mempack library, test and benchmark: Short description
- MIP library and test: Library for using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)
- MIP-glpk library and test: A GLPK backend to the MIP library.
- moo library and test: Genetic algorithm library
- Munkres library: Munkres' assignment algorithm (hungarian method)
- Munkres-simple library: Simple and typesafe layer over the Munkres package.
- natural-sort library: User-friendly text collation
- nonlinear-optimization-ad library and program: Wrapper of nonlinear-optimization package for using with AD package
- nonlinear-optimization-backprop library and program: Wrapper of nonlinear-optimization package for using with backprop package
- number-wall library, test and benchmark: Create number walls and save them as images
- Numbers library: An assortment of number theoretic functions
- numeric-optimization library, program and test: Unified interface to various numerical optimization algorithms
- numeric-optimization-ad library, program and test: Wrapper of numeric-optimization package for using with AD package
- numeric-optimization-backprop library, program and test: Wrapper of numeric-optimization package for using with backprop package
- outsort program: External sorting package based on Conduit
- palindromes library and program: Finding palindromes in strings
- patience library: Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence
- pell library and test: Package to solve the Generalized Pell Equation.
- pqueue-mtl library: Fully encapsulated monad transformers with queuelike functionality.
- presburger library and test: A decision procedure for quantifier-free linear arithmetic.
- primal library, tests and benchmark: Primeval world of Haskell.
- primal-memory library, test and benchmarks: Unified interface for memory managemenet.
- primes library: Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers
- primes-type library, test and benchmark: Type-safe prime numbers.
- primesieve library and programs: FFI bindings for the primesieve library.
- PropLogic library and program: Propositional Logic
- pure-shuffle library and test
- qchas library, program and test: A library for implementing Quantum Algorithms
- quadratic-irrational library and tests: An implementation of quadratic irrationals
- queuelike library: A library of queuelike data structures, both functional and stateful.
- rangemin library: Linear range-min algorithms.
- raz library, test and benchmarks: Random Access Zippers
- rspp library: A Rational Street Performer Protocol solver
- sat programs: CNF SATisfier
- sat-micro-hs program: A minimal SAT solver
- satchmo-backends library: driver for external satchmo backends
- satchmo-examples programs: examples that show how to use satchmo
- satchmo-funsat library: funsat driver as backend for satchmo
- satchmo-toysat library: toysat driver as backend for satchmo
- seqalign library: Sequence Alignment
- set-cover library, programs, test and benchmark: Solve exact set cover problems like Sudoku, 8 Queens, Soma Cube, Tetris Cube
- smartGroup library: group strings or bytestrings by words in common
- spacefill library and test: Generators for space-filling curves.
- stable-marriage library and test: algorithms around stable marriage
- strips library and test: resolver using strips algorithm
- svm-simple library: Medium level, simplified, bindings to libsvm
- teams library: Graphical modeling tools for sequential teams
- text-metrics library, test and benchmarks: Calculate various string metrics efficiently
- toysolver library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Assorted decision procedures for SAT, SMT, Max-SAT, PB, MIP, etc
- tree-edit-distance library, program and test: Tree Edit Distance to determine the similarity between two trees
- TrieMap library: Automatic type inference of generalized tries with Template Haskell.
- tsne library, programs and test: t-SNE
- twentyseven library, program and test: Rubik's cube solver
- unification-fd library: Simple generic unification algorithms.
- union-find library: Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets.
- union-find-array library: union find data structure
- vector-quicksort library, test and benchmark: Fast and flexible quicksort implementation for mutable vectors
- wordsearch library and program: A word search solver library and executable
- yices-easy library: Simple interface to the Yices SMT (SAT modulo theories) solver.
- aws-sns-verify library and test: Parse and verify AWS SNS messages
- amqp-streamly library and test: A simple streamly wrapper for amqp
- teeth library: Dental data types
- cal3d library: Haskell binding to the Cal3D animation library.
- cal3d-examples programs: Examples for the Cal3d animation library.
- cal3d-opengl library: OpenGL rendering for the Cal3D animation library
- imj-animation library and test: Animation Framework
- imj-base library, program and test: Game engine with geometry, easing, animated text, delta rendering.
- imj-game-hamazed library, program and test: A game with flying numbers and 8-bit color animations.
- colourista library and test: Convenient interface for printing colourful messages
- effective-aspects library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming
- effective-aspects-mzv library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using "Monads, ...
- aeson-result library: API Result for aeson
- alerta library: Bindings to the alerta REST API
- approveapi library and test: ApproveAPI Haskell Client
- arxiv library: A client for the Arxiv API
- bighugethesaurus library: API wrapper for Big Huge Thesaurus
- cicero-api library and program: API bindings to IOHK's Cicero job scheduler
- circlehs library: The CircleCI REST API for Haskell
- dialogflow-fulfillment library and test: A Dialogflow Fulfillment library for Haskell.
- doublify-toolkit library: Doublify API toolkit for Haskell
- dropbox library, program and test: Dropbox API client
- exchangerates library and test: A Haskell client for
- factual-api library: A driver for the Factual API
- fixer library and test: A Haskell client for
- gitter library: API client
- hercules-ci-api-agent library and test: API definition for Hercules CI Agent to talk to or Hercules CI Enterprise
- hercules-ci-api-core library: Types and convenience modules use across Hercules CI API packages
- jpl-horizons-api library and program: Ephemerides for solar system objects from the JPL Horizons service
- kawhi library and test: library
- leankit-api library: LeanKit API
- messente library: Messente SMS Gateway
- nylas library: Client for the Nylas API
- oanda-rest-api library and tests: Client to the OANDA REST API
- pagerduty-hs library and test: An interface to the PagerDuty API.
- plotserver-api library: Plotserver API
- pokitdok library: PokitDok Platform API Client for Haskell
- pubnub library, programs and test: PubNub Haskell SDK
- quandl-api library: API library
- rdioh library and programs: A Haskell wrapper for Rdio's API.
- reflex-gadt-api library and program: Interact with a GADT API in your reflex-dom application.
- servant-to-elm library, program and test: Automatically generate Elm clients for Servant APIs
- speechmatics library, program and test: Speechmatics api client
- strive library: A client for the Strava V3 API.
- tablestorage library: Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper
- textocat-api library and test: Unofficial Haskell SDK for Textocat API --
- themoviedb library, program and test: Haskell API bindings for
- twfy-api-client library, program and test: They Work For You API Client Library
- uploadcare library: Haskell client for Uploadcare.
- voicebase library, program and test: Upload audio files to voicebase to get a transcription
- weather-api library: Weather API implemented in Haskell
- zendesk-api library: Zendesk API for Haskell programming language.
- hs-pkpass library: A library for Passbook pass creation & signing
- maclight library, program and test: Control screen and keyboard backlights on MACs under Linux
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings
- boots library and test: IoC Monad in Haskell
- boots-app library and program: Factory for quickly building an application
- boots-cloud library: Factory for quickly building a microservice
- boots-web library: Factory for quickly building a web application
- cantor program and test: Application for analysis of java source code
- epub-tools programs and test: Command line utilities for working with epub files
- epubname program: Rename epub ebook files based on meta information
- follower program: Follow Tweets anonymously
- ghclive library and program: Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser.
- Gifcurry library and programs: GIF creation utility.
- graph-rewriting-cl program: Interactive graph rewriting system implementing various well-known combinators
- graph-rewriting-lambdascope program: Lambdascope, an optimal evaluator of the lambda calculus
- graph-rewriting-ski programs: Two interactive evalutors of the SKI combinator calculus
- graph-rewriting-trs program: Interactive evaluation of first-order applicative term rewrite systems
- graph-rewriting-ww program: Interactive evaluator of the lambda-calculus with explicit sharing
- haskell-pdf-presenter program: Tool for presenting PDF-based presentations.
- hscrtmpl programs: Haskell shell script templates
- imj-game-hamazed library, program and test: A game with flying numbers and 8-bit color animations.
- iptadmin program: web-interface for iptables
- movie-monad program: Plays videos using GStreamer and GTK+.
- nix-freeze-tree library, program and test: Convert a tree of files into fixed-output derivations
- opn program: Open files or URLs using associated programs.
- pb program: pastebin command line application
- perceptual-hash library, program, test and benchmark: Find duplicate images
- photoname library, program and test: Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date
- squeeze library, program and test: A file-packing application.
- sshtun program: Wrapper daemon to manage an ssh tunnel
- text-replace library, program and test: Simple text replacements from a list of search/replace pairs
- themplate program: Project templating tool
- thimk programs: Command-line spelling word suggestion tool
- traypoweroff program: Tray Icon application to PowerOff / Reboot computer
- weatherhs program: Weather and related data info command-line tool
- weekdaze library, program and test: A school-timetable problem-solver.
- wordlist library and program: Command-line tool to get random words
Application Server
- MFlow library: stateful, RESTful web framework
- Saturnin library, program and tests: Saturnin CI / Job System
- lazyio-applicative library: LazyIO applicative for asymptotic performance
- uu-interleaved library: An interleaving combinator for use with applicative style implementations.
- currycarbon library, program and test: A package for simple, fast radiocarbon calibration
- archive-libarchive library: Common interface using libarchive
- archive-sig library: Backpack signature for archive libraries
- archive-tar library: Common interface using the tar package
- archive-tar-bytestring library: Common interface using the tar-bytestring package
- hstar program: Haskell version of tar CLI utility
- shake-bindist library: Rules for binary distributions
- streamly-archive library and test: Stream data from archives using the streamly library.
- streamly-zip library and test: Stream data from zip archives using the streamly library.
- arguedit program: A computer assisted argumentation transcription and editing software.
- CarneadesDSL library: An implementation and DSL for the Carneades argumentation model.
- CarneadesIntoDung library and program: A translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's AFs.
- Dung library and program: An implementation of the Dung argumentation frameworks.
- safe-numeric library and test: Safe arithmetic operations.
- accelerate-kullback-liebler library, test and benchmark: Kullback-Liebler divergence
- apple library, programs, tests and benchmark: Apple array language compiler
- array-list library and tests: IsList instances of Array for OverloadedLists extension
- contiguous library, tests and benchmark: Unified interface for primitive arrays
- j library and test: J in Haskell
- massiv library and test: Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library.
- massiv-persist library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'persist'
- massiv-serialise library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'serialise'
- orthotope library and test: Multidimensional arrays inspired by APL
- orthotope-hmatrix library: Some algorithms from hmatrix
- primitive-checked library: primitive functions with bounds-checking
- primitive-maybe library and test: Arrays of Maybes
- streamly library: Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency
- streamly-core library: Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more
- arrow-utils library and test: functions for working with arrows
- Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec library and test: BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co.
- Parallel-Arrows-Definition library: Multithreaded evaluation using Arrows.
- Parallel-Arrows-Eden library and test: Eden based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@.
- Parallel-Arrows-Multicore library and test: GpH based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ in a multicore variant.
- Parallel-Arrows-ParMonad library and test: Par Monad (@monad-par@) based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@.
- porcupine-core library and programs: Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines
- porcupine-http library and programs: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
Artificial Intelligence
- mios library, programs and test: A Minisat-based CDCL SAT solver in Haskell
- opencog-atomspace library: Haskell Bindings for the AtomSpace.
- arxiv library: A client for the Arxiv API
- double-x-encoding library and test: Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_]
- clingo library and programs: Haskell bindings to the Clingo ASP solver
Aspect Oriented Programming
- effective-aspects library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming
- effective-aspects-mzv library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using "Monads, ...
- heystone library: Haskell bindings for the Keystone assembler framework
- typerbole library and test: A typesystems library with exaggerated claims
- swiss-ephemeris library and test: Haskell bindings for the Swiss Ephemeris C library
- jpl-horizons-api library and program: Ephemerides for solar system objects from the JPL Horizons service
- solar library: Simple library for solar calculations
- telescope library and test: Astronomical Observations (FITS, ASDF, WCS, etc)
- manatee-reader library and program: Feed reader extension for Manatee.
- ats-format program: A source-code formatter for ATS
- ats-pkg library and program: A build tool for ATS
- ats-setup library: ATS scripts for Cabal builds
- ats-storable library and test: Marshal ATS types into Haskell
- fast-arithmetic library, test and benchmark: Fast functions on integers.
- hs2ats library, program, test and benchmark: Create ATS types from Haskell types
- language-ats library, test and benchmark: Parser and pretty-printer for ATS.
- shake-ats library: Utilities for building ATS projects with shake
- attoparsec-framer library, programs and test: Use Attoparsec to parse framed protocol byte streams
- attoparsec-time library: Attoparsec parsers of time
- ping-parser-attoparsec library, program and test: Attoparsec parsers of ping utility
Attribute Grammars
- XSaiga library and program: An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP
- algorithmic-composition-overtones library: Some variants of the overtones functions to generate a timbre.
- cue-sheet library and test: Support for construction, rendering, and parsing of CUE sheets
- festival library: C bindings plus conveniences for the festival tts system.
- flac library and test: Complete high-level binding to libFLAC
- flac-picture library and test: Support for writing pictures into FLAC metadata blocks with JuicyPixels
- HGamer3D-SFML-Binding library: SFML Binding for HGamer3D
- lame library and test: A high-level binding to the LAME encoder
- libtagc library: Binding to TagLib C library.
- mediabus-rtp library, program and test: Receive and Send RTP Packets
- MusicBrainz-libdiscid library: Binding to libdiscid by MusicBrainz
- silero-vad library, program and test: Voice activity detection powered by SileroVAD.
- taglib-api library: An FFI layer over TagLib's C bindings
- vivid library: Sound synthesis with SuperCollider
- vivid-osc library and test: Open Sound Control encode/decode
- vivid-supercollider library and test: Implementation of SuperCollider server specifications
- wave library and test: Work with WAVE and RF64 files
- fernet library, program and test: Generate and verify HMAC-based authentication tokens.
- gamgee library, program and test: Tool for generating TOTP MFA tokens.
- hsoz library, programs and test: Iron, Hawk, Oz: Web auth protocols
- my-test-docs library and tests: spam
- orizentic library, program and test: Token-based authentication and authorization
- pam library: Haskell binding for C PAM API
- servant-auth library: Authentication combinators for servant
- servant-auth-client library and test: servant-client/servant-auth compatibility
- servant-auth-docs library and tests: servant-docs/servant-auth compatibility
- servant-auth-server library and tests: servant-server/servant-auth compatibility
- servant-auth-swagger library and test: servant-swagger/servant-auth compatibility
- thentos-cookie-session library and test: All-in-one session handling for servant-based frontends
- wai-middleware-bearer library and test: WAI Middleware for Bearer Token Authentication
- webauthn library and test: Relying party (server) implementation of the WebAuthn 2 specification
Automatic Music Generation
- AlgoRhythm library, program and test: Algorithmic music composition
- eibd-client-simple library: EIBd Client
- hsautogui library and test: Haskell bindings for PyAutoGUI, a library for automating user interaction
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings
- avers library, test and benchmark: Server-side implementation of the Avers storage model
- avers-api library: Types describing the core and extended Avers APIs
- avers-api-docs library: Swagger documentation for the Avers API
- avers-server library: Server implementation of the Avers API
- aip library, program and test: Aeronautical Information Package (AIP)
- aip-version program: Version of AIP documents
- aviation-cessna172-diagrams library: Diagrams for the Cessna 172 aircraft in aviation.
- aviation-cessna172-weight-balance library: Weight and Balance for the Cessna 172 aircraft in aviation.
- aviation-units library: Units of measurements used in aviation.
- aviation-weight-balance library: Weight and Balance structures used in aviation.
- avwx library, program and test: Parse aviation weather reports
- casa-abbreviations-and-acronyms library and programs: CASA Abbreviations and Acronyms
- casr-logbook library: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook
- casr-logbook-html library and test: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook HTML output
- casr-logbook-meta library and test: Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook)
- casr-logbook-meta-html library and test: Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) HTML output
- casr-logbook-reports library and test: CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) reports.
- casr-logbook-reports-html library and test: CASR 61.345 logbook reports HTML output
- casr-logbook-reports-meta library and test: Reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook)
- casr-logbook-reports-meta-html library and test: HTML output for reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook
- casr-logbook-types library and test: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook
- ersaconcat library, program and test: A script to concatenate AIP ERSA
- metar library, program and test: Australian METAR
- metar-http library, program and test: HTTP for METAR
- sixfiguregroup library and test: A six figure group of time
- stratux library: A library for stratux
- stratux-demo library and program: A demonstration of the stratux library.
- stratux-http library: A library for using HTTP with stratux
- stratux-types library: A library for reading JSON output from stratux
- stratux-websockets library: A library for using websockets with stratux
- vfr-waypoints library and program: VFR waypoints, as published in the AIP (ERSA)
- amazonka library: Comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK.
- amazonka-accessanalyzer library and test: Amazon Access Analyzer SDK.
- amazonka-account library and test: Amazon Account SDK.
- amazonka-alexa-business library and test: Amazon Alexa For Business SDK.
- amazonka-amp library and test: Amazon Prometheus Service SDK.
- amazonka-amplify library and test: Amazon Amplify SDK.
- amazonka-amplifybackend library and test: Amazon AmplifyBackend SDK.
- amazonka-amplifyuibuilder library and test: Amazon Amplify UI Builder SDK.
- amazonka-apigateway library and test: Amazon API Gateway SDK.
- amazonka-apigatewaymanagementapi library and test: Amazon ApiGatewayManagementApi SDK.
- amazonka-apigatewayv2 library and test: Amazon ApiGatewayV2 SDK.
- amazonka-appconfig library and test: Amazon AppConfig SDK.
- amazonka-appconfigdata library and test: Amazon AppConfig Data SDK.
- amazonka-appflow library and test: Amazon Appflow SDK.
- amazonka-appintegrations library and test: Amazon AppIntegrations Service SDK.
- amazonka-application-autoscaling library and test: Amazon Application Auto Scaling SDK.
- amazonka-application-insights library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights SDK.
- amazonka-applicationcostprofiler library and test: Amazon Application Cost Profiler SDK.
- amazonka-appmesh library and test: Amazon App Mesh SDK.
- amazonka-apprunner library and test: Amazon App Runner SDK.
- amazonka-appstream library and test: Amazon AppStream SDK.
- amazonka-appsync library and test: Amazon AppSync SDK.
- amazonka-arc-zonal-shift library and test: Amazon ARC - Zonal Shift SDK.
- amazonka-athena library and test: Amazon Athena SDK.
- amazonka-auditmanager library and test: Amazon Audit Manager SDK.
- amazonka-autoscaling library and test: Amazon Auto Scaling SDK.
- amazonka-autoscaling-plans library and test: Amazon Auto Scaling Plans SDK.
- amazonka-backup library and test: Amazon Backup SDK.
- amazonka-backup-gateway library and test: Amazon Backup Gateway SDK.
- amazonka-backupstorage library and test: Amazon Backup Storage SDK.
- amazonka-batch library and test: Amazon Batch SDK.
- amazonka-billingconductor library and test: Amazon BillingConductor SDK.
- amazonka-braket library and test: Amazon Braket SDK.
- amazonka-budgets library and test: Amazon Budgets SDK.
- amazonka-certificatemanager library and test: Amazon Certificate Manager SDK.
- amazonka-certificatemanager-pca library and test: Amazon Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority SDK.
- amazonka-chime library and test: Amazon Chime SDK.
- amazonka-chime-sdk-identity library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Identity SDK.
- amazonka-chime-sdk-media-pipelines library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines SDK.
- amazonka-chime-sdk-meetings library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Meetings SDK.
- amazonka-chime-sdk-messaging library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging SDK.
- amazonka-chime-sdk-voice library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Voice SDK.
- amazonka-cloud9 library and test: Amazon Cloud9 SDK.
- amazonka-cloudcontrol library and test: Amazon Cloud Control API SDK.
- amazonka-clouddirectory library and test: Amazon CloudDirectory SDK.
- amazonka-cloudformation library and test: Amazon CloudFormation SDK.
- amazonka-cloudfront library and test: Amazon CloudFront SDK.
- amazonka-cloudhsm library and test: Amazon CloudHSM SDK.
- amazonka-cloudhsmv2 library and test: Amazon CloudHSM V2 SDK.
- amazonka-cloudsearch library and test: Amazon CloudSearch SDK.
- amazonka-cloudsearch-domains library and test: Amazon CloudSearch Domain SDK.
- amazonka-cloudtrail library and test: Amazon CloudTrail SDK.
- amazonka-cloudwatch library and test: Amazon CloudWatch SDK.
- amazonka-cloudwatch-events library and test: Amazon EventBridge SDK.
- amazonka-cloudwatch-logs library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Logs SDK.
- amazonka-codeartifact library and test: Amazon CodeArtifact SDK.
- amazonka-codebuild library and test: Amazon CodeBuild SDK.
- amazonka-codecommit library and test: Amazon CodeCommit SDK.
- amazonka-codedeploy library and test: Amazon CodeDeploy SDK.
- amazonka-codeguru-reviewer library and test: Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer SDK.
- amazonka-codeguruprofiler library and test: Amazon CodeGuru Profiler SDK.
- amazonka-codepipeline library and test: Amazon CodePipeline SDK.
- amazonka-codestar library and test: Amazon CodeStar SDK.
- amazonka-codestar-connections library and test: Amazon CodeStar connections SDK.
- amazonka-codestar-notifications library and test: Amazon CodeStar Notifications SDK.
- amazonka-cognito-identity library and test: Amazon Cognito Identity SDK.
- amazonka-cognito-idp library and test: Amazon Cognito Identity Provider SDK.
- amazonka-cognito-sync library and test: Amazon Cognito Sync SDK.
- amazonka-comprehend library and test: Amazon Comprehend SDK.
- amazonka-comprehendmedical library and test: Amazon Comprehend Medical SDK.
- amazonka-compute-optimizer library and test: Amazon Compute Optimizer SDK.
- amazonka-config library and test: Amazon Config SDK.
- amazonka-connect library and test: Amazon Connect Service SDK.
- amazonka-connect-contact-lens library and test: Amazon Connect Contact Lens SDK.
- amazonka-connectcampaigns library and test: Amazon ConnectCampaignService SDK.
- amazonka-connectcases library and test: Amazon Connect Cases SDK.
- amazonka-connectparticipant library and test: Amazon Connect Participant Service SDK.
- amazonka-contrib-rds-utils library and program: A Haskell equivalent of "aws rds generate-db-auth-token"
- amazonka-controltower library and test: Amazon Control Tower SDK.
- amazonka-core library and test: Core data types and functionality for Amazonka libraries.
- amazonka-cost-explorer library and test: Amazon Cost Explorer Service SDK.
- amazonka-cur library and test: Amazon Cost and Usage Report Service SDK.
- amazonka-customer-profiles library and test: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles SDK.
- amazonka-databrew library and test: Amazon Glue DataBrew SDK.
- amazonka-dataexchange library and test: Amazon Data Exchange SDK.
- amazonka-datapipeline library and test: Amazon Data Pipeline SDK.
- amazonka-datasync library and test: Amazon DataSync SDK.
- amazonka-detective library and test: Amazon Detective SDK.
- amazonka-devicefarm library and test: Amazon Device Farm SDK.
- amazonka-devops-guru library and test: Amazon DevOps Guru SDK.
- amazonka-directconnect library and test: Amazon Direct Connect SDK.
- amazonka-discovery library and test: Amazon Application Discovery Service SDK.
- amazonka-dlm library and test: Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager SDK.
- amazonka-dms library and test: Amazon Database Migration Service SDK.
- amazonka-docdb library and test: Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility SDK.
- amazonka-docdb-elastic library and test: Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters SDK.
- amazonka-drs library and test: Amazon Elastic Disaster Recovery Service SDK.
- amazonka-ds library and test: Amazon Directory Service SDK.
- amazonka-dynamodb library and test: Amazon DynamoDB SDK.
- amazonka-dynamodb-dax library and test: Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) SDK.
- amazonka-dynamodb-streams library and test: Amazon DynamoDB Streams SDK.
- amazonka-ebs library and test: Amazon Elastic Block Store SDK.
- amazonka-ec2 library and test: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SDK.
- amazonka-ec2-instance-connect library and test: Amazon EC2 Instance Connect SDK.
- amazonka-ecr library and test: Amazon EC2 Container Registry SDK.
- amazonka-ecr-public library and test: Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public SDK.
- amazonka-ecs library and test: Amazon EC2 Container Service SDK.
- amazonka-efs library and test: Amazon Elastic File System SDK.
- amazonka-eks library and test: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service SDK.
- amazonka-elastic-inference library and test: Amazon Elastic Inference SDK.
- amazonka-elasticache library and test: Amazon ElastiCache SDK.
- amazonka-elasticbeanstalk library and test: Amazon Elastic Beanstalk SDK.
- amazonka-elasticsearch library and test: Amazon Elasticsearch Service SDK.
- amazonka-elastictranscoder library and test: Amazon Elastic Transcoder SDK.
- amazonka-elb library and test: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK.
- amazonka-elbv2 library and test: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK.
- amazonka-emr library and test: Amazon EMR SDK.
- amazonka-emr-containers library and test: Amazon EMR Containers SDK.
- amazonka-emr-serverless library and test: Amazon EMR Serverless SDK.
- amazonka-evidently library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Evidently SDK.
- amazonka-finspace library and test: Amazon FinSpace User Environment Management service SDK.
- amazonka-finspace-data library and test: Amazon FinSpace Public API SDK.
- amazonka-fis library and test: Amazon Fault Injection Simulator SDK.
- amazonka-fms library and test: Amazon Firewall Management Service SDK.
- amazonka-forecast library and test: Amazon Forecast Service SDK.
- amazonka-forecastquery library and test: Amazon Forecast Query Service SDK.
- amazonka-frauddetector library and test: Amazon Fraud Detector SDK.
- amazonka-fsx library and test: Amazon FSx SDK.
- amazonka-gamelift library and test: Amazon GameLift SDK.
- amazonka-gamesparks library and test: Amazon GameSparks SDK.
- amazonka-glacier library and test: Amazon Glacier SDK.
- amazonka-globalaccelerator library and test: Amazon Global Accelerator SDK.
- amazonka-glue library and test: Amazon Glue SDK.
- amazonka-grafana library and test: Amazon Managed Grafana SDK.
- amazonka-greengrass library and test: Amazon Greengrass SDK.
- amazonka-greengrassv2 library and test: Amazon IoT Greengrass V2 SDK.
- amazonka-groundstation library and test: Amazon Ground Station SDK.
- amazonka-guardduty library and test: Amazon GuardDuty SDK.
- amazonka-health library and test: Amazon Health APIs and Notifications SDK.
- amazonka-healthlake library and test: Amazon HealthLake SDK.
- amazonka-honeycode library and test: Amazon Honeycode SDK.
- amazonka-iam library and test: Amazon Identity and Access Management SDK.
- amazonka-iam-policy library and tests: Amazon IAM Policy Document DSL and Combinators.
- amazonka-identitystore library and test: Amazon SSO Identity Store SDK.
- amazonka-imagebuilder library and test: Amazon EC2 Image Builder SDK.
- amazonka-importexport library and test: Amazon Import/Export SDK.
- amazonka-inspector library and test: Amazon Inspector SDK.
- amazonka-inspector2 library and test: Amazon Inspector2 SDK.
- amazonka-iot library and test: Amazon IoT SDK.
- amazonka-iot-analytics library and test: Amazon IoT Analytics SDK.
- amazonka-iot-dataplane library and test: Amazon IoT Data Plane SDK.
- amazonka-iot-jobs-dataplane library and test: Amazon IoT Jobs Data Plane SDK.
- amazonka-iot-roborunner library and test: Amazon IoT RoboRunner SDK.
- amazonka-iot1click-devices library and test: Amazon IoT 1-Click Devices Service SDK.
- amazonka-iot1click-projects library and test: Amazon IoT 1-Click Projects Service SDK.
- amazonka-iotdeviceadvisor library and test: Amazon IoT Core Device Advisor SDK.
- amazonka-iotevents library and test: Amazon IoT Events SDK.
- amazonka-iotevents-data library and test: Amazon IoT Events Data SDK.
- amazonka-iotfleethub library and test: Amazon IoT Fleet Hub SDK.
- amazonka-iotfleetwise library and test: Amazon IoT FleetWise SDK.
- amazonka-iotsecuretunneling library and test: Amazon IoT Secure Tunneling SDK.
- amazonka-iotsitewise library and test: Amazon IoT SiteWise SDK.
- amazonka-iotthingsgraph library and test: Amazon IoT Things Graph SDK.
- amazonka-iottwinmaker library and test: Amazon IoT TwinMaker SDK.
- amazonka-iotwireless library and test: Amazon IoT Wireless SDK.
- amazonka-ivs library and test: Amazon Interactive Video Service SDK.
- amazonka-ivschat library and test: Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat SDK.
- amazonka-kafka library and test: Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka SDK.
- amazonka-kafkaconnect library and test: Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect SDK.
- amazonka-kendra library and test: Amazon KendraFrontendService SDK.
- amazonka-keyspaces library and test: Amazon Keyspaces SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis library and test: Amazon Kinesis SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-analytics library and test: Amazon Kinesis Analytics SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-firehose library and test: Amazon Kinesis Firehose SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-video library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-video-archived-media library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-video-media library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-video-signaling library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels SDK.
- amazonka-kinesis-video-webrtc-storage library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage SDK.
- amazonka-kinesisanalyticsv2 library and test: Amazon Kinesis Analytics SDK.
- amazonka-kms library and test: Amazon Key Management Service SDK.
- amazonka-lakeformation library and test: Amazon Lake Formation SDK.
- amazonka-lambda library and test: Amazon Lambda SDK.
- amazonka-lex-models library and test: Amazon Lex Model Building Service SDK.
- amazonka-lex-runtime library and test: Amazon Lex Runtime Service SDK.
- amazonka-lexv2-models library and test: Amazon Lex Model Building V2 SDK.
- amazonka-license-manager library and test: Amazon License Manager SDK.
- amazonka-license-manager-linux-subscriptions library and test: Amazon License Manager Linux Subscriptions SDK.
- amazonka-license-manager-user-subscriptions library and test: Amazon License Manager User Subscriptions SDK.
- amazonka-lightsail library and test: Amazon Lightsail SDK.
- amazonka-location library and test: Amazon Location Service SDK.
- amazonka-lookoutequipment library and test: Amazon Lookout for Equipment SDK.
- amazonka-lookoutmetrics library and test: Amazon Lookout for Metrics SDK.
- amazonka-lookoutvision library and test: Amazon Lookout for Vision SDK.
- amazonka-m2 library and test: Amazon MainframeModernization SDK.
- amazonka-macie library and test: Amazon Macie SDK.
- amazonka-maciev2 library and test: Amazon Macie 2 SDK.
- amazonka-managedblockchain library and test: Amazon Managed Blockchain SDK.
- amazonka-marketplace-analytics library and test: Amazon Marketplace Commerce Analytics SDK.
- amazonka-marketplace-catalog library and test: Amazon Marketplace Catalog Service SDK.
- amazonka-marketplace-entitlement library and test: Amazon Marketplace Entitlement Service SDK.
- amazonka-marketplace-metering library and test: Amazon Marketplace Metering SDK.
- amazonka-mechanicalturk library and test: Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK.
- amazonka-mediaconnect library and test: Amazon MediaConnect SDK.
- amazonka-mediaconvert library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaConvert SDK.
- amazonka-medialive library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaLive SDK.
- amazonka-mediapackage library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaPackage SDK.
- amazonka-mediapackage-vod library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaPackage VOD SDK.
- amazonka-mediastore library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaStore SDK.
- amazonka-mediastore-dataplane library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaStore Data Plane SDK.
- amazonka-mediatailor library and test: Amazon MediaTailor SDK.
- amazonka-memorydb library and test: Amazon MemoryDB SDK.
- amazonka-mgn library and test: Amazon Application Migration Service SDK.
- amazonka-migration-hub-refactor-spaces library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Refactor Spaces SDK.
- amazonka-migrationhub library and test: Amazon Migration Hub SDK.
- amazonka-migrationhub-config library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Config SDK.
- amazonka-migrationhuborchestrator library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Orchestrator SDK.
- amazonka-migrationhubstrategy library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations SDK.
- amazonka-ml library and test: Amazon Machine Learning SDK.
- amazonka-mobile library and test: Amazon Mobile SDK.
- amazonka-mq library and test: Amazon MQ SDK.
- amazonka-mwaa library and test: Amazon MWAA SDK.
- amazonka-neptune library and test: Amazon Neptune SDK.
- amazonka-network-firewall library and test: Amazon Network Firewall SDK.
- amazonka-networkmanager library and test: Amazon Network Manager SDK.
- amazonka-nimble library and test: Amazon NimbleStudio SDK.
- amazonka-oam library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager SDK.
- amazonka-omics library and test: Amazon Omics SDK.
- amazonka-opensearch library and test: Amazon OpenSearch Service SDK.
- amazonka-opensearchserverless library and test: Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless SDK.
- amazonka-opsworks library and test: Amazon OpsWorks SDK.
- amazonka-opsworks-cm library and test: Amazon OpsWorks CM SDK.
- amazonka-organizations library and test: Amazon Organizations SDK.
- amazonka-outposts library and test: Amazon Outposts SDK.
- amazonka-panorama library and test: Amazon Panorama SDK.
- amazonka-personalize library and test: Amazon Personalize SDK.
- amazonka-personalize-events library and test: Amazon Personalize Events SDK.
- amazonka-personalize-runtime library and test: Amazon Personalize Runtime SDK.
- amazonka-pi library and test: Amazon Performance Insights SDK.
- amazonka-pinpoint library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SDK.
- amazonka-pinpoint-email library and test: Amazon Pinpoint Email Service SDK.
- amazonka-pinpoint-sms-voice library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service SDK.
- amazonka-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2 SDK.
- amazonka-pipes library and test: Amazon EventBridge Pipes SDK.
- amazonka-polly library and test: Amazon Polly SDK.
- amazonka-pricing library and test: Amazon Price List Service SDK.
- amazonka-privatenetworks library and test: Amazon Private 5G SDK.
- amazonka-proton library and test: Amazon Proton SDK.
- amazonka-qldb library and test: Amazon QLDB SDK.
- amazonka-qldb-session library and test: Amazon QLDB Session SDK.
- amazonka-quicksight library and test: Amazon QuickSight SDK.
- amazonka-ram library and test: Amazon Resource Access Manager SDK.
- amazonka-rbin library and test: Amazon Recycle Bin SDK.
- amazonka-rds library and test: Amazon Relational Database Service SDK.
- amazonka-rds-data library and test: Amazon RDS DataService SDK.
- amazonka-redshift library and test: Amazon Redshift SDK.
- amazonka-redshift-data library and test: Amazon Redshift Data API Service SDK.
- amazonka-redshift-serverless library and test: Amazon Redshift Serverless SDK.
- amazonka-rekognition library and test: Amazon Rekognition SDK.
- amazonka-resiliencehub library and test: Amazon Resilience Hub SDK.
- amazonka-resource-explorer-v2 library and test: Amazon Resource Explorer SDK.
- amazonka-resourcegroups library and test: Amazon Resource Groups SDK.
- amazonka-resourcegroupstagging library and test: Amazon Resource Groups Tagging API SDK.
- amazonka-robomaker library and test: Amazon RoboMaker SDK.
- amazonka-rolesanywhere library and test: Amazon IAM Roles Anywhere SDK.
- amazonka-route53 library and test: Amazon Route 53 SDK.
- amazonka-route53-autonaming library and test: Amazon Cloud Map SDK.
- amazonka-route53-domains library and test: Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK.
- amazonka-route53-recovery-cluster library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Cluster SDK.
- amazonka-route53-recovery-control-config library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Control Config SDK.
- amazonka-route53-recovery-readiness library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Readiness SDK.
- amazonka-route53resolver library and test: Amazon Route 53 Resolver SDK.
- amazonka-rum library and test: Amazon CloudWatch RUM SDK.
- amazonka-s3 library and test: Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK.
- amazonka-s3-encryption library and test: Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK - Client-Side Encryption.
- amazonka-s3-streaming library and program: Provides conduits to upload data to S3 using the Multipart API
- amazonka-s3outposts library and test: Amazon S3 on Outposts SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker library and test: Amazon SageMaker Service SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-a2i-runtime library and test: Amazon Augmented AI Runtime SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-edge library and test: Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-featurestore-runtime library and test: Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-geospatial library and test: Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-metrics library and test: Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service SDK.
- amazonka-sagemaker-runtime library and test: Amazon SageMaker Runtime SDK.
- amazonka-savingsplans library and test: Amazon Savings Plans SDK.
- amazonka-scheduler library and test: Amazon EventBridge Scheduler SDK.
- amazonka-schemas library and test: Amazon Schemas SDK.
- amazonka-sdb library and test: Amazon SimpleDB SDK.
- amazonka-secretsmanager library and test: Amazon Secrets Manager SDK.
- amazonka-securityhub library and test: Amazon SecurityHub SDK.
- amazonka-securitylake library and test: Amazon Security Lake SDK.
- amazonka-serverlessrepo library and test: Amazon ServerlessApplicationRepository SDK.
- amazonka-service-quotas library and test: Amazon Quotas SDK.
- amazonka-servicecatalog library and test: Amazon Service Catalog SDK.
- amazonka-servicecatalog-appregistry library and test: Amazon Service Catalog App Registry SDK.
- amazonka-ses library and test: Amazon Simple Email Service SDK.
- amazonka-sesv2 library and test: Amazon Simple Email Service SDK.
- amazonka-shield library and test: Amazon Shield SDK.
- amazonka-signer library and test: Amazon Signer SDK.
- amazonka-simspaceweaver library and test: Amazon SimSpace Weaver SDK.
- amazonka-sms library and test: Amazon Server Migration Service SDK.
- amazonka-sms-voice library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service SDK.
- amazonka-snow-device-management library and test: Amazon Snow Device Management SDK.
- amazonka-snowball library and test: Amazon Import/Export Snowball SDK.
- amazonka-sns library and test: Amazon Simple Notification Service SDK.
- amazonka-sqs library and test: Amazon Simple Queue Service SDK.
- amazonka-ssm library and test: Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) SDK.
- amazonka-ssm-contacts library and test: Amazon Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts SDK.
- amazonka-ssm-incidents library and test: Amazon Systems Manager Incident Manager SDK.
- amazonka-ssm-sap library and test: Amazon Systems Manager for SAP SDK.
- amazonka-sso library and test: Amazon Single Sign-On SDK.
- amazonka-sso-admin library and test: Amazon Single Sign-On Admin SDK.
- amazonka-sso-oidc library and test: Amazon SSO OIDC SDK.
- amazonka-stepfunctions library and test: Amazon Step Functions SDK.
- amazonka-storagegateway library and test: Amazon Storage Gateway SDK.
- amazonka-sts library and test: Amazon Security Token Service SDK.
- amazonka-support library and test: Amazon Support SDK.
- amazonka-support-app library and test: Amazon Support App SDK.
- amazonka-swf library and test: Amazon Simple Workflow Service SDK.
- amazonka-synthetics library and test: Amazon Synthetics SDK.
- amazonka-test library: Common functionality for Amazonka library test-suites.
- amazonka-textract library and test: Amazon Textract SDK.
- amazonka-timestream-query library and test: Amazon Timestream Query SDK.
- amazonka-timestream-write library and test: Amazon Timestream Write SDK.
- amazonka-transcribe library and test: Amazon Transcribe Service SDK.
- amazonka-transfer library and test: Amazon Transfer Family SDK.
- amazonka-translate library and test: Amazon Translate SDK.
- amazonka-voice-id library and test: Amazon Voice ID SDK.
- amazonka-waf library and test: Amazon WAF SDK.
- amazonka-waf-regional library and test: Amazon WAF Regional SDK.
- amazonka-wafv2 library and test: Amazon WAFV2 SDK.
- amazonka-wellarchitected library and test: Amazon Well-Architected Tool SDK.
- amazonka-wisdom library and test: Amazon Connect Wisdom Service SDK.
- amazonka-workdocs library and test: Amazon WorkDocs SDK.
- amazonka-worklink library and test: Amazon WorkLink SDK.
- amazonka-workmail library and test: Amazon WorkMail SDK.
- amazonka-workmailmessageflow library and test: Amazon WorkMail Message Flow SDK.
- amazonka-workspaces library and test: Amazon WorkSpaces SDK.
- amazonka-workspaces-web library and test: Amazon WorkSpaces Web SDK.
- amazonka-xray library and test: Amazon X-Ray SDK.
- aws library, programs and tests: Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell
- aws-arn library and test: Types and optics for manipulating Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)
- aws-cloudfront-signed-cookies library, program and test: Generate signed cookies for AWS CloudFront
- aws-cloudfront-signer library: For signing AWS CloudFront HTTP URL requests
- aws-dynamodb-conduit library: Conduit-based interface for AWS DynamoDB
- aws-ec2 library and programs: AWS EC2/VPC, ELB and CloudWatch client library for Haskell
- aws-ec2-knownhosts library and programs: Capture and manage AWS EC2 known_host pubkeys
- aws-elastic-transcoder library, program and test: Haskell suite for the Elastic Transcoder service
- aws-general library and test: Bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) General Reference
- aws-kinesis library and test: Bindings for Amazon Kinesis
- aws-lambda-haskell-runtime library and test: Haskell runtime for AWS Lambda
- aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-wai library and test: Run wai applications on AWS Lambda
- aws-lambda-runtime library and program: Haskell on AWS Lambda Runtime API
- aws-larpi library: Package Haskell functions for easy use on AWS Lambda.
- aws-performance-tests library and program: Performance Tests for the Haskell bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- aws-sdk library and test: AWS SDK for Haskell
- aws-secrets library and test: Fetch data from AWS Secrets Manager
- aws-sign4 library and test: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature v4 HTTP request signer
- aws-sns library and test: Bindings for AWS SNS Version 2013-03-31
- aws-sns-verify library and test: Parse and verify AWS SNS messages
- aws-spend-summary library and program: Extract recent daily AWS costs
- awsspendsummary library and program: Extract recent daily AWS costs
- credentials library and test: Secure Credentials Storage and Distribution
- credentials-cli program: Secure Credentials Administration
- ec2-unikernel program: A handy tool for uploading unikernels to Amazon's EC2.
- eventful-dynamodb library and test: Library for eventful DynamoDB event stores
- groot library, program and test: Command line utility to manage AWS ECS resources
- hal library and test: A runtime environment for Haskell applications running on AWS Lambda.
- hs-aws-lambda library and test: ...
- infernal library: The Infernal Machine - An AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for Haskell
- kerry library and test: Manage and abstract your packer configurations.
- loup library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper for Work Pools.
- minio-hs library, programs and tests: A MinIO Haskell Library for Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage.
- mismi-core library and tests: AWS Library
- mismi-kernel library and test: AWS Library
- mismi-s3 library, tests and benchmark: AWS Library
- mismi-s3-core library and test: AWS Library
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
- s3-signer library and test: Pre-signed Amazon S3 URLs
- serverless-haskell library and test: Deploying Haskell code onto AWS Lambda using Serverless
- ses-html library: Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze
- ses-html-snaplet library: Snaplet for the ses-html package
- snaplet-ses-html library: Snaplet for the ses-html package
- stratosphere library, programs and test: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation
- wai-handler-hal library and test: Wrap WAI applications to run on AWS Lambda
- wolf library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper.
- azure-functions-worker library and test: Azure Functions Worker
- bkr library and program: Backup utility for backing up to cloud storage services (S3 only right now)
- multiplicity program: Wrapper program for duplicity, adding config files
- pinboard-notes-backup program: Back up the notes you've saved to Pinboard
- zbar library: zbar bindings in Haskell
- guid library and test: A simple wrapper around uuid
- concurrency-benchmarks program and benchmark: Benchmarks to compare concurrency APIs
- streaming-benchmarks program and benchmark: Measures and compares the performance of streaming libraries
- bench-graph library and test: Plot and compare benchmarks
- bench-show library, program and tests: Show, plot and compare benchmark results
- BenchmarkHistory library and program: Benchmark functions with history
- chronos-bench library, program and benchmark: Benchmarking tool with focus on comparing results.
- cloben program: Clone and benchmark Haskell cabal projects
- containers-benchmark program: Extensive benchmark suite for containers package.
- criterion library, program and tests: Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis
- criterion-measurement library: Criterion measurement functionality and associated types
- criterion-plus library and test: Enhancement of the "criterion" benchmarking library
- feed-gipeda library, program and test: CI service around gipeda
- fibon programs: Tools for running and analyzing Haskell benchmarks
- freer-simple-profiling library and test: Automatic profling of freer-simple programs
- gauge tests and benchmark: small framework for performance measurement and analysis
- hashtable-benchmark program: Benchmark of hash table implementations
- hyperion library, programs and test: Reliable performance measurement with robust data export.
- miniterion library, test and benchmark: Simple and lightweight benchmarking utilities
- paramtree library and test: Generate labelled test/benchmark trees from sets of parameters
- park-bench library: A quick-and-dirty, low-friction benchmark tool with immediate feedback
- tasty-bench library and benchmark: Featherlight benchmark framework
- tasty-papi test: Bencmarking using instruction counting
Big Data
- karps library and tests: Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets
- krapsh library and tests: Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets
- binary-orphans library and test: Compatibility package for binary; provides instances
- binary-parser library and test: An efficient but limited parser API specialised to bytestrings
- leb128-binary library, test and benchmark: Signed and unsigned LEB128 codec for binary library
- lsh library, program and test: A simple ls clone with modern, colored formatting
- streamly-binary library and test: Integration of streamly and binary
- bindings-codec2 library and program: Very low-level FFI bindings for Codec2
- bindings-nettle library and test: bindings to nettle crypto library
- cli-git library: Bindings to the git command-line interface
- cli-nix library: Bindings to the nix command-line interface
- gi-adwaita library: Adwaita bindings
- gi-atk library: Atk bindings
- gi-ayatana-appindicator3 library: libayatana-appindicator3 bindings
- gi-cairo library: Cairo bindings
- gi-clutter library: clutter GObject bindings
- gi-cogl library: COGL GObject bindings
- gi-coglpango library: Cogl Pango GObject bindings
- gi-dazzle library: libdazzle bindings
- gi-dbusmenu library: Dbusmenu bindings
- gi-dbusmenugtk3 library: DbusmenuGtk bindings
- gi-freetype2 library: freetype2 bindings
- gi-gdk library: Gdk bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-gdk3 library: Gdk 3.x bindings
- gi-gdk4 library: Gdk bindings
- gi-gdkpixbuf library: GdkPixbuf bindings
- gi-gdkx11 library: GdkX11 4.x bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-gdkx113 library: GdkX11 3.x bindings
- gi-gdkx114 library: GdkX11 4.x bindings
- gi-ges library: libges bindings
- gi-ggit library: libgit2-glib bindings
- gi-gio library: Gio bindings
- gi-girepository library: GIRepository (gobject-introspection) bindings
- gi-glib library: GLib bindings
- gi-gmodule library: GModule bindings
- gi-gobject library: GObject bindings
- gi-graphene library: Graphene bindings
- gi-gsk library: Gsk bindings
- gi-gst library: GStreamer bindings
- gi-gstapp library: GStreamerApp bindings
- gi-gstaudio library: GStreamerAudio bindings
- gi-gstbase library: GStreamerBase bindings
- gi-gstpbutils library: GStreamer Plugins Base Utils bindings
- gi-gsttag library: GStreamer Tag bindings
- gi-gstvideo library: GStreamerVideo bindings
- gi-gtk library: Gtk 4.x bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-gtk-layer-shell library: gtk-layer-shell bindings
- gi-gtk3 library: Gtk 3.x bindings
- gi-gtk4 library: Gtk 4.x bindings
- gi-gtkosxapplication library: GtkosxApplication bindings
- gi-gtksheet library: GtkSheet bindings
- gi-gtksource library: GtkSource 5.x bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-gtksource3 library: GtkSource 3.x bindings
- gi-gtksource5 library: GtkSource 5.x bindings
- gi-handy library: libhandy bindings
- gi-harfbuzz library: HarfBuzz bindings
- gi-ibus library: IBus bindings
- gi-javascriptcore library: JavaScriptCore 6.x bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-javascriptcore4 library: JavaScriptCore 4.x bindings
- gi-javascriptcore6 library: JavaScriptCore 6.x bindings
- gi-json library: JSON GObject bindings
- gi-keybinder library: Libkeybinder bindings
- gi-nm library: NM bindings
- gi-notify library: Libnotify bindings
- gi-ostree library: OSTree bindings
- gi-pango library: Pango bindings
- gi-pangocairo library: PangoCairo bindings
- gi-poppler library: Poppler bindings
- gi-rsvg library: librsvg bindings
- gi-secret library: Libsecret bindings
- gi-soup library: Libsoup 3.x bindings (compatibility layer)
- gi-soup2 library: Libsoup 2.4.x bindings
- gi-soup3 library: Libsoup 3.x bindings
- gi-vips library: libvips GObject bindings
- gi-vte library: Vte bindings
- gi-webkit library: WebKit 6.x bindings
- gi-webkit2 library: WebKit2 bindings
- gi-webkit2webextension library: WebKit2-WebExtension 4.x bindings
- gi-webkitwebprocessextension library: WebKitWebProcessExtension 6.x bindings
- gi-wnck library: Wnck bindings
- gi-xlib library: xlib bindings
- haskell-ffprobe library and test: Haskell bindings for ffprobe
- haskell-gi-overloading library: Overloading support for haskell-gi
- heystone library: Haskell bindings for the Keystone assembler framework
- hs-tango library and benchmarks: Bindings to the Tango Controls system
- nfc library and program: libnfc bindings
- souffle-haskell library, test and benchmark: Souffle Datalog bindings for Haskell
- TORCS library and program: Bindings to the TORCS vehicle simulator.
- ViennaRNA-bindings library and test: ViennaRNA v2 bindings
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings
- bbi library and test: Tools for reading Big Binary Indexed files, e.g., bigBed, bigWig
- bio-sequence library and tests: Initial project template from stack
- bioinformatics-toolkit library, test and benchmark: A collection of bioinformatics tools
- cobot library, test and benchmark: ...
- cobot-io library and test: Biological data file formats and IO
- cobot-tools library and test: Biological data file formats and IO
- HsHTSLib library and test: Bindings to htslib.
- uniprot-kb library and test: UniProt-KB format parser
- a50 program: Compare genome assemblies
- adp-multi library, programs and test: ADP for multiple context-free languages
- adp-multi-monadiccp library, program and test: Subword construction in adp-multi using monadiccp
- ADPfusion library, programs and test: Efficient, high-level dynamic programming.
- ADPfusionForest library, programs, test and benchmark: Dynamic programming on tree and forest structures
- ADPfusionSet library and test: Dynamic programming for Set data structures.
- AlignmentAlgorithms library: Collection of alignment algorithms
- bamstats library and program: A program to extract various information from BAM alignmnet files.
- BCMtools library and program: Big Contact Map Tools
- bio library and programs: A bioinformatics library
- bioace library: Library for reading ace assembly files
- bioalign library: Data structures and helper functions for calculating alignments
- Biobase library: Base library for bioinformatics
- BiobaseBlast library and test: BLAST-related tools
- BiobaseDotP library: Vienna / DotBracket / ExtSS parsers
- BiobaseEnsembl library: Ensembl related datastructures and functions
- BiobaseFasta library, program and test: streaming FASTA parser
- BiobaseFR3D library: Importer for FR3D resources
- BiobaseHTTP library: Libary to interface with the Bioinformatics HTTP services - Entrez Ensembl
- BiobaseHTTPTools programs: Tools to query Bioinformatics HTTP services e.g. Entrez, Ensembl.
- BiobaseInfernal library, program, test and benchmark: Infernal data structures and tools
- BiobaseMAF library: Multiple Alignment Format
- BiobaseNewick library, program and test: Newick file format parser.
- BiobaseTrainingData library and program: RNA folding training data
- BiobaseTurner library: Import Turner RNA parameters
- BiobaseTypes library and test: Collection of types for bioinformatics
- BiobaseVienna library: Import Vienna energy parameters
- BiobaseXNA library, program and test: Efficient RNA/DNA/Protein Primary/Secondary Structure
- biocore library: A bioinformatics library
- biofasta library: Library for reading fasta sequence files
- biofastq library: A library for reading FASTQ files
- biohazard library: bioinformatics support library
- BioHMM library: Libary for Hidden Markov Models in HMMER3 format.
- biophd library: Library for reading phd sequence files
- biopsl library and programs: Library and executables for working with PSL files
- biosff library and programs: Library and executables for working with SFF files
- biostockholm library and test: Parsing and rendering of Stockholm files (used by Pfam, Rfam and Infernal).
- birch-beer library and program: Plot a colorful tree.
- BlastHTTP library: Libary to interface with the NCBI blast REST interface
- blastxml library: Library for reading Blast XML output
- blosum library and program: BLOSUM generator
- classify-frog programs: Classify sounds produced by Xenopus laevis
- ClustalParser library, program and test: Libary for parsing Clustal tools output
- clustertools programs: Tools for manipulating sequence clusters
- CMCompare library and program: Infernal covariance model comparison
- cmv library and programs: Detailed visualization of CMs, HMMs and their comparisions
- collapse-duplication library and program: Collapse the duplication output into clones and return their frequencies.
- convert-annotation library and program: ...
- dephd programs: Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences.
- differential library and program: Finds out whether an entity comes from different distributions (statuses).
- diversity library and program: Quantify the diversity of a population
- DnaProteinAlignment library and program: Frameshift-aware alignment of protein sequences with DNA sequences
- elynx program: Validate and (optionally) redo ELynx analyses
- elynx-markov library, test and benchmark: Simulate molecular sequences along trees
- elynx-nexus library and test: Import and export Nexus files
- elynx-seq library and test: Handle molecular sequences
- elynx-tools library: Tools for ELynx
- elynx-tree library, test and benchmark: Handle phylogenetic trees
- EntrezHTTP library: Libary to interface with the NCBI Entrez REST service.
- estreps programs: Repeats from ESTs
- flower programs: Analyze 454 flowgrams (.SFF files)
- flowsim programs: Simulate 454 pyrosequencing
- Forestry library, program, test and benchmark: Comparison of trees and forests.
- ForestStructures library, test and benchmark: Tree- and forest structures
- FormalGrammars library and test: (Context-free) grammars in formal language theory
- gact program: General Alignment Clustering Tool
- Genbank library and program: Libary for processing the NCBI genbank format
- Gene-CluEDO library, program and test: Hox gene clustering
- GenussFold library, program and test: MCFGs for Genus-1 RNA Pseudoknots
- GrammarProducts library, program and test: Grammar products and higher-dimensional grammars
- heatitup library and program: Find and annotate ITDs.
- heatitup-complete library and program: Find and annotate ITDs with assembly or read pair joining.
- hemokit library, programs, test and benchmarks: Haskell port of the Emokit EEG project
- hierarchical-spectral-clustering library and program: Hierarchical spectral clustering of a graph.
- hPDB library: Protein Databank file format library
- hPDB-examples programs and test: Examples for hPDB library
- hs-samtools library and test: Read and write SAM, BAM, and CRAM files.
- hTalos library and test: Parser, print and manipulate structures in PDB file format.
- hyraxAbif library, program and test: Modules for parsing, generating and manipulating AB1 files.
- integreat library and program: Integrate different assays.
- korfu program: The Korfu ORF Utility
- MC-Fold-DP library and program: Folding algorithm based on nucleotide cyclic motifs.
- memexml library: Library for reading Meme XML output
- mmtf library and test: Macromolecular Transmission Format implementation
- modify-fasta library and program: Modify fasta (and CLIP) files in several optional ways
- modularity library: Find the modularity of a network.
- MutationOrder library, program and test: Most likely order of mutation events in RNA
- normalize library and program: Normalize data using a variety of methods.
- Nussinov78 library and program: Nussinov78 using the ADPfusion library.
- PDBtools library and program: A library for analysis of 3-D protein coordinates
- phybin library, program and test: ...
- pipes-ordered-zip library and test: merge two ordered Producers into a new Producer
- ploterific library and program: Basic plotting of tabular data for the command line.
- rank-product library and program: Find the rank product of a data set.
- rbr programs: Mask nucleotide (EST) sequences in Fasta format
- RNAdesign library and program: Multi-target RNA sequence design
- RNAdraw library and program: Draw RNA secondary structures
- RNAFold library and programs: RNA secondary structure prediction
- RNAFoldProgs programs: RNA secondary structure folding
- RNAlien library and programs: Unsupervized construction of RNA family models
- RNAwolf library and programs: RNA folding with non-canonical basepairs and base-triplets.
- samtools library and program: Binding to the C samtools library
- samtools-conduit library and program: Conduit interface to SAM/BAM format files through samtools
- samtools-enumerator library: Enumerator interface to SamTools library
- samtools-iteratee library and program: Iteratee interface to SamTools library
- SelectSequencesFromMSA library and program: Selects a representative subset of sequences from multiple sequence alignment.
- seqloc library and test: Handle sequence locations for bioinformatics
- seqloc-datafiles library, programs and tests: Read and write BED and GTF format genome annotations
- sequence-formats library and test: A package with basic parsing utilities for several Bioinformatic data formats.
- sequenceTools library, programs and test: A package with tools for processing DNA sequencing data
- sgrep program: Sgrep - grep Fasta files for sequences matching a regular expression
- simseq program: Simulate sequencing with different models for priming and errors
- slynx library and program: Handle molecular sequences
- smiles library and tests
- StockholmAlignment library: Libary for Stockholm aligmnent format
- subsample library and program: Subsample data.
- Taxonomy library: Libary for parsing, processing and vizualization of taxonomy data
- TaxonomyTools programs: Tool for parsing, processing, comparing and visualizing taxonomy data
- tex-join-bib library and program: Compile separate tex files with the same bibliography.
- tlynx library and program: Handle phylogenetic trees
- too-many-cells library and program: Cluster single cells and analyze cell clade relationships.
- trimpolya program: Search for, annotate and trim poly-A tail
- twobitreader library and program: reader for the 2bit file format
- varan programs: Process mpileup output to identify significant differences
- vcf library and test: A package to parse VCF files inspired in similar python libraries
- ViennaRNA-bindings library and test: ViennaRNA v2 bindings
- ViennaRNA-extras library and test: ViennaRNA v2 extensions
- ViennaRNAParser library and test: Libary for parsing ViennaRNA package output
- xml2x program: Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML
- xsact programs: Cluster EST sequences
- zsyntax library and test: Automated theorem prover for the Zsyntax biochemical calculus
- bitfield library and test: Generic and easy to use haskell bitfields
- bits-extra library, tests and benchmark: Useful bitwise operations
- bits-show library and test: Showing data as strings of 0 and 1
- hw-balancedparens library, program, tests and benchmark: Balanced parentheses
- hw-bits library, tests and benchmark: Bit manipulation
- hw-dump library, program, tests and benchmark: File Dump
- hw-rankselect library, program, tests and benchmark: Rank-select
- hw-rankselect-base library, tests and benchmark: Rank-select base
- hw-simd library, tests and benchmark: SIMD library
- hw-simd-cli library, program and test: SIMD library
- hw-string-parse library and tests: String parser
Bit Vectors
- bit-array library and test: A bit array (aka bitset, bitmap, bit vector) API for numeric types
- bit-vector library and test: Simple bit vectors for Haskell
- bitvec library, test and benchmark: Space-efficient bit vectors
- bitwise library, test and benchmark: fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays
- boolector library and tests: Haskell bindings for the Boolector SMT solver
- bv library and program: Bit-vector arithmetic library
- bv-little library, test and benchmarks: Efficient little-endian bit vector library
- bv-sized library and test: a bitvector datatype that is parameterized by the vector width
- bv-sized-lens library: Well-typed lenses for bv-sized bitvectors.
- hz3 library, program and test: Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover
- sbv library, tests and benchmark: SMT Based Verification: Symbolic Haskell theorem prover using SMT solving.
- sbv-program library and test: Component-based program synthesis using SBV
- z3 library, program and test: Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover
- bitcoin-hs library and test: Partial implementation of the Bitcoin protocol (as of 2013)
- bitcoin-payment-channel library, test and benchmark: Instant, two-party Bitcoin payments
- bitcoin-rpc library and test: Library to communicate with the Satoshi Bitcoin daemon
- bitx-bitcoin library and tests: A Haskell library for working with the BitX bitcoin exchange.
- btc-lsp library, programs and test: Lightning service provider
- clplug library and test: Easily add functionality to your lightning node
- electrs-client library and test: Electrs client library for Haskell
- haskoin library and test: Implementation of the Bitcoin protocol.
- haskoin-core library and test: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell
- haskoin-crypto library and test: Implementation of Bitcoin cryptographic primitives.
- haskoin-node library and test: P2P library for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
- haskoin-protocol library and test: Implementation of the Bitcoin network protocol messages
- haskoin-script library and test: Implementation of Bitcoin script parsing and evaluation
- haskoin-store library, program and test: Storage and index for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
- haskoin-store-data library and test: Data for Haskoin Store
- haskoin-util library and test: Utility functions for the Network.Haskoin project
- haskoin-wallet library, programs and test: Implementation of a Bitcoin SPV Wallet with BIP32 and multisig support.
- lnd-client library, program and test: Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell
- SCRIPTWriter library and program: ESCRIPT: a human friendly language for programming Bitcoin scripts
- bit-protocol library and test: Encode binary protocols with some odd bit numbers into a bytestring
- blockchain library and test: Generic blockchain implementation.
- cleveland library and test: Testing framework for Morley.
- dfinity-radix-tree library, program and test: A generic data integrity layer.
- morley-client library, program and test: Client to interact with the Tezos blockchain
- utxorpc library: Generated code for a gRPC interface for UTxO Blockchains
- utxorpc-client library, programs and test: An SDK for clients of the UTxO RPC specification.
- utxorpc-server library, program and test: An SDK for UTxO RPC services.
- blagda library and program: Shake frontend for Agda blogging
- algebra-driven-design library: Companion library for the book Algebra-Driven Design by Sandy Maguire
- diohsc program: Gemini client
- GoogleSuggest library: Interface to Google Suggest API
- hbro library and program: Minimal extensible web-browser
- hbro-contrib library and program: Third-party extensions to hbro.
- manatee-browser library and program: Browser extension for Manatee.
- web-browser-in-haskell library: Web Browser In Haskell
- webdriver library: a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol
- webdriver-snoy library and test: a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (deprecated)
- webdriver-wrapper library: Wrapper around the webdriver package that automatically manages Selenium
- bsd-sysctl library: Access to the BSD sysctl(3) interface
- co-log-effectful library and test: effectful log effect using co-log-core
- easytensor-vulkan library: Use easytensor with vulkan-api.
- haskell-src-exts-sc library and program: Pretty print haskell code with comments
- hinfo library, program and test: Command Line App With Info on your Haskell App
- HNumeric library and test: Haskell Numeric Library with pure functionality, R & MATLAB Syntax.
- io-embed library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed the result of an IO computation.
- katip-effectful library and test: Katip integration for Effectful
- polysemy-keyed-state library and test: Effect for a set of stateful values indexed by a type of keys
- tasty-grading-system library: Grade your tasty-testsuite.
- vulkan-api library: Low-level low-overhead vulkan api bindings
- bsparse library: A simple unassuming parser for bytestring
- chs-cabal library: Cabal with c2hs dependencies
- dependency library, test and benchmark: Dependency resolution for package management
- Grow library: A declarative make-like interpreter.
- hix library, program and test: Haskell/Nix development build tools
- language-ninja library, programs and tests: A library for dealing with the Ninja build language.
- neko-lib library and test: Neko VM code generation and disassembly library
- shake-ats library: Utilities for building ATS projects with shake
- shake-futhark library: Dependency tracking for Futhark
- uniform-shake library: uniform wrapper for shake
- up-grade program: Software management tool
Build Tool
- bazel-coverage-report-renderer program: HTML Coverage Reports for Rules_Haskell
- bazel-runfiles library and program: Locate Bazel runfiles location
- elm-make program: A build tool for Elm projects
- bytestring-strict-builder library, test and benchmark: An efficient strict bytestring builder
- text-builder library, test and benchmarks: Efficient strict text builder
- text-builder-dev library, test and benchmarks: Edge of developments for "text-builder"
- boilerplate library, program and test: Generate Haskell boilerplate.
- ghcflags library: Dump the ghc flags during compilation
- hsinspect library and program: Inspect Haskell source files.
- hsinspect-lsp library, program and test: LSP interface over the hsinspect binary.
- stack2cabal library and program: Convert stack projects to cabal.project + cabal.project.freeze
- stackage-to-hackage library and program: Convert stack.yaml to cabal.project + cabal.project.freeze
- asset-bundle library: A build-time Cabal library that bundles executables with assets
- cabal-auto-expose library: Build time library that autodetects exposed modules
- bookkeeping library and tests: A module for bookkeeping by double entry.
- bookkeeping-jp library and tests: Helper functions for Japanese bookkeeping.
- docusign-base library: Low-level bindings to the DocuSign API
- docusign-base-minimal library: Low-level bindings to the DocuSign API (only what is necessary for docusign-client)
- docusign-client library: Client bindings for the DocuSign API
- docusign-example program: DocuSign examples
- ochintin-daicho library and tests: A module to manage payroll books for Japanese companies.
- work-time library and program: A library for parsing a chat-based work hour reporting scheme.
- bit-protocol library and test: Encode binary protocols with some odd bit numbers into a bytestring
- bytestring-strict-builder library, test and benchmark: An efficient strict bytestring builder
- bytestring-tree-builder library, test and benchmark: A very efficient ByteString builder implementation based on the binary tree
- ListLike library and test: Generalized support for list-like structures
- pathological-bytestrings library: Pathological ByteStrings for testing
- streamly-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Library for streamly and bytestring interoperation.
- stringable library: A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable
- type-level-bytestrings library and test: Tools for manipulating type-level bytes and bytestrings
- base58-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Implementation of BASE58 transcoding for ByteStrings
- bzip-signature library: Backpack signature for BZip compression
- C-structs library and tests: C-Structs implementation for Haskell
- cdeps library, program, test and benchmark: Extract dependencies from C code.
- cpkg library, program and test: Build tool for C
- gmpint library: GMP integer conversions
- shake-c library: Library for building C code with shake
- zbar library: zbar bindings in Haskell
- tree-sitter-c-sharp library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for C#
- ats-setup library: ATS scripts for Cabal builds
- autopack library: Custom Setup to automate package modules discovery
- chs-cabal library: Cabal with c2hs dependencies
- policeman library, program and test: Haskell PVP version adviser
- cache library and test: An in-memory key/value store with expiration support
- cache-polysemy library and test: cached hashmaps
- fcache library and test: Cache a function (a -> b)
- polling-cache library and test: Cache infrequently updated data for simpler distributed systems.
- rediscaching-haxl library: Combine redis caching and haxl.
- expiring-cache-map library and tests: General purpose simple caching.
- antigate library: Interface for captcha recognition API
- blockfrost-api library and test: API definitions for
- blockfrost-client library, program and test: basic client
- blockfrost-client-core library: common client definitions / instances
- cardano-coin-selection library and test: Algorithms for coin selection and fee balancing.
- cardano-transactions library, program and test: Library utilities for constructing and signing Cardano transactions.
- utxorpc library: Generated code for a gRPC interface for UTxO Blockchains
- utxorpc-client library, programs and test: An SDK for clients of the UTxO RPC specification.
- utxorpc-server library, program and test: An SDK for UTxO RPC services.
- type-iso library: Typeclasses for injective relations and isomorphisms between types.
- dualizer library: Automatically generate dual constructions.
- groupoids library: This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0
- hyperfunctions library: Hyperfunctions
- kindly-functors library and test: A category polymorphic `Functor` typeclass
- monoidal-functors library and program: Monoidal Functors Library
- profunctor-extras library: This package has been absorbed into profunctors 4.0
- profunctors library: Profunctors
- representable-profunctors library: This package has been absorbed into profunctor-extras.
- subhask library, tests and benchmark: Type safe interface for programming in subcategories of Hask
- thrist library: Type-threaded list
- free-category library, test and benchmark: efficient data types for free categories and arrows
- oalg-abg library and test: Finitely generated abelian groups.
- oalg-base library and test: ...
- product-profunctors library, test and benchmark: product-profunctors
- nekos-best library: Unofficial API wrapper
- cgi-utils library: Simple modular utilities for CGI/FastCGI (sessions, etc.)
Chaos Music
- AlgoRhythm library, program and test: Algorithmic music composition
- chart-unit library and test: Native haskell charts.
- Histogram library
- interval-patterns library and test: Intervals, and monoids thereof
- plotlyhs library: Haskell bindings to Plotly.js
- textPlot library: Plot functions in text.
- matterhorn library, program and test: Terminal client for the Mattermost chat system
- simplexmq library, programs and test: SimpleXMQ message broker
- ConClusion library and program: Cluster algorithms, PCA, and chemical conformere analysis
- hall-symbols library and tests: Symmetry operations generater of Hall Symbols
- isotope library and test: Isotopic masses and relative abundances.
- matrix-as-xyz library and tests: Read and Display Jones-Faithful notation for spacegroup and planegroup
- radium library and test: Chemistry
- radium-formula-parser library and test: Chemistry
- science-constants library: Mathematical/physical/chemical constants
- science-constants-dimensional library: Mathematical/physical/chemical constants
- seitz-symbol library and tests: Read and Display Seitz Symbol
- significant-figures library, program and test: Calculate expressions involving significant figures.
- symmetry-operations-symbols library and tests: Derivation of symbols and coordinate triplets Library
Chess Engine
- turncoat library, program and test: Elegant UCI chess engine
- chs-deps library, test and benchmark: c2hs dependency analyzer
- hercules-ci-agent library, programs and test: Runs Continuous Integration tasks on your machines
- hercules-ci-api-agent library and test: API definition for Hercules CI Agent to talk to or Hercules CI Enterprise
- hercules-ci-api-core library: Types and convenience modules use across Hercules CI API packages
- hercules-ci-cnix-expr library and test: Bindings for the Nix evaluator
- packcheck library, test and benchmark: Universal build and CI testing for Haskell packages
- closed-classes library: Closed type class declarations
- HasGP library: A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes
- hslibsvm library: A FFI binding to libsvm.
- HSvm library: Haskell Bindings for libsvm
- liblinear-enumerator library: liblinear iteratee.
- clckwrks library: A secure, reliable content management system (CMS) and blogging platform
- clckwrks-cli library and program: a command-line interface for adminstrating some aspects of clckwrks
- clckwrks-dot-com programs:
- clckwrks-plugin-bugs library: bug tracking plugin for clckwrks
- clckwrks-plugin-ircbot library: ircbot plugin for clckwrks
- clckwrks-plugin-mailinglist library: mailing list plugin for clckwrks
- clckwrks-plugin-media library: media plugin for clckwrks
- clckwrks-plugin-page library: support for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks
- clckwrks-plugin-redirect library and program: support redirects for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks
- clckwrks-theme-bootstrap library: simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks
- clckwrks-theme-clckwrks library: simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks
- clckwrks-theme-geo-bootstrap library: geo bootstrap based template for clckwrks
- bunz library, program and test: CLI tool to beautify JSON string.
- bytepatch library, program and test: Patch byte-representable data in a bytestream
- cli library and program: CLI
- cli-arguments library: A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way.
- cli-arguments-strict library: A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way.
- codeforces-cli library and program: Command line interface to interact with Codeforces.
- commander-cli library, program and test: A command line argument/option parser library
- dobutok library: Creates the time intervals for CLI changing messages on the screen.
- dobutokO library: The library is intended to print updated messages on the terminal screen.
- docrecords library and test: Vinyl-based records with hierarchical field names, default values and documentation
- ethereum-analyzer-cli library and programs: A CLI frontend for ethereum-analyzer.
- extensioneer program: Inspect extensions in cabal and hpack files
- file-templates program: Use templates for files and directories
- gen-passwd program: Create wordlist-based passwords easily
- gli library, program and test: Tiny cli to fetch PR info from gitlab
- harg library and tests: Haskell program configuration using higher kinded data
- hastily library, program and test: A program to download subtitle files.
- hb3sum program: A command line tool to compute BLAKE3 hashes.
- herms program: A command-line manager for delicious kitchen recipes
- hifi library, program and test: WiFi connection script generator
- hinfo library, program and test: Command Line App With Info on your Haskell App
- hinit library, program and test: Generic project initialization tool
- hsendxmpp program: sendxmpp clone, sending XMPP messages via CLI
- intel-powermon program: Poll modern Intel/AMD CPU power consumption on Linux via RAPL.
- iris library and test: Haskell CLI framework
- jot program: Tiny markdown notebook
- life-sync library, program and test: Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines.
- mit-3qvpPyAi6mH library and program: A git wrapper with a streamlined UX
- mmark-cli program: Command line interface to the MMark markdown processor
- morpheus-graphql-cli program and test: Morpheus GraphQL CLI
- morpheus-graphql-code-gen library and program: Morpheus GraphQL CLI
- morpheus-graphql-code-gen-utils library: Morpheus GraphQL CLI
- neolua program: A CLI adapter to map Lua's CLI to Neovim's CLI for lua interpretation.
- optima library and test: Simple command line interface arguments parser
- optparse-applicative library and test: Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
- optparse-applicative-cmdline-util library: Utility functions for working with optparse-applicative
- optparse-applicative-simple library and test: Simple command line interface arguments parser
- optparse-enum library: An enum-text based toolkit for optparse-applicative
- optparse-version library
- optstream library and test: Command line option parsing library with a twice applicative interface
- otp-authenticator library and program: OTP Authenticator (a la google) command line client
- pinboard-notes-backup program: Back up the notes you've saved to Pinboard
- platinum-parsing library, program and test: General Framework for compiler development.
- ploton library, program and test: A useful cli tool to draw figures
- rob library, program and test: Simple projects generator
- summoner library, program and test: ...
- symantic-cli library: Symantics for parsing and documenting a CLI
- tasklite program and test: CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend
- tasklite-core library, test and benchmark: CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend
- tldr library, program and test: Haskell tldr client
- translate-cli library, program and test: Translation cli tool
- trial-optparse-applicative library: Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative
- unused library, program and test: A command line tool to identify unused code.
- yiyd program and test
CLI Tool
- airgql library, program and test: Automatically generate a GraphQL API for an SQLite database
- eddie program: Command line file filtering with haskell
- frequent-substring library, program and test: Identifies and replaces frequent subsequences in long strings
- git-cuk library and program: Haskell Git Helper Tool
- hit-on library, program and test: Haskell Git Helper Tool
- life-sync library, program and test: Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines.
- smh library, program and test: String manipulation tool written in haskell
- summoner library, program and test: ...
- ClickHaskell library: ClickHouse driver
- approveapi library and test: ApproveAPI Haskell Client
- hs-tango library and benchmarks: Bindings to the Tango Controls system
- jobqueue library and test: A job queue library
- morpheus-graphql-client library and test: Morpheus GraphQL Client
- recurly-client library: Client for Recurly subscription management
- redis-job-queue library: Simple priority job queue backed by Redis.
- scidb-hquery library and program: Haskell query for SciDB via shim
- stomp-conduit library: Stompl Conduit Client
- stomp-patterns library: Stompl MOM Stomp Patterns
- stomp-queue library: Stompl Client Library
- helic library, program and test: Clipboard Manager
- static library and tests: Type-safe and interoperable static values and closures
- amazonka-iam-policy library and tests: Amazon IAM Policy Document DSL and Combinators.
- amazonka-s3-streaming library and program: Provides conduits to upload data to S3 using the Multipart API
- api-tools library, programs, test and benchmark: DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs
- arion-compose library, program and test: Run docker-compose with help from Nix/NixOS
- aws library, programs and tests: Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell
- aws-arn library and test: Types and optics for manipulating Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)
- aws-cloudfront-signed-cookies library, program and test: Generate signed cookies for AWS CloudFront
- aws-cloudfront-signer library: For signing AWS CloudFront HTTP URL requests
- aws-configuration-tools library: Configuration types, parsers & renderers for AWS services
- aws-ec2 library and programs: AWS EC2/VPC, ELB and CloudWatch client library for Haskell
- aws-elastic-transcoder library, program and test: Haskell suite for the Elastic Transcoder service
- aws-general library and test: Bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) General Reference
- aws-kinesis library and test: Bindings for Amazon Kinesis
- aws-kinesis-client library and program: A producer & consumer client library for AWS Kinesis
- aws-kinesis-reshard library and program: Reshard AWS Kinesis streams in response to Cloud Watch metrics
- aws-lambda library: Haskell bindings for AWS Lambda
- aws-performance-tests library and program: Performance Tests for the Haskell bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- aws-sdk library and test: AWS SDK for Haskell
- aws-sign4 library and test: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature v4 HTTP request signer
- aws-sns library and test: Bindings for AWS SNS Version 2013-03-31
- aws-sns-verify library and test: Parse and verify AWS SNS messages
- azure-functions-worker library and test: Azure Functions Worker
- backblaze-b2-hs library, program and test: A client library to access Backblaze B2 cloud storage in Haskell.
- cloud-seeder library and test: A tool for interacting with AWS CloudFormation
- firebase-database library, test and benchmark: Google Firebase Database SDK
- gogol library: Comprehensive Google Services SDK.
- gogol-abusiveexperiencereport library: Google Abusive Experience Report SDK.
- gogol-acceleratedmobilepageurl library: Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) URL SDK.
- gogol-accessapproval library: Google Access Approval SDK.
- gogol-accesscontextmanager library: Google Access Context Manager SDK.
- gogol-adexchange-buyer library: Google Ad Exchange Buyer SDK.
- gogol-adexchange-seller library: Google Ad Exchange Seller SDK.
- gogol-adexchangebuyer2 library: Google Ad Exchange Buyer API II SDK.
- gogol-adexperiencereport library: Google Ad Experience Report SDK.
- gogol-admin-datatransfer library: Google Admin Data Transfer SDK.
- gogol-admin-directory library: Google Admin Directory SDK.
- gogol-admin-emailmigration library: Google Email Migration API v2 SDK.
- gogol-admin-reports library: Google Admin Reports SDK.
- gogol-adsense library: Google AdSense Management SDK.
- gogol-adsense-host library: Google AdSense Host SDK.
- gogol-affiliates library: Google Affiliate Network SDK.
- gogol-alertcenter library: Google G Suite Alert Center SDK.
- gogol-analytics library: Google Analytics SDK.
- gogol-analyticsreporting library: Google Analytics Reporting SDK.
- gogol-android-enterprise library: Google Play EMM SDK.
- gogol-android-publisher library: Google Play Developer SDK.
- gogol-androiddeviceprovisioning library: Google Android Device Provisioning Partner SDK.
- gogol-androidmanagement library: Google Android Management SDK.
- gogol-appengine library: Google App Engine Admin SDK.
- gogol-apps-activity library: Google Drive Activity SDK.
- gogol-apps-calendar library: Google Calendar SDK.
- gogol-apps-licensing library: Google Enterprise License Manager SDK.
- gogol-apps-reseller library: Google Enterprise Apps Reseller SDK.
- gogol-apps-tasks library: Google Tasks SDK.
- gogol-appstate library: Google App State SDK.
- gogol-autoscaler library: Google Compute Engine Autoscaler SDK.
- gogol-bigquery library: Google BigQuery SDK.
- gogol-bigquerydatatransfer library: Google BigQuery Data Transfer SDK.
- gogol-bigtableadmin library: Google Cloud Bigtable Admin SDK.
- gogol-billing library: Google Cloud Billing SDK.
- gogol-binaryauthorization library: Google Binary Authorization SDK.
- gogol-blogger library: Google Blogger SDK.
- gogol-books library: Google Books SDK.
- gogol-chat library: Google Hangouts Chat SDK.
- gogol-civicinfo library: Google Civic Information SDK.
- gogol-classroom library: Google Classroom SDK.
- gogol-cloudasset library: Google Cloud Asset SDK.
- gogol-clouderrorreporting library: Google Stackdriver Error Reporting SDK.
- gogol-cloudfunctions library: Google Cloud Functions SDK.
- gogol-cloudidentity library: Google Cloud Identity SDK.
- gogol-cloudiot library: Google Cloud IoT SDK.
- gogol-cloudkms library: Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) SDK.
- gogol-cloudmonitoring library: Google Cloud Monitoring SDK.
- gogol-cloudprivatecatalog library: Google Cloud Private Catalog SDK.
- gogol-cloudprivatecatalogproducer library: Google Cloud Private Catalog Producer SDK.
- gogol-cloudprofiler library: Google Stackdriver Profiler SDK.
- gogol-cloudscheduler library: Google Cloud Scheduler SDK.
- gogol-cloudsearch library: Google Cloud Search SDK.
- gogol-cloudshell library: Google Cloud Shell SDK.
- gogol-cloudtasks library: Google Cloud Tasks SDK.
- gogol-cloudtrace library: Google Stackdriver Trace SDK.
- gogol-commentanalyzer library: Google Perspective Comment Analyzer SDK.
- gogol-composer library: Google Cloud Composer SDK.
- gogol-compute library: Google Compute Engine SDK.
- gogol-consumersurveys library: Google Consumer Surveys SDK.
- gogol-container library: Google Kubernetes Engine SDK.
- gogol-containeranalysis library: Google Container Analysis SDK.
- gogol-containerbuilder library: Google Cloud Build SDK.
- gogol-core library and test: Core data types and functionality for Gogol libraries.
- gogol-customsearch library: Google CustomSearch SDK.
- gogol-dataflow library: Google Dataflow SDK.
- gogol-datafusion library: Google Cloud Data Fusion SDK.
- gogol-dataproc library: Google Cloud Dataproc SDK.
- gogol-datastore library: Google Cloud Datastore SDK.
- gogol-debugger library: Google Stackdriver Debugger SDK.
- gogol-deploymentmanager library: Google Cloud Deployment Manager SDK.
- gogol-dfareporting library: Google DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking SDK.
- gogol-dialogflow library: Google Dialogflow SDK.
- gogol-digitalassetlinks library: Google Digital Asset Links SDK.
- gogol-discovery library: Google API Discovery Service SDK.
- gogol-dlp library: Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) SDK.
- gogol-dns library: Google Cloud DNS SDK.
- gogol-docs library: Google Docs SDK.
- gogol-doubleclick-bids library: Google DoubleClick Bid Manager SDK.
- gogol-doubleclick-search library: Google DoubleClick Search SDK.
- gogol-drive library: Google Drive SDK.
- gogol-driveactivity library: Google Drive Activity SDK.
- gogol-factchecktools library: Google Fact Check Tools SDK.
- gogol-file library: Google Cloud Filestore SDK.
- gogol-firebase-dynamiclinks library: Google Firebase Dynamic Links SDK.
- gogol-firebase-rules library: Google Firebase Rules SDK.
- gogol-firebasehosting library: Google Firebase Hosting SDK.
- gogol-firebaseremoteconfig library: Google Firebase Remote Config SDK.
- gogol-firestore library: Google Cloud Firestore SDK.
- gogol-fitness library: Google Fitness SDK.
- gogol-fonts library: Google Fonts Developer SDK.
- gogol-freebasesearch library: Google Freebase Search SDK.
- gogol-fusiontables library: Google Fusion Tables SDK.
- gogol-games library: Google Play Game Services SDK.
- gogol-games-configuration library: Google Play Game Services Publishing SDK.
- gogol-games-management library: Google Play Game Services Management SDK.
- gogol-genomics library: Google Genomics SDK.
- gogol-gmail library: Google Gmail SDK.
- gogol-groups-migration library: Google Groups Migration SDK.
- gogol-groups-settings library: Google Groups Settings SDK.
- gogol-healthcare library: Google Cloud Healthcare SDK.
- gogol-iam library: Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) SDK.
- gogol-iamcredentials library: Google IAM Service Account Credentials SDK.
- gogol-iap library: Google Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy SDK.
- gogol-identity-toolkit library: Google Identity Toolkit SDK.
- gogol-indexing library: Google Indexing SDK.
- gogol-jobs library: Google Cloud Talent Solution SDK.
- gogol-kgsearch library: Google Knowledge Graph Search SDK.
- gogol-language library: Google Cloud Natural Language SDK.
- gogol-latencytest library: Google Cloud Network Performance Monitoring SDK.
- gogol-libraryagent library: Google Library Agent SDK.
- gogol-logging library: Google Stackdriver Logging SDK.
- gogol-manufacturers library: Google Manufacturer Center SDK.
- gogol-maps-coordinate library: Google Maps Coordinate SDK.
- gogol-maps-engine library: Google Maps Engine SDK.
- gogol-mirror library: Google Mirror SDK.
- gogol-ml library: Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine SDK.
- gogol-monitoring library: Google Stackdriver Monitoring SDK.
- gogol-oauth2 library: Google OAuth2 SDK.
- gogol-oslogin library: Google Cloud OS Login SDK.
- gogol-pagespeed library: Google PageSpeed Insights SDK.
- gogol-partners library: Google Partners SDK.
- gogol-people library: Google People SDK.
- gogol-photoslibrary library: Google Photos Library SDK.
- gogol-play-moviespartner library: Google Play Movies Partner SDK.
- gogol-playcustomapp library: Google Play Custom App Publishing SDK.
- gogol-plus library: Google + SDK.
- gogol-plus-domains library: Google + Domains SDK.
- gogol-poly library: Google Poly SDK.
- gogol-prediction library: Google Prediction SDK.
- gogol-proximitybeacon library: Google Proximity Beacon SDK.
- gogol-pubsub library: Google Cloud Pub/Sub SDK.
- gogol-qpxexpress library: Google QPX Express SDK.
- gogol-redis library: Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis SDK.
- gogol-remotebuildexecution library: Google Remote Build Execution SDK.
- gogol-replicapool library: Google Replica Pool SDK.
- gogol-replicapool-updater library: Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater SDK.
- gogol-resourcemanager library: Google Cloud Resource Manager SDK.
- gogol-resourceviews library: Google Compute Engine Instance Groups SDK.
- gogol-run library: Google Cloud Run SDK.
- gogol-runtimeconfig library: Google Cloud Runtime Configuration SDK.
- gogol-safebrowsing library: Google Safe Browsing SDK.
- gogol-script library: Google Apps Script SDK.
- gogol-searchconsole library: Google Search Console URL Testing Tools SDK.
- gogol-securitycenter library: Google Cloud Security Command Center SDK.
- gogol-servicebroker library: Google Service Broker SDK.
- gogol-serviceconsumermanagement library: Google Service Consumer Management SDK.
- gogol-servicecontrol library: Google Service Control SDK.
- gogol-servicemanagement library: Google Service Management SDK.
- gogol-servicenetworking library: Google Service Networking SDK.
- gogol-serviceusage library: Google Service Usage SDK.
- gogol-serviceuser library: Google Service User SDK.
- gogol-sheets library: Google Sheets SDK.
- gogol-shopping-content library: Google Content API for Shopping SDK.
- gogol-siteverification library: Google Site Verification SDK.
- gogol-slides library: Google Slides SDK.
- gogol-sourcerepo library: Google Cloud Source Repositories SDK.
- gogol-spanner library: Google Cloud Spanner SDK.
- gogol-spectrum library: Google Spectrum Database SDK.
- gogol-speech library: Google Cloud Speech-to-Text SDK.
- gogol-sqladmin library: Google Cloud SQL Admin SDK.
- gogol-storage library: Google Cloud Storage JSON SDK.
- gogol-storage-transfer library: Google Storage Transfer SDK.
- gogol-streetviewpublish library: Google Street View Publish SDK.
- gogol-surveys library: Google Surveys SDK.
- gogol-tagmanager library: Google Tag Manager SDK.
- gogol-taskqueue library: Google TaskQueue SDK.
- gogol-testing library: Google Cloud Testing SDK.
- gogol-texttospeech library: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech SDK.
- gogol-toolresults library: Google Cloud Tool Results SDK.
- gogol-tpu library: Google Cloud TPU SDK.
- gogol-tracing library: Google Tracing SDK.
- gogol-translate library: Google Cloud Translation SDK.
- gogol-urlshortener library: Google URL Shortener SDK.
- gogol-useraccounts library: Google Cloud User Accounts SDK.
- gogol-vault library: Google G Suite Vault SDK.
- gogol-videointelligence library: Google Cloud Video Intelligence SDK.
- gogol-vision library: Google Cloud Vision SDK.
- gogol-webmaster-tools library: Google Search Console SDK.
- gogol-websecurityscanner library: Google Web Security Scanner SDK.
- gogol-youtube library: Google YouTube Data SDK.
- gogol-youtube-analytics library: Google YouTube Analytics SDK.
- gogol-youtube-reporting library: Google YouTube Reporting SDK.
- groot library, program and test: Command line utility to manage AWS ECS resources
- hadoop-streaming library and test: A simple Hadoop streaming library
- hdo library and program: A Digital Ocean client in Haskell
- hetzner library and programs: Hetzner Cloud and DNS library.
- kerry library and test: Manage and abstract your packer configurations.
- linode library and test: Bindings to the Linode API
- loup library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper for Work Pools.
- micro-gateway library and program: A Micro service gateway.
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
- pubnub library, programs and test: PubNub Haskell SDK
- push-notify library: A server-side library for sending push notifications.
- push-notify-apn library, program and test: Send push notifications to mobile iOS devices
- push-notify-ccs library: ...
- push-notify-general library: A general library for sending/receiving push notif. through dif. services.
- scheduling library and program: An interview scheduler using constraint satisfaction and Google Sheets
- serverless-haskell library and test: Deploying Haskell code onto AWS Lambda using Serverless
- stratosphere library, programs and test: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation
- wai-handler-hal library and test: Wrap WAI applications to run on AWS Lambda
- wolf library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper.
Cloud Haskell
- distributed-process-lifted library and test: monad-control style typeclass and transformer instances for Process monad.
- distributed-process-systest library: Cloud Haskell Test Support
- distributed-process-task library and test: Task Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-tests library and tests: Tests and test support tools for distributed-process.
- distributed-process-zookeeper library, program and test: A Zookeeper back-end for Cloud Haskell.
- clr-bindings library and test: Glue between clr-host and clr-typed
- clr-host library and test: Hosting the Common Language Runtime
- clr-inline library, test and benchmark: Quasiquoters for inline C# and F#
- clr-marshal library: Marshaling for the clr
- clr-typed library and test: A strongly typed Haskell interface to the CLR type system
- clr-win-linker program: A GHC linker wrapper tool to workaround a GHC >8.2 bug
- gsc-weighting library: Generic implementation of Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia weighting.
- hieraclus library: Automated clustering of arbitrary elements in Haskell.
- hierarchical-clustering library and test: Fast algorithms for single, average/UPGMA and complete linkage clustering.
- hierarchical-clustering-diagrams library and test: Draw diagrams of dendrograms made by hierarchical-clustering.
- hps-kmeans library: A nice implementation of the k-Means algorithm.
- hsgsom library: An implementation of the GSOM clustering algorithm.
- kmeans library: K-means clustering algorithm
- uniform-cmdLineArgs library: a convenient handling of command line arguments
Code Competitions
- competition library: Helpers and runners for code competitions
Code Generation
- bond library, program and test: Bond schema compiler and code generator
- dataflow library, program and test: Generate Graphviz documents from a Haskell representation.
- elminator library and test: Generate ELM types/encoders/decoders from Haskell types.
- flexible-defaults library: Generate default function implementations for complex type classes.
- harpy library: Runtime code generation for x86 machine code
- haskell-generate library and test: Typesafe generation of haskell source code
- hasktorch-codegen library, program and test: Code generation tools for Hasktorch
- hburg program: Haskell Bottom Up Rewrite Generator
- llvm library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-base library: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-base-util library: Utilities for bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-dsl library and test: Support for writing an EDSL with LLVM-JIT as target
- llvm-extension library and program: Processor specific intrinsics for the llvm interface
- llvm-extra library, program and test: Utility functions for the llvm interface
- llvm-ffi library and programs: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-ffi-tools programs: Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package
- llvm-general library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-general-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI).
- llvm-general-quote library and test: QuasiQuoting llvm code for llvm-general
- llvm-hs library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-hs-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI).
- llvm-ht library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit with some custom extensions.
- llvm-party library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-pkg-config program: Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM
- llvm-tf library, programs and test: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families.
- morloc library, program and test: A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language
- passage library: Parallel code generation for hierarchical Bayesian modeling.
- preprocessor-tools library: A framework for extending Haskell's syntax via quick-and-dirty preprocessors
- sugarhaskell programs: Library-based syntactic extensibility for Haskell
- x86-64bit library and test: Runtime code generation for x86 64 bit machine code
- openapi3-code-generator library, program and test: OpenAPI3 Haskell Client Code Generator
- AC-PPM library: Trivial package for writing PPM images.
- activitystreams-aeson library: An interface to the ActivityStreams specification
- archive-libarchive library: Common interface using libarchive
- archive-sig library: Backpack signature for archive libraries
- archive-tar library: Common interface using the tar package
- archive-tar-bytestring library: Common interface using the tar-bytestring package
- automitive-cse library and test: Automotive CSE emulation
- automotive-cse library and test: Automotive CSE emulation
- avif library and test: High-level bindings to libavif
- base-encoding library: RFC4648 Binary-to-text encodings (e.g. base64)
- base32-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast base32 and base32hex codec for ByteStrings
- base32-z-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast z-base32 and z-base32hex codec for ByteStrings
- base64-string library: Base64 implementation for String's.
- base91 library, program and test: A Generic Base91 Encoder & Decoder
- benc library, test and benchmark: Bencode encoding and decoding library
- bgzf library: Blocked GZip
- bidirectional library and test: Simple bidirectional serialization and deserialization
- binary-serialise-cbor library: Yet Another Binary Serialisation Library (compatibility shim)
- bindings-codec2 library and program: Very low-level FFI bindings for Codec2
- bitmaps library: Bitmap library
- bmp library: Read and write uncompressed BMP image files.
- borsh library and test: Implementation of BORSH serialisation
- bottom library, program, test and benchmark: Encoding and decoding for the Bottom spec.
- brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compression and decompression
- brotli-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression.
- brotli-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression
- bytable library: data from/to ByteString
- bz3 library and test: High-level bindings to bz3
- bzip2-clib library: bzip2 C sources
- bzlib library and test: Compression and decompression in the bzip2 format
- bzlib-conduit library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits.
- bzlib-conduit-jappie library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits.
- candid library, program and tests: Candid integration
- cbor-tool program: A tool for manipulating CBOR.
- cborg library and test: Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
- cborg-json library, test and benchmark: A library for encoding JSON as CBOR
- chunky library, program and test: Human-readable storage of text/binary objects.
- cityhash library and test: Bindings to CityHash
- codec-beam library and test: Erlang VM byte code assembler
- Codec-Compression-LZF library: LZF compression bindings.
- codec-mbox library: A library to read and write mailboxes in mbox format
- compression library: Common compression algorithms.
- crockford library: An implementation of Douglas Crockford's base32 encoding.
- Crypto library and tests: Common Cryptographic Algorithms in Pure Haskell
- cryptostore library and test: Serialization of cryptographic data types
- dataenc library and program: Data encoding library
- deunicode program: Get rid of unicode (utf-8) symbols in Haskell sources
- double-x-encoding library and test: Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_]
- DSA library and test: Implementation of DSA, based on the description of FIPS 186-4
- dvorak library and test: Dvorak encoding for Haskell.
- ebml library, program and test: A pure EBML parser
- edf library: EDF parsing library
- embroidery library and program: support for embroidery formats in haskell
- Encode library and programs: Encoding character data
- encoding library, program and test: A library for various character encodings
- epub-metadata library, program and test: Library for parsing epub document metadata
- exomizer library: Compression and decompression in the exomizer format
- fast-bech32 library, test and benchmark: Fast implementation of the Bech32 encoding format.
- fec library, program and test: Forward error correction of ByteStrings
- ffmpeg-light library and programs: Minimal bindings to the FFmpeg library.
- file-collection library: Provide a uniform interface over file archives and directories
- flac library and test: Complete high-level binding to libFLAC
- flac-picture library and test: Support for writing pictures into FLAC metadata blocks with JuicyPixels
- fountain library: A fountain codec.
- friday-juicypixels library and test: Converts between the Friday and JuicyPixels image types
- gnuidn library and test: Bindings for GNU IDN
- goat library and test: Time Series Compression
- GOST34112012-Hash library and test: Bindings to the GOST R 34.11-2012 hashing implementation
- gray-code library and test: Gray code encoder/decoder.
- hascar library, program and test: Decompress SAPCAR archives
- hcobs library, tests and benchmark: An implementation of the Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing algorithm
- HCodecs library and test: A library to read, write and manipulate MIDI, WAVE, and SoundFont2 files.
- hecc library: Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell
- hogg library and programs: Library and tools to manipulate the Ogg container format
- hOpenPGP library, test and benchmark: native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880)
- hopenpgp-tools programs: hOpenPGP-based command-line tools
- hopfli library and test: Bidings to Google's Zopfli compression library
- hs-zstd library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the Zstandard compression algorithm
- hstar program: Haskell version of tar CLI utility
- HsYAML-aeson library and program: JSON to YAML Adapter
- htar program: Command-line tar archive utility.
- hw-tar library, program and test: Library for creating and extracting tar archives
- iff library: Constructing and dissecting IFF files
- isobmff library, test and benchmark: A parser and generator for the ISO-14496-12/14 base media file format
- isobmff-builder library, test and benchmark: A (bytestring-) builder for the ISO-14496-12 base media file format
- iteratee-compress library: Enumeratees for compressing and decompressing streams
- jordan library and test: JSON with Structure
- json-directory library and program: Load JSON from files in a directory structure
- json-encoder library: A direct-to-bytes single-pass JSON encoder with a declarative DSL
- jsop library and test: Cherry picking in JSON objects
- JuicyPixels library: Picture loading/serialization (in png, jpeg, bitmap, gif, tga, tiff and radiance)
- JuicyPixels-blp library and program: BLP format decoder/encoder over JuicyPixels library
- lame library and test: A high-level binding to the LAME encoder
- leb128 library, test and benchmark: LEB128 encoding logic for and in Haskell
- leb128-cereal library and tests: LEB128 and SLEB128 encoding
- libarchive program, test and benchmarks: Haskell interface to libarchive
- libarchive-conduit library: Read many archive formats with libarchive and conduit
- libvorbis library: Haskell binding for libvorbis, for decoding Ogg Vorbis audio files
- LibZip library and test: Bindings to libzip, a library for manipulating zip archives.
- list-t-text library and test: A streaming text codec
- logic-TPTP library, programs and test: Import, export etc. for TPTP, a syntax for first-order logic
- lz4 library, test and benchmark: LZ4 compression for ByteStrings
- lz4-conduit library, program and test: LZ4 compression for conduits
- lz4-hs library, test and benchmarks: lz4 bindings for Haskell
- lzip library: Lzip compression / Lzlib bindings
- lzlib library, test and benchmarks: lzlib bindings
- lzma library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression
- lzma-clib : liblzma C library and headers for use by LZMA bindings
- lzma-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for lzma/xz compression.
- lzma-enumerator library and test: Enumerator interface for lzma/xz compression.
- lzma-static test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression (static)
- lzma-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for lzma/xz compression
- lzo library, test and benchmark: minilzo bundled for Haskell
- mime library: Working with MIME types.
- mime-string library: MIME implementation for String's.
- mp3decoder program: MP3 decoder for teaching.
- mpg123-bindings library: Mpg132 bindings
- mucipher library: A library to produce simple ciphers for use with lambdabot.
- multihash-serialise library and test: CBOR encoding of multihashes
- multipath library: Parser and builder for unix-path-like objects.
- nano-hmac library: Bindings to OpenSSL HMAC.
- nano-md5 library: Efficient, ByteString bindings to OpenSSL.
- netpbm library, test and benchmark: Loading PBM, PGM, PPM image files
- omnicodec programs: Data encoding and decoding command line utilities
- openpgp-asciiarmor library, test and benchmark: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII Armor codec
- pipes-bgzf library: Blocked GZip
- pipes-brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compressors and decompressors for the Pipes package
- pipes-bzip library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via pipes.
- pipes-illumina library: Illumina NGS data processing
- pipes-lzma library, program and test: LZMA compressors and decompressors for the Pipes package
- ppm library: a tiny PPM image generator
- proto3-suite library, programs and test: A higher-level API to the proto3-wire library
- proto3-wire library, test and benchmark: A low-level implementation of the Protocol Buffers (version 3) wire format
- pure-zlib library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell-only implementation of zlib / DEFLATE
- qrcode library: QR Code library in pure Haskell
- qrcode-core library: QR code library in pure Haskell
- quicklz library and test: QuickLZ compression for ByteStrings
- raaz library, program, tests and benchmark: Fast and type safe cryptography.
- rlglue library and programs: A Haskell codec for RL-Glue.
- rot13 library and test: Fast ROT13 cipher for Haskell.
- RSA library and test: Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS#1 v2.1.
- sandi library, test and benchmark: Data encoding library
- serialise library, test and benchmarks: A binary serialisation library for Haskell values.
- sexpr library and program: S-expression printer and parser
- SHA library, programs and test: Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
- shamochu library: “Shuffle and merge overlapping chunks” lossless compression
- shannon-fano library, program and test: Shannon-fano compression algorithm in Haskell
- simple-tar library: Simple, pure, file-system-free reading of tar files
- snappy library and test: Bindings to the Google Snappy library for fast compression/decompression
- snappy-c library, program, test and benchmark: Bindings to Google's Snappy: A fast compression library
- snappy-conduit library: Conduit bindings for Snappy (see snappy package)
- snappy-framing library: Snappy Framing Format in Haskell
- snappy-iteratee library: An enumeratee that uses Google's snappy compression library.
- snappy-lazy library: Lazy bytestring compression and decompression
- sndfile-enumerators library: Audio file reading/writing
- snow-white library: encode any binary instance to white space
- stb-image library: A wrapper around Sean Barrett's JPEG/PNG decoder
- streaming-brotli library and test: Streaming interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression
- streaming-lzma library and test: Streaming interface for LZMA/XZ compression
- streaming-png library and program: Perfectly streaming PNG image decoding
- streamly-archive library and test: Stream data from archives using the streamly library.
- streamly-lz4 library, test and benchmark: Streamly combinators for LZ4 compression
- streamly-zip library and test: Stream data from zip archives using the streamly library.
- strict-containers-serialise library: Strict containers - Serialise instances
- tahoe-capabilities library and test: Abstractions related to Tahoe-LAFS "capabilities".
- tar library, test and benchmark: Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files.
- tar-bytestring test and benchmark: Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files.
- text-locale-encoding library: Encode and decode Text to/from ByteString using TextEncoding
- threefish library: The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell.
- Twofish library and test: An implementation of the Twofish Symmetric-key cipher.
- uconv library: String encoding conversion with ICU
- ulid library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of ULID - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- utf8-conversions library and test: A string conversion library that assumes utf8
- utf8-light library and test: Unicode
- utf8-string library and test: Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
- utf8-validator library, test and benchmark: Constant-space UTF8 validator for ByteStrings
- vivid-osc library and test: Open Sound Control encode/decode
- wave library and test: Work with WAVE and RF64 files
- wavefront library: Wavefront OBJ loader
- webp library and test: JuicyPixels support for WebP format
- winery library, program, tests and benchmark: A compact, well-typed seralisation format for Haskell values
- xls library, program and test: Parse Microsoft Excel xls files (BIFF/Excel 97-2004)
- xlsior library and test: Streaming Excel file generation and parsing
- xlsx library, test and benchmark: Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer
- xlsx-tabular library and test: Xlsx table cell value extraction utility
- xlsx-templater library and program: Simple and incomplete Excel file templater
- xor library, test and benchmark: Efficient XOR masking
- xz library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression
- xz-clib library: LZMA/XZ clibs
- yajl library: Bindings for YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation
- zim-parser library and test: Read and parse ZIM files
- zip library, program and test: Operations on zip archives
- zip-archive library, program and test: Library for creating and modifying zip archives.
- zip-conduit library and test: Working with zip archives via conduits
- zip-stream library, programs and test: ZIP archive streaming using conduits
- zlib library and test: Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
- zlib-bindings library and test: Low-level bindings to the zlib package.
- zlib-clib library: zlib C library bits
- zlib-enum program: Enumerator interface for zlib compression
- zlib-lens library: Lenses for zlib
- zstd library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the Zstandard compression algorithm
- ztar library and tests: Creating and extracting arbitrary archives
- Codec-Image-DevIL library: An FFI interface to the DevIL library
- double-x-encoding library and test: Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_]
- HSoundFile library: Audio file reading/writing
- html-entities library: A codec library for HTML-escaped text and HTML-entities
- json-bytes-builder library, test and benchmark: Direct-to-bytes JSON Builder
- pngload library: Pure Haskell loader for PNG images
- pngload-fixed library: Pure Haskell loader for PNG images
- postgresql-binary library, test and benchmarks: Encoders and decoders for the PostgreSQL's binary format
- url-decoders library, test and benchmarks: Decoders for URL-encoding (aka Percent-encoding)
- elmental library, program and test: Generate Elm datatype definitions, encoders and decoders from Haskell datatypes.
- fields-and-cases library and test: Codegen Haskell types to other languages
- hasktorch library, tests and benchmarks: Haskell bindings to libtorch, supporting both typed and untyped tensors.
- libtorch-ffi library and test: Haskell bindings for PyTorch
- libtorch-ffi-helper library: Helpers for integrating libtorch-ffi with Hasktorch.
- module-munging library and test: Smash together text to make modules.
- shwifty library: Generate swift types from haskell types.
- tdlib-gen library, program and test: Codegen for TDLib
- source-constraints library and test: Source constraints GHC plugin
- safe-coerce library: A friendly shorthand for an old friend
- fast-arithmetic library, test and benchmark: Fast functions on integers.
- jackpolynomials library, test and benchmark: Jack, zonal, Schur, and other symmetric polynomials
- matroid library and test: matroid (combinatorial pre-geometries) library
- arrow-utils library and test: functions for working with arrows
- data-aviary library: Combinator birds.
- data-emoticons library: Combinator emoticons: data-aviary in the flavor of emoticons
- DeepArrow library: Arrows for "deep application"
- flow library and test: Write more understandable Haskell.
- flow-er library and test: More directional operators
- functional-arrow library: Combinators that allow for a more functional/monadic style of Arrow programming
- JSON-Combinator library: A combinator library on top of a generalised JSON type
- JSON-Combinator-Examples library: Example uses of the JSON-Combinator library.
- MapWith library, tests and benchmarks: mapWith: like fmap, but with additional parameters (isFirst, isLast, etc).
- op library and test: Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading
- overhang library: Hang loose with your lambdas!
- pattern-arrows library: Arrows for Pretty Printing
- pointless-fun library: Some common point-free combinators.
- porcupine-core library and programs: Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines
- porcupine-http library and programs: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
- predicates library: A couple of convenience functions for forming predicates.
- prelude-extras library: Higher order versions of Prelude classes
- reader-soup library: Vinyl-based reader-like monad composition
- reverse-apply library: Standard version of the reverse apply operator.
- scc library, program and test: Streaming component combinators
- sec library: Semantic Editor Combinators.
- syb-extras library: Higher order versions of the Scrap Your Boilerplate classes
Command Line
- cli-extras library: Miscellaneous utilities for building and working with command line interfaces
- dmc library and test: cmd for common cases
- gamgee library, program and test: Tool for generating TOTP MFA tokens.
- Hish library and program
- hnormalise library, programs, test and benchmark: Log message normalisation tool producing structured JSON messages
- optima-for-hasql library: Command-line arguments parsing for Hasql
- oset library, program and test: An insertion-order-preserving set
- ReadArgs library, program and test: Simple command line argument parsing
- readline-in-other-words library and program: Readline effect for in-other-words.
- req-oauth2 library, program and test: Provides OAuth2 authentication for use with Req
- sandwatch library, program and test: record historical command runtimes for later prediction
- sexpr-parser library, program and test: Simple s-expression parser
- shellmet library, program and test: Out of the shell solution for scripting in Haskell
- tinyapp library and test: Library to build tiny apps in Haskell
Command Line Tool
- catnplus program: Simple tool to display text files with line numbers and paging
- herms program: A command-line manager for delicious kitchen recipes
- hidden-char library and test: Provides cross-platform getHiddenChar function
- update-repos library, program and test: Update all your git repositories with just one command.
- weatherhs program: Weather and related data info command-line tool
Command Line Tools
- brok library, program and test: Finds broken links in text files
- cli-setup library: Helper setup scripts for packaging command-line tools.
- cmt library, program and test: Write consistent git commit messages
- confetti library, program and test: A simple config file swapping tool
- frecently program: CLI frecency history
- mem-info library, program and test: Print the core memory usage of programs
- taskell library, program and test: A command-line kanban board/task manager
- calenderweek program: Commandline tool to get week of the year
- pandoc-sidenote library and program: Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
- perceptual-hash library, program, test and benchmark: Find duplicate images
- sak program: Compression command-line tool
- turni program: shifts scheduling tool
- snowflake-core library and test: twitter's snowflake
- snowflake-server program: snowflake http server
- handle-like library: HandleLike class
- co-log library, programs and tests: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- co-log-concurrent library: Asynchronous backend for co-log library
- co-log-core library and test: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- co-log-polysemy library and program: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- category-extras library: A meta-package documenting various packages inspired by category theory
- comonad library: Comonads
- comonad-extras library: Exotic comonad transformers
- comonad-transformers library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0
- comonads-fd library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0
- data-lens library: Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses
- data-lens-fd library: Lenses
- data-lens-ixset library and test: A Lens for IxSet
- day-comonoid library: A comonoid w.r.t. Day
- folds library: Beautiful Folding
- functor-monad library and test: FFunctor: functors on (the usual) Functors
- graphted library: Graph indexed monads.
- kan-extensions library: Kan extensions, Kan lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
- partial-lens library: Haskell 98 Partial Lenses
- representable-tries library: Tries from representations of polynomial functors
- rivers library: Rivers are like Streams, but different.
- semigroupoids library: Semigroupoids: Category sans id
- streams library: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads
- zipper-extra library: Zipper utils that weren't in Control.Comonad.Store.Zipper
- base-compat library: A compatibility layer for base
- base-compat-batteries library and test: base-compat with extra batteries
- base-orphans library and test: Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
- binary-orphans library and test: Compatibility package for binary; provides instances
- data-array-byte library and test: Compatibility layer for Data.Array.Byte
- deriving-compat library and test: Backports of GHC deriving extensions
- foldable1-classes-compat library, test and benchmark: Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes
- ghc-bignum-orphans library: Backwards-compatible orphan instances for ghc-bignum
- ghc-magic-dict-compat library and test: A compatibility layer and GHC plugin for `withDict` from "GHC.Magic.Dict".
- mtl-compat library: Backported Control.Monad.Except module from mtl
- prelude-compat library: Provide Prelude and Data.List with fixed content across GHC versions
- template-haskell-compat-v0208 library: Backward-compatibility layer for Template Haskell newer than 2.8
- time-compat library and tests: Compatibility package for time
- transformers-compat library: A small compatibility shim for the transformers library
- types-compat library: ghc-7.6/7.8 compatible GHC.TypeLits, Data.Typeable and Data.Proxy.
- wherefrom-compat library and test: A compatibility layer for GHC's 'wherefrom' function
- platinum-parsing library, program and test: General Framework for compiler development.
- agda2hs program: Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell.
- ajhc library and programs: Haskell compiler that produce binary through C language
- alpha program: A compiler for the Alpha language
- annah library and program: Medium-level language that desugars to Morte
- binaryen library and test: Haskell bindings to binaryen
- bond library, program and test: Bond schema compiler and code generator
- cao program: CAO Compiler
- circ library: A Compiler IR Compiler.
- core-compiler library and program: compile your own mini functional language with Core
- datafix library, program, tests and benchmark: Fixing data-flow problems
- dataflow library, program and test: Generate Graphviz documents from a Haskell representation.
- dhall library, program, tests and benchmarks: A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
- dhall-bash library and program: Compile Dhall to Bash
- dhall-csv library, programs and test: Convert bidirectionally between Dhall and CSV files.
- dhall-docs library, program and tests: Generate HTML docs from a dhall package
- dhall-json library, programs and test: Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML
- dhall-nix program: Dhall to Nix compiler
- dhall-openapi library and program: Convert an OpenAPI specification to a Dhall package
- dhall-text program: Template text using Dhall
- dhall-text-shell library and program: Render dhall text with shell commands as function arguments
- dhall-toml library, programs and tests: Convert between Dhall and TOML
- dhall-yaml library, programs and test: Convert between Dhall and YAML
- Elm library, programs and tests: The Elm language module.
- elm-bridge library and tests: Derive Elm types and Json code from Haskell types, using aeson's options
- elm-build-lib library: Compile Elm code to JS within Haskell
- elm-compiler library, programs and test: Values to help with elm-package, elm-make, and
- elm-core-sources library: Source files for the Elm runtime and standard libraries
- elm-reactor program: Interactive development tool for Elm programs
- elm-server program: Server for developing Elm projects
- elm-street library, programs and test: Crossing the road between Haskell and Elm
- elm-syntax library and test: Elm syntax and pretty-printing
- feldspar-compiler library, tests and benchmark: Compiler for the Feldspar language
- flite library and programs: f-lite compiler, interpreter and libraries
- flp library, programs and test: A layout spec language for memory managers implemented in Rust.
- formal program: A statically typed, functional programming language
- forml program: A statically typed, functional programming language
- gf library, program and test: Grammatical Framework
- gibbon program: A compiler for operating on serialized trees.
- gotyno-hs library, program and test: A type definition compiler supporting multiple output languages.
- hackager program: Hackage testing tool
- haskell-to-elm library, programs and test: Generate Elm types and JSON encoders and decoders from Haskell types
- haskelm library, program and test: Elm to Haskell translation
- haste-compiler programs: Haskell To ECMAScript compiler
- hcc program: A toy C compiler.
- helium library and programs: The Helium Compiler.
- hgom program: An haskell port of the java version of gom
- hs2bf program: Haskell to Brainfuck compiler
- jsonnet library, program, test and benchmark: Jsonnet implementaton in pure Haskell
- KiCS library and programs: A compiler from Curry to Haskell
- lambda2js program: Untyped Lambda calculus to JavaScript compiler
- lambdacube-compiler library and programs: LambdaCube 3D is a DSL to program GPUs
- lazyboy library and test: An EDSL for programming the Game Boy.
- lhc programs: LHC Haskell Compiler
- maxsharing program: Maximal sharing of terms in the lambda calculus with letrec
- microc library, program and test: microc compiler
- miv program and test: Vim plugin manager written in Haskell
- morloc library, program and test: A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language
- morte library, program, test and benchmark: A bare-bones calculus of constructions
- ntha library, program and test: A tiny statically typed functional programming language.
- optimusprime program: A supercompiler for f-lite
- pcf library: A one file compiler for PCF
- platinum-parsing library, program and test: General Framework for compiler development.
- polyglot library and program: Haskell to Purescript & Scala 3 transpiler
- record-preprocessor library, program and benchmark: Compiler preprocessor introducing a syntactic extension for anonymous records
- servant-to-elm library, program and test: Automatically generate Elm clients for Servant APIs
- sjsp program: Simple JavaScript Profiler
- statechart program: Compiles Rhapsody statecharts to C.
- sunroof-compiler library: Monadic Javascript Compiler
- sunroof-examples programs: Tests for Sunroof
- supero program: A Supercompiler
- tiger program: Tiger Compiler of Universiteit Utrecht
- zeolite-lang library, programs and test: Zeolite is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language.
Compiler Plugin
- apply-unordered library and test: Apply a function to an argument specified by a type level Nat
- BinderAnn library and test: Source-to-source plugin for enhancing EDSLs with static annotations
- const-math-ghc-plugin library and test: Compiler plugin for constant math elimination
- cse-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for common subexpression elimination
- ecta-plugin library: Hole-Fit Synthesis using ECTAs
- ghc-clippy-plugin library: Override GHC error messages to the user's liking
- ghc-plugin-non-empty library and test: GHC Plugin for non-empty lists
- ghc-plugs-out library and tests: Type checker plugins without the type checking.
- ghc-proofs library and tests: GHC plugin to prove program equations by simplification
- haskell-stack-trace-plugin library, program and test: haskell-stack-trace-plugin
- inspection-testing library and tests: GHC plugin to do inspection testing
- magic-tyfams library: Write plugins for magic type families with ease
- om-plugin-imports library: Plugin-based explicit import generation.
- seqaid library and programs: Dynamic strictness control, including space leak repair
- smuggler2 library and test: GHC Source Plugin that helps to minimise imports and generate explicit exports
- strict-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for making Haskell strict
- typecheck-plugin-nat-simple library and tests: Simple type check plugin which calculate addition, subtraction and less-or-equal-than
- unroll-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for loop unrolling
- bound-extras library and test: ScopeH and ScopeT extras for bound
- funcons-intgen program: Generate Funcons interpreters from CBS description files
- fungll-combinators library: GLL parser with simple combinator interface
- gll library: GLL parser with simple combinator interface
- kaleidoscope library and programs: Haskell Kaleidoscope tutorial
- kempe library, program, tests and benchmark: Kempe compiler
- llvm-codegen library and test: A DSL for LLVM IR code generation based on llvm-hs.
- llvm-hs-pretty library and test: A pretty printer for LLVM IR.
- accelerate library and tests: An embedded language for accelerated array processing
- accelerate-cuda library: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- accelerate-llvm library: Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR
- accelerate-llvm-native library and test: Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs
- accelerate-llvm-ptx library and test: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- alms program: a practical affine language
- amrun program: Interpreter for AM
- angle library, program, test and benchmarks: A small, general-purpose programming language.
- asic program: Action Script Instrumentation Compiler
- asil library: Action Script Instrumentation Library
- atuin program: Embedded Turtle language compiler in Haskell, with Epic output
- baskell program: An interpreter for a small functional language
- Befunge93 program: An interpreter for the Befunge-93 Programming Language
- bound library and tests: Making de Bruijn Succ Less
- bound-gen library: Unwrap Scope's with globally fresh values
- brainfuck library and program: Brainfuck interpreter
- brainfuck-monad library: BrainFuck monad
- cfipu program: cfipu processor for toy brainfuck-like language
- cfopu program: cfopu processor
- cnc-spec-compiler program: Compiler/Translator for CnC Specification Files.
- compilation library: Haskell functionality for quickly assembling simple compilers.
- core-haskell program: A subset of Haskell using in UCC for teaching purpose
- CPBrainfuck program: A simple Brainfuck interpretter.
- CPL program: An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL).
- dcpu16 library, program and test: DCPU-16 Emulator & Assembler
- ddc-base library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler common utilities.
- ddc-build library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler build framework.
- ddc-code library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler base libraries.
- ddc-core library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler core language and type checker.
- ddc-core-babel library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler PHP code generator.
- ddc-core-eval library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler semantic evaluator for the core language.
- ddc-core-flow library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler data flow compiler.
- ddc-core-llvm library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler LLVM code generator.
- ddc-core-salt library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler C code generator.
- ddc-core-simpl library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler code transformations.
- ddc-core-tetra library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler intermediate language.
- ddc-driver library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler top-level driver.
- ddc-interface library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler user interface support.
- ddc-source-tetra library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler source language.
- ddc-tools programs: Disciplined Disciple Compiler command line tools.
- ddc-war program: Disciplined Disciple Compiler test driver and buildbot.
- ddci-core program: Disciple Core language interactive interpreter.
- dedukti library and programs: A type-checker for the λΠ-modulo calculus.
- Delta-Lambda program and test: A demonstration interpreter for type system delta-lambda (of N.G. De-bruijn)
- egison library, programs, tests and benchmark: Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data
- egison-tutorial program: A tutorial program for the Egison programming language
- epic library and program: Compiler for a simple functional language
- exploring-interpreters library: A generic exploring interpreter for exploratory programming
- fst library, program and test: Finite state transducers
- funcons-simple program: A modular interpreter for executing SIMPLE funcons
- funcons-tools library and programs: A modular interpreter for executing funcons
- funcons-values library: Library providing values and operations on values in a fixed universe.
- Fungi program: Funge-98 interpreter written in Haskell
- ghci-haskeline program: An implementation of ghci using the Haskeline line-input library.
- ghclive library and program: Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser.
- glambda library, program and test: A simply typed lambda calculus interpreter, written with GADTs
- graph-rewriting-lambdascope program: Lambdascope, an optimal evaluator of the lambda calculus
- graph-rewriting-ski programs: Two interactive evalutors of the SKI combinator calculus
- graph-rewriting-trs program: Interactive evaluation of first-order applicative term rewrite systems
- graph-rewriting-ww program: Interactive evaluator of the lambda-calculus with explicit sharing
- gulcii program: graphical untyped lambda calculus interactive interpreter
- HARM library and programs: A simple ARM emulator in haskell
- Haschoo program: Minimalist R5RS Scheme interpreter
- haskeem program: A small scheme interpreter
- helisp program: An incomplete Elisp compiler
- heystone library: Haskell bindings for the Keystone assembler framework
- hiccup program: Relatively efficient Tcl interpreter with support for basic operations
- hint library and test: A Haskell interpreter built on top of the GHC API
- hint-server library: A server process that runs hint.
- hinter library and test: Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)
- hjs library and program: JavaScript Parser
- hLLVM library and program: A library for analyzing and transforming LLVM (3.5) assembly codes
- hoe program: hoe: Haskell One-liner Evaluator
- hoopl library and test: A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization
- husk-scheme library and programs: R5RS Scheme interpreter, compiler, and library.
- husk-scheme-libs library: Extra libraries for the husk Scheme platform.
- hybrid program: A implementation of a type-checker for Lambda-H
- hyper-haskell-server program: Server back-end for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter
- hypertypes library, test and benchmark: Typed ASTs
- idris library, programs and test: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
- INblobs program: Editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets
- intcode library and test: Advent of Code 2019 intcode interpreter
- Jikka library, program and tests: A transpiler from Python to C++ for competitive programming
- koneko library, program and test: a concatenative not-quite-lisp for kittens
- lambda program: Interpreters for lambda calculus, calculus of constructions, and more
- lambda-ast library: Lambda Calculi Abstract Syntax Trees
- lambdacube program: A simple lambda cube type checker.
- LambdaShell program: Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions
- language-dickinson library, program, test and benchmark: A language for generative literature
- llvm library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-base library: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-base-util library: Utilities for bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-dsl library and test: Support for writing an EDSL with LLVM-JIT as target
- llvm-extension library and program: Processor specific intrinsics for the llvm interface
- llvm-extra library, program and test: Utility functions for the llvm interface
- llvm-ffi library and programs: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-ffi-tools programs: Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package
- llvm-general library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-general-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI).
- llvm-general-quote library and test: QuasiQuoting llvm code for llvm-general
- llvm-hs library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-hs-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI).
- llvm-ht library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit with some custom extensions.
- llvm-party library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings
- llvm-tf library, programs and test: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families.
- lvmlib library and program: The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM).
- lvmrun program: The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM) Runtime System.
- mappy library, program and test: A functional programming language focused around maps.
- nom library and tests: Name-binding & alpha-equivalence
- nominal library: Binders and alpha-equivalence made easy
- noodle library and programs: the noodle programming language
- NXTDSL library and program: Generate NXC Code from DSL
- omega program: A purely functional programming language and a proof system
- oplang program: Stack-based esoteric programming language
- peg program: a lazy non-deterministic concatenative programming language
- pesca program: Proof Editor for Sequent Calculus
- pi-forall library and program: Demo implementation of typechecker for dependently-typed language
- piet library and program: A Piet interpreter
- pretty-loc library: Tracking and highlighting of locations in source files
- risc386 program: Reduced instruction set i386 simulator
- secd library, program and test: A Haskell implementation of the SECD abstract machine
- secdh library and program: SECDH Machine Simulator
- shell-monad library: shell monad
- shimmer library and program: The Reflective Lambda Machine
- simple-atom library: Atom (or symbol) datatype for fast comparision and sorting.
- simple-pascal library and program: Simplified Pascal language to SSVM compiler
- simple-stacked-vm library and program: Simple stacked virtual machine: assembler, disassembler, bytecode interpreter
- soyuz library and program: DCPU-16 architecture utilities for Notch's 0x10c game.
- staticanalysis library: Reusable static analysis interfaces and modules.
- swf library: A library for creating Shockwave Flash (SWF) files
- tempus program: Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus
- textmatetags program: A simple Haskell program to provide tags for Haskell code completion in TextMate
- TinyLaunchbury library: Simple implementation of call-by-need using Launchbury's semantics
- transf library and program: Text transformer and interpreter.
- TypeIlluminator program: TypeIlluminator is a prototype tool exploring debugging of type errors/
- unbound library and test: Generic support for programming with names and binders
- unification-fd library: Simple generic unification algorithms.
- unique-lang program: Esoteric programming language where each number can only appear once
- unlambda library and program: Unlambda interpreter
- uu-cco library: Utilities for compiler construction: core functionality
- uu-cco-examples programs: Utilities for compiler construction: example programs
- uu-cco-hut-parsing library: Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uulib
- uu-cco-uu-parsinglib library: Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uu-parsinglib
- vintage-basic program and test: Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC
- whitespace program: Whitespace, an esoteric programming language.
- yabi program: Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter
- zot program: Zot language
- compdoc library: Parse a Pandoc to a composite value.
- compdoc-dhall-decoder library: Allows you to write FromDhall instances for Compdoc
- composite-cassava library and test: Csv parsing functionality for composite.
- composite-dhall library and test: Dhall instances for composite records.
- composite-lens-extra library: Extra lens functions for composite.
- composite-tuple library: Tuple functions for composite records.
- composite-xml library and test: RecXML Type
- fcf-composite library and test: Type-level computation for composite using first-class-families.
- polysemy-methodology-composite library: Functions for using polysemy-methodology with composite.
- Aoide library: A simple music library with the capability of generating .ly and .mid files.
- higherorder library: Some higher order functions for Bool and []
- hofix-mtl library: defining @mtl@-ready monads as * -> * fixed-points
- invertible library and test: bidirectional arrows, bijective functions, and invariant functors
- invertible-hlist library: invertible functions and instances for HList
- invertible-hxt library: invertible transformer instances for HXT Picklers
- pointless-fun library: Some common point-free combinators.
- reverse-apply library: Standard version of the reverse apply operator.
- star-to-star library: the * -> * types, operators, and covariant instances.
- star-to-star-contra library: contravariant instances for * -> * types and operators.
- TypeCompose library: Type composition classes & instances
- brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compression and decompression
- brotli-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression.
- brotli-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression
- bz2 library, test and benchmark: Bindings to libbz2
- bzip-signature library: Backpack signature for BZip compression
- compressed library: Compressed containers and reducers
- conduit-vfs-zip library and test: Zip archive interface for the Conduit Virtual File System.
- huffman library: Pure Haskell implementation of the Huffman encoding algorithm
- lz4-conduit library, program and test: LZ4 compression for conduits
- lz4-hs library, test and benchmarks: lz4 bindings for Haskell
- lzip library: Lzip compression / Lzlib bindings
- lzlib library, test and benchmarks: lzlib bindings
- lzma library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression
- lzma-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for lzma/xz compression.
- lzma-enumerator library and test: Enumerator interface for lzma/xz compression.
- lzma-static test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression (static)
- lzma-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for lzma/xz compression
- lzo library, test and benchmark: minilzo bundled for Haskell
- machines-zlib library: Decompression support for machines
- parquet-hs library and tests: Streaming Parquet reader
- pipes-brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compressors and decompressors for the Pipes package
- pipes-zlib library and test: Zlib and GZip compression and decompression for Pipes streams
- potoki-zlib library: Streaming ZLib decompression
- sak program: Compression command-line tool
- sequitur library, program, test and benchmark: Grammar-based compression algorithms SEQUITUR
- shake-bindist library: Rules for binary distributions
- snappy library and test: Bindings to the Google Snappy library for fast compression/decompression
- snappy-framing library: Snappy Framing Format in Haskell
- snappy-lazy library: Lazy bytestring compression and decompression
- streaming-brotli library and test: Streaming interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression
- streaming-lzma library and test: Streaming interface for LZMA/XZ compression
- streamly-lz4 library, test and benchmark: Streamly combinators for LZ4 compression
- webp library and test: JuicyPixels support for WebP format
- xz library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression
- xz-clib library: LZMA/XZ clibs
- zlib-enum program: Enumerator interface for zlib compression
Computational Geometry
- marching-cubes library: Marching Cubes
- marching-cubes2 library: Marching Cubes
Computer Algebra
- cash library: the Computer Algebra SHell
- dhall-fly library, program and test: Translate concourse config from Dhall to YAML
- accelerate library and tests: An embedded language for accelerated array processing
- accelerate-cuda library: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- accelerate-llvm library: Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR
- accelerate-llvm-native library and test: Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs
- accelerate-llvm-ptx library and test: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- actor library: Actors with multi-headed receive clauses
- alarmclock library and test: Wake up and perform an action at a certain time.
- arbor-lru-cache library and test: LRU cache based on STM
- async library, programs and test: Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
- async-combinators library and test: Async combinators
- async-dejafu library and test: Run MonadConc operations asynchronously and wait for their results.
- async-extras library: Extra Utilities for the Async Library
- async-manager library and program: A thread manager for async
- async-timer library and test: Provides API for timer based execution of IO actions
- atomic-counter library, test and benchmark: Mutable counters that can be modified with atomic operatinos
- atomic-modify library: A typeclass for mutable references that have an atomic modify operation.
- atomic-modify-general library and test: Generalizations of atomicModifyIORef
- atomic-primops-vector library and test: Atomic operations on Data.Vector types
- AVar library: Mutable variables with Exception handling and concurrency support.
- bits-atomic library and program: Atomic bit operations on memory locations for low-level synchronization
- bitset-word8 library, test and benchmark: Space efficient set of Word8 and some pre-canned sets useful for parsing HTTP
- blocking-transactions library: Composable, blocking transactions.
- bounded-qsem library: Bounded quantity semaphores.
- bounded-tchan library: Bounded Transactional channels (queues)
- BoundedChan library: Implementation of bounded channels.
- butter library and tests: Monad Transformer for Asyncronous Message Passing
- caf library: A library of Concurrency Abstractions using Futures.
- capataz library and test: OTP-like supervision trees in Haskell
- cgroup-rts-threads library and test: A container-/cgroup-aware substitute for the GHC RTS `-N` flag
- chan library and test: Some extra kit for Chans
- chan-split library: Concurrent Chans as read/write pairs. Also provides generic Chan pair class.
- chp library: An implementation of concurrency ideas from Communicating Sequential Processes
- chp-mtl library: MTL class instances for the CHP library
- chp-plus library: A set of high-level concurrency utilities built on Communicating Haskell Processes
- chp-spec library: A mirror implementation of chp that generates a specification of the program
- chp-transformers library: Transformers instances for the CHP library
- cio library: A monad for concurrent IO on a thread pool
- clocked library: timer functionality to clock IO commands
- cml library: Events and Channels as in Concurrent ML
- collapse-util program: utility for collapsing adjacent writes
- companion library: A Haskell library to provide companion threads.
- conceit library: Concurrent actions that may fail with a value.
- concurrency library: Typeclasses, functions, and data types for concurrency and STM.
- concurrent-barrier library: Simple thread barriers
- Concurrent-Cache library: A Cached variable for IO functions.
- concurrent-extra library and test: Extra concurrency primitives
- concurrent-hashtable library, test and benchmark: Thread-safe hash tables for multi-cores!
- concurrent-machines library, tests and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers
- concurrent-output library: Ungarble output from several threads or commands
- concurrent-rpc library: An abstraction for inter-thread RPC based on MVars
- concurrent-sa library: Concurrent simulated annealing system.
- concurrent-supply library and test: A fast concurrent unique identifier supply with a pure API
- concurrent-utilities library: More utilities and broad-used datastructures for concurrency.
- ConcurrentUtils library: Concurrent utilities
- conlogger library and program: A logger for a concurrent program.
- consumers library and tests: Concurrent PostgreSQL data consumers
- coroutine-enumerator library: Bridge between the monad-coroutine and enumerator packages.
- coroutine-iteratee library: Bridge between the monad-coroutine and iteratee packages.
- CSPM-CoreLanguage library: Definition of a CSP core-language.
- CSPM-cspm library and program: cspm command line tool for analyzing CSPM specifications.
- CSPM-FiringRules library: Firing rules semantic of CSPM
- CSPM-Frontend library: A CSP-M parser compatible with FDR-2.91
- CSPM-Interpreter library: An interpreter for CSPM
- cspmchecker programs: A command line type checker for CSPM files.
- ctrie library, test and benchmarks: Non-blocking concurrent map
- data-concurrent-queue library: A Library for directional queues
- data-ivar library: Write-once variables with concurrency support
- data-timeout library: 64-bit timeouts of nanosecond precision
- dejafu library: A library for unit-testing concurrent programs.
- delay library and test: More useful and humain delaying functions
- drama library and programs: Actor library for Haskell
- epass library: Baisc, Erlang-like message passing supporting sockets.
- eprocess library: Basic Erlang-like process support for Haskell
- equeue library and test: Application level triggered, and edge triggered event multiqueues.
- event library: Monoidal, monadic and first-class events
- expiring-mvar library: Create values which expire after a period of time.
- extensible-effects-concurrent library, programs, test and benchmark: Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect
- festung library, program and test: Remote multi-db SQLCipher server
- flush-queue library, test and benchmark: ...
- forward-chan library: Concurrent channels with a forwarding primitive
- fraxl library, program and benchmark: Cached and parallel data fetching.
- free-concurrent library: Free monads suitable for concurrent computation
- fudgets library and programs: The Fudgets Library
- future library: Supposed to mimics and enhance proposed C++ "future" features
- futures library: Simple and fast implementation of Future
- global-lock library: A global lock implemented without unsafePerformIO
- gochan library, programs and test: Go-style channels
- Graph500 library and program: Graph500 benchmark-related definitions and data set generator.
- GraphHammer library: GraphHammer Haskell graph analyses framework inspired by STINGER.
- GraphHammer-examples library and programs: Test harness for TriangleCount analysis.
- hactor library: Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell.
- hactors library: Practical actors for Haskell.
- hakka library and program: Minimal akka-inspired actor library
- HasChor library and programs: Functional choreographic programming in Haskell
- haskell-throttle library and test: A simple throttling library, which drops messages from same group.
- haxl library, programs and test: A Haskell library for efficient, concurrent, and concise data access.
- haxl-facebook library and test: An example Haxl data source for accessing the Facebook Graph API
- heartbeat-streams library: Heartbeats for io-streams
- hint-server library: A server process that runs hint.
- HLogger library and program: Simple, concurrent and easy-to-use logging library
- hlogger library: Simple, concurrent, extendable and easy-to-use logging library
- hydra-print library, programs and test: NCurses interface to view multiple ByteString streams in parallel.
- immortal library and test: Spawn threads that never die (unless told to do so)
- immortal-queue library and test: Build a pool of queue-processing worker threads.
- immortal-worker library: Create worker threads that logs exceptions and restarts.
- inc-ref library: A STM reference useful for incremental computing
- io-throttle library and test: Limit number of IO actions started per second
- iothread library: run IOs in a single thread
- ivar-simple library: Write once concurrency primitives.
- join library: Parallel Join Patterns with Guards and Propagation
- kazura-queue library, tests and benchmark: Fast concurrent queues much inspired by unagi-chan
- keera-callbacks library: Mutable memory locations with callbacks
- ki library and test: A lightweight structured concurrency library
- ki-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the ki library for the effectful ecosystem.
- ki-unlifted library: A lightweight structured concurrency library
- kickchan library and test: Kick Channels: bounded channels with non-blocking writes
- laminar library and test: Run dependent IO actions asynchronously.
- lawless-concurrent-machines library, tests and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers
- lazy-async library and test: Asynchronous actions that don't start right away
- legion library: Distributed, stateful, homogeneous microservice framework.
- libcspm library and test: A library providing a parser, type checker and evaluator for CSPM.
- lifted-async library, tests and benchmarks: Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
- lifted-stm library: STM operations lifted through monad transformer stacks
- lifted-threads library: lifted IO operations from the threads library
- lockpool library: set a maximum on the number of concurrent actions
- lrucaching-haxl library: Combine lrucaching and haxl.
- lub library: information operators: least upper bound (lub) and greatest lower bound (glb)
- lukko library and tests: File locking
- lvar library: TMVar that can be listened to
- lvish library and test: Parallel scheduler, LVar data structures, and infrastructure to build more.
- massiv-scheduler library and tests: Work stealing scheduler for Massiv (Массив) and other parallel applications.
- mech library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mecha library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- midair library: Hot-swappable FRP
- monad-coroutine library: Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations
- monad-schedule library and test: A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction.
- monadIO library: Overloading of concurrency variables
- mstate library: MState: A consistent State monad for concurrent applications.
- multisetrewrite library: Multi-set rewrite rules with guards and a parallel execution scheme
- mvar-lock library: A trivial lock based on MVar
- mvc library: Model-view-controller
- mvc-updates library: Concurrent and combinable updates
- named-lock library: A named lock that is created on demand.
- nano-erl library: Small library for Erlang-style actor semantics
- oath library, test and benchmark: Composable concurrent computation done right
- ochan library and test: Owned channels in the Ownership Monad
- om-actor library: Actor pattern utilities.
- orderly-workers library: Fork concurrent worker threads and produce ordered results
- parallel-io library and programs: Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool.
- parallel-tree-search library: Parallel Tree Search
- persistent-map library: A thread-safe (STM) persistency interface for finite map types.
- pipes-cliff library and programs: Streaming to and from subprocesses using Pipes
- pipes-concurrency library and test: Concurrency for the pipes ecosystem
- polysemy-conc library and test: Polysemy effects for concurrency
- post-mess-age library: Send messages to a handle concurrently without getting them mixed.
- prefetch program: Prefetch stdin even before stdout is ready
- priority-sync library and program: Cooperative task prioritization.
- PriorityChansConverger library: Read single output from an array of inputs - channels with priorities
- privileged-concurrency library: Provides privilege separated versions of the concurrency primitives.
- promise library: A monadic interface for async
- pulse library: Synchronize actions to a time pulse
- qsem library: quantity semaphores
- rawlock library and test: A writer-biased RAW lock.
- reactor library: Reactor - task parallel reactive programming
- restricted-workers library: Running worker processes under system resource restrictions
- rio-process-pool library, program, test and benchmark: A library for process pools coupled with asynchronous message queues
- roundRobin library and test: A simple round-robin data type
- rwlock library: Multiple-read / single-write locks
- SafeSemaphore library and test: Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar
- scc library, program and test: Streaming component combinators
- scheduler library and tests: Work stealing scheduler.
- scotty-haxl library: Combine scotty and haxl
- semaphore-plus library: Various concurrency abstractions built on top of semaphores
- sharedio library: Bundles shared calls to IO functions to perform them only once
- simple-actors library: A library for more structured concurrent programming, based on the Actor Model
- singnal library: Singnal
- sirkel library: Sirkel, a Chord DHT
- skip-var library: Skip variables
- slave-thread library and test: A fundamental solution to ghost threads and silent exceptions
- spawn library: Tiny library for concurrent computations
- spectacle library and tests: Embedded specification language & model checker in Haskell.
- speculation library: A framework for safe, programmable, speculative parallelism
- split-channel library: Control.Concurrent.Chan split into sending and receiving halves.
- split-tchan library: STM's TChan split into sending and receiving halves.
- Stasis library and program: A simple MVCC like library
- stc-lang library, program and test: A library for implicit, monadic dataflow parallelism
- stm library: Software Transactional Memory
- stm-channelize library: Transactional I/O for duplex streams
- stm-chans library: Additional types of channels for STM.
- stm-chunked-queues library and test: Chunked Communication Queues
- stm-conduit library and tests: Introduces conduits to channels, and promotes using conduits concurrently.
- stm-containers library and test: Containers for STM
- stm-extras library: Extra STM functions
- stm-hamt library, test and benchmark: STM-specialised Hash Array Mapped Trie
- stm-incremental library and test: A library for constructing incremental computations
- stm-io-hooks library: Launch your IO-actions from within the STM monad
- stm-lifted library: Software Transactional Memory lifted to MonadIO
- stm-orelse-io library: Choose between the return value of an STM operation and an IO action.
- stm-promise library and test: Simple STM Promises for IO computations and external processes
- stm-queue-extras library: Extra queue utilities for STM
- stm-stats library: retry statistics for STM transactions
- stmcontrol library: Control communication among retrying transactions
- streamly library: Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency
- streamly-examples programs: Examples for Streamly
- strict-mvar library and test: Strict MVars for IO and IOSim
- strict-stm library: Strict STM interface polymorphic over stm implementation.
- supervisors library and test: Monitor groups of threads with non-hierarchical lifetimes.
- suspend library: Simple package that allows for long thread suspensions.
- sync library: A fast implementation of synchronous channels with a CML-like API
- synchronous-channels library: Synchronous communication channels
- tag-bits library: Provides access to the dynamic pointer tagging bits used by GHC.
- tbox library: Transactional variables and data structures with IO hooks
- theatre library: Minimalistic actor library
- theatre-dev library and test: Minimalistic actor library experiments
- thespian library: Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell
- thread-hierarchy library and test: Simple Haskell thread management in hierarchical manner
- thread-supervisor library and test: A simplified implementation of Erlang/OTP like supervisor over thread
- thread-utils-context library and test: Garbage-collected thread local storage
- thread-utils-finalizers library and test: Perform finalization for threads.
- threadmanager library: (deprecated in favor of 'threads') Simple thread management
- ThreadObjects library: Mutable objects that reside in their own threads.
- threads library and test: Fork threads and wait for their result
- threads-supervisor library, program and test: Simple, IO-based library for Erlang-style thread supervision
- throttle-io-stream library and test: Throttler between arbitrary IO producer and consumer functions
- throttled library: Concurrent processing of a Foldable, throttled by CPU count.
- ticker library and tests: A concurrent utility inspired by Ticker in golang
- timeout library and test: Generalized sleep and timeout functions
- timeout-control library: Updatable timeouts as a Monad transformer
- timeout-with-results library: Runs a time-limited computation alowing it to return intermediate results.
- timers library: Simple package that implements timers.
- timers-updatable library: timers which are updatable in the remaining time
- token-bucket library and test: Rate limiter using lazy bucket algorithm
- token-limiter library, program and test: Fast rate limiting using the token bucket algorithm (BSD)
- transient library and test: composing programs with multithreading, events and distributed computing
- tskiplist library: A Skip List Implementation in Software Transactional Memory (STM)
- ttrie library, test and benchmark: Contention-free STM hash map
- twilight-stm library: STM library with safe irrevocable I/O and inconsistency repair
- typed-duration library: Thread delay and timeout functions with typed arguments
- unagi-bloomfilter library, program, test and benchmark: A fast, cache-efficient, concurrent bloom filter
- unagi-chan library, test and benchmarks: Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more
- unagi-streams library: Unagi Chan IO-Streams
- unamb library and program: Unambiguous choice
- unamb-custom library: Functional concurrency with unamb using a custom scheduler.
- unbounded-delays library: Unbounded thread delays and timeouts
- unclogging library, program and test: a library which implements easy, concurrent and pretty logging
- unfork library: Make any action thread safe
- unique library: Fully concurrent unique identifiers
- unlift-stm library: (un)lifted classes and functions for the STM monad
- unliftio-messagebox library, program, test and benchmark: Fast and robust message queues for concurrent processes
- unsafe-promises library: Create pure futures using lazy IO.
- wait-handle library: Wait handles are MVars which can only be written to once, ...
- waitfree library: A wrapping library for waitfree computation.
- chaselev-deque library and test: Chase & Lev work-stealing lock-free double-ended queues (deques).
- concurrent-split library: MVars and Channels with distinguished input and output side
- forkable-monad library: An implementation of forkIO for monad stacks.
- lockfree-queue library and test: Michael and Scott lock-free queues.
- net-concurrent library: Concurrent over the network execution library
- par-traverse library: Traverse a directory in parallel
- promises library: Lazy demand-driven promises
- sirkel library: Sirkel, a Chord DHT
- slave-thread library and test: A fundamental solution to ghost threads and silent exceptions
- spawn library: Tiny library for concurrent computations
- stm-split library: TMVars, TVars and TChans with distinguished input and output side
- threaded library and test: Manage concurrently operating threads without having to spark them
- throttled-io-loop library and test: Loop over an action but throttle it to a certain rate
- amqp-streamly library and test: A simple streamly wrapper for amqp
- ascii85-conduit library and test: Conduit for encoding ByteString into Ascii85
- atom-conduit library and tests: Streaming parser/renderer for the Atom 1.0 standard (RFC 4287).
- attoparsec-conduit library: Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit. (deprecated)
- base64-conduit library and test: Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes. (deprecated)
- binary-conduit library and test: data serialization/deserialization conduit library
- bits-conduit library, test and benchmark: Bitstream support for Conduit
- blaze-builder-conduit library: Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings. (deprecated)
- brotli-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression.
- cereal-conduit library and test: Turn Data.Serialize Gets and Puts into Sources, Sinks, and Conduits
- conduit library, test and benchmarks: Streaming data processing library.
- conduit-algorithms library, test and benchmark: Conduit-based algorithms
- conduit-combinators library: DEPRECATED Functionality merged into the conduit package itself
- conduit-concurrent-map library and test: Concurrent, order-preserving mapping Conduit
- conduit-connection library and test: Conduit source and sink for Network.Connection.
- conduit-extra library, test and benchmark: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries.
- conduit-iconv library, test and benchmark: Conduit for character encoding conversion.
- conduit-merge library: Merge multiple sorted conduits
- conduit-parse library and tests: Parsing framework based on conduit.
- conduit-resumablesink library and test: Allows conduit to resume sinks to feed multiple sources into it.
- conduit-tokenize-attoparsec library, program and test: Conduits for tokenizing streams.
- conduit-vfs library and test: Virtual file system for Conduit; disk, pure, and in-memory impls.
- conduit-vfs-zip library and test: Zip archive interface for the Conduit Virtual File System.
- conduit-zstd library and test: Conduit-based ZStd Compression
- couchdb-conduit library and test: Couch DB client library using http-conduit and aeson
- crypto-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api).
- cryptohash-conduit library: cryptohash conduit
- crypton-conduit library and test: crypton conduit
- cryptonite-conduit library and test: cryptonite conduit
- csv-conduit library and test: A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell.
- decoder-conduit library: Conduit for decoding ByteStrings using Data.Binary.Get
- esqueleto-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Esqueleto results from PostgreSQL
- filesystem-conduit library and test: Use system-filepath data types with conduits. (deprecated)
- fluent-logger-conduit library: Conduit interface for fluent-logger
- fold-debounce-conduit library and test: Regulate input traffic from conduit Source with Control.FoldDebounce
- fsnotify-conduit library and test: Get filesystem notifications as a stream of events
- ftp-conduit library: FTP client package with conduit interface based off http-conduit
- hasql-streams-conduit library: Stream Hasql queries with Conduit
- hinotify-conduit library and test: inotify conduit sources
- hreq-conduit library and tests: Conduit streaming support for Hreq.
- html-conduit library and test: Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes.
- http-conduit library and test: HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support.
- http-conduit-browser library and test: Browser interface to the http-conduit package
- hw-all library: Demo library
- hw-conduit library, tests and benchmark: Conduits for tokenizing streams.
- hw-conduit-merges library and test: Additional merges and joins for Conduit
- hw-succinct library: Succint datastructures
- imagesize-conduit library and test: Determine the size of some common image formats.
- jsonrpc-conduit library and test: JSON-RPC 2.0 server over a Conduit.
- lz4-conduit library, program and test: LZ4 compression for conduits
- lzma-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for lzma/xz compression.
- network-conduit library: Stream socket data using conduits. (deprecated)
- opml-conduit library and tests: Streaming parser/renderer for the OPML 2.0 format.
- persistent-postgresql-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Persistent entities from PostgreSQL
- pool-conduit library: Resource pool allocations via ResourceT. (deprecated)
- potoki-conduit library and test: Integration of "potoki" and "conduit"
- process-conduit library and test: Conduits for processes (deprecated)
- req-conduit library, test and benchmark: Conduit helpers for the req HTTP client library
- resourcet library and test: Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources.
- resourcet-pool library: A small library to convert a Pool into an Acquire
- rss-conduit library and tests: Streaming parser/renderer for the RSS standard.
- sandi library, test and benchmark: Data encoding library
- shell-conduit library and test: Write shell scripts with Conduit
- simple-conduit library and benchmark: A simple streaming I/O library based on monadic folds
- stm-conduit library and tests: Introduces conduits to channels, and promotes using conduits concurrently.
- stomp-conduit library: Stompl Conduit Client
- tagstream-conduit library and test: streamlined html tag parser
- twitter-conduit library and tests: Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support.
- udp-conduit library: Simple fire-and-forget conduit UDP wrappers
- wai-conduit library: conduit wrappers for WAI
- xinput-conduit library: Conduit of keys pressed by xinput
- xml-conduit library and tests: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package.
- xml-conduit-parse library and tests: Streaming XML parser based on conduits.
- zip-conduit library and test: Working with zip archives via conduits
- zip-stream library, programs and test: ZIP archive streaming using conduits
- zlib-conduit library: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (deprecated)
- aws-mfa-credentials program: Keep your AWS credentials file up to date with MFA-carrying credentials
- rasa-example-config program: Example user config for Rasa
- app-settings library and test: A library to manage application settings (INI file-like)
- aws-configuration-tools library: Configuration types, parsers & renderers for AWS services
- bini library: A collection of various methods for reading and writing bini files.
- boots-app library and program: Factory for quickly building an application
- cfg library and tests: Type directed application configuration parsing and accessors
- conf library and test: Parser for Haskell-based configuration files.
- conf-json library and test: read, parse json config
- conferer library and test: Configuration management library
- conferer-aeson library and test: conferer's source for reading json files
- conferer-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files
- conferer-hedis library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for hedis settings
- conferer-hspec library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for hspec Config
- conferer-provider-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files
- conferer-provider-json library and test: conferer's provider for reading json files
- conferer-provider-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files
- conferer-snap library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for snap Config
- conferer-source-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files
- conferer-source-json library and test: conferer's source for reading json files
- conferer-source-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files
- conferer-warp library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for warp settings
- conferer-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files
- config-ini library and tests: A library for simple INI-based configuration files.
- config-manager library and test: Configuration management
- config-value-getopt library: Interface between config-value and System.GetOpt
- Configger library: Parse config files
- configifier library, program and test: parser for config files, shell variables, command line args.
- configuration-tools library, program and tests: Tools for specifying and parsing configurations
- configurator library and test: Configuration management
- configurator-export library and test: Pretty printer and exporter for configurations from the "configurator" library.
- configurator-ng library and test: The next generation of configuration management
- configurator-pg library and test: Reduced parser for configurator-ng config files
- conftrack library and test: Tracable multi-source config management
- descrilo library: Loads a list of items with fields
- dojang library, program and test: A cross-platform dotfiles manager
- dotenv library, program and test: Loads environment variables from dotenv files
- dotenv-micro library: Tiny dotenv library
- dyre library and test: Dynamic reconfiguration in Haskell
- embed-config library and test: Reasonable conventions for embedding YAML configuration with Template Haskell
- etc library and test: Declarative configuration spec for Haskell projects
- expresso library, program and test: A simple expressions language based on row types
- from-env library and test: Provides a generic way to construct values from environment variables.
- global-config library and test: Global mutable configuration
- hsini library and test: ini configuration files
- htoml library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files
- htoml-megaparsec library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files
- ini library and test: Configuration files in the INI format.
- ini-qq library and test: Quasiquoter for INI
- json2sg library, program and test: Lossy conversion from JSON to Sugar
- karabiner-config library and test: Karabiner elements configuration generation
- keylayouts library: Tools for macOS .keylayout files
- life-sync library, program and test: Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines.
- load-env library and tests: Load environment variables from a file.
- minimal-configuration library: Minimal ini like configuration library with a few extras
- richenv library and test: Rich environment variable setup for Haskell
- salak library, test and benchmark: Configuration (re)Loader and Parser.
- salak-toml library, test and benchmark: Configuration Loader for toml
- salak-yaml library, test and benchmark: Configuration Loader for yaml
- SConfig library: A simple config library
- sugar library and test: A pretty, sweet data language
- sugar-data library and test: Convert sugar to common data types for code generation
- sugar-json library and test: Sugar with JSON
- tce-conf library, programs and test: Very simple config file reading
- tini library and test: Tiny INI file and configuration library with a minimal dependency footprint.
- toml-reader library and tests: TOML format parser compliant with v1.0.0.
- tomland library, programs and test: Bidirectional TOML serialization
- typeparams library: ...
- ucl library and test: Datatype and parser for the Universal Configuration Language (UCL) using libucl
- yaml-config library and test: Configuration management
- argparser library and test: Command line parsing framework for console applications
- binance-exports library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of your Binance Trade History.
- bnb-staking-csvs library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of Your BNB Staking Rewards.
- buffer-pipe program: Read from stdin and write to stdout in large blocks
- cltw program: Command line Twitter utility
- cmdargs library and program: Command line argument processing
- cmdargs-browser program: Helper to enter cmdargs command lines using a web browser
- cmdtheline library and test: Declarative command-line option parsing and documentation library.
- coalpit library and test: DSV (de)serialization
- configuration-tools library, program and tests: Tools for specifying and parsing configurations
- console-program library: Interpret the command line and a config file as commands and options
- credentials-cli program: Secure Credentials Administration
- csv-to-qif program and test: A small program that will read csv files and create qif files
- cutter program: Cut files according to a position list
- dapi program: Prints a series of dates
- docopt library and test: A command-line interface parser that will make you smile
- epub-tools programs and test: Command line utilities for working with epub files
- epubname program: Rename epub ebook files based on meta information
- equal-files program: Shell command for finding equal files
- flow2dot library, program and test: Library and binary to generate sequence/flow diagrams from plain text source
- follower program: Follow Tweets anonymously
- garepinoh library and programs: reverse prefix notation calculator and calculation library
- gemini-exports library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of Your Gemini Trades, Transfers, & Earn Transactions
- getopt-generics library and test: Create command line interfaces with ease
- ginsu program: Ginsu Gale Client
- givegif library, program and test: CLI Giphy search tool with previews in iTerm 2
- group-by-date program: Shell command for grouping files by dates into folders
- hable library: customizable pretty printer library for tables
- hascal library and program: tiny calculator library and command-line program
- haskdeep program: Computes and audits file hashes.
- haskell-awk library, program and test: Transform text from the command-line using Haskell expressions.
- haskell-say library and program: Let the Haskell logo talk to your users!
- hello program: Hello World, an example package
- hflags library: Command line flag parser, very similar to Google's gflags
- Hish library and program
- historian program: Extract the interesting bits from shell history
- hledger library, program, test and benchmark: Command-line interface for the hledger accounting system
- hledger-diff program: Compares the transactions in two ledger files.
- hledger-flow library, program and test: An hledger workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification.
- hledger-iadd library, program and test: A terminal UI as drop-in replacement for hledger add
- hledger-makeitso library, program and test: An hledger workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification.
- hledger-stockquotes library, program and test: Generate HLedger Price Directives From Daily Stock Quotes.
- hledger-ui library and program: Terminal interface for the hledger accounting system
- hranker program: Basic utility for ranking a list of items
- hscrtmpl programs: Haskell shell script templates
- hscurses-fish-ex program: hscurses swimming fish example
- hskeleton library: Skeleton for new Haskell programs
- hspresent library and program: A terminal presentation tool
- hsprocess library, program and test: The Haskell Stream Processor command line utility
- hunch program and test: CSS-like syntax for file system manipulation.
- hunp program: Unpacker tool with DWIM
- hunt-server-cli program: A Command line Interface for the Hunt server.
- husky program: A simple command line calculator.
- imj-measure-stdout program: An application to determine the maximum capacity of stdout buffer.
- internetmarke program: Shell command for constructing custom stamps for German Post
- ip6addr program: Commandline tool to deal with IPv6 address text representations
- isocline library, program and test: A portable alternative to GNU Readline
- itemfield library, programs and tests: A brick Widget for selectable summary of many elements on a terminal
- matchers library: Text matchers
- mbox-utility program: List contents of an mbox file containing e-mails
- mdo program: Command-line tool to run a command on each of the items.
- misfortune library and programs: fortune-mod clone
- multiarg library, programs and test: Command lines for options that take multiple arguments
- no-buffering-workaround library: Workaround for GHC bug #2189.
- only program: A grep-like tool for filtering on words or lines.
- opn program: Open files or URLs using associated programs.
- options library and test: Powerful and easy command-line option parser
- options-time library and test: Command-line option types for dates and times.
- parse-help library and test: generate command line arguments from a --help output
- parseargs library, program and test: Parse command-line arguments
- pasty program: A simple command line pasting utility
- pb program: pastebin command line application
- penny library, programs and test: Extensible double-entry accounting system
- penny-bin programs: Deprecated - use penny package instead
- penny-lib programs: Deprecated - use penny package instead
- photoname library, program and test: Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date
- print-console-colors library and program: Print all ANSI console colors
- pwstore-cli program and test: Command line interface for the pwstore library
- qhs program and test: Command line tool qhs, SQL queries on CSV and TSV files.
- readline library: An interface to the GNU readline library
- runghc program: runghc replacement for fast repeated runs
- shell-utility library: Utility functions for writing command-line programs
- solana-staking-csvs library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of your Solana Staking Rewards.
- spelling-suggest library and programs: Spelling suggestion tool with library and command-line interfaces.
- strongswan-sql library, program and test: Interface library for strongSwan SQL backend
- structured-cli library and program: Application library for building interactive console CLIs
- termplot program: Plot time series in your terminal using commands stdout
- themplate program: Project templating tool
- thimk programs: Command-line spelling word suggestion tool
- timecalc program
- tkhs program and test: Simple Presentation Utility
- toilet program: Manage the toilet queue at the IMO
- txt-sushi library and programs: The SQL link in your *NIX chain
- ui library and program: Minimalistic console UI (getLine), arrow key support (edit, browse cmd history).
- uniq-deep program: uniq-deep
- Win32-console library: Binding to the Win32 console API
- ztail program: Multi-file, colored, filtered log tailer.
- constraint library: Reified constraints
- attenuation library: Subtyping relations and variance roles
- attenuation-profunctors library: Attenuation support for Profunctors.
- cluss library: simple alternative to type classes
- constraints library and test: Constraint manipulation
- constraints-deriving library, program and test: Manipulating constraints and deriving class instances programmatically.
- constraints-emerge library and test: Defer instance lookups until runtime
- constraints-extras library and program: Utility package for constraints
- csp library and test: Discrete constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solver.
- dependent-literals library: Library for dependent-literals-plugin
- dependent-literals-plugin library and tests: Dependent integer literals
- exists library: Existential datatypes holding evidence of constraints
- ffunctor library and test: FFunctor typeclass
- ifscs library and test: An inductive-form set constraint solver
- iterative-forward-search library and benchmark: An IFS constraint solver
- mios library, programs and test: A Minisat-based CDCL SAT solver in Haskell
- nondeterminism library and test: A monad and monad transformer for nondeterministic computations.
- pseudo-boolean library and test: Reading/Writing OPB/WBO files used in pseudo boolean competition
- snumber library: Integer singletons with flexible representation
- some-dict-of library and test: Carry evidence of constraints around
- superconstraints library: Access an instance's constraints
- Top library and program: Constraint solving framework employed by the Helium Compiler.
- toysolver library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Assorted decision procedures for SAT, SMT, Max-SAT, PB, MIP, etc
- trivial-constraint library: Constraints that any type, resp. no type fulfills
- unconstrained library: Null constraint
- boots-cloud library: Factory for quickly building a microservice
- cybus library, program and test: multi-dimensional arrays
- expiring-containers library and test: Expiring containers
- focus library and test: A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures
- int-multimap library and test: A data structure that associates each Int key with a set of values
- keys library: Keyed functors and containers
- mono-traversable-keys library: Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key
- total-maps library: Dense and sparse total maps.
- assert-failure library: Syntactic sugar improving 'assert' and 'error'
- eths-rlp library and tests: Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
- co-log library, programs and tests: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- co-log-concurrent library: Asynchronous backend for co-log library
- co-log-core library and test: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- co-log-polysemy library and program: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
- contra-tracers library: ...
- AAI library: Abstract Application Interface.
- AbortT-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the AbortT monad transformer.
- AbortT-mtl library: mtl instances for the AbortT monad transformer
- AbortT-transformers library and test: A monad and monadic transformer providing "abort" functionality
- abstract-par library: Type classes generalizing the functionality of the 'monad-par' library.
- acme-iot library: IO monad transformer
- action-permutations library: Execute a set of actions (e.g. parsers) in each possible order
- Adaptive-Blaisorblade library and program: Library for incremental computing.
- allocated-processor library: Functional combinators for monadic actions that require allocation and de-allocation
- alternative-extra library: Extra utilities for alternatives
- alternators library: Handy functions when using transformers.
- annihilator library: Semigroups with annihilators and utility functions
- annotated-exception library and test: Exceptions, with checkpoints and context.
- ap-normalize library and tests: Self-normalizing applicative expressions
- apart library, program and test: Get all your structure and rip it apart.
- apecs library, test and benchmark: Fast Entity-Component-System library for game programming
- apecs-stm library: STM stores for apecs
- applicative-extras library: Instances for Applicative
- applicative-fail library and test: Applicative functor and monad which collects all your fails
- applicative-logic library: Generalized logic operations for Applicative and Alternative functors
- applicative-splice library: Write applicative programs in direct style (generalizes idiom brackets).
- arity-generic-liftA library and test: Provides an arity-generic version of the liftA2, liftA3... liftAn functions.
- arrow-extras library: Extra functions for Control.Arrow
- arrow-improve library: Improved arrows.
- arrow-list library: List arrows for Haskell.
- arrow-utils library and test: functions for working with arrows
- arrowapply-utils library: Utilities for working with ArrowApply instances more naturally
- arrows library: Arrow classes and transformers
- artery library: A simple, arrow-based reactive programming
- assert library and test: Helpers for Control.Exception.assert
- assert-failure library: Syntactic sugar improving 'assert' and 'error'
- async-refresh library and test: Package implementing core logic for refreshing of expiring data.
- async-refresh-tokens library and test: Package implementing core logic for refreshing of expiring access tokens
- asynchronous-exceptions library: Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous exceptions
- atl library: Arrow Transformer Library
- attoparsec-trans library: Interleaved effects for attoparsec parsers
- auto library: Denotative, locally stateful programming DSL & platform
- auto-update library and test: Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions
- backtracking library and test: A backtracking monad
- backtracking-exceptions library: A monad transformer for backtracking exceptions
- backward-state library: A state monad that runs the state in reverse through the computation
- barrier-monad library: Implementation of barrier monad, can use custom front/back type
- basic-prelude library: An enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes.
- billeksah-main program: Leksah plugin base
- billeksah-main-static program: Leksah plugin base
- billeksah-services library: Leksah library
- bluefin-algae library and tests: Algebraic effects and named handlers in Bluefin.
- boolean-like library: ...
- box library and test: A profunctor effect system?
- break library: Break from a loop
- bytestring-progress library: A library for tracking the consumption of a lazy ByteString
- bytestring-rematch library and test: Rematch support for ByteString
- can-i-haz library and test: Generic implementation of the Has and CoHas patterns
- capability library and test: Extensional capabilities and deriving combinators
- capataz library and test: OTP-like supervision trees in Haskell
- caps library and test: Monadic capabilities with late binding
- cas-hashable library: A hashing class for content-addressed storage
- cas-hashable-s3 library: ContentHashable instances for S3 objects
- cas-store library and test: A content-addressed storage
- Cascade library: Playing with reified categorical composition
- Catana library: A monad for complex manipulation of a stream.
- catch-fd library: MonadThrow and MonadCatch, using functional dependencies
- categories library: Categories
- category library: Categorical types and classes
- category-extras library: A meta-package documenting various packages inspired by category theory
- CC-delcont library: Delimited continuations and dynamically scoped variables
- CC-delcont-alt library and test: Three new monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control
- CC-delcont-cxe library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control
- CC-delcont-exc library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control
- CC-delcont-ref library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells
- CC-delcont-ref-tf library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells
- cflp library: Constraint Functional-Logic Programming in Haskell
- changeset library and tests: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions
- changeset-containers library and test: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions
- changeset-lens library and test: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions
- changeset-reflex library: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions
- ChannelT library: Generalized stream processors
- chr-core library: Constraint Handling Rules
- churros library and test: Channel/Arrow based streaming computation library.
- classy-effects library and test: An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system.
- classy-effects-base library and test: An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system.
- classy-effects-th library and test: Automatic compliance with the classy-effects protocols
- classy-parallel library: Fork of the monad-parallel package using monad-control
- classy-prelude library and test: A typeclass-based Prelude.
- classy-prelude-conduit library and test: classy-prelude together with conduit functions
- classy-prelude-yesod library: Provide a classy prelude including common Yesod functionality.
- ClassyPrelude library: Prelude replacement using classes instead of concrete types where reasonable
- Clean library: A light, clean and powerful utility library
- cleff library and tests: Fast and concise extensible effects
- cleff-plugin library and test: Automatic disambiguation for extensible effects
- cloud-haskell library: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- co-log-effectful library and test: effectful log effect using co-log-core
- codecov-haskell library, programs and test: support for Haskell.
- coercible-utils library, test and benchmark: Utility functions for Coercible types
- commandert library and test: A monad for commanders
- comonad library: Comonads
- comonad-extras library: Exotic comonad transformers
- comonad-random library: Comonadic interface for random values
- comonad-transformers library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0
- comonads-fd library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0
- ComonadSheet library: A library for expressing spreadsheet-like computations as the fixed-points of comonads.
- Compactable library: A generalization for containers that can be stripped of Nothing
- compactable library and test: A typeclass for structures which can be catMaybed, filtered, and partitioned.
- composition-prelude library: Higher-order function combinators
- computations library: Advanced notions of computation
- concatenative library: A library for postfix control flow.
- concurrent-machines library, tests and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers
- concurrent-state library and program: MTL-like library using TVars
- Concurrential library: Mix concurrent and sequential computation
- cond library: Basic conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants.
- conduino library: Lightweight composable continuation-based stream processors
- Configurable library: Declare types as Configurable then specialize them all in one place
- conkin library and tests: Tools for functors from Hask^k to Hask
- constrained-categories library: Constrained clones of the category-theory type classes, using ConstraintKinds.
- constrained-monads library, test and benchmark: Typeclasses and instances for monads with constraints.
- constrained-normal library: Normalised Deep Embeddings for Constrained Type-Class Instances
- constraint-manip library: Some conviencience type functions for manipulating constraints.
- ConstraintKinds library: Repackages standard type classes with the ConstraintKinds extension
- constrictor library: strict versions of many things in base
- ContArrow library: Control.Arrow.Transformer.Cont
- continue library: Monads with suspension and arbitrary-spot reentry
- contravariant library: Contravariant functors
- contravariant-extras library: Extras for the "contravariant" package
- control library: Class of monad transformers which control operations can be lifted thru
- control-block library: Higher-order functions with their function arguments at the end, ...
- control-bool library: Useful combinators for boolean expressions
- control-dotdotdot library: Haskell operator `g ... f = \x1 .. xn -> g (f x1 .. xn)`.
- control-dsl library and test: An alternative to monads in do-notation
- Control-Engine library: A parallel producer/consumer engine (thread pool)
- control-event library and tests: Event scheduling system.
- control-invariants library: Invariants and contract monitoring
- control-iso library: A typeclass for type isomorphisms
- control-monad-exception library: Explicitly typed, checked exceptions with stack traces
- control-monad-exception-monadsfd library: Monads-fd instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer
- control-monad-exception-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer
- control-monad-exception-mtl library: MTL instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer
- control-monad-failure library: A class for monads which can fail with an error. (deprecated)
- control-monad-failure-mtl library: A class for monads which can fail with an error for mtl 1 (deprecated)
- control-monad-free library: Free monads and monad transformers
- control-monad-loop library: Simple monad transformer for imperative-style loops
- Control-Monad-MultiPass library and test: A Library for Writing Multi-Pass Algorithms.
- control-monad-omega library, test and benchmark: A breadth-first list monad.
- control-monad-queue library: Reusable corecursive queues, via continuations.
- Control-Monad-ST2 library and test: A variation on the ST monad with two type parameters.
- control-timeout library: Timeout handling
- contstuff library: Fast, easy to use CPS-based monad transformers
- contstuff-monads-tf library: ContStuff instances for monads-tf transformers (deprecated)
- contstuff-transformers library: Deprecated interface between contstuff 0.7.0 and the transformers package
- conversion library: Universal converter between values of different types
- conversion-bytestring library: "Conversion" instances for the "bytestring" library
- conversion-case-insensitive library: "Conversion" instances for the "case-insensitive" library
- conversion-text library: "Conversion" instances for the "text" library
- corecursive-main library, program and test: Write your main like it can call itself back.
- Coroutine library: Type-safe coroutines using lightweight session types.
- coroutine-object library: Object-oriented programming realization using coroutine
- coverage library and test: Exhaustivity Checking Library
- cr program: Code review tool
- crem library, programs and tests: Compositional representable executable machines
- csp library and test: Discrete constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solver.
- custom-prelude library: An enhanced prelude, serving as a foundation for my projects
- daemons library, programs and test: Daemons in Haskell made fun and easy
- data-effects library and test: A basic framework for effect systems based on effects represented by GADTs.
- data-effects-core library and test: A basic framework for effect systems based on effects represented by GADTs.
- data-effects-th library and test: Template Haskell utilities for the data-effects library.
- data-fresh library: Interface and functor transformers for fresh values
- data-lens library: Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses
- data-lens-fd library: Lenses
- data-lens-ixset library and test: A Lens for IxSet
- decepticons library: The categorical dual of transformers.
- deep-transformations library and test: Deep natural and unnatural tree transformations, including attribute grammars
- DeepArrow library: Arrows for "deep application"
- deepcontrol library and tests: ...
- deepseq library and test: Deep evaluation of data structures
- deepseq-bounded library and test: Bounded deepseq, including support for generic deriving
- deepseq-generics library and test: GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation
- deepseq-instances library: Candidate NFData Instances for Types in base
- deepseq-magic library: Deep evaluation of data structures without NFData
- deepseq-th library and test: Template Haskell based deriver for optimised NFData instances
- demarcate library and test: Demarcating transformed monad.
- dep-t library and tests: Dependency injection for records-of-functions.
- dep-t-advice library, tests and benchmark: Giving good advice to functions in records-of-functions.
- dep-t-dynamic library and tests: A dynamic environment for dependency injection.
- dep-t-value library and test: Pair resources files with types within your program.
- deriving-trans library: Derive instances for monad transformer stacks
- despair library: Despair
- disposable library: Allows storing different resource-releasing actions together.
- distributed-closure library, program and test: Serializable closures for distributed programming.
- distributed-fork library and test: Like 'forkIO', but uses remote machines instead of local threads.
- distributed-fork-aws-lambda library and test: AWS Lambda backend for distributed-fork.
- distributed-process library and benchmarks: Cloud Haskell: Erlang-style concurrency in Haskell
- distributed-process-async library and test: Cloud Haskell Async API
- distributed-process-azure library and programs: Microsoft Azure backend for Cloud Haskell
- distributed-process-client-server library and tests: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-execution library and tests: Execution Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-extras library and tests: Cloud Haskell Extras
- distributed-process-fsm library and test: The Cloud Haskell implementation of Erlang/OTP gen_statem
- distributed-process-lifted library and test: monad-control style typeclass and transformer instances for Process monad.
- distributed-process-monad-control library: Orphan instances for MonadBase and MonadBaseControl.
- distributed-process-platform library, program and tests: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-registry library and test: Cloud Haskell Extended Process Registry
- distributed-process-simplelocalnet library and test: Simple zero-configuration backend for Cloud Haskell
- distributed-process-supervisor library and tests: Supervisors for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-systest library: Cloud Haskell Test Support
- distributed-process-task library and test: Task Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
- distributed-process-tests library and tests: Tests and test support tools for distributed-process.
- distributed-process-zookeeper library, program and test: A Zookeeper back-end for Cloud Haskell.
- distributed-static library: Compositional, type-safe, polymorphic static values and closures
- do-notation-dsl library and test: An alternative to monads
- drinkery library: Boozy streaming library
- edenmodules library: Semi-explicit parallel programming library
- effect-handlers library, test and benchmark: ...
- effect-monad library: ...
- effect-stack library: Reducing the pain of transformer stacks with duplicated effects
- effectful library, test and benchmark: An easy to use, performant extensible effects library.
- effectful-core library: An easy to use, performant extensible effects library.
- effectful-plugin library and test: A GHC plugin for improving disambiguation of effects.
- effectful-th library and test: Template Haskell utilities for the effectful library.
- effects library: Computational Effects
- effects-parser library: Parser Effect for the Control.Effects Library
- effet library and test: An Effect System based on Type Classes
- effin library: A Typeable-free implementation of extensible effects
- either library and test: Combinators for working with sums
- EitherT library: EitherT monad transformer
- elevator library: Immediately lifts to a desired level
- elision library and program: Arrows with holes.
- Empty library: A type class for empty containers
- enclosed-exceptions library and test: Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
- enum-text-rio library and program: Making fmt available with rio
- error-context library and test: Provides API for enriching errors with contexts
- error-continuations library: Error Continuations
- error-list library: A useful type for collecting error messages.
- errorcall-eq-instance library and test: An orphan Eq instance for ErrorCall
- errors library: Simplified error-handling
- errors-ext library and test: `bracket`-like functions for `ExceptT` over `IO` monad.
- Etage library: A general data-flow framework
- eternal library: everything breaking the Fairbairn threshold
- ether library, test and benchmark: Monad transformers and classes
- eveff library: Efficient effect handlers based on evidence translation.
- event-driven library: library for event driven programming
- event-handlers library: Event handlers
- event-monad library: Event-graph simulation monad transformer
- event-transformer library, program and test: Initial project template from stack
- exception-monads-fd library: Exception monad transformer instances for monads-fd classes.
- exception-monads-tf library: Exception monad transformer instances for monads-tf classes.
- exception-mtl library: Exception monad transformer instances for mtl classes.
- exception-transformers library and test: Type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions.
- exceptional library: Essentially the Maybe type with error messages.
- exceptions library and test: Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
- exceptiot library and test: ExceptT, but uses IO instead of Either
- exhaustive library: ...
- exitcode library and test: Monad transformer for exit codes
- explicit-exception library and programs: Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature.
- explicit-sharing library: Explicit Sharing of Monadic Effects
- extensible-effects library, test and benchmark: An Alternative to Monad Transformers
- extensible-effects-concurrent library, programs, test and benchmark: Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect
- extensible-exceptions library: Extensible exceptions
- failable library: A 'Failable' error monad class to unify failure across monads that can fail
- FailT library and tests: A 'FailT' monad transformer that plays well with 'MonadFail'
- failure library: A simple type class for success/failure computations. (deprecated)
- FailureT library: Failure Monad Transformer
- FastPush library: A monad and monad transformer for pushing things onto a stack very fast.
- feature-flags library: A simple library for dynamically enabling and disabling functionality.
- fmt-for-rio library: Adaptor for getting fmt to work with rio
- fold-debounce library and tests: Fold multiple events that happen in a given period of time.
- foldl library, test and benchmarks: Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds
- foldl-exceptions library and test: Exception handling with FoldM
- foldl-incremental library, test and benchmark: incremental folds
- foldl-transduce library, tests and benchmark: Transducers for foldl folds.
- foldl-transduce-attoparsec library and tests: Attoparsec and foldl-transduce integration.
- for-free library: Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, etc for free
- forbidden-fruit library and test: A library accelerates imperative style programming.
- forest library: Tree and Forest types
- ForkableT library: Forkable monad transformers
- free library: Monads for free
- free-algebras library and test: Free algebras
- free-applicative-t library and test: Free Applicative Transformer
- free-categories library: free categories
- free-category library, test and benchmark: efficient data types for free categories and arrows
- free-er library and program: An extensible effects library
- free-listt library and test: Lawful list and set monad transformers based on free monads
- free-operational library and test: Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus from free types.
- free-vl library, program and test: van Laarhoven encoded Free Monad with Extensible Effects
- freer library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of the Freer Monad
- freer-effects library, program, tests and benchmark: Implementation of effect system for Haskell.
- freer-simple library, program, test and benchmark: A friendly effect system for Haskell.
- freer-simple-catching library and test: Checked runtime exceptions with freer-simple
- freer-simple-http library and test: Make HTTP requests with freer-simple!
- freer-simple-profiling library and test: Automatic profling of freer-simple programs
- freer-simple-random library and test: Random number generators using freer-simple
- freer-simple-time library and test: freer-simple interface to IO based time functions
- fresnel library and test: high-powered optics in a small package
- fresnel-fused-effects library: fresnel/fused-effects integration
- from-sum library and test: Combinators for working with Maybe and Either
- frpnow library: Principled practical FRP
- frpnow-gloss library: Program awesome stuff with Gloss and frpnow!
- frpnow-gtk library: Program GUIs with GTK and frpnow!
- frpnow-vty library and program: Program terminal applications with vty and frpnow!
- fsharp library: some F# operators, high priority pipes
- full-sessions library: a monad for protocol-typed network programming
- function-combine library: Combining functions
- functor library: Functors
- functor-apply library: This package has been subsumed by semigroupoids
- functors library: (.:) and friends, syntax for Functor and Applicative.
- funflow library, program and tests: Workflows with arrows
- fused-effects library, tests and benchmark: A fast, flexible, fused effect system.
- fused-effects-exceptions library and tests: Handle exceptions thrown in IO with fused-effects.
- fused-effects-lens library and test: Monadic lens combinators for fused-effects.
- fused-effects-mwc-random library, test and benchmark: High-quality random number generation as an effect.
- fused-effects-optics library: Bridge between the optics and fused-effects ecosystems.
- fused-effects-random library: Random number generation for fused-effects.
- fused-effects-resumable library: Resumable exceptions for the fused-effects ecosystem.
- fused-effects-squeal library: A fused-effects adapter for squeal-postgresql.
- fused-effects-th library and test: Template Haskell helpers for fused-effects.
- future-resource library: realtime resource handling with manual concurrency
- gang-of-threads library: Non-deterministic parallelism with bags
- garlic-bread library and test: A monad transformer for keeping track of where you've come from.
- gas library: Limit how many steps a program may take.
- general-allocate library: Exception-safe resource management in more monads
- general-prelude library: Prelude replacement using generalized type classes where possible
- generator library: Python-generators notation for creation of monadic lists
- generators library: Actually useful monadic random value generators.
- generic-deepseq library: Generic deep evaluation of data structures
- Get library and test: get stuff out of stuff
- ghc-call-stack-extras library: Extra utilities for HasCallStack
- gooey library: Graphical user interfaces that are renderable, ...
- GotoT-transformers library: A monad and monadic transformer providing "goto" functionality
- grab library, test and benchmarks: Applicative non-linear consumption
- graphted library: Graph indexed monads.
- groupoids library: This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0
- hasim library: Process-Based Discrete Event Simulation library
- hask library: Categories
- haskell-cnc library and program: Library for parallel programming in the Intel Concurrent Collections paradigm.
- hcron library: A simple job scheduler, which just runs some IO action at a given time.
- hdph library and programs: Haskell distributed parallel Haskell
- hdph-closure library: Explicit closures in Haskell distributed parallel Haskell
- hedis-effectful library: Adaptation of the hedis library for the effectful ecosystem.
- heftia library and test: higher-order algebraic effects done right
- heftia-effects library, programs, test and benchmark: higher-order algebraic effects done right
- hierarchical-env library and test: hierarchical environments for dependency injection
- hmk library and program: A make alternative based on Plan9's mk.
- hoist-error library: Some convenience facilities for hoisting errors into a monad
- hpc library: Code Coverage Library for Haskell
- hpc-coveralls library, programs and test: support for Haskell.
- hpc-lcov library, program and test: Convert HPC output into LCOV format
- hreader library and test: Generalization of MonadReader and ReaderT using hset
- hs-di library, program and test: Dependency Injection library for Haskell
- hspec-monad-control library: Orphan instances of MonadBase and MonadBaseControl for SpecM
- hsPID library and test: PID control loop
- hyperfunctions library: Hyperfunctions
- if library: (?) and (?>) conditional operator
- ifcxt library and test: put if statements within type constraints
- IfElse library: Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow
- ImperativeHaskell library: A library for writing Imperative style haskell.
- implicit-logging library: A logging framework built around implicit parameters.
- ImpSpec library and test: ...
- in-other-words library and test: A higher-order effect system where the sky's the limit
- index-core library: Indexed Types
- indexed library: Haskell98 indexed functors, monads, comonads
- indexed-extras library: Indexed functors, monads and comonads that require extensions to Haskell98
- indexed-free library: indexed monads for free
- indexed-transformers library: Atkey indexed monad transformers
- indextype library and test: A series of type families and constraints for "indexable" types.
- InfixApplicative library: liftA2 for infix operators.
- inject-function library: Monadic functions with injected parameters.
- instance-control library: Controls how the compiler searches for instances using type families.
- interchangeable library: A type class for interchangeable data.
- interleave library: Combinators for supporting interleaving of different behaviours
- interruptible library and test: Monad transformers that can be run and resumed later, conserving their context.
- interspersed library: An abstraction over interspersing monadic actions
- invariant library and test: Haskell98 invariant functors
- invertible library and test: bidirectional arrows, bijective functions, and invariant functors
- invertible-hlist library: invertible functions and instances for HList
- io-choice library and test: Choice for IO and lifted IO
- io-classes library and tests: Type classes for concurrency with STM, ST and timing
- io-classes-mtl library: Experimental MTL instances for io-classes
- io-reactive library and program: An API for generating TIMBER style reactive objects.
- io-region library and test: Exception safe resource management with dynamic regions
- iotransaction library: Supports the automatic undoing of IO operations when an exception is thrown.
- ixmonad library: Embeds effect systems into Haskell using parameteric effect monads
- joint library: Trying to compose non-composable
- json-tracer library and tests: A polymorphic, type-safe, json-structured tracing library
- JuicyPixels-util library: Convert JuicyPixel images into RGBA format, flip, trim and so on
- kindly-functors library and test: A category polymorphic `Functor` typeclass
- Kleislify library: Variants of Control.Arrow functions, specialised to kleislis.
- Kriens library: Category for Continuation Passing Style
- lambda-devs library, program and test: a Paralell-DEVS implementaion based on distributed-process
- lawless-concurrent-machines library, tests and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers
- lax library: Lax arrows
- layers library: Modular type class machinery for monad transformer stacks.
- lazy library: Explicit laziness for Haskell
- lazy-bracket library and tests: A bracket with lazy resource allocation.
- lazy-priority-queue library, program and test: Lazy-Spined Monadic Priority Queues
- lazyio library and program: Run IO actions lazily while respecting their order
- lazyio-applicative library: LazyIO applicative for asymptotic performance
- lens-filesystem library and test: Lens interface for your filesystem; still a bit experimental
- lens-misc library: Miscellaneous lens utilities.
- lens-tell library: MonadTell-based lens combinators
- lens-tutorial library and test: Tutorial for the lens library
- lensref library and test: References which can be joined and on which lenses can be applied
- lenz-mtl library: mtl operations with Van Laarhoven lenses
- level-monad library: Non-Determinism Monad for Level-Wise Search
- lifted-base library, test and benchmark: lifted IO operations from the base library
- lifted-base-tf library, test and benchmark: lifted IO operations from the base library
- List library: List monad transformer and class
- list-t library and test: ListT done right
- list-transformer library and test: List monad transformer
- ListT library and test: List transformer
- little-rio library: When you need just the RIO monad
- local-search library: Generalised local search within Haskell, for applications in combinatorial optimisation.
- log-effect library and program: An extensible log effect using extensible-effects
- log-effect-syslog library: Syslog functions for log-effect
- LogicGrowsOnTrees library, programs, tests and benchmarks: a parallel implementation of logic programming using distributed tree exploration
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI library and programs: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses MPI
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-network library, programs and test: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes running in a network
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes library, programs, test and benchmark: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes for parallelism
- logicst library: Backtracking mutable references in the ST and IO monads
- logict library, program and test: A backtracking logic-programming monad.
- logict-sequence library, tests and benchmark: A backtracking logic-programming monad with asymptotic improvements to msplit
- loop library, test and benchmarks: Fast loops (for when GHC can't optimize forM_)
- loop-dsl library and test: monadic loop dsl.
- loop-effin library: control-monad-loop port for effin
- loop-while library: A monad transformer supporting various styles of while loop
- loops library, test and benchmark: Fast imperative-style loops
- machinecell library and tests: Arrow based stream transducers
- machines library and benchmark: Networked stream transducers
- machines-attoparsec library and test: Parse machines streams with attoparsec parsers.
- machines-bytestring library: ByteString support for machines
- machines-encoding library: Transcode encodings with machines.
- managed library: A monad for managed values
- map-classes library: A set of classes and instances for working with key/value mappings.
- map-reduce-folds library, tests and benchmark: foldl wrappers for map-reduce
- MaybeT library: MaybeT monad transformer
- MaybeT-monads-tf library: MaybeT monad transformer compatible with monads-tf (deprecated)
- MaybeT-transformers library: MaybeT monad transformer using transformers instead of mtl.
- mealstrom library and test: Manipulate FSMs and store them in PostgreSQL.
- mech library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mecha library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- memo-ptr library: Pointer equality memoization
- memoization-utils library and test: Utilities for memoizing functions
- meta-par library: Provides the monad-par interface, but based on modular scheduler "mix-ins".
- metaheuristics library: Generalised local search within Haskell, for applications in combinatorial optimisation.
- method library and test: rebindable methods for improving testability
- MHask library: The category of monads
- micro-recursion-schemes library and test: Simple recursion schemes
- midair library: Hot-swappable FRP
- minioperational library: fast and simple operational monad
- MissingM library and test: findM and other missing 'M's
- mix-arrows library: Mixing effects of one arrow into another one
- mmorph library: Monad morphisms
- mmtl library: Modular Monad transformer library
- mmtl-base library: MonadBase type-class for mmtl
- modular-prelude library: A new Prelude featuring first class modules
- modular-prelude-classy library: Reifying ClassyPrelude a la ModularPrelude
- moffy library and test: Monadic Functional Reactive Programming
- moffy-samples library and test: Samples of moffy
- moffy-samples-events library and test: Events for sample codes of moffy
- moffy-samples-gtk3 program and test: Sample executables of moffy - GTK3 version
- moffy-samples-gtk3-run library and test: Package to run moffy samples - GTK3 version
- moffy-samples-gtk4 program and test: Sample executables of moffy - GTK4 version
- moffy-samples-gtk4-run library and test: Package to run moffy samples - Gtk4 version
- monad-abort-fd library: A better error monad transformer
- monad-atom library: Monadically convert object to unique integers and back.
- monad-atom-simple library: Monadically map objects to unique ints.
- monad-batcher library: An applicative monad that batches commands for later more efficient execution
- monad-bool library: This package has been removed.
- monad-choice library: Monad, monad transformer, and typeclass representing choices.
- monad-chronicle library: These as a transformer, ChronicleT
- monad-classes library and test: more flexible mtl
- monad-codec library: Monadic conversion between complex data structures and unique integers
- monad-connect library: Transformer for TCP connection with TLS and SOCKS support
- monad-control library: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
- monad-control-aligned library: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
- monad-control-identity library: Stronger classes than monad-control
- monad-coroutine library: Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations
- monad-dijkstra library and tests: A monad transformer for weighted graph searches
- monad-exception library: Exstensible monadic exceptions
- monad-extras library: Extra utility functions for working with monads
- monad-finally library: Guard monadic computations with cleanup actions
- monad-fork library: Type class for monads which support a fork operation.
- monad-hash library and test: Monad transformer for incremental hashing
- monad-ideals library and test: Ideal Monads and coproduct of them
- monad-introspect library: A reader monad that gives the environment access to the entire transformer stack
- monad-io-adapter library and test: Adapters between MonadIO and MonadBase IO.
- monad-journal library: Pure logger typeclass and monad transformer
- monad-levels library: Specific levels of monad transformers
- monad-lgbt library and test: Monad transformers for combining local and global state.
- monad-loops library and test: Monadic loops
- monad-loops-stm library: Monadic loops for STM
- monad-markov library: Markov process monad
- monad-memo library, test and benchmark: Memoization monad transformer
- monad-mersenne-random library: An efficient random generator monad, based on the Mersenne Twister
- monad-open library: Open recursion for when you need it
- monad-ox library: Monad for observation extraction
- monad-par library and test: A library for parallel programming based on a monad
- monad-par-extras library: Combinators and extra features for Par monads
- monad-parallel library: Parallel execution of monadic computations
- monad-parallel-progressbar library: Parallel execution of monadic computations with a progress bar
- monad-param library: Parameterized monads
- monad-peel library and test: Lift control operations like exception catching through monad transformers
- monad-products library: Monad products
- monad-ran library: Fast monads and monad transformers
- monad-resumption library: Resumption and reactive resumption monads for Haskell.
- monad-skeleton library: Monads of program skeleta
- monad-st library: Provides a MonadST class
- monad-state library: Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state.
- monad-ste library and test: ST monad with efficient explicit errors
- monad-stm library: MonadSTM class analogous to MonadIO
- monad-supply library: Stateful supply monad
- monad-task library: A monad transformer that turns event processing into co-routine programming.
- monad-time library and test: Type class for monads which carry the notion of the current time.
- monad-time-effectful library: Adaptation of the monad-time library for the effectful ecosystem.
- monad-timing library and tests: Monad transformer for recording timing events
- monad-tree library: Tree data structure for nondeterministic computations.
- monad-tx library: A transactional state monad.
- monad-unlift library: Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting
- monad-unlift-ref library: Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting
- monad-validate library and test: A monad transformer for data validation.
- monad-wrap library: Wrap functions such as catch around different monads
- monadbi library: Extract underlying monads from monad transformers
- MonadCatchIO-mtl library: Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module
- MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign library: Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions
- MonadCatchIO-transformers library: Monad-transformer compatible version of the Control.Exception module
- MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign library: Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions
- monadcryptorandom library: A monad for using CryptoRandomGen
- monadfibre library: Monadic functions which provide Choice and Parallelism.
- monadic-recursion-schemes library and test: Recursion Schemes for Monadic version.
- monadiccp library and test: Constraint Programming
- monadiccp-gecode library and test: Constraint Programming
- monadio-unwrappable library: Reversibly allow monad transformer stacks to run in IO
- monadLib-compose library: Arrow-like monad composition for monadLib.
- monadlist library: Monadic versions of list functions
- monadloc library: A class for monads which can keep a monadic call trace
- monadloc-pp program: A preprocessor for generating monadic call traces
- monadplus library: Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus.
- MonadPrompt library: MonadPrompt, implementation & examples
- MonadRandom library: Random-number generation monad.
- MonadRandomLazy library: Lazy monad for psuedo random-number generation.
- monads-fd library: Monad classes, using functional dependencies
- monads-tf library: Monad classes, using type families
- MonadStack library: Generalizing lift to monad stacks
- Monatron library: Monad transformer library with uniform liftings
- Monatron-IO library: MonadIO instances for the Monatron transformers.
- monoidal-functors library and program: Monoidal Functors Library
- moo-nad library and test: Invocation helpers for the ReaderT-record-of-functions style.
- more-extensible-effects library: Initial project template from stack
- morphisms library: It's all about functions
- morphisms-functors library: Functors, theirs compositions and transformations
- morphisms-functors-inventory library: Inventory is state and store
- morphisms-objects library: Algebraic structures
- motor library, program and test: Type-safe effectful state machines in Haskell
- motor-diagrams library and test: Generate state diagrams from Motor FSM typeclasses
- motor-reflection library and test: Reflect on Motor FSM typeclasses to obtain runtime representations
- mpeff library: Efficient effect handlers based on evidence-passing semantics
- mtl library: Monad classes for transformers, using functional dependencies
- mtl-evil-instances library: Instances for the mtl classes for all monad transformers.
- mtl-extras library: Higher order versions of MTL classes
- mtl-misc-yj library and test: tribial tools about mtl
- mtl-tf library: Monad Transformer Library with Type Families
- mtl-unleashed library and test: MTL classes without the functional dependency
- mtl-uplift library and test: Lift substacks of monad transformer stacks
- mtlx library: Monad transformer library with type indexes, providing 'free' copies.
- mtsl library: Reified monad transformer stacks
- multipass library: Folding data with multiple named passes
- multistate library, program and test: like mtl's ReaderT / WriterT / StateT, but more than one contained value/type.
- multiwalk library, test and benchmark: Traverse data types via generics, acting on multiple types simultaneously.
- mvc library: Model-view-controller
- mvc-updates library: Concurrent and combinable updates
- mzv library: Implementation of the "Monads, Zippers and Views" (Schrijvers and Oliveira, ICFP'11)
- named library and test: Named parameters (keyword arguments) for Haskell
- natural library and test: Natural number
- natural-transformation library and test: A natural transformation package.
- needle library: ASCII-fied arrow notation
- newtype library: A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes.
- newtype-deriving library: Instance derivers for newtype wrappers
- newtype-generics library, test and benchmark: A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
- newtype-th library: A template haskell deriver to create Control.Newtype instances.
- newtyper library: Extra functions for the Control.Newtype typeclass
- nondeterminism library and test: A monad and monad transformer for nondeterministic computations.
- nqe library and test: Concurrency library in the style of Erlang/OTP
- Object library: Object oriented programming for haskell using multiparameter typeclasses.
- objective library: Composable objects
- observable library: Continuation patterns
- op library and test: Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading
- open-signals library and test: A mechanism similar to checked exceptions that integrates with MTL and transformer stacks
- operational library and program: Implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics.
- operational-class library: MonadProgram typeclass for the operational package
- overload library: Finite overloading
- pandora library: A box of patterns and paradigms
- pandora-io library: ...
- parallel library: Parallel programming library
- parallel-tree-search library: Parallel Tree Search
- parameterized library and test: Parameterized/indexed monoids and monads using only a single parameter type variable.
- partial library: A nullary type class for partial functions
- partial-isomorphisms library: Partial isomorphisms.
- partial-lens library: Haskell 98 Partial Lenses
- perm library and test: permutation Applicative and Monad with many mtl instances
- PermuteEffects library: Permutations of effectful computations
- phantom-state library and benchmark: Phantom State Transformer. Like State Monad, but without values.
- pid program: a simple PID controller
- pipe-enumerator library: A bidirectional bridge between pipes and iteratees
- piped library, program and test: Conduit with a smaller core
- pipeline library: Continuation patterns
- pipes library, test and benchmarks: Compositional pipelines
- pipes-async library and test: A higher-level interface to using concurrency with pipes
- pipes-attoparsec-streaming library and program: Streaming parsing in the pipes-core framework with Attoparsec.
- pipes-break library and test: Pipes to group by any delimiter (such as lines with carriage returns)
- pipes-bytestring library: ByteString support for pipes
- pipes-category library and test: Allows instances for Category, Arrow and ArrowChoice for Pipes.
- pipes-cellular library: Pipes-based combinators for cellular data processing
- pipes-cellular-csv library: Efficient pipes-based cellular CSV codec
- pipes-concurrency library and test: Concurrency for the pipes ecosystem
- pipes-conduit library: Conduit adapters
- pipes-core library: Compositional pipelines
- pipes-errors library: Integration between pipes and errors
- pipes-extra library, programs, test and benchmarks: Various basic utilities for Pipes.
- pipes-extras library and test: Extra utilities for pipes
- pipes-fluid library and test: Reactively combines Producers so that a value is yielded as soon as possible.
- pipes-group library and test: Group streams into substreams
- pipes-io library and test: Stateful IO streams based on pipes
- pipes-lines library and test: Pipes for grouping by lines with carriage returns.
- pipes-misc library and test: Miscellaneous utilities for pipes, required by glazier-tutorial
- pipes-parse library: Parsing infrastructure for the pipes ecosystem
- pipes-random library: Producers for handling randomness.
- pipes-rt library and program: A few pipes to control the timing of yields
- pipes-safe library: Safety for the pipes ecosystem
- pipes-transduce library and tests: Interfacing pipes with foldl folds.
- pipes-vector library: Various proxies for streaming data into vectors
- pipes-zeromq4 library and programs: Pipes integration for ZeroMQ messaging
- placeholder library and test: placeholder definitions for TODO and unimplemented
- plan-applicative library and tests: Applicative/Arrow for resource estimation and progress tracking.
- poly-cont library: Poly-kinded continuations
- porcupine-core library and programs: Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines
- porcupine-http library and programs: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
- porpoise library and program: A minimalist HTTP server framework written on top of wai
- ports library: The Haskell Ports Library
- prelude-plus program: Prelude for rest of us
- ProbabilityMonads library: Probability distribution monads.
- product-profunctors library, test and benchmark: product-profunctors
- profunctor-extras library: This package has been absorbed into profunctors 4.0
- profunctor-monad library and test: Monadic bidirectional programming
- profunctors library: Profunctors
- program library: Programs with Environments and Managed Resources
- progress-reporting library: Functionality for reporting function progress.
- prologue library: Better, more general Prelude exporting common utilities.
- prompt library: Monad (and transformer) for deferred-effect pure prompt-response queries
- prospect library and test: Explore continuations with trepidation
- protocol library: Model distributed system as type-level multi-party protocol
- quantum-arrow library: An embedding of quantum computation as a Haskell arrow
- quiver library: Quiver finite stream processing library
- quiver-binary library and test: Binary serialisation support for Quivers
- quiver-bytestring library: Quiver combinators for bytestring streaming
- quiver-cell library: Quiver combinators for cellular data processing
- quiver-csv library: Quiver combinators for cellular CSV data processing
- quiver-enumerator library: Bridge between Quiver and Iteratee paradigms
- quiver-groups library and test: Group and chunk values within a Quiver
- quiver-http library: Adapter to stream over HTTP(s) with quiver
- quiver-instances library: Extra instances for Quiver
- quiver-interleave library and test: Interleave values from multiple Quivers
- quiver-sort library and test: Sort the values in a quiver
- random-eff library: A simple random generator library for extensible-effects
- random-effin library: A simple random generator library for effin
- rank2classes library and tests: standard type constructor class hierarchy, only with methods of rank 2 types
- rate-limit library: A basic library for rate-limiting IO actions.
- reactive-haskell library: minimal fork of io-reactive
- reactive-io library: IO-oriented FRP library
- reader-soup library: Vinyl-based reader-like monad composition
- reasonable-lens library: Lens implementation. It is more small but adequately.
- reasonable-operational library: Just size Operational Monad implementation.
- record library: Anonymous records
- recursion : A recursion schemes library for Haskell.
- recursion-schemes library and test: Representing common recursion patterns as higher-order functions
- recursion-schemes-ext library, test and benchmark: Amateur addenda to recursion-schemes
- ref-fd library: A type class for monads with references using functional dependencies.
- ref-mtl library: A type class for monads with references compatible with the mtl2 library.
- ref-tf library: A type class for monads with references using type families.
- reference library: A class for references in Haskell
- references library and test: Selectors for reading and updating data.
- regions library: Provides the region monad for safely opening and working with scarce resources.
- regions-monadsfd library: Monads-fd instances for the RegionT monad transformer
- regions-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the RegionT monad transformer
- regions-mtl library: mtl instances for the RegionT monad transformer
- registry library and test: data structure for assembling components
- registry-hedgehog library and test: utilities to work with Hedgehog generators and `registry`
- rematch library and test: A simple api for matchers
- rematch-text library and test: `rematch` matchers for Data.Text
- remote-monad library and tests: An parametrizable Remote Monad, and parametrizable Applicative Functor
- ReplicateEffects library: Composable replication schemes of applicative functors
- representable-profunctors library: This package has been absorbed into profunctor-extras.
- request-monad library: A transformer for generic requests
- resource-effect library and test: A port of the package 'resourcet' for extensible effects.
- resource-effectful library: A region-based resource effect for the effectful ecosystem.
- resource-pool-monad library: A monadic interface for resource-pool
- resource-registry library and test: Track allocated resources
- resource-simple library: Allocate resources which are guaranteed to be released.
- resourcet-effectful library: Adaptation of the resourcet library for the effectful ecosystem.
- restartable library: Minimal live coding library for model-view-event-update applications.
- resumable-exceptions library: A monad transformer for resumable exceptions
- retry library and test: Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail
- retry-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the retry library for the effectful ecosystem.
- rev-state library and test: Reverse State monad transformer
- rex library: A quasi-quoter for typeful results of regex captures.
- RichConditional library: Tiny library to replace classic if/else
- rio library and test: A standard library for Haskell
- rio-app library and program: Generic App type for rio.
- rio-orphans library and test: Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package
- rmonad library and test: Restricted monad library
- RoyalMonad library: All hail the Royal Monad!
- rt library: A more fine-grained version of state threads (ST)
- safe-buffer-monad library and test: A monadic buffer resilient to exceptions
- safe-exceptions library and test: Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling
- safe-exceptions-checked library and test: Safe, checked exceptions
- safe-wild-cards library and test: Use RecordWildCards safely
- scc library, program and test: Streaming component combinators
- schedule library and tests: Pure deterministic scheduled computations
- schonfinkeling library: Transformation of n-ary functions to unary functions
- SciFlow library: Scientific workflow management system
- SciFlow-drmaa library: Scientific workflow management system
- scoped-codensity library and test: CPS resource allocation but as a Monad and completely safe
- selective library and test: Selective applicative functors
- semi-iso library: Weakened partial isomorphisms, reversible computations.
- semigroupoid-extras library: Semigroupoids that depend on PolyKinds
- semigroupoids library: Semigroupoids: Category sans id
- sessions library: Session Types for Haskell
- sessiontypes library, program and tests: Session types library
- sessiontypes-distributed library and tests: Session types distributed
- shade library: A control structure used to combine heterogenous types with delayed effects.
- shared-fields library and test: a tiny library for using shared lens fields
- shortcircuit library: Short-circuit values and expressions.
- simple-effects library, test and benchmark: A simple effect system that integrates with MTL
- simple-observer library: The Observer pattern
- simple-sessions library: A simple implementation of session types
- sink library: An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation
- skulk library and test: Eclectic collection of utility functions
- sousit library and test: Source/Sink/Transform: An alternative to lazy IO and iteratees.
- spartacon program: A unix-style (read from stdin, write to stdout) global hotkey daemon
- spawn library: Tiny library for concurrent computations
- speculation-transformers library: Merged into 'speculation'. Use that instead.
- stack-hpc-coveralls library, program and test: Initial project template from stack
- stamina library, program and test: Retries for humans
- state-bag library and test: Monad transformers for holding bags of state.
- state-plus library and test: MonadPlus for StateT
- statestack library: Simple State-like monad transformer with saveable and restorable state
- stateWriter library, tests and benchmark: A faster variant of the RWS monad transformers.
- static library and tests: Type-safe and interoperable static values and closures
- static-closure library: Serialisable static pointers to functions
- stm-actor library and test: A simplistic actor model based on STM
- stm-incremental library and test: A library for constructing incremental computations
- stm-supply library and test: STM wrapper around Control.Concurrent.Supply.
- stopwatch library and test: A simple stopwatch utility
- stream-monad library and program: Simple, Fair and Terminating Backtracking Monad
- streaming-eversion library and tests: Translate pull-based stream folds into push-based iteratees.
- streamproc library: Stream Processer Arrow
- streams library: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads
- streamt library and tests: Simple, Fair and Terminating Backtracking Monad Transformer
- strict-concurrency library: Strict concurrency abstractions
- strict-identity library: Strict Identity Monad, handy for writing fast code!
- strict-writer library and test: A stricter writer, which uses StateT in order to avoid space leaks.
- strictly library: Combinators for strictifying functions
- stt library and test: A monad transformer version of the ST monad
- sub-state library and test: Get the total, put a single element
- subhask library, tests and benchmark: Type safe interface for programming in subcategories of Hask
- successors library: An applicative functor to manage successors
- supervisor library: Control an internal monad execution for trace generation, backtrakcking, ...
- sweet-egison library, test and benchmarks: Shallow embedding implementation of non-linear pattern matching
- synchronous-channels library: Synchronous communication channels
- tagged-exception-core library: Reflect exceptions using phantom types.
- tagged-identity library: Trivial monad transformer that allows identical monad stacks to have different types
- tagshare library: TagShare - explicit sharing with tags
- Tainted library: Tainted type, and associated operations
- takahashi library: create slide for presentation.
- tardis library and test: Bidirectional state monad transformer
- tehepero library: Prettier error
- telega library: Telegram Bot API binding
- tell library: The MonadTell class and related monad transformers.
- THEff library: TH implementation of effects.
- threads-pool library: A library to operate with pool of haskell's IO threads
- time-machine library and test: A library to mock the current time.
- time-out library and test: Timers, timeouts, alarms, monadic wrappers
- time-warp library, programs and test: Distributed systems execution emulation
- timeout library and test: Generalized sleep and timeout functions
- timeout-control library: Updatable timeouts as a Monad transformer
- timers-tick library and test: tick based timers
- to library and benchmark: Simple, safe, boring type conversions
- tonalude library and tests: A standard library for Tonatona framework.
- total library: Exhaustive pattern matching using lenses, traversals, and prisms
- TotalMap library and test: A total map datatype
- trace library: A monad transformer for tracing provenience of errors
- transactional-events library: Transactional events, based on Concurrent ML semantics
- transformers library: Concrete functor and monad transformers
- transformers-abort library: Error and short-circuit monad transformers
- transformers-base library: Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
- transformers-bifunctors library: Bifunctors over monad transformers.
- transformers-compose library: Arrow-like / category-like composition for transformers.
- transformers-continue library: Control flow data type and monad transformer.
- transformers-convert library and test: Sensible conversions between some of the monad transformers
- transformers-eff library and benchmark: An approach to managing composable effects, ala mtl/transformers/extensible-effects/Eff
- transformers-free library: Free monad transformers
- transformers-lift library: Ad-hoc type classes for lifting
- transformers-runnable library: A unified interface for the run operation of monad transformers
- transient library and test: composing programs with multithreading, events and distributed computing
- transient-universe library, programs and test: fully composable remote execution for the creation of distributed systems
- tree-monad library: Non-Determinism Monad for Tree Search
- TreeT library: Transformer for Data.Tree
- trivia library: The trivial monad and comonad
- tubes library: Write stream processing computations with side effects in a series of tubes.
- tuple-lenses library: Stock FieldN combos and generators
- tweak library: A library for incremental computing
- type-flip library and test
- type-operators library: Various type-level operators
- TypeCompose library: Type composition classes & instances
- typed-fsm library: A framework for strongly typed FSM
- typed-session library and test: typed session framework
- uberlast library: Generate overloaded lenses from plain data declaration
- unexceptionalio library and test: IO without any non-error, synchronous exceptions
- unexceptionalio-trans library: A wrapper around UnexceptionalIO using monad transformers
- unfree library and test: Simplistic free monad with deriving through UndecidableInstances
- unlift library: Typeclass for monads that can be unlifted to arbitrary base monads
- unliftio library, test and benchmark: The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included)
- unliftio-core library: The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO
- unliftio-pool library: Data.Pool generalized to MonadUnliftIO.
- unordered-containers-rematch library and test: Rematch support for unordered containers
- unpack-funcs library: Monad transformers that mirror worker-wrapper transformations.
- unsafe library: Unified interface to unsafe functions
- unsequential library and test: An extension removing the sequentiality from monads
- util-logict library, test and benchmark: See README for more info
- uu-interleaved library: An interleaving combinator for use with applicative style implementations.
- validationt library and test: Straightforward validation monad
- var-monad library: The VarMonad typeclass, generalizing types of references.
- variables library and test: Monads with variables, without deep magic
- variadic library, test and benchmark: Abstractions for working with variadic functions
- varying library, program, tests and benchmark: FRP through value streams and monadic splines.
- vector-strategies library: A parallel evaluation strategy for boxed vectors
- views library: Views allow you to run a State monad on part of a state.
- vinyl-utils library: Utilities for vinyl
- wai-control library: Run wai Applications in IO based monads
- watchdog library: Simple control structure to re-try an action with exponential backoff
- weighted library: Writer monad which uses semiring constraint
- weighted-search library: A weighted nondeterministic search monad
- wires library and programs: Functional reactive programming library
- with library: Simple open product type
- withdependencies library and test: Run computations that depend on one or more elements in a stream.
- wl-pprint-extras library and test: A free monad based on the Wadler/Leijen pretty printer
- wl-pprint-terminfo library: A color pretty printer with terminfo support
- Workflow library: Workflow patterns over a monad for thread state logging & recovery
- writer-cps-exceptions library: Control.Monad.Catch instances for the stricter CPS WriterT and RWST
- writer-cps-full library: WriteT and RWST monad transformers (Reexport with all dependencies)
- writer-cps-lens library: Lens instances for the stricter CPS WriterT and RWST
- writer-cps-monads-tf library: MonadWriter orphan instances for writer-cps-transformers
- writer-cps-morph library: MFunctor instance for CPS style WriterT and RWST
- writer-cps-mtl library: MonadWriter orphan instances for writer-cps-transformers
- writer-cps-transformers library: WriteT and RWST monad transformers
- xml-html-conduit-lens library and tests: Optics for xml-conduit and html-conduit
- zio library and test: App-centric Monad-transformer based on Scala ZIO (UIO + ReaderT + ExceptT).
- zoom-refs library: Zoom (~ Functor) and pairing (~ Applicative) for mutable references.
Control Language
- in-other-words-plugin library and test: Disambiguate obvious uses of effects when using in-other-words.
- script-monad library, program and test: Stack of error, reader, writer, state, and prompt monad transformers
- edenskel library: Semi-explicit parallel programming skeleton library
- schedule-planner program: Find the ideal lesson layout
- conversion library: Universal converter between values of different types
- conversion-bytestring library: "Conversion" instances for the "bytestring" library
- conversion-case-insensitive library: "Conversion" instances for the "case-insensitive" library
- conversion-text library: "Conversion" instances for the "text" library
- hsluv-haskell library and test: HSLuv conversion utility.
- isomorphism-class library and test: Isomorphism typeclass solving the conversion problem
- lawful-conversions library and test: Lawful typeclasses for bidirectional conversion between types
- string-fromto library: Conversions between common string types, as well as Base16/Base32/Base64.
- ez-couch library: A high level static library for working with CouchDB
- preprocessor library and test: Remove cpp annotations to get the source ready for static analysis.
- crdt-event-fold library, test and benchmarks: Garbage collected event folding CRDT.
- criu-rpc library: CRIU RPC client.
- criu-rpc-types library: Criu RPC protocol buffer types.
- saturn library and test: Handle POSIX cron schedules.
- hpuz library: Haskell bindings for libpuz
- BitStringRandomMonad library and test
- cprng-aes-effect library: Run random effect using cprng-aes, a crypto pseudo number generator.
- cropty library and test: Encryption and decryption
- crypto-random-effect library: A random effect using crypto-random
- crypto-rng library: Cryptographic random number generator.
- crypto-rng-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the crypto-rng library for the effectful ecosystem.
- cryptoconditions library and test: Interledger Crypto-Conditions
- ecdsa library: Basic ECDSA signing implementation
- keccak library, program, test and benchmark: cryptographic functions based on the sponge construction
- libsecp256k1 library and test: Bindings for secp256k1
- lol library and test: A library for lattice cryptography.
- lol-apps library: ...
- lol-benches library: A library for benchmarking < lol>.
- lol-cpp library, test and benchmarks: A fast C++ backend for < lol>.
- lol-repa library, test and benchmark: A repa backend for < lol>.
- lol-tests library and test: A library for testing < Λ ∘ λ>.
- magic-wormhole library, program and test: Interact with Magic Wormhole
- mcl library, test and benchmark: Bindings to mcl, a generic and fast pairing-based cryptography library
- openssl-createkey library: Create OpenSSL keypairs.
- pkcs7 library and test: PKCS #7 padding in Haskell
- pvss program and test: Public Verifiable Secret Sharing
- rfc1751 library and test: RFC-1751 library for Haskell
- ripple library: Ripple payment system library
- rlwe-challenges library and program: Ring-LWE/LWR challenges using Lol.
- secp256k1 library and test: Bindings for secp256k1 library from Bitcoin Core
- secp256k1-haskell library and test: Bindings for secp256k1
- secp256k1-legacy library and test: fork of secp256k1
- spake2 library, program and test: Implementation of the SPAKE2 Password-Authenticated Key Exchange algorithm
- spritz library: An implementation of the Spritz RC4-like stream cipher in Haskell
- trust-chain library and test: An implementation of a trust chain
- burnt-explorer program: List OP_RETURN cryptocurrency transaction outputs.
- adler32 library and test: An implementation of Adler-32, supporting rolling checksum operation
- AES library: Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings
- afis library and test: Anti-forensic Information Splitter
- aos-signature library and test: An implementation of the AOS signatures
- apache-md5 library, test and benchmark: Apache specific MD5 digest algorighm.
- argon2 library and test: Memory-hard password hash and proof-of-work function
- arithmetic-circuits library, tests and benchmark: Arithmetic circuits for zkSNARKs
- aws-sns-verify library and test: Parse and verify AWS SNS messages
- bcrypt library: Haskell bindings to the bcrypt password hash
- bip32 library and test: BIP-0032: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
- bitcoin-address library and test: Bitcoin address generation and rendering. Parsing coming soon.
- bitcoin-hash library and test: Bitcoin hash primitives
- bitcoin-hs library and test: Partial implementation of the Bitcoin protocol (as of 2013)
- bitcoin-keys library and test: Bitcoin keys
- blake2 library, tests and benchmark: A library providing BLAKE2
- blake3 library and test: BLAKE3 hashing algorithm
- blakesum library: The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell
- blakesum-demo program: The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell
- botan-bindings library: Raw Botan bindings
- botan-low library, tests and benchmark: Low-level Botan bindings
- bulletproofs library, program, test and benchmark: Bulletproofs are short zero-knowledge proofs without a trusted setup.
- cacophony library, program, tests and benchmark: A library implementing the Noise protocol.
- cao program: CAO Compiler
- cipher-aes library, test and benchmark: Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations
- cipher-aes128 library, program and benchmark: AES and common modes using AES-NI when available.
- cipher-blowfish library, test and benchmark: Blowfish cipher
- cipher-camellia library, test and benchmark: Camellia block cipher primitives
- cipher-des library, test and benchmark: DES and 3DES primitives
- cipher-rc4 library, test and benchmark: Fast RC4 cipher implementation
- cipher-rc5 library: Pure RC5 implementation
- commsec library: Provide communications security using symmetric ephemeral keys
- cprng-aes library and benchmark: Crypto Pseudo Random Number Generator using AES in counter mode.
- cpsa programs: Symbolic cryptographic protocol analyzer
- crc16 library: Calculate the crc16-ccitt.
- cropty library and test: Encryption and decryption
- Crypto library and tests: Common Cryptographic Algorithms in Pure Haskell
- crypto-api library: A generic interface for cryptographic operations
- crypto-api-tests library: A test framework and KATs for cryptographic operations.
- crypto-cipher-benchmarks library: Generic cryptography cipher benchmarks
- crypto-cipher-tests library and test: Generic cryptography cipher tests
- crypto-cipher-types library: Generic cryptography cipher types
- crypto-classical library and test: An educational tool for studying classical cryptography schemes.
- crypto-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api).
- crypto-enigma library, program and tests: An Enigma machine simulator with display.
- crypto-keys-ssh library: Like crypto-pubkey-openssh but not dependent on any specific crypto library
- crypto-multihash library, program and test: Multihash library on top of cryptonite crypto library
- crypto-numbers library, test and benchmark: Cryptographic numbers: functions and algorithms
- crypto-pubkey library, test and benchmark: Public Key cryptography
- crypto-pubkey-openssh library and test: OpenSSH keys decoder/encoder
- crypto-pubkey-types library: Generic cryptography Public keys algorithm types
- crypto-random library: Simple cryptographic random related types
- crypto-random-api library: Simple random generators API for cryptography related code
- crypto-simple library and test: A simple high level encryption interface based on cryptonite
- crypto-sodium library and test: Easy-and-safe-to-use high-level cryptography based on Sodium
- crypto-token library and test: crypto tokens
- crypto-totp library: Provides generation and verification services for time-based one-time keys.
- cryptocipher library: Symmetrical block and stream ciphers.
- cryptohash library, test and benchmarks: collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical
- cryptohash-conduit library: cryptohash conduit
- cryptohash-cryptoapi library: Crypto-api interfaces for cryptohash
- cryptohash-md5 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical MD5 implementation
- cryptohash-sha1 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-1 implementation
- cryptohash-sha256 library, program, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation
- cryptohash-sha512 library, tests and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-512 implementation
- cryptoids library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as a bytestring
- crypton test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink
- crypton-box library and test: NaCl crypto/secret box implementations based on crypton primitives.
- crypton-conduit library and test: crypton conduit
- cryptonite test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink
- cryptonite-cd test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink
- cryptonite-conduit library and test: cryptonite conduit
- cryptonite-openssl test: Crypto stuff using OpenSSL cryptographic library
- cryptostore library and test: Serialization of cryptographic data types
- data-dispersal library and test: Space-efficient and privacy-preserving data dispersal algorithms.
- dice-entropy-conduit library and test: Cryptographically secure n-sided dice via rejection sampling
- digest library: CRC32 and Adler32 hashes for bytestrings
- digest-pure library and test: Pure hash functions for bytestrings
- digest-sig library: Signature for digest
- DRBG library and test: Deterministic random bit generator (aka RNG, PRNG) based HMACs, Hashes, and Ciphers.
- drunken-bishop library and program: An implementation of the Drunken Bishop visual fingerprinting algorithm
- DSA library and test: Implementation of DSA, based on the description of FIPS 186-4
- Dust-crypto library and test: Cryptographic operations
- eccrypto library, test and benchmark: Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell
- eccrypto-ed25519-bindings library: provides "ed25519" API using "eccrypto"
- ed25519 tests and benchmark: Ed25519 cryptographic signatures
- ed25519-donna library: Haskell bindings to ed25519-donna (Elliptical Curve Signature Scheme)
- elliptic-curve library, test and benchmark: Elliptic curve library
- elocrypt library, program and tests: Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords
- encryptable library and test: Typed encryption with persistent support
- entropy library: A platform independent entropy source
- fastpbkdf2 library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the fastpbkdf2 C library
- filepath-crypto library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as filepaths
- fpe library and test: Format-preserving encryption.
- g3p-hash library and test: Global Password Prehash Protocol
- galois-fft library, test and benchmark: FFTs over finite fields
- galois-field library, test and benchmark: Galois field library
- gibberish library, programs, tests and benchmark: Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords
- GOST34112012-Hash library and test: Bindings to the GOST R 34.11-2012 hashing implementation
- h-gpgme library and test: High Level Binding for GnuPG Made Easy (gpgme)
- hash-string library and test: binary strings supporting constant-time base16 and comparisons
- hashing library, program and test: A pure haskell library implements several hash algorithms.
- haskdeep program: Computes and audits file hashes.
- hb3sum program: A command line tool to compute BLAKE3 hashes.
- hecc library: Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell
- hF2 library: F(2^e) math for cryptography
- hkdf library and test: Implementation of HKDF (RFC 5869)
- hMPC library, program and test: Multiparty Computation in Haskell
- hopenssl library and tests: FFI Bindings to OpenSSL's EVP Digest Interface
- hsblst library and test: Haskell bindings to BLST
- HsOpenSSL library and tests: Partial OpenSSL binding for Haskell
- hspkcs11 library and test: Wrapper for PKCS #11 interface
- http-client-rustls library and test: http-client TLS backend using Rustls
- intel-aes library: Hardware accelerated AES encryption and Random Number Generation.
- jose library, program and tests: JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) library
- jose-jwt tests and benchmark: JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library
- jumpthefive library and program: an elementary symmetric chiffre for pragmatically protecting one's effects
- keelung library: DSL for creating zero-knowledge proofs
- keystore library and programs: Managing stores of secret things
- Lazy-Pbkdf2 library, test and benchmark: Lazy PBKDF2 generator.
- libsodium library and test: Low-level bindings to the libsodium C library
- libsodium-bindings library: FFI bindings to libsodium
- longshot library, program and test: Fast Brute-force search using parallelism
- memzero library and tests: Securely erase memory contents by writing zeros to it.
- monad-hash library and test: Monad transformer for incremental hashing
- monadcryptorandom library: A monad for using CryptoRandomGen
- monocypher library and tests: Low level bindings to the monocypher C library.
- mt19937 library: Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell
- NaCl library and test: Easy-and-safe-to-use high-level Haskell bindings to NaCl
- nettle library and tests: safe nettle binding
- newhope library, programs and test: Library implementing the NewHope cryptographic key-exchange protocol
- nkeys library and test: Nkeys ed25519 encoding for use with NATS
- nonce library: Generate cryptographic nonces.
- NTRU library: NTRU Cryptography
- oblivious-transfer library and test: An implementation of the Oblivious Transfer protocol in Haskell
- one-time-password library, program and test: HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords
- openpgp-Crypto library and test: Implementation of cryptography for use with OpenPGP using the Crypto library
- openpgp-crypto-api library and test: Implement cryptography for OpenPGP using crypto-api compatible libraries
- OTP library and test: HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords (HOTP & TOTP)
- pairing library, tests and benchmark: Bilinear pairings
- paseto library and test: Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens
- PasswordGenerator library: Simple library for generating passwords
- passwords library: Password generation/validation library
- pasta-curves library, program, test and benchmark: Provides the Pasta curves: Pallas, Vesta and their field elements Fp and Fq.
- pbkdf library and test: Haskell implementation of the PBKDF functions from RFC-2898.
- PBKDF2 library: Make password-based security schemes more secure.
- pedersen-commitment library and test: An implementation of Pedersen commitment schemes
- phkdf library and test: Toolkit for self-documenting password hash and key derivation functions.
- pipes-cacophony library, program and test: Pipes for Noise-secured network connections.
- pkcs1 library: RSA encryption with PKCS1 padding
- ppad-base16 library, test and benchmarks: Pure base16 encoding and decoding on bytestrings.
- ppad-base58 library, test and benchmark: base58 and base58check encoding/decoding.
- ppad-bech32 library, test and benchmark: bech32 and bech32m encoding/decoding, per BIPs 173 & 350.
- ppad-hkdf library, test and benchmark: A HMAC-based key derivation function
- ppad-hmac-drbg library, test and benchmark: HMAC-based deterministic random bit generator
- ppad-ripemd160 library, test and benchmark: The RIPEMD-160 hashing algorithm.
- ppad-script library, test and benchmarks: Primitive Script support.
- ppad-secp256k1 library, test and benchmarks: Schnorr signatures & ECDSA on the elliptic curve secp256k1
- ppad-sha256 library, test and benchmark: The SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA256 algorithms
- ppad-sha512 library, test and benchmark: The SHA-512 and HMAC-SHA512 algorithms
- pureMD5 library and test: A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm.
- pwstore-cli program and test: Command line interface for the pwstore library
- pwstore-fast library: Secure password storage.
- pwstore-purehaskell library: Secure password storage, in pure Haskell.
- qnap-decrypt library, program and test: Decrypt files encrypted by QNAP's Hybrid Backup Sync
- RSA library and test: Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS#1 v2.1.
- rustls library and test: TLS bindings for Rustls
- saltine library, test and benchmark: Cryptography that's easy to digest (NaCl/libsodium bindings).
- saltine-quickcheck library and test: Quickcheck implementations for some NaCl data
- scrypt library and test: Stronger password hashing via sequential memory-hard functions.
- secret-sharing library and test: Information-theoretic secure secret sharing
- secure-memory library, program and tests: Securely allocated and deallocated memory.
- sel library and test: Cryptography for the casual user
- servant-hmac-auth library and test: Servant authentication with HMAC
- SHA library, programs and test: Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
- SHA2 library: Fast, incremental SHA hashing for bytestrings
- sha256 library and test: A modern binding to SHA256, HMAC, HKDF, and PBKDF2
- signable library and test: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support
- signable-haskell-protoc program: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support
- signify-hs library and program: A Haskell clone of OpenBSD signify.
- SimpleAES library: Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings
- simplexmq library, programs and test: SimpleXMQ message broker
- siphash library and test: siphash: a fast short input PRF
- skein library and test: Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes Skein-MAC as well.
- slip32 library and test: SLIP-0032: Extended serialization format for BIP-32 wallets
- sparse-merkle-trees library, test and benchmark: Sparse Merkle trees with proofs of inclusion and exclusion
- stego-uuid library and test: Generator and verifier for steganographic numbers
- tahoe-chk library, program and test: The Tahoe-LAFS' Content-Hash-Key (CHK) cryptographic protocol.
- tahoe-directory library and test: Tahoe-LAFS directory-like abstraction for collections of data objects.
- tahoe-great-black-swamp library, programs and test: An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol.
- tahoe-ssk library, programs and test: An implementation of the Tahoe-LAFS SSK cryptographic protocols
- threefish library: The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell.
- TigerHash library: TigerHash with C implementation
- triplesec library and tests: TripleSec is a simple, triple-paranoid, symmetric encryption library
- trust-chain library and test: An implementation of a trust chain
- tuplehash-utils library and test: Left Encode and friends from SHA-3's TupleHash
- Twofish library and test: An implementation of the Twofish Symmetric-key cipher.
- uuid-crypto library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as uuids
- WMSigner library and test: WebMoney authentication module
- wordpass library and program: Dictionary-based password generator
- WringTwistree library, program and test: Whole-message cipher and tree hash
- xml-verify library: Verifying XML signatures
- xsha1 library: cryptanalysis of Blizzard's broken SHA-1 implementation.
- xtea library and test: XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm).
- xxhash library, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of the xxHash algorithm
- xxhash-ffi library, test and benchmark: Bindings and high-level helpers for xxHash
- yggdrasil library and test: Executable specifications of composable cryptographic protocols.
- zerobin library and programs: Post to 0bin services
- tree-sitter-c-sharp library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for C#
- iostring library: A class of strings that can be involved in IO.
- Cassava library and test: A CSV parsing and encoding library
- cassava library and test: A CSV parsing and encoding library
- cassava-embed library and program: CSV-file embedding library
- cassava-megaparsec library and test: Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava
- cassava-records library and test: Auto-generation of records data type.
- cassava-streams library, program and test: io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library.
- columnar library: A CSV toolkit based on cassava and enum-text
- composite-cassava library and test: Csv parsing functionality for composite.
- csv-conduit library and test: A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell.
- detour-via-sci library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for rationals as decimal point numbers.
- detour-via-uom library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for quantities.
- dsv library and test: DSV (delimiter-separated values)
- hw-dsv library, program, tests and benchmark: Unbelievably fast streaming DSV file parser
- ixset-typed-cassava library: cassava encoding and decoding via ixset-typed
- ods2csv program: Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV
- pipes-csv library and test: Fast, streaming csv parser
- pipes-key-value-csv library and test: Streaming processing of CSV files preceded by key-value pairs.
- servant-cassava library and test: Servant CSV content-type for cassava
- sv library, test and benchmark: Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...)
- sv-cassava library and test: Integration to use sv with cassava's parser
- sv-core library and test: Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...)
- sv-svfactor library: sv-core + svfactor
- svfactor library and test: Syntax-preserving CSV manipulation
- tapioca library and test: A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting
- herms program: A command-line manager for delicious kitchen recipes
- cursor-gen library, test and benchmark: Generators for Purely Functional Cursors
- autopack library: Custom Setup to automate package modules discovery
- chs-cabal library: Cabal with c2hs dependencies
- abcBridge library, programs and test: Bindings for ABC, A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification
- abeson library: interconversion between aeson and bson.
- abides library and test: Simple boolean tests to see if a value abides by certain properties
- ABList library and test: An alternating list of two types
- abstract-deque library: Abstract, parameterized interface to mutable Deques.
- abstract-deque-tests library and test: A test-suite for any queue or double-ended queue satisfying an interface
- AC-Angle library: Angles in degrees and radians.
- AC-Boolean library: Handle Boolean values generatically.
- AC-Colour library: Efficient RGB colour types.
- AC-HalfInteger library: Efficient half-integer type.
- ac-machine library: Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm in Haskell
- ac-machine-conduit library: Drive Aho-Corasick machines in Conduit pipelines
- AC-Terminal library: Trivial wrapper over ansi-terminal.
- AC-VanillaArray library: Immutable arrays with plain integer indicies.
- AC-Vector library: Efficient geometric vectors and transformations.
- AC-Vector-Fancy library: Fancy type-system stuff for AC-Vector
- accelerate library and tests: An embedded language for accelerated array processing
- accelerate-bignum library, tests and benchmark: Fixed-length large integer arithmetic for Accelerate
- accelerate-cuda library: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- accelerate-io library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and raw pointers
- accelerate-io-array library and test: Convert between Accelerate and array
- accelerate-io-bmp library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and BMP images
- accelerate-io-bytestring library: Convert between Accelerate and ByteString
- accelerate-io-cereal library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using cereal
- accelerate-io-JuicyPixels library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and JuicyPixels images
- accelerate-io-repa library: Convert between Accelerate and Repa arrays
- accelerate-io-serialise library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using serialise
- accelerate-io-vector library and test: Convert between Accelerate and vector
- accelerate-llvm library: Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR
- accelerate-llvm-native library and test: Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs
- accelerate-llvm-ptx library and test: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs
- accelerate-random library: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers
- access-token-provider library and test: Provides Access Token for Services
- active library and test: Abstractions for animation
- adaptive-containers library: Self optimizing container types
- adaptive-tuple library: Self-optimizing tuple types
- adhoc-fixtures library and test: Manage fine grained fixtures
- adhoc-fixtures-hspec library and test: Manage fine grained fixtures
- AERN-Basics library and program: foundational type classes for approximating exact real numbers
- AERN-Real library: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic
- AERN-Real-Double library and programs: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic
- AERN-Real-Interval library: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic
- AERN-RnToRm library: polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) approximating exact real functions
- AERN-RnToRm-Plot library: GL plotting of polynomial function enclosures (PFEs)
- aeson-applicative library: make To/From JSOn instances from an applicative description
- aeson-bson library: Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects.
- aeson-casing library and test: Tools to change the formatting of field names in Aeson instances.
- aeson-dependent-sum library and test: JSON encoding/decoding for dependent-sum
- aeson-extra library and test: Extra goodies for aeson
- aeson-helper library: Aeson helper func
- aeson-injector library and test: Injecting fields into aeson values
- aeson-iproute library and test: Aeson instances for iproute types
- aeson-lens library and test: Lens of Aeson
- aeson-optics library: Law-abiding optics for aeson
- aeson-options library: Options to derive FromJSON/ToJSON instances
- aeson-possible library and test: Possible values for aeson
- aeson-schema library and test: Haskell JSON schema validator and parser generator
- aeson-t library and test: Transform JSON
- aeson-utils library: Utilities for working with Aeson.
- aeson-value-parser library: API for parsing "aeson" JSON tree into Haskell types
- aeson-via library and test: Wrappers to derive-via Aeson ToJSON/FromJSON typeclasses
- aeson-with library: withXField combinators for aeson
- aeson-yak library: Handle JSON that may or may not be a list, or exist
- AesonBson library and test: Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects.
- affinely-extended library
- afis library and test: Anti-forensic Information Splitter
- agreeing library and test: Idiomatic data structure for agreement
- aig library and test: And-inverter graphs in Haskell.
- aip library, program and test: Aeronautical Information Package (AIP)
- aip-version program: Version of AIP documents
- alfred-margaret library, program, test and benchmarks: Fast Aho-Corasick string searching
- algebraic-classes library: Conversions between algebraic classes and F-algebras.
- algo-s library, program, test and benchmark: An implementation of Knuth's algorithm S.
- align library: Sequence alignment algorithms.
- align-affine library: Sequence alignment with an affine gap penalty model
- alignment library: Zip-alignment
- alist library: lists with O(1) append
- alphachar library and test: A character between a-z
- alpino-tools library and programs: Alpino data manipulation tools
- altcomposition library: Alternative combinators for unorthodox function composition
- alternative-io library: IO as Alternative instance (deprecated)
- always library: provides a typeclass that is always satisfied
- ann library: Informative annotations which don't change equality
- annotated-fix library: A fixpoint of a functor that can be annotated
- anonymous-sums library: Anonymous sum types
- anonymous-sums-tests library: QuickCheck functions to accompany the anonymous-sums package
- ANum library and test: Num instance for Applicatives provided via the ANum newtype
- apache-md5 library, test and benchmark: Apache specific MD5 digest algorighm.
- apart library, program and test: Get all your structure and rip it apart.
- apecs library, test and benchmark: Fast Entity-Component-System library for game programming
- apecs-stm library: STM stores for apecs
- app-lens library and benchmarks: applicative (functional) bidirectional programming beyond composition chains
- appc library, program and test: app container types and tools
- applicable library: A class for things that can be applied
- applicative-numbers library: Applicative-based numeric instances
- apply-merge library, test and benchmark: Lift a binary, non-decreasing function onto ordered lists and order the output
- approximate-equality library: Newtype wrappers for approximate equality
- arbor-lru-cache library and test: LRU cache based on STM
- arff library: Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files
- arith-encode library and test: A practical arithmetic encoding (aka Godel numbering) library.
- armor library and test: Prevent serialization backwards compatibility problems using golden tests
- array-builder library and test: Builders for arrays
- array-chunks library and test: Lists of chunks
- array-list library and tests: IsList instances of Array for OverloadedLists extension
- array-primops library, test and benchmark: Extra foreign primops for primitive arrays
- array-utils library: Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once
- arraylist library and test: Memory-efficient ArrayList implementation
- ArrayRef library: Unboxed references, dynamic arrays and more
- ascii library and test: The ASCII character set and encoding
- ascii-case library and test: ASCII letter case
- ascii-caseless library and test: ASCII character without an upper/lower case distinction
- ascii-char library and test: A Char type representing an ASCII character
- ascii-group library and test: ASCII character groups
- ascii-numbers library and test: ASCII representations of numbers
- ascii-predicates library and test: Various categorizations of ASCII characters
- ascii-superset library and test: Representing ASCII with refined supersets
- ascii-table library: ASCII table
- ascii-th library and test: Template Haskell support for ASCII
- ascii-vector-avc library and program: Process Ascii Vectors for Advantest 93k
- ascii85-conduit library and test: Conduit for encoding ByteString into Ascii85
- asn library: asn type and encoding/decoding
- asn1-ber-syntax library and tests: ASN.1 BER Encode and Decode
- asn1-data library and program: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
- asn1-encoding library and test: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
- asn1-parse library: Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types.
- asn1-types library: ASN.1 types
- assoc library: swap and assoc: Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors
- assoc-list library and test: Association lists (lists of tuples)
- assoc-listlike library and test: Association lists (list-like collections of tuples)
- ast-path library and test: vocabulary representation for predicting program properties
- astar library: General A* search algorithm.
- aterm library: serialisation for Haskell values with sharing support
- atlassian-connect-descriptor library and test: Code that helps you create a valid Atlassian Connect Descriptor.
- atomic-counter library, test and benchmark: Mutable counters that can be modified with atomic operatinos
- atomic-primops library: A safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell.
- atomic-primops-foreign library and test: An atomic counter implemented using the FFI.
- attempt library: Concrete data type for handling extensible exceptions as failures. (deprecated)
- atto-lisp library and test: Efficient parsing and serialisation of S-Expressions.
- AttoBencode library and test: Fast Bencode encoding and parsing library
- attoparsec-arff library: An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec
- attoparsec-binary library: Binary processing extensions to Attoparsec.
- attoparsec-conduit library: Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit. (deprecated)
- attoparsec-iteratee library: An adapter to convert attoparsec Parsers into blazing-fast Iteratees
- attoparsec-varword library and test: Variable-length integer decoding for Attoparsec
- attosplit library: Split a lazy bytestring at boundaries defined by an attoparsec parser
- audiovisual library: A battery-included audiovisual framework
- auto-lift-classes library and test: Deriving (Show|Read)(1|2)
- automata library and test: automata
- avl-static library and test: A compile-time balanced AVL tree.
- avro library, tests and benchmark: Avro serialization support for Haskell
- avro-piper library, program and test: Tool for decoding avro
- b-tree library, test and benchmark: Immutable disk-based B* trees
- babynf library and test: Library for generating parsers from ABNF
- bank-holidays-england library and test: Calculation of bank holidays in England and Wales
- barbies-th library and tests: Create strippable HKD via TH
- base16 library, test and benchmark: Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encoding
- base16-bytestring library, test and benchmark: RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encodings for ByteStrings
- base16-lens library: Optics for the Base16 library
- base32 library, test and benchmark: Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base32 encoding
- base32-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast base32 and base32hex codec for ByteStrings
- base32-lens library: Optics for the Base32 library
- base32-z-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast z-base32 and z-base32hex codec for ByteStrings
- base32string library and test: Fast and safe representation of a Base-32 string
- base58-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Implementation of BASE58 transcoding for ByteStrings
- base58string library and test: Fast and safe representation of a Base-58 string
- base62 library and test: Base62 encoding and decoding
- base64 library, test and benchmark: A modern Base64 library
- base64-bytes library, test and benchmark: Base64 encoding of byte sequences
- base64-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
- base64-bytestring-type library and test: A newtype around ByteString, for base64 encoding
- base64-conduit library and test: Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes. (deprecated)
- base64-lens library: Optics for the Base64 library
- baserock-schema library, program and test: Baserock Definitions Schema
- basics library and test: Modules for primitive types
- batch library and test: Simplify queuing up data and processing it in batch.
- bcp47 library and tests: Language tags as specified by BCP 47
- bcrypt library: Haskell bindings to the bcrypt password hash
- bdelta library: Simple, fast binary diff/patch
- beamable library, test and benchmark: Generic serializer/deserializer with compact representation
- bencoding library, test and benchmark: A library for encoding and decoding of BEncode data.
- bencoding-lens library and test: Lenses for bencoded data.
- bert library and test: BERT implementation
- between library: Function combinator "between" and derived combinators
- bff library and programs: Bidirectionalization for Free! (POPL'09)
- bff-mono library: "Bidirectionalization for Free" for Monomorphic Transformations
- bidispec library: Specification of generators and parsers
- bidispec-extras library: Extra helper functions for bidirectional specifications
- bifunctor-classes-compat library: Compatibility package for the Bifunctor, Bifoldable, and Bitraversable classes
- bifunctors library and test: Bifunctors
- bimap library and test: Bidirectional mapping between two key types
- bimap-server library: Two-column database server.
- bimaps library, test and benchmark: bijections with multiple implementations.
- bin library: Bin: binary natural numbers.
- binary library, tests and benchmarks: Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings
- binary-bits library and test: Bit parsing/writing on top of binary.
- binary-communicator library: Flexible way to ease transmission of binary data.
- binary-derive library: Automatic deriving of Binary using GHC.Generics
- binary-enum library: Simple wrappers around enum types
- binary-ext library and test: An alternate with strong-typed errors for `Data.Binary.Get` monad from `binary` package.
- binary-generic library: Generic binary serialisation using binary and syb.
- binary-generic-combinators library and test: ...
- binary-ieee754 library: Backport ieee754 float double combinators to older binary
- binary-indexed-tree library: Binary Indexed Trees (a.k.a. Fenwick Trees).
- binary-io library and test: Read and write values of types that implement Binary
- binary-list library and benchmark: Lists of length a power of two.
- binary-orphans library and test: Compatibility package for binary; provides instances
- binary-parsers library, test and benchmark: Extends binary with parsec/attoparsec style parsing combinators.
- binary-protocol library: Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol.
- binary-protocol-zmq library and program: Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol over ZeroMQ
- binary-shared library: Sharing for the binary package
- binary-state library: Simple wrapper around Data.Binary, which adds StateT to Get/Put monads.
- binary-store library and test: Format to store data using the binary transform.
- binary-streams library and test: data serialization/deserialization io-streams library
- binary-strict library and test: Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings
- binary-tagged library, test and benchmark: Tagged binary serialisation.
- binary-typed library, tests and benchmarks: Type-safe binary serialization
- binary-varint library: VarInt encoding/decoding via Data.Binary
- binarydefer library: Binary serialization with deferred loading
- bind-marshal library: Data marshaling library that uses type level equations to optimize buffering.
- binder library and test: Variable binding for abstract syntax tree
- bindynamic library: A variation of Data.Dynamic.Dynamic with a Binary instance
- bini library: A collection of various methods for reading and writing bini files.
- binrep library, test and benchmark: Encode precise binary representations directly in types
- BiobaseENA library and test: European Nucleotide Archive data
- bit-protocol library and test: Encode binary protocols with some odd bit numbers into a bytestring
- bit-vector library and test: Simple bit vectors for Haskell
- bitarray library: Mutable and immutable bit arrays
- bitfield library and test: Generic and easy to use haskell bitfields
- bitmap library: A library for handling and manipulating bitmaps (rectangular pixel arrays).
- bitmap-opengl library: OpenGL support for Data.Bitmap.
- bitmaps library: Bitmap library
- bits library: Various bit twiddling and bitwise serialization primitives
- bits-atomic library and program: Atomic bit operations on memory locations for low-level synchronization
- bits-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Bits instance for bytestrings.
- bits-bytestring-lazy library, test and benchmark: Bits instance for lazy bytestrings.
- bits-conduit library, test and benchmark: Bitstream support for Conduit
- bits-extra library, tests and benchmark: Useful bitwise operations
- bits-extras library and program: Efficient high-level bit operations not found in Data.Bits
- bitstream library and tests: Fast, packed, strict and lazy bit streams with stream fusion
- bitstring library: Lazy bit strings
- bitvec library, test and benchmark: Space-efficient bit vectors
- bitwise library, test and benchmark: fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays
- bitwise-enum library, test and benchmark: Bitwise operations on bounded enumerations
- blaze-builder library and test: Efficient buffered output.
- blaze-builder-conduit library: Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings. (deprecated)
- blaze-builder-enumerator library: Enumeratees for the incremental conversion of builders to bytestrings.
- blazeT library: A true monad (transformer) version of the blaze-markup and blaze-html libraries
- bloomfilter library and test: Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations.
- bloomfilter-redis library, test and benchmark: Distributed bloom filters on Redis (using the Hedis client).
- boltzmann-samplers library, test and benchmark: Uniform random generators
- bond-haskell library, test and benchmark: Runtime support for BOND serialization
- bool-extras library: A fold function for Bool
- Boolean library: Generalized booleans and numbers
- boolean-list library: convert numbers to binary coded lists
- boolean-normal-forms library and test: Boolean normal form: NNF, DNF & CNF
- boombox library: Chronokinetic stream sources and incremental consumers
- boring library: Boring and Absurd types
- both library: Like Maybe, but with a different Monoid instance.
- bounded-array library: Arrays with a value for every index
- bounded-queue library and test: A strict, immutable, thread-safe, single-ended, bounded queue.
- boundingboxes library: A generic boundingbox for an arbitrary vector
- browscap library: A reader and interface for the Browser Capabilities Project data files.
- bsb-http-chunked library, tests and benchmark: Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders
- bson library and test: BSON documents are JSON-like objects with a standard binary encoding.
- bson-generic library: Generic functionality for BSON
- bson-generics library: Generics functionality for BSON
- bson-mapping library: Mapping between BSON and algebraic data types.
- bspack library, test and benchmark: A simple and fast bytestring packer
- btree library, test and benchmark: B-Tree on Unmanaged Heap
- buffer library, test and benchmark: Simple mutable low-level buffer for IO
- buffer-builder library, tests and benchmarks: Library for efficiently building up buffers, one piece at a time
- buffer-builder-aeson library, test and benchmark: Serialize Aeson values with Data.BufferBuilder
- buildable library: Typeclass for builders of linear data structures
- builder library: bounded ByteArray builder type
- bv library and program: Bit-vector arithmetic library
- bv-embed library: Define embeddings of small bit vectors into larger ones
- bv-little library, test and benchmarks: Efficient little-endian bit vector library
- by-other-names library and tests: Give aliases to record fields.
- byte-containers library and test: Sets and maps with 8-bit words for keys
- byte-order library and test: Portable big-endian and little-endian conversions
- byteable library: Type class for sequence of bytes
- bytebuild library, test and benchmark: Build byte arrays
- bytehash library, test and benchmark: Universal hashing of bytes
- bytelog library: Fast logging
- bytes library: Sharing code for serialization between binary and cereal
- bytes-metrics library, test and benchmark: Calculate string metrics on Bytes efficiently
- bytes-patterns library and test: Template haskell macro for casing on Bytes
- byteset library: Set of bytes.
- byteslice library, test and benchmark: Slicing managed and unmanaged memory
- bytesmith library, test and benchmark: Nonresumable byte parser
- bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface
- bytestring-aeson-orphans library: Aeson instances for ByteString, using base 64 encoding
- bytestring-arbitrary library, test and benchmark: Arbitrary instances for ByteStrings
- bytestring-builder library: The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC
- bytestring-builder-varword library and test: Variable-length integer encoding
- bytestring-class library: Classes for automatic conversion to and from strict and lazy bytestrings. (deprecated)
- bytestring-conversion library, test and benchmark: Type-classes to convert values to and from ByteString.
- bytestring-csv library: Parse CSV formatted data efficiently
- bytestring-delta library: Simple, fast binary diff/patch
- bytestring-encoding library and test: ByteString ↔ Text converter based on GHC.IO.Encoding
- bytestring-encodings library, test and benchmark: checks to see if a given bytestring adheres to a certain encoding
- bytestring-from library and test: A type-class to convert values from ByteString.
- bytestring-lexing library and test: Efficiently parse and produce common integral and fractional numbers.
- bytestring-plain library: Plain byte strings ('ForeignPtr'-less 'ByteString's)
- bytestring-read library, tests and benchmark: fast ByteString to number converting library
- bytestring-substring library: break bytestrings up into substrings
- bytestring-time library and test: Library for Time parsing from ByteString
- bytestring-trie library, test and benchmarks: An efficient finite map from bytestrings to values.
- bytestring-typenats library, test and benchmark: Bytestrings with typenat lengths
- bytetrie library and test: Tries with Bytes as keys.
- bytezap library: Bytestring builder with zero intermediate allocation
- C-structs library and tests: C-Structs implementation for Haskell
- ca-patterns library and test: Manipulate patterns in cellular automata, create and parse RLE files
- ca-province-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:CA Province Codes and Names
- cache library and test: An in-memory key/value store with expiration support
- cached-traversable library: Transparent, persistent caching of lazy, traversable structures
- caching library and test: Cache combinators.
- caching-vault library and test: A vault-style cache implementation
- caerbannog library and test: That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!
- call-stack library and test: Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way
- cantor-pairing library and test: Convert data to and from a natural number representation
- capnp library, program, test and benchmark: Cap'n Proto for Haskell
- capped-list library: A list-like type for lazy sequences, with a user-defined termination value.
- Cardinality library: Measure container capacity. Use it to safely change container.
- carray library, test and benchmarks: A C-compatible array library.
- case-insensitive library, test and benchmark: Case insensitive string comparison
- cassava-conduit library, test and benchmark: Conduit interface for cassava package
- cassava-generic library: Cassave instances for functor-like datatypes like `Either String a`.
- cassava-streams library, program and test: io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library.
- castagnoli library and test: Portable CRC-32C
- categorical-algebra library: Categorical Monoids and Semirings
- CBOR library and tests: Encode/Decode values to/from CBOR
- ccast library: typesafe c-style casts; useful for FFI
- cdar-mBound library, programs, test and benchmark: Exact real arithmetic using Centred Dyadic Approximations
- cereal library and test: A binary serialization library
- cereal-derive library: Automatic deriving of Serialize using GHC.Generics
- cereal-ieee754 library: Floating point support for the 'cereal' serialization library
- cereal-io-streams library, test and benchmark: io-streams support for the cereal binary serialization library
- cereal-streams library, test and benchmark: Use cereal to encode/decode io-streams.
- cereal-text library: Data.Text instances for the cereal serialization library
- cereal-time library and test: Serialize instances for types from `time` package.
- cereal-vector library and test: Serialize instances for Data.Vector types.
- certificate library and programs: Certificates and Key Reader/Writer
- chain-codes library and test: Library decoding chain codes from images
- chainweb-mining-client program and test: Mining Client for Kadena Chainweb
- character-ps library and test: Pattern synonyms for ASCII characters for Word8, Word16 etc
- charset library: Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries
- chaselev-deque library and test: Chase & Lev work-stealing lock-free double-ended queues (deques).
- chatty-utils library: Some utilities every serious chatty-based application may need.
- Checked library: Inbuilt checking for ultra reliable computing
- checked library: Bounds-checking integer types.
- ChibiHash library, program and test: a simple and fast 64-bit hash function
- chimera library, test and benchmark: Lazy infinite streams with O(1) indexing and applications for memoization
- choice library: A solution to boolean blindness.
- chronos library, test and benchmark: A high-performance time library
- chunked-data library: Typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations
- church-maybe library: Church encoded Maybe
- church-pair library: Church encoded pair
- churros library and test: Channel/Arrow based streaming computation library.
- cimple library, programs and test: Simple C-like programming language
- ciphersaber2 library and program: Implementation of CipherSaber2 RC4 cryptography.
- circular-enum library and test: Make bounded enum types circular
- CLASE library: Cursor Library for A Structured Editor
- classify library: Library for classification of media files.
- classyplate library and benchmark: Fuseable type-class based generics
- ClassyPrelude library: Prelude replacement using classes instead of concrete types where reasonable
- clean-unions library: Open unions without need for Typeable
- CLI library and test: CLI tools
- clist library: Counted list
- closed library and test: Integers bounded by a closed interval
- cmf library and test: (C)oncurrent (M)onoidal (F)olds
- cmph library and test: low level interface to CMPH
- code-builder library: Simple system for generating code.
- codec library and test: Simple bidirectional serialization
- codec-libevent library and program: Cross-platform structure serialisation
- codet library and test: CodeT
- codet-plugin library and test: GHC type-checker plugin for solving LiftT instances from codet
- coerce-util library: utils for Data.Coerce
- coercible-subtypes library: Coercible but only in one direction
- coercible-subtypes-profunctor library: Combine profunctors with coercible-subtypes
- coercion-extras library and test: Extra utilities for manipulating nominal and representational coercions
- cofunctor library: DEPRECATED: use the "contravariant" package
- collection-json library and test: Collection+JSON—Hypermedia Type Tools
- colors library: A type for colors
- colour library and test: A model for human colour/color perception
- colour-accelerate library: Working with colours in Accelerate
- colour-space library and test: Instances of the manifold-classes for colour types
- combobuffer library: Various buffer implementations
- comfort-graph library and test: Graph structure with type parameters for nodes and edges
- comic library: A format for describing comics.
- commutative library and test: Commutative binary operations.
- commutative-semigroups library: Commutative semigroups
- compact library and test: Non-GC'd, contiguous storage for immutable data structures
- compact-list library and test: An append only list in a compact region
- compact-map library: Compact Data.Map implementation using Data.Binary
- compact-mutable-vector library and test: Mutable vector with different GC characteristics
- compact-sequences library and tests: Stacks, queues, and deques with compact representations.
- compact-string library: Fast, packed and strict strings with Unicode support, based on bytestrings.
- compact-string-fix library: Same as compact-string except with a small fix so it builds on ghc-6.12
- compact-word-vectors library and test: Small vectors of small integers stored very compactly.
- compactmap library and test: A read-only memory-efficient key-value store.
- compose-ltr library and test: More intuitive, left-to-right function composition.
- composite-dhall library and test: Dhall instances for composite records.
- composite-lens-extra library: Extra lens functions for composite.
- composite-xml library and test: RecXML Type
- composition library: Combinators for unorthodox function composition
- composition-extra library: Combinators for unorthodox structure composition
- composition-prelude library: Higher-order function combinators
- composition-tree library and test: Composition trees for arbitrary monoids.
- compositional-data library, test and benchmark: Compositional Data Types
- compound-types library and benchmark: Sum and Product types and such
- compressed library: Compressed containers and reducers
- comptrans library: Automatically converting ASTs into compositional data types
- conala-dataset library and test: bindings to the CoNaLa dataset
- concise library and test: Utilities for Control.Lens.Cons
- concrete-haskell library, programs and tests: Library for the Concrete data format.
- concrete-haskell-autogen library: Automatically generated Thrift definitions for the Concrete data format.
- concrete-typerep library and test: Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep
- concurrent-batch library: Concurrent batching queue based on STM with timeout.
- concurrent-buffer library, test and benchmark: Concurrent expanding buffer
- concurrent-resource-map library and test: Concurrent resource map
- condorcet library: Library for Condorcet voting
- conduit library, test and benchmarks: Streaming data processing library.
- conduit-combinators library: DEPRECATED Functionality merged into the conduit package itself
- conduit-concurrent-map library and test: Concurrent, order-preserving mapping Conduit
- conduit-extra library, test and benchmark: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries.
- conduit-resumablesink library and test: Allows conduit to resume sinks to feed multiple sources into it.
- conduit-throttle library and test: Throttle Conduit Producers
- conduit-tokenize-attoparsec library, program and test: Conduits for tokenizing streams.
- conffmt program: A .conf file formatter
- confide library and test: derive typeclass instances for decoding types from HOCON conf
- config-manager library and test: Configuration management
- configifier library, program and test: parser for config files, shell variables, command line args.
- configuration library: Simple data type for application configuration.
- configurator library and test: Configuration management
- configurator-export library and test: Pretty printer and exporter for configurations from the "configurator" library.
- configurator-ng library and test: The next generation of configuration management
- configurator-pg library and test: Reduced parser for configurator-ng config files
- congruence-relation library: Decidable congruence relations for Haskell: up to you whether this is a joke
- connection-pool library: Connection pool built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons.
- ConsStream library: Trivial re-export of Wouter Swierstra's Stream package, avoiding module name clash.
- constaparser library: Parse ByteStrings of a prescribed length.
- constrained library: Generalization of standard Functor, Foldable, and Traversable classes
- constrained-dynamic library and test: Dynamic typing with retained constraints
- constrained-platform-instances library: Instances of standard platform types for 'constrained' package.
- constrained-some library and test: Existential type that can be constrained
- constraint-tuples library: Partially applicable constraint tuples
- construct library and tests: Haskell version of the Construct library for easy specification of file formats
- container library: Containers abstraction and utilities.
- containers-accelerate library and test: Hashing-based container types
- containers-deepseq library: Provide orphan NFData instances for containers as needed. (deprecated)
- containers-verified library: Formally verified drop-in replacement of containers
- context library and test: Thread-indexed, nested contexts
- context-resource library and test: Thread-safe, pool-compatible resource provider
- context-stack library: An abstraction of a stack and stack-based monadic context.
- contiguous library, tests and benchmark: Unified interface for primitive arrays
- contiguous-checked library: contiguous with bounds checks
- contiguous-fft library: dft of contiguous memory structures
- contravariant library: Contravariant functors
- control-monad-attempt library: Monad transformer for attempt. (deprecated)
- conversion library: Universal converter between values of different types
- conversion-bytestring library: "Conversion" instances for the "bytestring" library
- conversion-case-insensitive library: "Conversion" instances for the "case-insensitive" library
- conversion-text library: "Conversion" instances for the "text" library
- convert library: Safe and unsafe data conversion utilities with strong type-level operation. checking.
- convertible library and test: Typeclasses and instances for converting between types
- convertible-ascii library: convertible instances for ascii
- convertible-text program: Typeclasses and instances for converting between types (deprecated)
- COrdering library: An algebraic data type similar to Prelude Ordering.
- coroutine-iteratee library: Bridge between the monad-coroutine and iteratee packages.
- count library: Bijective mappings between values and possibly infinite prefixes of [0..]
- countable library and test: Countable, Searchable, Finite, Empty classes
- counter library: An object frequency counter.
- country-codes library, program and test: ISO 3166 country codes and i18n names.
- coya library: Coya monoids
- cpio-conduit library and test: Conduit-based CPIO
- cpu library and program: Cpu information and properties helpers.
- cqrs library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
- cqrs-core library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
- cqrs-memory library and test: Memory backend for the cqrs package.
- cqrs-postgresql library and test: PostgreSQL backend for the cqrs package.
- cqrs-sqlite3 library and test: SQLite3 backend for the cqrs package.
- cqrs-test library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation Test Support
- cqrs-testkit library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation Test Support
- cqrs-types library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation. Modules for the basic types.
- critbit library, test and benchmark: Crit-bit maps and sets
- crjdt-haskell library and test: A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype for Haskell
- crypt-sha512 library and test: Pure Haskell implelementation for GNU SHA512 crypt algorithm
- crypto-api library: A generic interface for cryptographic operations
- crypto-api-tests library: A test framework and KATs for cryptographic operations.
- cryptohash library, test and benchmarks: collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical
- cryptohash-md5 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical MD5 implementation
- cryptohash-sha1 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-1 implementation
- cryptohash-sha256 library, program, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation
- cryptohash-sha512 library, tests and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-512 implementation
- crypton-x509 library and test: X509 reader and writer
- crypton-x509-store library and test: X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
- crypton-x509-system library: Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
- crypton-x509-validation library and test: X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
- css-syntax library, test and benchmark: High-performance CSS tokenizer and serializer.
- csv-conduit library and test: A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell.
- csv-enumerator library: A flexible, fast, enumerator-based CSV parser library for Haskell.
- csv-sip library and test: extracts data from a CSV file
- csv-table library: Scripts for manipulating tables stored as CSV files
- CTRex library: Open records using closed type families.
- cuckoo library, tests and benchmarks: Haskell Implementation of Cuckoo Filters
- cuckoo-filter library, program and test: Pure and impure Cuckoo Filter
- cudd library: Bindings to the CUDD binary decision diagrams library
- currencies library and test: Currencies representation, pretty printing and conversion
- currency library: Types representing standard and non-standard currencies
- currency-codes library and test: ISO-4217 Currency Codes
- currency-convert library: Typesafe currency conversion
- curry library: Curry types
- cve library: simple and efficient cve datatype
- cvss library and test: Common Vulnerability Scoring System.
- cybus library, program and test: multi-dimensional arrays
- czipwith library and test: CZipWith class and deriving via TH
- d10 library and tests: Digits 0-9
- dahdit library and test: Binary parsing and serialization with integrated size
- data-accessor library: Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
- data-accessor-monadLib library: Accessor functions for monadLib's monads
- data-accessor-monads-fd library: Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class
- data-accessor-monads-tf library: Use Accessor to access state in monads-tf State monad type family
- data-accessor-mtl library: Use Accessor to access state in mtl State monad class
- data-accessor-template library: Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
- data-accessor-transformers library: Use Accessor to access state in transformers State monad
- Data-Angle library: Geometric angles
- data-as library: Simple extensible sum
- data-ascii library: Type-safe, bytestring-based ASCII values
- data-binary-ieee754 library: Parser/Serialiser for IEEE-754 floating-point values
- data-bword library and test: Extra operations on binary words of fixed length
- data-carousel library: A rotating sequence data structure
- data-cell library: Generic cellular data representation library
- data-check library and test: Library for checking and normalization of data (e.g. from web forms)
- data-checked library: Type-indexed runtime-checked properties
- data-combinator-gen library: Generate a special combinator from any data type.
- data-compat library: Define Backwards Compatibility Schemes for Arbitrary Data
- data-constructors library, test and benchmark: Generically compare data by their constructors
- data-cycle library: a cyclic doubly linked list
- data-default library and test: A class for types with a default value
- data-default-class library: A class for types with a default value (compatibility shim)
- data-default-extra library: A class for types with a default value.
- data-default-generics library and test: A class for types with a default value
- data-default-instances-base library: Default instances for types in base
- data-default-instances-bytestring library: Default instances for (lazy and strict) ByteString, Builder and ShortByteString.
- data-default-instances-case-insensitive library: Default instance for CI type from case-insensitive package.
- data-default-instances-containers library: Default instances for types in containers
- data-default-instances-dlist library: Default instances for types in dlist
- data-default-instances-new-base library: Default instances for types in newer versions of base package.
- data-default-instances-old-locale library: Default instances for types in old-locale
- data-default-instances-text library: Default instances for (lazy and strict) Text and Text Builder.
- data-default-instances-unordered-containers library: Default instances for unordered-containers.
- data-default-instances-vector library: Default instances for types defined in vector package
- data-dispersal library and test: Space-efficient and privacy-preserving data dispersal algorithms.
- data-diverse library, test and benchmark: Extensible records and polymorphic variants.
- data-diverse-lens library and test: Isos & Lens for Data.Diverse.Many and Prisms for Data.Diverse.Which
- data-dword library and test: Stick two binary words together to get a bigger one
- data-easy library and test: Consistent set of utility functions for Maybe, Either, List and Monoids.
- data-elevator library and test: Coerce between unlifted boxed and lifted types.
- data-elf library: Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) data structures.
- data-embed library and program: Embed files and other binary blobs inside executables without Template Haskell.
- data-endian library: Endian-sensitive data
- data-extend-generic library and test: Extend Haskell data or newtype like in OOP languages
- data-filepath library: A type safe file path data structure
- data-filter library: Utilities for filtering
- data-fin library: Finite totally ordered sets
- data-fin-simple library and test: Simple integral finite set
- data-fix library: Fixpoint data types
- data-fix-cse library: Common subexpression elimination for the fixploint types.
- data-flags library: A package for working with bit masks and flags in general.
- data-flagset library: An efficient data type for sets of flags
- data-foldapp library: Fold function applications. Framework for variadic functions.
- data-forced library and test: Specify that lifted values were forced to WHNF or NF.
- data-function-meld library: Map the arguments and return value of functions.
- data-function-tacit library: ...
- data-has library and benchmark: Simple extensible product
- data-hash library and test: Combinators for building fast hashing functions.
- Data-Hash-Consistent library: Provide a simple consistent hashing mechanism
- data-index library and test: Extending the concept of indices for lists and other containers
- data-interval library and test: Interval datatype, interval arithmetic and interval-based containers
- data-inttrie library: A simple lazy, infinite trie from integers
- data-ivar library: Write-once variables with concurrency support
- data-json-token library, program and test: Json Token datatype
- data-kiln library: ...
- data-layout library: Read/write arbitrary binary layouts to a "Data.Vector.Storable".
- data-lens-light library: Simple lenses, minimum dependencies
- data-lens-template library: Utilities for Data.Lens
- data-list-sequences library: Utilities for working with sequences within lists.
- data-list-zigzag library: A list but with a balanced enumeration of Cartesian product.
- data-map-multikey library: Data.Map with multiple, unique keys
- data-memocombinators library: Combinators for building memo tables.
- data-msgpack library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
- data-msgpack-types library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack.
- data-nat library: data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
- data-object library: Represent hierachichal structures, called objects in JSON. (deprecated)
- data-or library: A data type for non-exclusive disjunction.
- data-ordlist library: Set and bag operations on ordered lists
- data-partition library: A pure disjoint set (union find) data structure
- data-pdf-fieldreader library and program: Read PDF form fields
- data-quotientref library: Reference cells that need two independent indices to be accessed.
- data-ref library: Unify STRef and IORef in plain Haskell 98
- data-reify library, programs and test: Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph.
- data-reify-cse library: Common Sub-Expression Elimination for graphs generated by Data.Reify.
- data-rev library: A typeclass for reversing order of contents.
- Data-Rope library: Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings.
- data-rope library: Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings.
- data-serializer library and test: Common API for serialization libraries
- data-spacepart library: Deprecated. Now called "spacepart". Space partitioning data structures.
- data-standards library: A collection of standards representable by simple data types.
- data-store library, test and benchmark: Type safe, in-memory dictionary with multidimensional keys.
- data-sword library and test: Shorter binary words
- data-tensor library: Tensor and Group typeclasses
- data-textual library and test: Human-friendly textual representations.
- data-timeout library: 64-bit timeouts of nanosecond precision
- data-transform library: Functions to transform data structures.
- data-treify library: Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph.
- data-type library: Basic type wrangling types and classes
- data-util library: utilities for handle data
- data-validation library and test: A library for creating type safe validations.
- data-variant library: A variant data type, useful for modeling dynamically-typed programming languages
- data-vector-growable library and test: Dynamic growable resizable mutable generic vector
- datacrypto library: Encryption library
- DataIndex library, program, test and benchmark: A package for adding index column to data files
- datasets library, test and benchmark: Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning
- DataVersion library and test: Type safe data migrations
- date-conversions library and test: Date conversions
- dates library and test: Small library for parsing different dates formats.
- datetime library and test: Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use
- datetime-sb library and test: Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use.
- dawg library: Directed acyclic word graphs
- dawg-ord library and test: Directed acyclic word graphs
- DCFL library: Communication Free Learning-based constraint solver
- ddate library: Discordian Date Types for Haskell
- dec library: Decidable propositions.
- decision-diagrams library and tests: Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) and Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDD)
- deep-map library: Deeply-nested, multiple key type maps.
- defun library and test: Defunctionalization helpers
- defun-bool library: Defunctionalization helpers: booleans
- defun-core library: Defunctionalization helpers: core definitions
- defun-sop library: Defunctionalization helpers: lists
- deiko-config library: Small and typesafe configuration library.
- delimited-text library: Parse character delimited textual data
- delta library, programs and test: A library for detecting file changes
- dense library and test: Mutable and immutable dense multidimensional arrays
- dense-int-set library and test: Dense int-set
- dependent-hashmap library and test: Dependent hash maps
- dependent-map library: Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)
- dependent-monoidal-map library: Dependent map that uses semigroup mappend
- dependent-state library: Control structure similar to Control.Monad.State, ...
- dependent-sum library: Dependent sum type
- depq library and test: Double-ended priority queues
- deque library and test: Double-ended queues
- derive-enumerable library: Generic instances for enumerating complex data types
- derive-IG library: Macro to derive instances for Instant-Generics using Template Haskell
- derive-lifted-instances library: Derive class instances though various kinds of lifting
- derive-prim library and test: Derive Prim and PrimUnaligned
- derive-trie library: Automatic derivation of Trie implementations.
- deriveJsonNoPrefix library and test: Derive ToJSON/FromJSON instances in a more prefix-friendly manner.
- describe library and test: Combinators for describing binary data structures
- descrilo library: Loads a list of items with fields
- detour-via-sci library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for rationals as decimal point numbers.
- detour-via-uom library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for quantities.
- dgim library and test: Implementation of DGIM algorithm
- dhall-secret library, program and test: Encrypt Decrypt Dhall expressions
- dice-entropy-conduit library and test: Cryptographically secure n-sided dice via rejection sampling
- dicom library: ...
- diff-loc library: Map file locations across diffs
- diff3 library and test: Perform a 3-way difference of documents
- diffmap library: diff on maps
- Digit library: A data-type representing digits 0-9
- digit library and test: A data-type representing digits 0-9 and other combinations
- digits library and test: Converts integers to lists of digits and back.
- digraph library and test: Directed Graphs
- DimensionalHash library: An n-dimensional hash using Morton numbers.
- direct-binary-files library: Serialization and deserialization monads for streams and ByteStrings.
- direct-murmur-hash library: An implementation of the MurmurHash3 algorithm
- directory-tree library and test: A simple directory-like tree datatype, with useful IO functions
- dirfiles library
- discrete library: replacement for enum
- discrete-intervals library: Discrete Intervals
- discrete-space-map library: A discrete space map.
- discrimination library, test and benchmarks: Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction.
- Dish library and program: Hash modules (currently Murmur3)
- disjoint-set library and test: Persistent disjoint-sets, a.k.a union-find.
- disjoint-set-stateful library and test: Monadic disjoint set
- diskhash library and test: Disk-based hash table
- DistanceUnits library: A comprehensive distance library
- dlist library and test: Difference lists
- dlist-instances library: Difference lists instances
- dlist-nonempty library, test and benchmark: Non-empty difference lists
- do-list library, test and benchmark: Do notation for free
- dockerfile library and test: A Haskell DSL for generating Dockerfiles
- docrecords library and test: Vinyl-based records with hierarchical field names, default values and documentation
- doldol library and test: Flag packer & handler for flaggable data
- dot library and program: Datatypes and encoding for graphviz dot files
- dotnet-timespan library: .NET TimeSpan
- double-metaphone library: Haskell bindings to a C double-metaphone implementation.
- doublezip library: Some special functions to work with lists (with zip).
- DPutils library, test and benchmarks: utilities for DP
- dson library: Haskell Doge Serialized Object Notation Parser
- dson-parsec library: DSON parser.
- dstring library: Difference strings
- dtab library and program: Harmonix (Guitar Hero, Rock Band) DTA/DTB metadata library
- dtd-text library: Parse and render XML DTDs
- dtd-types library: Basic types for representing XML DTDs
- dual-tree library and test: Rose trees with cached and accumulating monoidal annotations
- dublincore-xml-conduit library and tests: XML streaming parser/renderer for the Dublin Core standard elements.
- dwarf library: Parser for DWARF debug format.
- dwarf-el library: Parser for DWARF debug format.
- dynamic-graphs library, programs, test and benchmark: Dynamic graph algorithms
- dynamic-mvector library: A wrapper around MVector that enables pushing, popping and extending.
- dynamic-object library and tests: Object-oriented programming with duck typing and singleton classes.
- dynamic-pipeline library, program and test: Library Type Safe implementation of Dynamic Pipeline Paradigm (DPP).
- dynamic-state library: Optionally serializable dynamic state keyed by type
- DynamicTimeWarp library and programs: Dynamic time warping of sequences.
- edit library and test: A monad for rewriting things.
- edit-distance-vector library and test: Calculate edit distances and edit scripts between vectors.
- edit-lenses library: Symmetric, stateful edit lenses
- edit-lenses-demo program: Programs demoing the use of symmetric, stateful edit lenses
- editable library: Interactive editors for Generics
- edits library and test: show the differences between 2 pieces of Text using the Levenshtein distance
- eigen library and tests: Eigen C++ library (linear algebra: matrices, sparse matrices, vectors, ...
- either-both library and test: Either or both
- either-list-functions library and test: Functions involving lists of Either
- either-result library and tests: The simplest ‘MonadFail’ instance
- either-semigroup library: Either with a stricter Semigroup instance
- either-unwrap library: Functions for probing and unwrapping values inside of Either.
- elasticsearch-interchange library and test: Serialization of Elasticsearch requests and responses
- elerea-sdl library: Elerea FRP wrapper for SDL
- elf library and test: An Elf parser
- elm-export-persistent library: elm-export persistent entities
- empty-monad library: A container that always has no values.
- encode-string library and test: Safe string conversion and encoding
- encoding-io library: Encoding-aware file I/O.
- endo library: Endomorphism utilities.
- engineering-units library: A numeric type for managing and automating engineering units.
- entropy library: A platform independent entropy source
- enum-subset-generate library and test: Generate an ADT being a subset of another ADT, and the corresponding mappings.
- enum-types library: small enum types
- EnumContainers library: Simple Enum-class-based int containers
- enumerable library: A typeclass for enumerating all values a type
- enumerate library and program: enumerate all the values in a finite type (automatically)
- enumeration library and test: A practical API for building recursive enumeration procedures and enumerating datatypes.
- enumerator library: Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators
- enumfun library: Finitely represented /total/ EnumMaps
- enummapmap library, tests and benchmark: Map of maps using Enum types as keys
- enummapset-th library: TH-generated EnumSet/EnumMap wrappers around IntSet/IntMap.
- enumset library: Sets of enumeration values represented by machine words
- envy-extensible library and tests: Provides FromEnv in envy instance for Record of extensible.
- equivalence library and test: Maintaining an equivalence relation implemented as union-find using STT.
- error library and test: The canonical error type
- error-or library: Composable, hierarchical errors.
- error-or-utils library: Utilities using ErrorOr datatype
- esqueleto-compat library and test: Compatibility operators for Persistent and Esqueleto
- ess library: The type-level S combinator in Haskell.
- EstProgress library: Methods for estimating the progress of functions
- eths-rlp library and tests: Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
- euler-tour-tree library and tests: Euler tour trees
- EuroIT library: Library for using euro currency, italian language
- event-handlers library: Event handlers
- event-list library and test: Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps
- every-bit-counts library: A functional pearl on encoding and decoding using question-and-answer strategies
- ex-pool library: Another fork of resource-pool, with a MonadIO and MonadCatch constraint
- exact-pi library and test: Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi)
- exinst library: Dependent pairs and their instances.
- exinst-aeson library and test: @exinst@ support for @aeson@ package.
- exinst-base library and test: @exinst@ support for @base@ package.
- exinst-bytes library and test: @exinst@ support for @bytes@ package.
- exinst-cereal library and test: @exinst@ support for @cereal@ package.
- exinst-deepseq library: Derive instances for the `deepseq` library for your existential types.
- exinst-hashable library: Derive instances for the `hashable` library for your existential types.
- exinst-serialise library and test: Dependent pairs and their instances.
- existential library: Existential types with lens-like accessors.
- explicit-constraint-lens library and test: Fully-flexible polymorphic lenses, without any bizarre profunctors
- express library, tests and benchmarks: Dynamically-typed expressions involving function application and variables.
- expressions library and test: Expressions and Formulae a la carte
- expressions-z3 library and test: Encode and Decode expressions from Z3 ASTs
- extend-record-data-th library and test: TH to define a new record data type that extends the existing record data type.
- extensible library and test: Extensible, efficient, optics-friendly data types and effects
- extensible-data library: Sums/products/lists/trees which can be extended in other modules
- extensible-sp library: light-weight, extensible sums and products over types and kinds
- extra-data-yj library and test: Additional data types
- extractable-singleton library: A functor, where the "stored" value is isomorphic to Identity
- f-algebra-gen library: Generate a special f-algebra combinator from any data type.
- facts library: Refined types
- fadno-braids library: Braid representations in Haskell
- failable-list library: A list-like type for lazy streams, which might terminate with an error.
- fair library, test and benchmark: Lists with fair choice
- fair-predicates library: Fair Predicates
- fake library and test: Randomly generated fake data
- fallible library and test
- familiar-reflection library: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
- family-tree library: A family tree library for the Haskell programming language.
- fast-builder library, test and benchmarks: Fast ByteString Builder
- fast-digits library, test and benchmark: Integer-to-digits conversion.
- fast-nats library: Natural Numbers with no overhead
- fasta library: A simple, mindless parser for fasta files.
- fastsum library and program: A fast open-union type suitable for 100+ contained alternatives
- fay-text library: Fay Text type represented as JavaScript strings
- fca library: Algo for Formal Concept Analysis
- fclabels library, test and benchmark: First class accessor labels implemented as lenses.
- fclabels-monadlib library: MonadLib monadic interface for the "fclabels" package.
- fields library: First-class record field combinators with infix record field syntax.
- fieldwise library and test: ...
- file-embed library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly.
- file-embed-lzma library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed (LZMA compressed) data.
- file-embed-poly library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly.
- filecache library and test: A cache system associating values to files.
- filediff library and test: Diffing and patching module
- filestore library and test: Interface for versioning file stores.
- filesystem-conduit library and test: Use system-filepath data types with conduits. (deprecated)
- filesystem-trees library: Recursively manipulate and traverse filesystems as lazy rose trees.
- filters-basic library: Allows to change the structure of the function output.
- filtrable library and test: Class of filtrable containers
- Fin library: Finite totally-ordered sets
- fin library and test: Nat and Fin: peano naturals and finite numbers
- fin-int library: Finite sets of static size
- fingertree-tf library: Generic finger-tree structure using type families.
- finitary library and test: A better, more type-safe Enum.
- finitary-derive library and test: Flexible and easy deriving of type classes for finitary types.
- finitary-optics library and test: Prisms and Isos between finitary types.
- finite-field library and test: Finite Fields
- finite-table library and test: Types isomorphic to Fin, and Tables indexed by them.
- finite-typelits library and test: A type inhabited by finitely many values, indexed by type-level naturals
- FiniteCategories library and test: Finite categories and usual categorical constructions on them.
- FiniteCategoriesGraphViz library and test: Transform objects of the package FiniteCategories into graphs using GraphViz.
- FiniteMap library: A finite map implementation, ...
- first-and-last library and test: First and Last generalized to return up to n values
- first-class-patterns library: First class patterns and pattern matching, using type families
- fit library and test: FIT file decoder
- fitsio library: A library for reading and writing data files in the FITS data format.
- fixed-length library: Lists with statically known length based on non-empty package.
- fixed-list library: A fixed length list type
- fixed-point library: Binary fixed-point arithmetic
- fixed-point-vector library: Unbox instances for the fixed-point package
- fixed-point-vector-space library: vector-space instances for the fixed-point package
- fixed-vector library and test: Generic vectors with statically known size.
- fixed-vector-binary library and test: Binary instances for fixed-vector
- fixed-vector-cborg library and test: Binary instances for fixed-vector
- fixed-vector-cereal library and test: Cereal instances for fixed-vector
- fixed-vector-hetero library and test: Library for working with product types generically
- FixedPoint-simple library: Fixed point, large word, ...
- fixedprec library: A fixed-precision real number type
- fixfile library and test: File-backed recursive data structures.
- fixpoint library: Data types as fixpoints
- fixtime library: Some fixes to the time package
- flag library: A simple flag type.
- flag-dhall-instance library: FromDhall and ToDhall instances for flag.
- flat library and tests: Principled and efficient bit-oriented binary serialization.
- flat-maybe library: Strict Maybe without space and indirection overhead
- flatbuffers library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the FlatBuffers protocol.
- flay library and test: Generic programming for higher-kinded types.
- flexible-time library: simple extension of Data.UnixTime.
- flexiwrap library: Flexible wrappers
- flexiwrap-smallcheck library: SmallCheck (Serial) instances for flexiwrap
- flight-igc library: A parser for IGC files.
- flight-kml library and tests: Parsing of pilot tracklogs dumped as KML.
- float-binstring library and test: C99 printf "%a" style formatting and parsing
- floating-bits library, test and benchmark: Bitwise accurate floating point conversion, and Unit of Lease Precision calculation.
- fmlist library: FoldMap lists
- Focus library: Tools for focusing in on locations within numbers
- focus library and test: A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures
- foldable-ix library: Functions to find out the indices of the elements in the Foldable structures
- foldable1-classes-compat library, test and benchmark: Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes
- folds library: Beautiful Folding
- folds-common library and tests: A playground of common folds for folds
- forms-data-format library: Parse and serialize FDF, the Forms Data Format
- foscam-directory library and test: Foscam File format
- foscam-filename library and test: Foscam File format
- foscam-sort library, program and test: Foscam File format
- Foster program and benchmark: Utilities to generate and solve puzzles
- fraction library: Fractions
- Frames library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Data frames for working with tabular data files
- Frames-beam library and test: A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures.
- Frames-dsv library and test: Alternative CSV parser for the Frames package
- Frames-map-reduce library and test: Frames wrapper for map-reduce-folds and some extra folds helpers.
- Frames-streamly library, program, test and benchmark: A streamly layer for Frames I/O
- free-functors library: Free functors, adjoint to functors that forget class constraints.
- freq library, test and benchmark: Are you ready to get freaky?
- frontmatter library and test: Parses frontmatter as used in Jekyll markdown files.
- fsmActions library: Finite state machines and FSM actions
- fsnotify-conduit library and test: Get filesystem notifications as a stream of events
- ftree library: Depth-typed functor-based trees, both top-down and bottom-up
- full-text-search library, program and test: In-memory full text search engine
- functional-kmp library: KMP implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists.
- functor-classes-compat library: Data.Functor.Classes instances for core packages
- functor-combinators library and test: Tools for functor combinator-based program design
- functor-combo library: Functor combinators with tries & zippers
- functor-infix library: Infix operators for mapping over compositions of functors. Lots of them.
- functor-monadic library: Monad-style combinators for functors.
- functor-products library: General functor products for various Foldable instances
- functor-utils library: Collection of functor utilities, providing handy operators, like generalization of (.).
- functora-witch library and test: Convert values from one type into another.
- fusion library and test: Effectful streaming library based on shortcut fusion techniques
- fuzzyset library and test: Fuzzy set data structure for approximate string matching
- fvars library and test: Fast Mutable Vars
- game-tree library: Searching game trees with alpha-beta pruning
- garfield library: TBA
- gather library: An applicative for parsing unordered things, heterogenous sorting
- gc library: Poor Richard's Memory Manager
- gdiff library: Generic diff and patch
- general-prelude library: Prelude replacement using generalized type classes where possible
- generic-accessors library and test: stringly-named getters for generic data
- generic-aeson library: Derivation of Aeson instances using GHC generics.
- generic-binary library: Generic Data.Binary derivation using GHC generics.
- generic-data-asserts library and test: Structural assertions on generic data representations.
- generic-data-functions library: Familiar functions lifted to generic data types
- generic-labels library and test: Generically extract and replace collections of record fields
- generic-lexicographic-order library and test: Derive Bounded and Enum for sum types and Enum for product types
- generic-match library: First class pattern matching
- generic-monoid library: Derive monoid instances for product types.
- generic-storable library and test: Generic implementation of Storable
- generic-trie library and program: A map, where the keys may be complex structured data.
- generic-type-asserts library and test: Structural assertions on generic type representations.
- generic-type-functions library: Familiar functions lifted to type-level functions on generic types
- generic-xmlpickler library and test: Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using GHC Generics
- generics-sop-lens library: Lenses for types in generics-sop
- genericserialize library: Serialization library using Data.Generics
- genvalidity-typed-uuid library, test and benchmark: Generators for Phantom-Typed version of UUID
- geo-uk library: High precision conversion between GPS and UK Grid
- geohash library: Geohash latitudes and longitudes.
- geojson library and test: A thin GeoJSON Layer above the aeson library
- geojson-types library: GeoJSON data types including JSON/BSON conversion.
- ghc-compact library: In memory storage of deeply evaluated data structure
- ghc-symbol library and test: Symbol on term level
- ghci-hexcalc library and test: GHCi as a Hex Calculator interactive
- ghcjs-promise library: Bidirectional bidings to javascript's promise.
- ghost-buster library and test: Existential type utilites
- git-date library and test: Bindings to the date parsing from Git.
- git-object library: Git object and its parser
- global library: Library enabling unique top-level declarations
- global-variables library: Namespaced, global, and top-level mutable variables without unsafePerformIO.
- globus library: Globus Data Transfer
- gofer-prelude library: The Gofer 2.30 standard prelude
- google-dictionary library: Simple interface to the API
- google-mail-filters library and test: Write GMail filters and output to importable XML
- googlepolyline library and test: Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder
- gpcsets library: Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell.
- gps library and test: For manipulating GPS coordinates and trails.
- gps2htmlReport library and program: GPS to HTML Summary Report
- gpx-conduit library: Read GPX files using conduits
- grapefruit-records library: A record system for Functional Reactive Programming
- graph library and test: Class of graphs
- graph-core library and test: Fast, memory efficient and persistent graph implementation
- graph-utils library: A simple wrapper & quasi quoter for fgl.
- graphbuilder library and test: A declarative, monadic graph construction language for small graphs
- graphene library: A minimal Graph Theory library.
- graphql-utils library: GraphQL Utils
- graphql-w-persistent library: GraphQL interface middleware for SQL databases.
- greplicate library and test: Generalised replicate functions
- greskell library and tests: Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language
- greskell-core library and test: Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language - core data types and tools
- group-with library and test: Classify objects by key-generating function, like SQL GROUP BY
- groupBy library, test and benchmark: Replacement definition of Data.List.GroupBy
- grouped-list library, tests and benchmark: Grouped lists. Equal consecutive elements are grouped.
- groupoid library: A Groupoid class
- groups library: Groups
- grow-vector library and test: Mutable vector with efficient appends
- growable-vector library and test: A contiguous growable array type.
- gstorable library and test: Generic implementation of Storable
- gtfs library: The General Transit Feed Specification format
- gtfs-realtime library: GTFS RealTime protobafs library (autogenerated from .proto file)
- gtvm-hs library and program: Various tools for reversing and using assets from Golden Time: Vivid Memories.
- hadoop-formats library and test: Read/write file formats commonly used by Hadoop.
- hadoop-rpc library and test: Use the Hadoop RPC interface from Haskell.
- hadoop-tools program and test: Fast command line tools for working with Hadoop.
- HaLeX library and program: HaLeX enables modelling, manipulation and visualization of regular languages
- halfsplit library: A library to provide special kind of two-column output for Phladiprelio.
- halves library and test: Split or combine data structures to and from halves, quarters, eighths
- handa-data library: ...
- handa-geodata library and programs: Geographic and Geometric Data
- happy-arbitrary library and test: Token list generator for arbitrary Happy grammars.
- HappyTree library and test: Type Safe and End to End Decision Tree
- har library: HAR spec in Haskell
- has library and program: Entity based records
- has-th library: Template Haskell function for Has records.
- HasCacBDD library and test: Haskell bindings for CacBDD
- hash library and test: Hashing tools
- hash-tree library and test: Merkle Hash Tree
- hashable library and tests: A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
- hashable-accelerate library: A class for types which can be converted into a hash value
- hashable-extras library and test: Higher-rank Hashable
- hashable-generics library, test and benchmark: Automatically generates Hashable instances with GHC.Generics.
- hashable-orphans library: Provides instances missing from Hashable.
- hashable-time library and test: Hashable instances for Data.Time
- hashabler library, test and benchmarks: Principled, portable & extensible hashing of data and types, ...
- hashes library, test and benchmark: Hash functions
- hashflare library: A library for working with contracts and hashrates
- hashmap library: Persistent containers Map and Set based on hashing.
- hashmap-io library: A Hashmap on io monad.
- hashring library and test: Efficient consistent hashing.
- hashtables library and test: Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
- hashtables-plus library and benchmark: Extensions for a "hashtables" library
- haskell-modbus library and test: A cereal-based parser for the Modbus protocol
- haskell-qrencode library: Haskell bindings for libqrencode.
- haskus-utils-data library and test: Haskus data utility modules
- haxparse library and program: Readable HaxBall replays
- Hayoo programs: The Hayoo! search engine for Haskell API search on hackage
- hbcd library: Packed binary-coded decimal (BCD) serialization
- hBDD library: An abstraction layer for BDD libraries
- hBDD-CMUBDD library: An FFI binding to CMU/Long's BDD library
- hBDD-CUDD library: An FFI binding to the CUDD library
- hblock library: A mutable vector that provides indexation on the datatype fields it stores
- hdf5-lite library and test: High-level bindings to the HDF5 "lite" interface
- hDFA library: A simple library for representing and minimising DFAs.
- hebrew-time library and test: Hebrew dates and prayer times.
- heckin library and test: Oh heck, it's a heckin' case conversion library.
- hedgehog-generic library: GHC Generics automatically derived hedgehog generators
- hedn library and test: EDN parsing and encoding
- hedn-functor library: Base functor for EDN AST
- hegg library, test and benchmark: Fast equality saturation in Haskell
- heptapod library, test and benchmark: Generate UUIDv7 values.
- here library and test: Here docs & interpolated strings via quasiquotation
- hetero-dict library and benchmark: Fast heterogeneous data structures
- hetero-map library: Pure heterogeneous maps.
- hetero-parameter-list library and test: hetero list with parameter list
- hetero-parameter-list-with-typelevel-tools library and test: Hetero parameter list with type level tools
- hetero-zip library: Zip lists with Traversables
- heterogeneous-list-literals library and test: Allows the use of tuples as literals for Heterogeneous collections
- heterolist library and test: A heterogeneous list type
- hex library: Convert strings into hexadecimal and back.
- HExcel library: Create Excel files with Haskell
- hexpat-pickle-generic library and test: Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from XML
- hexquote library: Hexadecimal ByteString literals, with placeholders that bind variables
- hexstring library and test: Fast and safe representation of a hex string
- HFrequencyQueue library: A Queue with a random (weighted) pick function
- hgeos library and test: Simple Haskell bindings to GEOS C API
- hgraph library, tests and benchmarks: Tools for working on (di)graphs.
- hgrib library, program and test: Unofficial bindings for GRIB API
- hierarchy library and test: Predicated traversal of generated trees
- higgledy library and tests: Partial types as a type constructor.
- HiggsSet library: A multi-index set with advanced query capabilites
- hinze-streams library: Streams and Unique Fixed Points
- hips program: an IPS patcher
- histogram-fill library and benchmark: Library for histograms creation.
- histogram-fill-binary library: Binary instances for histogram-fill package
- histogram-fill-cereal library: Binary instances for histogram-fill package
- histogram-simple library: Simple Data.Map-based histogram
- hjcase library: Jcase library for Haskell
- hjsonpointer library and test: JSON Pointer library
- hjsonschema library and tests: JSON Schema library
- hkd-delta library: Definition of "Delta structures" for higher kinded data.
- hkd-lens library: Generic lens/prism/traversal-kinded data.
- HList library and tests: Heterogeneous lists
- hlist library: Heterogeneous list
- HMap library: Fast heterogeneous maps and unconstrained typeable-like functionality.
- hmatrix-csv library: CSV encoding and decoding for hmatrix.
- hmatrix-repa library: Adaptors for interoperability between hmatrix and repa
- hmemdb library: In-memory relational database
- hmpfr library: Haskell binding to the MPFR library
- hnetcdf library, programs and tests: Haskell NetCDF library
- hnix library, program, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the Nix language
- hocon library and test: Small library for typesafe's configuration specification
- hodatime library, test and benchmark: A fully featured date/time library based on Nodatime
- hole library: Higher kinded type removal
- holmes library and tests: Tools and combinators for solving constraint problems.
- Holumbus-Searchengine library: A search and indexing engine.
- homotuple library: Homotuple, all whose elements are the same type
- hoodle-types library: Data types for programs for hoodle file format
- hOpenPGP library, test and benchmark: native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880)
- hopenpgp-tools programs: hOpenPGP-based command-line tools
- horizon library: Sunrise and sunset UTC approximations from latitude and longitude coordinates
- hpc-codecov library, program and test: Generate reports from hpc data
- hreader-lens library: Optics for hreader package
- hs-blake2 library, test and benchmark: A cryptohash-inspired library for blake2
- hs-excelx library: ...
- hs-GeoIP library: Haskell bindings to the MaxMind GeoIPCity database via the C library
- hs-multiaddr library and test: Multiaddr library
- hs-openmoji-data library and program: The OpenMoji emoji dataset
- hs-php-session library: PHP session and values serialization
- hs-pkg-config library: Create pkg-config configuration files
- hs-swisstable-hashtables-class library and test: Data.HashTable.Class instance definition for Data.HashTable.ST.Swiss
- hschema library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types.
- hschema-aeson library and test: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types.
- hschema-prettyprinter library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types.
- hschema-quickcheck library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types.
- hsec-core library and test: Core package representing Haskell advisories
- hsec-sync library, program and test: Synchronize with the Haskell security advisory database
- hsec-tools library, program and test: Tools for working with the Haskell security advisory database
- HSet library: Faux heterogeneous sets
- hset library and test: Primitive list with elements of unique types.
- hsini library and test: ini configuration files
- HsJudy library: Judy bindings, and some nice APIs
- hsndfile library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile
- hsndfile-storablevector library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.StorableVector interface)
- hsndfile-vector library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.Vector interface)
- htlset library: Heterogenous Set
- htoml library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files
- htoml-megaparsec library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files
- htoml-parse library: Parse TOML values produced by htoml-megaparsec package.
- htree library and test: a library to build and work with heterogeneous, type level indexed rose trees
- htssets library: Heterogenous Sets
- http-exchange library and test: Perform HTTP Requests
- http-interchange library and test: Types and serialization for HTTP
- https-everywhere-rules library and test: High-level access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets.
- https-everywhere-rules-raw library: Low-level (i.e. XML) access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets.
- httpspec library: Specification of HTTP request/response generators and parsers
- huffman library: Pure Haskell implementation of the Huffman encoding algorithm
- HulkImport library, program and test: Easily bulk import CSV data to SQL Server
- hunt-searchengine library and tests: A search and indexing engine.
- hunt-server program: A search and indexing engine server.
- hvect library and test: Simple strict heterogeneous lists
- hw-aeson library and tests: Convenience functions for Aeson
- hw-all library: Demo library
- hw-balancedparens library, program, tests and benchmark: Balanced parentheses
- hw-bits library, tests and benchmark: Bit manipulation
- hw-conduit library, tests and benchmark: Conduits for tokenizing streams.
- hw-conduit-merges library and test: Additional merges and joins for Conduit
- hw-dump library, program, tests and benchmark: File Dump
- hw-eliasfano library, program, tests and benchmark: Elias-Fano
- hw-excess library, tests and benchmark: Excess
- hw-int library and tests: Additional facilities for Integers
- hw-json library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser
- hw-json-demo library: Memory efficient JSON parser
- hw-json-lens library, tests and benchmark: Lens for hw-json
- hw-json-simd library, program and tests: SIMD-based JSON semi-indexer
- hw-json-simple-cursor library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser
- hw-json-standard-cursor library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser
- hw-lazy library and tests: Combinators for lazy IO
- hw-mquery library, program and tests: Monadic query DSL
- hw-packed-vector library, program, tests and benchmark: Packed Vector
- hw-parser library and tests: Simple parser support
- hw-playground-linear library and test: Primitive functions and data types
- hw-prim library, tests and benchmark: Primitive functions and data types
- hw-prim-bits library, program, tests and benchmark: Primitive support for bit manipulation
- hw-rankselect library, program, tests and benchmark: Rank-select
- hw-rankselect-base library, tests and benchmark: Rank-select base
- hw-simd library, tests and benchmark: SIMD library
- hw-simd-cli library, program and test: SIMD library
- hw-streams library, tests and benchmark: Primitive functions and data types
- hw-string-parse library and tests: String parser
- hw-succinct library: Succint datastructures
- hw-uri library, program and test: Supports IO on URIs
- hw-vector library and test: Vector type with convenient typeclass instances
- hw-xml library, program, tests and benchmark: XML parser based on succinct data structures.
- hwsl2 library, test and benchmark: Hashing with SL2
- hwsl2-bytevector library: A hashed byte-vector based on algebraic hashes and finger trees
- hwsl2-reducers library: Semigroup and Reducer instances for Data.Hash.SL2
- hybrid-vectors library: Hybrid vectors e.g. Mixed Boxed/Unboxed vectors
- hydra library and test: Type-aware transformations for data and programs
- idempotent library and test: Idempotent monoids
- identifiers library, test and benchmarks: Numeric identifiers for values.
- idna library: Implements IDNA (RFC 3490).
- IDynamic library: Indexable, serializable form of Data.Dynamic
- ieee754-parser library
- implicit-params library: Named and unnamed implicit parameters with defaults.
- impossible library: ...
- incremental library and test: incremental update library
- incremental-computing library, test and benchmark: Incremental computing
- incremental-maps library, test and benchmark: Package for doing incremental computations on maps
- increments library and test: type classes for incremental updates to data
- indexation library: Tools for entity indexation
- indexed-list-literals library and test: Type safe indexed list literals
- indexed-profunctors library: Utilities for indexed profunctors
- indexed-state library: Indexed State
- indexed-traversable library: FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
- indexed-traversable-instances library and tests: More instances of FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
- IndexedList library: ...
- indices library, test and benchmark: Multi-dimensional statically bounded indices.
- infinite-list library, tests and benchmark: Infinite lists
- infinite-search library: Exhaustively searchable infinite sets.
- inflist library and test: An infinite list type and operations thereon.
- ini library and test: Configuration files in the INI format.
- ini-qq library and test: Quasiquoter for INI
- initialize library: Initialization and Deinitialization of 'Storable' values.
- inj library: A class for injective (one-to-one) functions
- inj-base library: 'Inj' instances for 'base'
- injections library and test: Canonical categorical conversions (injections and projections)
- instrument library and test: Easy stats/metrics instrumentation for Haskell programs
- int-cast library and test: Checked conversions between integral types
- int-conv library and test: Direct conversion functions between Ints and Words
- int-interval-map library and test: Interval map
- int-supply library: A simple, efficient supply of integers using atomic fetch-and-add.
- integer-conversion library, test and benchmark: Conversion from strings to Integer
- intermediate-structures library: ...
- intern library: Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary data types
- InternedData library, test and benchmark: Data interning (with compact regions where possible)
- interpolate library and test: String interpolation done right
- interpolatedstring-perl6 library: QuasiQuoter for Perl6-style multi-line interpolated strings
- interpolatedstring-qq library: QuasiQuoter for Ruby-style multi-line interpolated strings.
- interpolatedstring-qq-mwotton library: DO NOT USE THIS. interpolatedstring-qq works now.
- interpolatedstring-qq2 library and test: QuasiQuoter for multi-line interpolated strings
- Interpolation library: Multiline strings, interpolation and templating.
- Interpolation-maxs library: Multiline strings, interpolation and templating.
- interpolator library and test: Runtime interpolation of environment variables in records using profunctors
- interval-functor library and test: Intervals of functors.
- interval-tree-clock library and test: Interval Tree Clocks
- IntervalMap library, tests and benchmarks: Containers for intervals, with efficient search.
- intset library, tests and benchmark: Pure, mergeable, succinct Int sets.
- invariant library and test: Haskell98 invariant functors
- invertible library and test: bidirectional arrows, bijective functions, and invariant functors
- invertible-hlist library: invertible functions and instances for HList
- involutive-semigroups library: Semigroups with involution.
- io-embed library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed the result of an IO computation.
- io-storage library: A key-value store in the IO monad.
- io-streams library and test: Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O
- io-string-like library: Classes to handle Prelude style IO functions for different datatypes
- ioctl library: Type-safe I/O control package
- IORefCAS library and test: Atomic compare and swap for IORefs and STRefs.
- ipld-cid library and test: IPLD Content-IDentifiers <>
- irc library and test: A small library for parsing IRC messages.
- irc-fun-messages library: Types and functions for working with the IRC protocol.
- irc-fun-types library: Common types for IRC related packages
- ireal library: Real numbers and intervals with relatively efficient exact arithmetic.
- is library and test: Generic pattern predicates
- isbn library and test: ISBN Validation and Manipulation
- isevaluated library: Check whether a value has been evaluated
- IsNull library and test: A typeclass to determine if a given value is null.
- iso3166-country-codes library: A datatype for ISO 3166 country codes
- iso639 library: ISO-639-1 language codes
- iso8583-bitmaps library: Parse and merge ISO 8583-style bitmaps
- iso8601-duration library and test: Types and parser for ISO8601 durations
- it-has library and test: Automatically derivable Has instances.
- iteratee library, test and benchmark: Iteratee-based I/O
- iteratee-compress library: Enumeratees for compressing and decompressing streams
- iteratee-mtl library and program: Iteratee-based I/O
- iteratee-parsec library: Package allowing parsec parser initeratee
- iteratee-stm library: Concurrent iteratees using STM
- iterIO library: Iteratee-based IO with pipe operators
- ix-shapable library: Reshape multi-dimensional arrays.
- ixset-typed-cassava library: cassava encoding and decoding via ixset-typed
- jacinda library, program, test and benchmark: Functional, expression-oriented data processing language
- javaclass library and test: Java class files
- javelin library, program, test and benchmarks: Labeled one-dimensional arrays
- javelin-frames library, test and benchmark: Type-safe data frames based on higher-kinded types.
- javelin-io library and test: IO operations for the `javelin` package
- Jdh library: A Json implementation for Haskell, with JavaScript Values and Encoding/Decoding
- jinquantities library, program and tests: Unit conversion and manipulation library.
- joinlist library: Join list - symmetric list type
- joint library: Trying to compose non-composable
- json-alt library: Union 'alternative' or Either that has untagged JSON encoding.
- json-autotype library, program and tests: Automatic type declaration for JSON input data
- json-extra library: Utility functions to extend Aeson
- json-incremental-decoder library and test: Incremental JSON parser with early termination and a declarative DSL
- json-pointer library: JSON Pointer parsing and interpretation utilities
- json-query library and test: Kitchen sink for querying JSON
- json-schema library and test: Types and type classes for defining JSON schemas.
- json-state library: Keep program state in JSON files.
- json-syntax library, test and benchmark: High-performance JSON parser and encoder
- json-to-type library, program and tests: Automatic type declaration for JSON input data
- json-togo library: Effectful parsing of JSON documents
- json-tokens library, test and benchmark: Tokenize JSON
- json2 library: Library provides support for JSON.
- json2-types library: Defined JSON data types and function for renders JSON to string.
- jsons-to-schema library, program and test: JSON to JSON Schema
- jsonschema-gen library and test: JSON Schema generator from Algebraic data type
- judy library and test: Fast, scalable, mutable dynamic arrays, maps and hashes
- jump library and tests: Nothing to see here, move along
- JuPyTer-notebook library and program: JuPyTer notebook parser
- kafka library: TBA
- kafka-interchange library and test: Serialization for kafka wire protocol
- kanji library, test and benchmark: Perform 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on Japanese Kanji
- karakuri library: Good stateful automata
- katip library, test and benchmark: A structured logging framework.
- katip-datadog library and test: Datadog scribe for the Katip logging framework
- katip-effectful library and test: Katip integration for Effectful
- katip-elasticsearch library, test and benchmark: ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework.
- katip-logzio library and test: Logz.IO scribe for the Katip logging framework
- katydid library, program, test and benchmark: A haskell implementation of Katydid
- kd-tree library: A simple k-d tree implementation
- kdt library, tests and benchmark: Fast and flexible k-d trees for various types of point queries.
- kewar library, program and test: CLI and library to generate QR codes.
- keyed library: Generic indexing for many data structures
- keyed-vals library: An abstract Handle for accessing collections in stores like Redis
- keyed-vals-hspec-tests library: Validate a keyed-vals Handle
- keyed-vals-mem library and test: Implements a keyed-vals Handle using in-process memory
- keyed-vals-redis library and test: Access Redis using a keyed-vals Handle
- keyword-args library, program and test: Extract data from a keyword-args config file format
- kicad-data library and test: Parser and writer for KiCad files.
- kickchan library and test: Kick Channels: bounded channels with non-blocking writes
- kill-bool library and test: Boolean strong typing
- kind-apply library: Utilities to work with lists of types
- kind-generics library: Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs.
- kind-generics-deriving library: Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs.
- kind-generics-th library and test: Template Haskell support for generating `GenericK` instances
- kleene-list library and test: A list type based on the Kleene star and plus.
- kontra-config library: JSON config file parsing based on unjson
- lambda-sampler library and test: Boltzmann sampler utilities for lambda calculus.
- language-conf library, programs and test: Conf parsers and pretty-printers for the Haskell programming language.
- language-hcl library, test and benchmark: HCL parsers and pretty-printers for the Haskell programming language.
- laop library, test and benchmark: Matrix programming library
- largeword library and test: Provides Word128, ...
- layered-state library and benchmark: Control structure similar to Control.Monad.State, ...
- layouting library: ...
- lazify library and tests: A simple utility for lazy record matching
- lazy-hash library: Identifiers for not-yet-computed values
- lazy-hash-cache library: Storing computed values for re-use when the same program runs again.
- lazy-priority-queue library, program and test: Lazy-Spined Monadic Priority Queues
- lazyarray library: Efficient implementation of lazy monolithic arrays (lazy in indexes).
- lazyset library, tests and benchmark: Set and Map from lazy/infinite lists.
- ldtk-types library and test: Datatypes and Aeson instances for parsing LDtk
- lens library, tests and benchmarks: Lenses, Folds and Traversals
- lens-accelerate library: Instances to mix lens with Accelerate
- lens-action library: Monadic Getters and Folds
- lens-aeson library: Law-abiding lenses for aeson
- lens-datetime library: Lenses for Data.Time.* types
- lens-family library: Lens Families
- lens-family-core library: Haskell 2022 Lens Families
- lens-family-th library and test: Generate lens-family style lenses
- lens-indexed-plated library: Indexed version of Plated.
- lens-labels library: Integration of lenses with OverloadedLabels.
- lens-properties library: QuickCheck properties for lens
- lens-th-rewrite library and programs: Rewrites Template Haskell splices using the API
- lens-time library: lens for Data.Time
- lens-utils library: Collection of missing lens utilities.
- lens-witherable library: lens-compatible tools for working with witherable
- lenses library: Simple Functional Lenses
- lensref library and test: References which can be joined and on which lenses can be applied
- lenz library: Van Laarhoven lenses
- lenz-mtl library: mtl operations with Van Laarhoven lenses
- lenz-template library: Van Laarhoven lens templates
- lhae program: Simple spreadsheet program
- lhe library: Parser and writer for Les-Houches event files
- libBF library and test: A binding to the libBF library.
- libphonenumber library and tests: Parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers
- librarian library, program and test: Move/rename according a set of rules
- librdkafka library: TBA
- libroman library, program and test: Use Roman Numerals as a Numeric Datatype (sort of)
- Limit library: Wrapper for data that can be unbounded
- line-indexed-cursor library, test and benchmark: Line-indexed file reader.
- line-size program: Display the number of bytes of each line
- linear-maps library and programs: Finite maps for linear use
- lingo library, program and test: File extension based programming language detection
- link-relations library: Use web link relation types (RFC 5988) in Haskell
- linkedhashmap library, test and benchmark: Persistent LinkedHashMap data structure
- list-fusion-probe library and test: testing list fusion for success
- list-grouping library: Functions for grouping a list into sublists
- list-shuffle library, test and benchmark: List shuffling and sampling
- list-singleton library: Easily and clearly create lists with only one element in them.
- list-tries library and test: Tries and Patricia tries: finite sets and maps for list keys
- list-tuple library and test: List-like operations for tuples
- list-zip-def library: Provides zips with default values.
- list-zipper library and test: A list zipper
- list1 library: Helpers for working with NonEmpty lists.
- lists library: Functions for dealing with lists
- lists-flines library: Additional data and structures to some 'String'-related lists.
- listsafe library: Safe wrappers for partial list functions, supporting MonadThrow.
- ListZipper library: Simple zipper for lists
- literals library: Non-overloaded functions for concrete literals.
- llrbtree library: Purely functional sets and heaps
- llvm-base-types library: The base types for a mostly pure Haskell LLVM analysis library
- llvm-data-interop library: A low-level data interoperability binding for LLVM
- lockfree-queue library and test: Michael and Scott lock-free queues.
- log-utils programs: Utils for working with logs
- logfloat library: Log-domain floating point numbers
- logical-constraints library: Simple logical constraints 'syntax-sugar' writing library.
- longboi library: Dependently-typed linked list implementation
- lookup-tables library and test: Statically generate lookup tables using Template Haskell.
- lrucache library: a simple, pure LRU cache
- lrucaching-haxl library: Combine lrucaching and haxl.
- LTree library: Tree with only leaves carrying the data.
- lub library: information operators: least upper bound (lub) and greatest lower bound (glb)
- luhn library: An implementation of Luhn's check digit algorithm.
- lz4-bytes library and test: Bindings to LZ4
- machines-attoparsec library and test: Parse machines streams with attoparsec parsers.
- machines-encoding library: Transcode encodings with machines.
- macho library: Parser for Mach-O object format.
- magma library and test: magma is an algebraic structure.
- make-monofoldable-foldable library: Make a MonoFoldable type into an ordinary Foldable type.
- Map library and test: Class of key-value maps
- Mapping library: Mapping
- markov library: Simple interpreter for Markov's normal algorithms
- markup library: Abstraction for HTML-embedded content
- mason library: Fast and extensible bytestring builder
- massiv library and test: Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library.
- massiv-io library, tests and benchmark: Import/export of Image files into massiv Arrays
- massiv-test library and tests: Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library.
- math-interpolate library: Class for interpolation of values
- math-metric library: Typeclass for metric spaces
- matrices library, test and benchmark: native matrix based on vector
- maybe-justify library and test: Simple higher order function for Maybe
- mbox library: Read and write standard mailbox files.
- md5 library and test: MD5 Hash
- means library: calculate varieties of mean/average using semigroup.
- Measure library: A library for units of measurement
- mech library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mecha library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- Mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well!
- medea library and tests: A schema language for JSON.
- median-stream library and test: Constant-time queries for the median of a stream of numeric data.
- meep library and tests: A silly container
- megastore library and program: Bulk image or strict bytestring storage
- melf library, programs and tests: An Elf parser
- memis program: Memis Efficient Manual Image Sorting
- memoize library and tests: A memoization library
- memorable-bits library, program, test and benchmark: Generate human memorable strings from binary data.
- MemoTrie library and program: Trie-based memo functions
- merge library and test: A functor for consistent merging of information
- merkle-log library, test and benchmark: Merkle Tree Logs
- messagepack library and test: Serialize instance for Message Pack Object
- meta-misc library: Utility library providing miscellaneous meta-programming utilities.
- metadata library: metadata library for semantic web
- metar library, program and test: Australian METAR
- metar-http library, program and test: HTTP for METAR
- metric library and test: Metric spaces.
- metrics library and test: High-performance application metric tracking
- mgeneric library: Generics with multiple parameters
- microlens library: A tiny lens library with no dependencies
- microlens-contra library: True folds and getters for microlens
- microlens-each library: 'each' for microlens
- microlens-ghc library: microlens + array, bytestring, containers, transformers
- microlens-mtl library: microlens support for Reader/Writer/State from mtl
- microlens-platform library: microlens + all batteries included (best for apps)
- microlens-pro library: Prisms and isomorphisms for microlens
- microlens-th library and test: Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens
- minecraft library: TBA
- mini-egison library, program and test: Template Haskell Implementation of Egison Pattern Matching
- minilens library: A minimalistic lens library, providing only the simplest, most basic lens functionality.
- minlen library: Express the minimum length of a container in its type
- minmax library: ...
- minst-idx library and test: Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MINST database.
- mlist library: Monadic List alternative to lazy I/O
- mmsyn2-array library: A library that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations.
- mmsyn2-array-ukrainian-data library: Data that is taken from the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array for optimization.
- mmsyn2-hashable library: A library that can be used for multiple Hashable a => a -> b transformations.
- mmsyn5 library: Various additional operations on lists (some with intermediate Monads)
- mmzk-typeid library and test: A TypeID and UUIDv7 implementation for Haskell
- mnist-idx library and test: Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MNIST database.
- mnist-idx-conduit library and test: conduit utilities for MNIST IDX files
- model library and tests: Derive a model of a data type using Generics
- monad-branch library: Monadic abstraction for computations that can be branched and run independently.
- monad-primitive library: Type class for monad transformers stack with pirimitive base monad.
- monad-state library: Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state.
- monad-statevar library and test: Concise, overloaded accessors for IORef, STRef, TVar
- monad-supply library: Stateful supply monad
- mono-foldable library: Folds for monomorphic containers
- mono-traversable library, test and benchmark: Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
- mono-traversable-instances library: Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable
- mono-traversable-keys library: Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key
- mono-traversable-wrapper library: Wrapper providing Foldable instance for MonoFoldables.
- monoid library: Monoid type classes, designed in modular way, ...
- monoid-extras library and benchmark: Various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities
- monoid-insertleft library: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes.
- monoid-map library: A monoidal map with the right group instance
- monoid-record library: Support for modifying record fields of monoidal type
- monoid-subclasses library and test: Subclasses of Monoid
- monoid-transformer library: Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers
- monoidal-containers library: Containers with monoidal accumulation
- monoidplus library: Extra classes/functions about monoids
- monoids library: Deprecated: Use 'reducers'
- monomorphic library: Library to convert polymorphic datatypes to/from its monomorphic represetation
- months library: MonthName
- monus library and test: a 'Monus' is a commutative monoid that allows a notion of substraction.
- morphisms library: It's all about functions
- morphisms-functors library: Functors, theirs compositions and transformations
- morphisms-functors-inventory library: Inventory is state and store
- morphisms-objects library: Algebraic structures
- mrm library: Modular Refiable Matching, first-class matches
- msgpack library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
- msgpack-aeson library and test: Aeson adapter for MessagePack
- msgpack-arbitrary library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack.
- msgpack-binary library, programs, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
- msgpack-persist library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
- msgpack-rpc-conduit library and test: A MessagePack-RPC Implementation
- msgpack-testsuite library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
- msgpack-types library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack.
- MSQueue library: Michael-Scott queue.
- mt19937 library: Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell
- mtree library: Tree with Meta and Content parameters
- multi-trie library and test: Trie of sets, as a model for compound names having multiple values
- multibase library and test: Self-identifying base encodings, ...
- multicurryable library and tests: Uncurry functions with multiple arguments.
- multihash library and program: Multihash library and CLI executable
- multihash-cryptonite library and tests: Self-identifying hashes, implementation of <>
- multihashmap library: hashmap from keys to hashsets
- multipart-names library and test: Handling of multipart names in various casing styles
- multirec-binary library: Generic Data.Binary instances using MultiRec.
- multivector library and test: Vectors of packed tuples
- murmur-hash library: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell.
- murmur3 library and test: Pure Haskell implementation of the MurmurHash3 x86 algorithm
- murmurhash3 library: 32-bit non-cryptographic hashing
- mutable library and benchmark: Automatic piecewise-mutable references for your types
- mutable-containers library, test and benchmarks: Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers
- mutable-iter library: iteratees based upon mutable buffers
- mutable-lens library, tests and benchmark: Interoperate mutable references with regular lens
- mwc-random-accelerate library and benchmark: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers
- mx-state-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:MX State Codes and Names
- MyPrimes library, program and benchmark: Generate all primes
- n-ary-functor library and test: An n-ary version of Functor
- nagios-perfdata library and test: Parse Nagios performance data.
- named-binary-tag library and test: NBT (named binary tag) serialization and deserialization.
- named-records library: Flexible records with named fields.
- named-sop library and test: Dependently-typed sums and products, tagged by field name
- named-text library and test: A parameterized named text type and associated functionality.
- names library: Type level names.
- namespace library and test: A Generic Haskell library for managing namespaces
- NanoID library and program: NanoID generator
- nat library: Lazy binary natural numbers
- natural-number library: Natural numbers tagged with a type-level representation of the number.
- natural-numbers library: Natural numbers
- naturals library: Constructors and related functions for natural numbers
- nbt library and test: A parser/serializer for Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT) data format.
- ndjson-conduit library: Conduit-based parsing and serialization for newline delimited JSON.
- neither library: Provide versions of Either with good monad and applicative instances. (deprecated)
- neither-data library: The Neither datatype
- neononempty library and test: NonEmpty lists that look [more, like, this]
- nested-sequence library and test: List-like data structures with O(log(n)) random access
- NestedFunctor library: Nested composition of functors with a type index tracking nesting.
- nestedmap library and test: A library for nested maps
- network-address library, program and test: IP data structures and textual representation
- network-conduit library: Stream socket data using conduits. (deprecated)
- network-data library: Library for network data structures and their serialization.
- network-enumerator library: Enumerators for network sockets
- network-msgpack-rpc library and test: A MessagePack-RPC Implementation
- network-stream library: ByteString and Text streams for networking
- newbase60 library and test: Encodes and decodes numbers using Tantek Çelik's New Base 60 number system.
- NewBinary library: A binary I/O library
- newtype-zoo library: Newtype Wrapper Zoo
- nextstep-plist library: NextStep style plist parser and printer
- nf library: NF data type to statically enforce normal form
- ngrams-loader library and program: Ngrams loader based on format
- niagra library and test: High performance CSS EDSL
- NineP library: 9P2000 in pure Haskell
- NMap library: A transparent nested Map structure
- no-value library: A type class for choosing sentinel-like values
- non-empty library and test: List-like structures with static restrictions on the number of elements
- non-empty-sequence library: Non-empty sequence
- non-empty-text library and tests: Non empty Data.Text type
- non-empty-zipper library and test: The Zipper for NonEmpty
- NonEmpty library: Library providing a non-empty list datatype, and total functions operating on it
- nonempty-alternative library: NonEmpty for Alternative types
- nonempty-lift library and test: nonempty structure
- nonempty-vector library and test: Non-empty vectors
- nonempty-wrapper library and test: Create NonEmpty version of any container
- nonempty-wrapper-aeson library and test: aeson instances for 'NonEmpty'
- nonempty-wrapper-quickcheck library: QuickCheck instance for 'NonEmpty'
- nonempty-wrapper-text library: 'NonEmpty' wrappers for text
- nonempty-zipper library and test: A non-empty comonadic list zipper
- NonEmptyList library: A list with a length of at least one.
- normalization-insensitive library, test and benchmark: Normalization insensitive string comparison
- notzero library: A data type for representing numeric values, except zero.
- ntype library: N-ary sum/product types
- num-non-negative library: Non-negative numbers
- number-length library, test and benchmark: Number of digits in a number in decimal and hexadecimal representation.
- numbered-semigroups library: A sequence of semigroups, for composing stuff in multiple spatial directions.
- numbering library: Combinators for creating bijections from some type to the natural numbers.
- numbers library and test: Various number types
- NumInstances library: Instances of numeric classes for functions and tuples
- NumLazyByteString library: Num, Enum, Eq, Integral, Ord, Real, and Show instances for Lazy ByteStrings
- Object library: Object oriented programming for haskell using multiparameter typeclasses.
- objectid library and test: Rather unique identifier for things that need to be stored
- ObjectName library: Explicitly handled object names
- observable-sharing library: Simple observable sharing
- Octree library, test and benchmark: Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points
- OddWord library, test and benchmark: Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits.
- oi library and programs: Library for purely functional lazy interactions with the outer world.
- Omega library and test: Integer sets and relations using Presburger arithmetic
- onama library: HTML-parsing primitives for Parsec.
- once library and test: memoization for IO actions and functions
- oneOfN library: Anonymous coproduct type
- oneormore library: A never-empty list type.
- OneTuple library and tests: Singleton Tuple
- Only library: The 1-tuple type or single-value "collection"
- onpartitions library: partition lenses
- oo-prototypes library: Support for OO-like prototypes
- open-adt library: Open algebraic data types.
- open-adt-tutorial library and program: Open algebraic data type examples.
- open-union library and program: Extensible, type-safe unions.
- open-witness library and test: open witnesses
- OpenAFP library: IBM AFP document format parser and generator
- OpenAFP-Utils programs: Assorted utilities to work with AFP data streams
- opench-meteo library: A Haskell implementation of the Swiss Meteo Net data API
- openexchangerates library: Fetch exchange rates from
- openpgp library and test: Implementation of the OpenPGP message format
- openpgp-asciiarmor library, test and benchmark: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII Armor codec
- OptDir library: The OptDir type for representing optimization directions.
- optics library, test and benchmarks: Optics as an abstract interface
- optics-core library: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions
- optics-extra library: Extra utilities and instances for optics-core
- optics-operators library, program and test: A tiny package containing operators missing from the official package.
- optics-th library and test: Optics construction using TemplateHaskell
- optics-vl library: Utilities for compatibility with van Laarhoven optics
- optimal-blocks library, program, test and benchmark: Optimal Block boundary determination for rsync-like behaviours
- option library: A strict version of Maybe
- optional-args library: Optional function arguments
- ord-adhoc library: Creating Ord instances instantly
- order-maintenance library and test: Algorithms for the order maintenance problem with a safe interface
- order-statistic-tree library, test and benchmark: Order statistic trees based on weight-balanced trees
- ordered-containers library: Set- and Map-like types that remember the order elements were inserted
- OrderedBits library, test and benchmark: Efficient ordered (by popcount) enumeration of bits
- ordering-util library: Utilities for Orderings
- orders library: basic orders
- oref library and test: Owned references in the Ownership Monad
- org-mode library and test: Parser for Emacs org-mode files.
- orgmode library and test: Org Mode library for haskell
- orgmode-parse library and test: A collection of Attoparsec combinators for parsing org-mode flavored documents.
- origami library and test: An un-SYB framework for transforming heterogenous data through folds
- osm-conduit library and test: Parse and operate on OSM data in efficient way
- osv library and test: Open Source Vulnerability format
- osx-ar library: Parser for OS X static archive format.
- overloaded-records library and test: Overloaded Records based on current GHC proposal.
- pa-error-tree library: Collect a tree of errors and pretty-print
- pa-field-parser library: “Vertical” parsing of values
- pa-json library: Our JSON parsers/encoders
- pa-label library: Labels, and labelled tuples and enums (GHC >9.2)
- pa-prelude library: The Possehl Analytics Prelude
- pa-pretty library: Some pretty-printing helpers
- pa-run-command library: Helper functions for spawning subprocesses
- pack library: Bidirectional fast ByteString packer/unpacker
- packed-data library, program, test and benchmarks
- packed-dawg library, test and benchmark: Generation and traversal of highly compressed directed acyclic word graphs.
- packed-multikey-map library and test: Efficient “spreadsheet table” like maps with multiple marginals
- packer library and test: Fast byte serializer and unserializer
- packer-messagepack library and test: MessagePack Serialization an Deserialization for Packer
- packman library and tests: Serialization library for GHC
- packstream library and test: PackStream converter for Neo4j BOLT protocol
- pact-time library and test: Time Library for Pact
- pager library and program: Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more'
- pagination library and test: Framework-agnostic pagination boilerplate
- palette library: Utilities for choosing and creating color schemes.
- pandocz library: Lenses for Pandoc
- pandora library: A box of patterns and paradigms
- pandora-io library: ...
- parameterized-data library: Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent types
- parametric-functor library: A known-parametric Functor typeclass
- parse-gcstats library and test: Parse machine-readable GHC GC stats.
- parsergen library and test: TH parser generator for splitting bytestring into fixed-width fields
- parsestar library and programs: NMR-STAR file format parser.
- partial-order library and test: Provides typeclass suitable for types admitting a partial order
- partial-records library: Template haskell utilities for constructing records with default values
- password library and tests: Hashing and checking of passwords
- password-instances library and tests: typeclass instances for password package
- password-types library and tests: Types for handling passwords
- patch-combinators library: A library for patching functions and data structures
- patches-vector library and tests: Patches (diffs) on vectors: composable, mergeable, and invertible.
- PathTree library and test: A tree used to merge and maintain paths
- pattern-trie library, tests and benchmark: Pattern tries
- Peano library: simple Peano numbers
- peano library and benchmark: Peano numbers
- peano-inf library: Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value.
- PeanoWitnesses library: GADT type witnesses for Peano-style natural numbers.
- pecoff library: Parser for PE/COFF format.
- pedestrian-dag library: A pedestrian implementation of directed acyclic graphs
- pem library and test: Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer.
- peparser library: A parser for PE object files.
- PerfectHash library: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values.
- perfecthash library, test and benchmark: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values.
- perhaps library and test: Perhaps, a monad
- persist library and test: Minimal serialization library with focus on performance
- persist-state library and test: Serialization library with state and leb128 encoding
- Persistence library and test: A versatile library for topological data analysis.
- persistent-equivalence library: Persistent equivalence relations (aka union-find)
- persistent-refs library: Haskell references backed by an IntMap for persistence and reversibility.
- persistent-vector library, test and benchmark: A persistent sequence based on array mapped tries
- pez library and test: A Pretty Extraordinary Zipper library
- pg-query library and test: Parse PostgreSQL DDL and DML: Haskell bindings for libpg_query
- pgp-wordlist library and tests: Translate between binary data and a human-readable collection of words.
- phasechange library: Freezing, thawing, and copy elision
- phash library and tests: Haskell bindings to pHash, the open source perceptual hash library
- phladiprelio-general-shared library: A shared by different general implementations of the PhLADiPreLiO functionality.
- phladiprelio-ukrainian-shared library: A shared by different Ukrainian implementations of the PhLADiPreLiO functionality.
- phone-metadata library and test: Phonenumber Metadata - NOTE: this is now deprecated!
- phone-numbers library and test: Haskell bindings to the libphonenumber library
- phonetic-languages-filters-array library: Allows to change the structure of the function output.
- phonetic-languages-rhythmicity library: Allows to estimate the rhythmicity properties for the text
- pipes-files library and tests: Fast traversal of directory trees using pipes
- pipes-interleave library: Interleave and merge streams of elements
- Piso library: Partial isomorphisms
- pkcs10 library and test: PKCS#10 library
- pktree library: Implementation of the PKTree spatial index data structure
- plaid library, program and test: api integration library
- plailude library: plaimi's prelude
- planar-graph library: A representation of planar graphs
- plucky library and test: A library and technique for handling errors via plucking constraints
- plur library and test: Plurality monad: Zero, one, or at least two.
- point-octree library and tests: Point octree, with bounding boxes
- pointed library: Pointed and copointed data
- pointedlist library: A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position.
- poly-arity library: Tools for working with functions of undetermined arity
- poly-control library: This package provides abstraction for polymorphic controls, ...
- poly-rec library: Polykinded extensible records
- polydata library and test: Wrap together data and it's constraints.
- polymap library and test: Polygonal maps
- polysemy-managed library and test: Primitive functions and data types
- polyToMonoid library: Polyvariadic functions mapping to a given monoid
- polytypeable library: Typeable for polymorphic types.
- polytypeable-utils library: Utilities for polytypeable.
- polyvariadic library and test: Creation and application of polyvariadic functions
- pool library: Thread-safe resource pools. (deprecated)
- poolboy library and test: Simple work queue for bounded concurrency
- popkey library and test: Static key-value storage backed by poppy
- porcupine-core library and programs: Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines
- porcupine-http library and programs: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
- portray-diff library: Pretty structural diffs between two values
- portray-diff-hunit library: HUnit assertions based on portray-diff
- portray-diff-quickcheck library: QuickCheck tests with portray-diff
- pos library and test: positive numbers
- possible library: Three valued Data.Maybe
- possibly library: type Possibly a = Either String a
- postgresql-copy-escape library: Format data to feed to a PostgreSQL COPY FROM statement
- prairie library and test: A first class record field library
- pred-set library: Simple cached predicates
- pred-trie library, test and benchmark: Predicative tries
- predicate-class library: Helper class for passing context along a predicate value
- predicate-transformers library: A library for writing predicates and transformations over predicates in Haskell
- predicate-typed library and tests: Predicates, Refinement types and Dsl
- predictive library: Predict the future, backtrack on failure
- prednote library and tests: Evaluate and display trees of predicates
- prednote-test library and programs: Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany prednote.
- prefix-units library and test: A basic library for SI/IEC prefix units
- prelude-plus program: Prelude for rest of us
- pretty-hex library: A library for hex dumps of ByteStrings
- pretty-loc library: Tracking and highlighting of locations in source files
- pretty-tree library: Pretty-print trees
- prettyprinter-interp library and test: Efficient interpolation for Prettyprinter
- preview library: The method of previewing data (instead of wholly show-ing it)
- prim-instances library and test: Prim typeclass instances
- prim-uniq library: Opaque unique identifiers in primitive state monads
- primitive library, test and benchmark: Primitive memory-related operations
- primitive-addr library: Addresses to unmanaged memory
- primitive-atomic library and test: Wrappers for primops around atomic operations
- primitive-convenience library: convenience class for PrimMonad m/PrimState m
- primitive-foreign library and test: using the `Prim` interface for the FFI
- primitive-offset library: Types for offsets into unboxed arrays
- primitive-simd library and benchmark: SIMD data types and functions
- primitive-slice library: Slices of primitive arrays
- primitive-stablename library: primitive operations on StableNames
- primitive-unaligned library and test: Unaligned access to primitive arrays
- primitive-unlifted library and test: Primitive GHC types with unlifted types inside
- PrimitiveArray library, test and benchmark: Efficient multidimensional arrays
- PrimitiveArray-Pretty library and test: Pretty-printing for primitive arrays
- primus library and test: nonempty and positive functions
- print-info library: Can be used to coordinate the printing output.
- priority-queue library: Simple implementation of a priority queue.
- procrastinating-structure library: Pure structures that can be incrementally created in impure code
- procrastinating-variable library: Haskell values that cannot be evaluated immediately.
- product-isomorphic library and test: Weaken applicative functor on products
- profunctor-arrows library: Profunctor arrows
- profunctor-misc library: Profunctor miscellany
- profunctor-optics library and program: A compact optics library compatible with the typeclasses in profunctors.
- proj4-hs-bindings library: Haskell bindings for the Proj4 C dynamic library.
- prolens library and tests: Profunctor-based lightweight implementation of optics
- propeller library and test: A Propagator Library
- property-list library: Apple property list parser
- property-matchers library and test: A library for tests, based on transforming and writing properties
- proquint library and test: Proquints: Identifiers that are Readable, Spellable, and Pronounceable
- proto-lens library and tests: A lens-based implementation of protocol buffers in Haskell.
- proto-lens-arbitrary library: Arbitrary instances for proto-lens.
- proto-lens-combinators library and test: Utilities functions to proto-lens.
- proto-lens-descriptors library: Protocol buffers for describing the definitions of messages.
- proto-lens-optparse library: Adapting proto-lens to optparse-applicative ReadMs.
- proto-lens-protobuf-types library: Basic protocol buffer message types.
- proto-lens-protoc library and program: Protocol buffer compiler for the proto-lens library.
- protobuf library, test and benchmark: Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics
- protobuf-builder library: Slow protobuf implementation
- protobuf-native library, program and tests: Protocol Buffers via C++
- protobuf-simple library, program and test: Simple Protocol Buffers library (proto2)
- proxied library: Make functions consume Proxy instead of undefined
- proxy library: proxy helpers
- proxy-kindness library: A library for kind-polymorphic manipulation and inspection of Proxy values
- proxy-mapping library: Mapping of Proxy Types
- pseudo-boolean library and test: Reading/Writing OPB/WBO files used in pseudo boolean competition
- psql-utils library: PostgreSQL Simple util tools.
- ptr library, test and benchmark: Experimental abstractions for operations on pointers
- ptr-poker library, test and benchmark: Pointer poking action construction and composition toolkit
- publicsuffix library, test and benchmark: The publicsuffix list exposed as proper Haskell types
- PUH-Project library: This is a package which includes Assignments, Email, ...
- pure-priority-queue library: A pure priority queue.
- pure-priority-queue-tests program: Tests for the pure-priority-queue package
- pure-sum library and test: Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types
- pure-sum-aeson library and test: Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types (aeson instances)
- purebred-email library, program and test: types and parser for email messages (including MIME)
- pureMD5 library and test: A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm.
- puresat library, program and tests: Pure Haskell SAT-solver
- pvar library and test: Mutable variable with primitive values
- pvector library, test and benchmark: Fast persistent vectors
- QLearn library: A library for fast, easy-to-use Q-learning.
- qm-interpolated-string library and test: Implementation of interpolated multiline strings
- qr library and program: Pure Haskell QR encoder library and command line tool
- qr-imager library and test: Library to generate images.
- qr-repa library and program: Library to generate QR codes from bytestrings and objects and scale image files
- QuadEdge library: QuadEdge structure for representing triangulations
- quadratic-irrational library and tests: An implementation of quadratic irrationals
- QuadTree library and test: QuadTree library for Haskell, with lens support.
- quandl-api library: API library
- quantities library, program and tests: Unit conversion and manipulation library.
- querystring-pickle library and test: Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from query strings
- queue library: Abstraction typeclasses for queue-like things.
- queues library, test and benchmarks: Queue data structures.
- quick-schema library and test: Slimmed down json schema language and validator
- quickset library: Very fast and memory-compact query-only set and map structures
- raft library: Miscellaneous Haskell utilities for data structures and data manipulation.
- rakhana library: Stream based PDF library
- ral library and benchmark: Random access lists
- ral-lens library: Length-indexed random access lists: lens utilities.
- ral-optics library: Length-indexed random access lists: optics utilities.
- random-extras library: Additional functions for random values.
- random-string library: Generate a random base 16, 58, or 64 string
- Range library: Data structure for managing ranges
- range library and test: An efficient and versatile range library.
- range-set-list library and test: Memory efficient sets with ranges of elements.
- Ranged-sets library and test: Ranged sets for Haskell
- ranges library: Ranges and various functions on them.
- rangeset library, test and benchmarks: Efficient sets for semi-contiguous data
- rank1dynamic library and test: Like Data.Dynamic/Data.Typeable but with support for rank-1 polymorphic types
- rank2classes library and tests: standard type constructor class hierarchy, only with methods of rank 2 types
- rcu library, programs and benchmarks: Read-Copy-Update for Haskell
- rdf library and benchmark: Representation and Incremental Processing of RDF Data
- rds-data library, program and tests: Codecs for use with AWS rds-data
- rds-data-codecs library, program and tests: Codecs for use with AWS rds-data
- real-dice library, program and test: Random number generation based on physical media touched by humans
- rec-def library and tests: Recursively defined values
- rec-smallarray library and test: SmallArray-based extensible records for small-scale fast reads
- record-aeson library and test: Instances of "aeson" classes for the "record" types
- record-encode library and tests: Generic encoding of records
- records library: A flexible record system
- records-th library: Template Haskell declarations for the records package
- recursion-schemes-ix library and test: Recursion schemes over indexed Functors
- recursive-zipper library: Zippers over recursive data structures.
- red-black-record library and tests: Extensible records and variants indexed by a type-level Red-Black tree.
- redis-resp library: REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) implementation.
- reducers library: Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework
- reedsolomon library, programs, test and benchmark: Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Haskell
- Ref library: Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer
- ref library: Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer
- ref-extras library: Extra stuff for mutable references
- refcount library and test: Container with element counts
- reference library: A class for references in Haskell
- reference-counting library and test: A reference counting library to alias linear resources
- refined library and tests: Refinement types with static and runtime checking
- refined-containers library: Type-checked proof that a key exists in a container and can be safely indexed.
- refined-http-api-data library: http-api-data instances for refined types
- refined-with library: Refinement types with an "refinement applied" switch.
- refined1 library and tests: Refinement types with static and runtime checking (+ Refined1)
- reflection library and test: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
- reflection-extras library: Utilities for the reflection package
- reflection-without-remorse library: Efficient free and operational monads.
- RefSerialize library: Write to and read from ByteStrings maintaining internal memory references
- regex-easy library: sugar for regex-pcre
- regex-type library: Type-level regular expressions
- regex-wrapper library: Types that can only be constructed if they match a regular expression
- regexp-tries library: Regular Expressions on Tries.
- registry-aeson library and test: Aeson encoders / decoders
- registry-messagepack library and test: MessagePack encoders / decoders
- registry-options library and test: application options parsing
- regular-xmlpickler library: Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using Regular.
- rei program: Process lists easily
- reify library and program: Serialize data
- reinterpret-cast library, test and benchmark: Memory reinterpretation casts for Float/Double and Word32/Word64
- relapse library and test: Sensible RLP encoding
- relative-date library: Durations and generalized time parsing
- relevant-time library: humanised relevant time
- reord library: Ad-hoc Ord instances
- reorderable library: Define compound types that do not depend on member order.
- repa-linear-algebra library: HMatrix operations for Repa.
- rerefined library and test: Refinement types, again
- resource-pool library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
- resource-pool-catchio library: Fork of resource-pool, with a MonadCatchIO constraint
- resource-pool-fork-avanov library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
- resourcet library and test: Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources.
- resourcet-pool library: A small library to convert a Pool into an Acquire
- resp library and test: A fast, non-backtracking parser for the redis RESP3 protocol
- restricted-workers library: Running worker processes under system resource restrictions
- result library and test: Encode success or at least one error
- rev-scientific library: A library to provide special kind of big numbers writing.
- reverse-arguments library: Reverse the arguments of arbitrary functions.
- reverse-geocoding library: Simple reverse geocoding using OpenStreeMap
- reverse-list library: reversed lists/snoc lists
- RFC1751 library and test: RFC-1751 library for Haskell
- rhythmic-sequences library: Improved library to deal with rhythmicity of short sequences
- riff library and programs: RIFF parser for Haskell
- ring-buffer library and tests: A concurrent, mutable ring-buffer
- ring-buffers library and tests: mutable ring buffers with atomic updates in GHC Haskell
- ripple-federation library: Utilities and types to work with the Ripple federation protocol
- rivers library: Rivers are like Streams, but different.
- RLP library and test: RLP serialization as defined in Ethereum Yellow Paper
- rng-utils library, test and benchmark: RNG within an IORef for convenient concurrent use
- roc-cluster library and test: ROC online clustering algorithm
- roles library: Composable class-based roles
- rolling-queue library: Bounded channel for STM that discards old entries when full
- rope-utf16-splay library and test: Ropes optimised for updating using UTF-16 code units and row/column pairs.
- rose library and test: rose trees
- rose-trees library, test and benchmark: Various trie implementations in Haskell
- rose-trie library: Trees with polymorphic paths to nodes, combining properties of Rose Trees and Tries.
- rosebud library and test: Common rose tree/forest functions
- roundtrip-aeson library and test: Un-/parse JSON with roundtrip invertible syntax definitions.
- route-planning library and test: A library and utilities for creating a route
- row-types library, test and benchmark: Open Records and Variants
- row-types-aeson library: aeson instances for Open Records and Variants
- row-types-barbies library: barbies instances for Open Records and Variants
- rowrecord library: Build records from lists of strings, as from CSV files.
- rp-tree library, program, test and benchmark: Random projection trees
- rset library and test: Range set
- rstream library: stream-fusion framework from vector
- rtorrent-state library and test: Parsing and manipulation of rtorrent state file contents
- ruby-marshal library and test: Parse a subset of Ruby objects serialised with Marshal.dump.
- ruin library and test: Pliable records
- run-haskell-module library: Running newly generated Haskell source module.
- run-st library: runST without boxing penalty
- runmany program: Run multiple commands, interleaving output and errors
- runmemo library and test: A simple memoization helper library
- s-cargot library, program and tests: A flexible, extensible s-expression library.
- s-cargot-letbind library and test: Enables let-binding and let-expansion for s-cargot defined S-expressions.
- s-expression library and program: simple general-purpose s-expressions
- safe-freeze library: Support for safely freezing multiple arrays in the ST monad.
- safe-globals library: Safe top-level mutable variables which scope like ordinary values
- safe-length library and test: Tired of accidentally calling length on tuples? Relief at last!
- safecopy library and tests: Binary serialization with version control.
- safecopy-migrate library: Making SafeCopy migrations easier
- safecopy-store library and test: Binary serialization with version control.
- safeint library and test: overflow-checked Int type
- samsort library and test: A stable adaptive mergesort implementation
- sarif library: SARIF implementation for Haskell
- sat-simple library and tests: A high-level wrapper over minisat
- scan-metadata library: Metadata types for Albedo Scanners
- schedule-planner program: Find the ideal lesson layout
- schema library and test: Encoding-independent schemas for Haskell data types.
- schemas library and test: schema guided serialization
- schematic library and test: JSON-biased spec and validation tool
- SciBaseTypes library, test and benchmark: Base types and classes for statistics, sciences and humanities
- scientific library, test and benchmark: Numbers represented using scientific notation
- scientific-notation library, test and benchmark: Scientific notation intended for tokenization
- scythe library and program: Fast CSV lexing on ByteString
- sec library: Semantic Editor Combinators.
- secret-sharing library and test: Information-theoretic secure secret sharing
- securemem library: abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk.
- SegmentTree library and program: Data structure for querying the set (or count) of intervals covering given point
- semantic-source library and test: Types and functionality for working with source code
- semi-iso library: Weakened partial isomorphisms, reversible computations.
- semialign library: Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor.
- semialign-extras library and test: Extra functions for working with Semialigns
- semialign-indexed library: SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith
- semialign-optics library: SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith
- semibounded-lattices library and test: A Haskell implementation of semibounded lattices
- Semigroup library: A semigroup
- semigroupoids-syntax library and test: RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package
- semigroups library: Anything that associates
- semigroups-actions library: Semigroups actions
- semilattices library and test: Semilattices
- semiring-num library, test and benchmark: Basic semiring class and instances
- semirings library: two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
- semver library, test and benchmark: Representation, manipulation, and de/serialisation of Semantic Versions.
- separated library and test: A data type with elements separated by values
- seqid library: Sequence ID production and consumption
- sequence library and tests: A type class for sequences and various sequence data structures.
- sequential-index library: Sequential numbers that allow arbitrarily inserting numbers - for containers
- serdoc-binary library and test: `binary` backend for `serdoc`
- serdoc-core library and test: Generated documentation of serialization formats
- serialise-uuid library and test: Encode and decode UUID values in CBOR using uuid-types, cborg and serialise.
- serialize-instances library: Instances for Serialize of cereal
- Set library, test and benchmark: See README for more info
- set-extra library: Functions that could be added to Data.Set.
- set-monad library: Set monad
- set-of library: Sets of fixed size, with typelits
- setoid library and test: A Haskell implementation of setoid
- setops library: Uniform names (and Unicode operators) for set operations on data structures.
- sets library, test and benchmark: Ducktyped set interface for Haskell containers.
- setters library: Small (TH) library to declare setters for typical `record' data type fields.
- settings library: Runtime-editable program settings.
- sexpresso library and test: A flexible library for parsing and printing S-expression
- sext library and test: Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors with type-encoded length
- SG library: Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection
- sgf library: SGF (Smart Game Format) parser
- SGplus library: (updated) Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection
- sha-validation library: Validation SHA Implementations
- sha1 library and test: SHA-1 Hash
- shapely-data library and test: Generics using @(,)@ and @Either@, with algebraic operations and typed conversions
- short-vec library, test and benchmark: Length-indexed vectors using SmallArray#
- short-vec-lens library: Lenses and related functionality for the `short-vec` package.
- shortcircuit library: Short-circuit values and expressions.
- ShortestPathProblems library and test: grammars for TSP and SHP
- sieve library: Sieve is an implementation of the Sieve abstract data type.
- siggy-chardust library and tests: Rounding rationals to significant digits and decimal places.
- sign library and test: Arithmetic over signs and sets of signs
- signable library and test: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support
- signable-haskell-protoc program: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support
- simple-atom library: Atom (or symbol) datatype for fast comparision and sorting.
- simple-conduit library and benchmark: A simple streaming I/O library based on monadic folds
- simple-enumeration library and test: Finite or countably infinite sequences of values.
- simple-index library: Allows simple indexation on any data type
- simple-money library: Simple library to handle and interexchange money
- simple-pipe library: simple pipeline library like conduit
- simple-rope library: Memory-efficient strings with concatenation and splitting.
- simplistic-generics library: Generic programming without too many type classes
- simpoole library and test: Simple pool
- simtreelo library: Load data organized in a tree.
- single-tuple library and test: a class for single tuple implementations
- singleraeh library: raehik's singletons
- singlethongs library and test: Like singletons, but much smaller.
- singleton-dict library: Typelevel balanced search trees via a singletonized Data.Map
- singleton-nats library: Unary natural numbers relying on the singletons infrastructure.
- singleton-typelits library: Singletons and induction over GHC TypeLits
- singletons-default library: An optional type with type level default
- sink library: An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation
- sint library and test: Nat singletons represented by Int
- siphash library and test: siphash: a fast short input PRF
- siren-json library and test: Siren Tools for Haskell
- size-based library: Sized functors, for size-based enumerations
- SizeCompare library: Fast size comparison for standard containers.
- sized library and test: Sized sequence data-types
- sized-grid library and tests: Multidimensional grids with sized specified at compile time
- sized-vector library: Size-parameterized vector types and functions.
- sized-wrapper library and test: Create a Sized version of any container
- sized-wrapper-aeson library and test: aeson instances for 'Sized'
- sized-wrapper-quickcheck library: QuickCheck instance for 'Sized'
- sized-wrapper-text library: 'Sized' wrappers for text
- skeletal-set library and test: Skeletal set - a set with equivalence relation different from equality
- skew-list library, test and benchmark: Random access lists: skew binary
- skip-list library, test and benchmark: An implementation of pure skip lists
- sliceofpy library, program and test: Python-ish slicing traversals for Haskell.
- slotmap library and test: Pure Haskell slotmap implementation over ST or IO.
- slugger library, program and test: Clean URI slugs for Haskell
- small-bytearray-builder library: Serialize to bytes
- smallarray library: low-level unboxed arrays, with minimal features.
- smallstring library: A Unicode text type, optimized for low memory overhead
- smaoin library and test: Utilities for the Smaoin semantic information model.
- smash library: Combinators for Maybe types
- smash-aeson library: Aeson support for the smash library
- smash-lens library and test: Optics for the `smash` library
- smash-microlens library and test: Optics for the `smash` library
- smash-optics library: Optics for the `smash` library using `optics-core`
- smith library: Parse arrays of tokens
- smoothie library: Smooth curves via several interpolation modes
- snowchecked library and test: A checksummed variation on Twitter's Snowflake UID generation algorithm
- snowflake library: A loose port of Twitter Snowflake to Haskell. Generates arbitrary precision, ...
- some library and test: Existential type: Some
- sop-core library: True Sums of Products
- sorted library: Efficient, type-safe sorted sequences
- sorted-list library, test and benchmark: Type-enforced sorted lists and related functions.
- sorting library: Utils for sorting.
- spacepart library: Space partition data structures. Currently only a QuadTree.
- sparse library, tests and benchmark: A playground of sparse linear algebra primitives using Morton ordering
- sparse-tensor library and test: typesafe tensor algebra library
- spdx library, test and benchmark: SPDX license expression language, Extras
- spdx-license library and test: SPDX license templates
- special-keys library: Simple data types that help me here and there.
- SpinCounter library: Lock free Spin Counter
- splaytree library and test: Provides an annotated splay tree
- split-morphism library and test: Split Epimorphisms and Monomorphisms
- spooky library: Unified API for phantom typed newtypes and type aliases
- spreadsheet library, programs and test: Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way
- srcloc library: Data types for managing source code locations.
- srec library: Parsing and processing s-records.
- srtree library, programs and test: A general library to work with Symbolic Regression expression trees.
- sstable library and programs: SSTables in Haskell
- st2 library: shared heap regions between local mutable state threads
- stable-memo library: Memoization based on argument identity
- stable-tree library, program and test: Trees whose branches are resistant to change
- stack-prism library and test: Stack prisms
- stackage-types library: Shared data types between various Stackage packages
- star library: *-semirings
- state library: Data.State
- state-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:US state codes and i18n names
- state-record library: Better records for State monad states
- stateref : Abstraction for things that work like IORef.
- StateVar library: State variables
- StateVar-transformer library: State variables
- static-bytes library and test: A Haskell library providing types representing 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 bytes of data.
- static-tensor library, test and benchmark: Tensors of statically known size
- static-text library and tests: Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors of statically known length
- std library: TBA
- stdata library: Structure Data Library
- stdf library and programs: Parse Structured Test Data Format (STDF)
- stdio library and test: A simple and high performance IO toolkit for Haskell
- stm-linkedlist library: Mutable, doubly linked lists for STM
- stm-queue library, test and benchmark: An implementation of a real-time concurrent queue
- stm-sbchan library: Bounded channel for STM where item sizes can vary
- stm-tlist library: Mutable, singly-linked list in STM
- storable library: Storable type class for variable-sized data
- storable-complex library: Storable instance for Complex
- storable-endian library: Storable instances with endianness
- storable-hetero-list library and test: about Storable and Hetero list
- storable-peek-poke library and test: class Sizable, Peek and Poke
- storable-record library and program: Elegant definition of Storable instances for records
- storable-tuple library: Storable instance for pairs and triples
- storablevector library, test and benchmarks: Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString
- storablevector-carray library: Conversion between storablevector and carray
- storablevector-streamfusion library and program: Conversion between storablevector and stream-fusion lists with fusion
- store library, test and benchmarks: Fast binary serialization
- store-core library: Fast and lightweight binary serialization
- store-streaming library and test: Streaming interfaces for `store`
- Strafunski-ATermLib library: An abstract data type designed for the exchange of tree-like data structures
- Stream library: A library for manipulating infinite lists.
- stream library, test and benchmark: Initial project template from stack
- stream-fusion library: Faster Haskell lists using stream fusion
- streaming library and test: an elementary streaming prelude and general stream type.
- streaming-bracketed library and tests: A resource management decorator for "streaming".
- streaming-bytestring library and test: Fast, effectful byte streams.
- streaming-cassava library and test: Cassava support for the streaming ecosystem
- streaming-commons library, test and benchmarks: Common lower-level functions needed by various streaming data libraries
- streaming-concurrency library, test and benchmark: Concurrency support for the streaming ecosystem
- streaming-conduit library and test: Bidirectional support between the streaming and conduit libraries
- streaming-fft library: online streaming fft
- streaming-process library and test: Streaming support for running system process
- streaming-sort library and test: Sorting streams
- streaming-utils library: http, attoparsec, pipes and other utilities for the streaming libraries
- streaming-with library: with/bracket-style idioms for use with streaming
- strict library: Strict data types and String IO.
- strict-base library: Strict versions of base data types.
- strict-base-types library: Strict variants of the types provided in base.
- strict-containers library and tests: Strict containers.
- strict-containers-lens library: Strict containers - Lens instances
- strict-containers-serialise library: Strict containers - Serialise instances
- strict-data library and tests: A collection of commonly used strict data structures
- strict-lens library: Lenses for types in strict package
- strict-list library and test: Strict linked list
- strict-mutable-base library: Strict variants of mutable data types from base.
- strict-optics library: Optics for types in strict package
- strict-tuple library and test: Strict tuples
- strict-tuple-lens library: Optics for the `strict-tuple` library
- strict-wrapper library and test: Lightweight strict types
- string-class library: String class library
- string-combinators library: Polymorphic functions to build and combine stringlike values
- string-conv library and test: Standardized conversion between string types
- string-conv-tests test: Tests for the string-conv library
- string-conversions library and test: Simplifies dealing with different types for strings
- string-interpolate library, test and benchmark: Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works
- string-qq library and test: QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings.
- string-quote library: QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings.
- string-similarity library, test and benchmark: longest common substring
- string-typelits library: Type-level Chars and Strings, with decidable equality.
- string-variants library and test: Constrained text newtypes
- stringable library: A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable
- stringprep library and test: Implements the "StringPrep" algorithm
- stringtable-atom library: Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets
- stringz library: Optics for string-like data types
- strongweak library and test: Convert between strong and weak representations of types
- strptime library: Efficient parsing of LocalTime using a binding to C's strptime, ...
- structs library and test: Strict GC'd imperative object-oriented programming with cheap pointers.
- structured library: Structure (hash) of your data types
- structures library, tests and benchmarks: "Advanced" Data Structures
- subcategories library and test: Subcategories induced by class constraints
- subG library: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes.
- subG-instances library: Additional instances for the InsertLeft class from subG package.
- sublists library: Allows to split lists into sublists with some patterns by quantity.
- success library: A version of Either specialised for encoding of success or failure
- suffixarray library and programs: n log n implementation of suffix array.
- SuffixStructures library, program and benchmark: Suffix array construction
- suffixtree library: Efficient, lazy suffix tree implementation
- suitable library: Abstract over the constraints on the parameters to type constructors
- summer library and test: An implementation of extensible products and sums
- swagger library and test: Implementation of swagger data model
- swiss-ephemeris library and test: Haskell bindings for the Swiss Ephemeris C library
- swisstable library, test and benchmarks: SwissTable hash map
- swizzle library and test: Swizzle functions
- swizzle-lens library and test: Swizzle lens functions
- swizzle-modify library and test: Swizzle modify functions
- swizzle-set library and test: Swizzle set functions
- syb-with-class library and test: Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class
- syb-with-class-instances-text library: Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class Text instance
- symbiote library and test: Data serialization, communication, and operation verification implementation
- symbol library: A 'Symbol' type for fast symbol comparison.
- symbol-parser library and test: Type level string parser combinators
- symbolize library and tests: Efficient global Symbol table, with Garbage Collection.
- symparsec library and test: Type level string parser combinators
- syntax library: Reversible parsing and pretty-printing.
- syntax-attoparsec library: Syntax instances for Attoparsec.
- syntax-example program: Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions.
- syntax-example-json program: Example JSON parser/pretty-printer.
- syntax-pretty library: Syntax instance for pretty, the pretty printing library.
- syntax-printer library: Text and ByteString printers for 'syntax'.
- syslog library and test: Decode RFC 3164 and RFC 5424 syslog message formats
- t-regex library: Matchers and grammars using tree regular expressions
- tables library and test: In-memory storage with multiple keys using lenses and traversals
- tagged library: Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
- tagged-binary library: Provides tools for serializing data tagged with type information.
- tagged-list library: Lists tagged with a type-level natural number representing their length.
- tagged-transformer library: Monad transformer carrying an extra phantom type tag
- tagging library: Library for tagging data
- tahoe-great-black-swamp-types library: Types related to implementation of a Tahoe-LAFS Great Black Swamp server
- tai64 library and test: Tai64 Labels for Haskell
- Tainted library: Tainted type, and associated operations
- Tape library: Bidirectionally infinite streams, akin to the tape of a Turing machine.
- taskwarrior library and test: Types and aeson instances for taskwarrior tasks
- tbox library: Transactional variables and data structures with IO hooks
- TCache library and test: A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence
- telega library: Telegram Bot API binding
- template-default library: declaring Default instances just got even easier
- template-haskell-optics library: Optics for template-haskell types
- ten library and test: Functors et al. over arity-1 type constructors
- ten-lens library: Lenses for the types in the ten package.
- ten-unordered-containers library and test: Higher-kinded hash containers
- Tensor library: Tensor data types
- tensor library and tests: A completely type-safe library for linear algebra
- tensort library, program and test: Tunable sorting for responsive robustness and beyond
- terminal-text library: Text data type for styled terminal output, ...
- text library, test and benchmark: An efficient packed Unicode text type.
- text-ansi library: Text styling for ANSI terminals.
- text-binary library: Binary instances for text types
- text-containers library and test: Memory-efficient string-indexed container types.
- text-conversions library and test: Safe conversions between textual types
- text-icu library and test: Bindings to the ICU library
- text-icu-normalized library and test: Dealing with Strict Text in NFC normalization.
- text-locale-encoding library: Encode and decode Text to/from ByteString using TextEncoding
- text-manipulate library, test and benchmark: Case conversion, word boundary manipulation, and textual subjugation.
- text-misc-yj library and test: tribial tools about text
- text-normal library and test: Unicode-normalized text
- text-plus library and test: Utils for text
- text-position library and test: Handling positions in text and position-tagging it.
- text-regex-replace library and test: Easy replacement when using text-icu regexes.
- text-short library and test: Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings
- text-stream-decode library, test and benchmarks: Streaming decoding functions for UTF encodings. (deprecated)
- text-time library and test: Library for Time parsing from Text into UTCTime
- text-trie library and test: An efficient finite map from Text to values, based on bytestring-trie.
- text-utf7 library and test: UTF-7 encoding/decoding for Data.Text
- text-utf8 library and test: An efficient packed UTF-8 backed Unicode text type.
- text1 library and tests: Non-empty values of `Data.Text`.
- th-format library and test: Template Haskell based support for format strings
- these library: An either-or-both data type.
- these-lens library: Lenses for These
- these-optics library: Optics for These
- these-skinny library: A fork of the 'these' package without the dependency bloat.
- thorn library: Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell
- through-text library: Convert textual types through Text without needing O(n^2) instances.
- thyme library, tests and benchmark: A faster time library
- tickle library and test: A port of @Data.Binary@
- tiempo library: Specify time intervals in different units (secs, mins, hours, etc.)
- tight-apply library: Tightly binding infix function application
- tile library and test: Slippy map tile functionality.
- time-interval library: Use a time unit class, but hold a concrete time type.
- time-lens library: Lens-based interface to Data.Time data structures
- time-patterns library: Patterns for recurring events
- time-series library and program: Time series analysis.
- time-series-lib library and test: Library for Time Series processing
- time-units library: A basic library for defining units of time as types.
- time-units-types library: Type-level representations of time durations.
- timelike library: Type classes for types representing time
- timeparsers library: Attoparsec parsers for various Date/Time formats.
- timer-wheel library, test and benchmark: A timer wheel
- timeseries library and test: Library for Time Series processing
- timezone-detect library and test: Haskell bindings for the zone-detect C library; plus tz-aware utils.
- timezone-olson library: A pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files
- timezone-olson-th library: Load TimeZoneSeries from an Olson file at compile time.
- timezone-series library: Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time
- tinyid library: A secure URL-friendly string ID generator
- tiphys library and test: Navigating and editing JSON data
- tmpl program: simple executable for templating
- tn library and program: A simple daily journal program
- to-string-class library: Converting string-like types to Strings.
- to-string-instances library: Instances for the ToString class.
- tomato-rubato-openal library: Easy to use library for audio programming.
- toml-reader-parse library and test: Alternative parser for TOML values produced by the toml-reader package.
- tomlcheck program: Command-line tool to check syntax of TOML files
- topograph library: Directed acyclic graphs.
- tostring library: The ToString class
- total-map library: Finitely represented total maps
- total-maps library: Dense and sparse total maps.
- transaction library and tests: Monadic representation of transactions.
- Transhare library: ...
- traverse-with-class library and test: Generic applicative traversals
- tree-diff library, test and benchmark: Diffing of (expression) trees.
- tree-render-text library: Configurable text rendering of trees.
- tree-traversals library and test: Functions and newtype wrappers for traversing Trees
- tree-view library: Render trees as foldable HTML and Unicode art
- TreeCounter library: Wait-free Tree Counter
- treefold library, test and benchmark: Provides folds which try to combine elements in a balanced way.
- Treiber library: Lock free Treiber stack
- trexio-hs library and test: Bindings to the TREXIO library for wave function data
- trial library and tests: Trial Data Structure
- trial-tomland library: Trial helper functions for tomland
- tries library, test and benchmarks: Various trie implementations in Haskell
- true-name library and test: Template Haskell hack to violate module abstractions
- truthful library: Typeclass for truthfulness of values
- truthy library: Generalized booleans and truthy values.
- tskiplist library: A Skip List Implementation in Software Transactional Memory (STM)
- ttask library, program and test: This is task management tool for yourself, that inspired by scrum.
- ttc library and test: Textual Type Classes
- ttl-hashtables library and test: Extends hashtables so that entries added can be expired after a TTL
- tup-functor library and program: Homogeneous tuples
- tuple library: Various functions on tuples
- tuple-gen library: Enum instances for tuples where the digits increase with the same speed
- tuple-generic library: Generic operations on tuples
- tuple-hlist library: Functions to convert between tuples and HLists.
- tuple-morph library: Morph between tuples, or convert them from and to HLists.
- tuple-ops library: various operations on n-ary tuples via GHC.Generics
- tuple-sop library and test: functions on n-ary tuples using generics-sop
- tuple-th library: Generate (non-recursive) utility functions for tuples of statically known size
- tupleinstances library: Functor, Applicative and Monad for n-ary tuples.
- tuples library and test: Small monomorphic tuples
- tuples-homogenous-h98 library: Wrappers for n-ary tuples with Traversable and Applicative/Monad instances.
- txt library and test: Text
- ty library: Typed type representations and equality proofs
- type : Dynamic casting library with support for arbitrary rank type kinds.
- type-aligned library: Various type-aligned sequence data structures.
- type-combinators library: A collection of data types for type-level programming
- type-combinators-quote library: Quasiquoters for the 'type-combinators' package.
- type-combinators-singletons library: Interop between /type-combinators/ and /singletons/.
- type-equality library: Data.Type.Equality compat package
- type-equality-check library: Type equality check
- type-iso library: Typeclasses for injective relations and isomorphisms between types.
- type-level library: Type-level programming library
- type-level-bytestrings library and test: Tools for manipulating type-level bytes and bytestrings
- type-level-integers library and test: Provides integers lifted to the type level
- type-level-kv-list library and test: Type level Key-Value list.
- type-level-kv-list-esqueleto library: Make Esqueleto handy with type-level-kv-list
- type-level-kv-list-persistent library: Make Persistent Raw SQL handy with type-level-kv-list
- type-level-natural-number library: Simple type level natural numbers
- type-level-natural-number-induction library: High-level combinators for performing inductive operations.
- type-level-natural-number-operations library: Basic operations on type-level natural numbers.
- type-level-show library: Utilities for writing Show-like type families
- type-level-tf library: Type-level programming library (type families)
- type-list library: Operations on type-level lists and tuples.
- type-map library and tests: Type-indexed maps
- type-rig library: Classes for the rig (sums and products) of types
- type-safe-avl library: Type safe BST and AVL trees
- type-set library and test: Type set
- type-structure library and test: Type structure analysis
- type-unary library: Type-level and typed unary natural numbers, inequality proofs, vectors
- typeable-th library and test: Automatic deriving of TypeableN instances with Template Haskell
- typeably library: DerivingVia Typeable counterpart to Generically
- typed-digits library and tests: Digits, indexed by their base at the type level
- typed-duration library: Thread delay and timeout functions with typed arguments
- typed-encoding library and tests: Type safe string transformations
- typed-encoding-encoding library and tests: Bridge between encoding and typed-encoding packages
- typed-range library and test: An efficient and versatile typed range library.
- typed-streams library and test: A stream based replacement for lists
- typed-uuid library: Phantom-Typed version of UUID
- typelevel library: Useful type level operations (type families and related operators).
- typelevel-tensor library and test: Tensors whose ranks and dimensions type-inferred and type-checked.
- typelits-witnesses library: Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits
- TypeNat library: Some Nat-indexed types for GHC
- typenums library and test: Type level numbers using existing Nat functionality
- typeparams library: ...
- typerep-map library, test and benchmark: Efficient implementation of a dependent map with types as keys
- typesafe-endian library: Enforce endianness with types
- typical library: Type level numbers, vectors, list. This lib needs to be extended.
- tz library, tests and benchmarks: Efficient time zone handling
- tzdata library and test: Time zone database (as files and as a module)
- ucd library, test and benchmark: Unicode Character Database — Predicates on characters specified by Unicode
- ucl library and test: Datatype and parser for the Universal Configuration Language (UCL) using libucl
- udcode library: Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
- udp-conduit library: Simple fire-and-forget conduit UDP wrappers
- uglymemo library: A simple (but internally ugly) memoization function.
- ui library and program: Minimalistic console UI (getLine), arrow key support (edit, browse cmd history).
- uid library: Simple unique identifier datatype, serializable and encodable as base32
- ulid library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of ULID - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- ulid-tight library and test: Another ULID implementation with tight memory representation
- unamb library and program: Unambiguous choice
- unamb-custom library: Functional concurrency with unamb using a custom scheduler.
- unboxed library: All the standard sum types but strict and unboxed as possible
- unboxed-containers library: Self-optimizing unboxed sets using view patterns and data families
- unboxed-ref library and test: Fast unboxed references for ST and IO monad
- unboxed-references library and program: A library for reference cells backed by unboxed-vectors
- unboxing-vector library, tests and benchmark: A newtype-friendly variant of unboxed vectors
- unconditional-jump library: Unconditional jumps
- unfix-binders library: Unfixing and recursion schemes for data types with binders
- ungadtagger library: Abstract GADTs from typelevel tags
- unicode-data library, test and benchmark: Access Unicode Character Database (UCD)
- unicode-data-names library, program, test and benchmark: Unicode characters names and aliases
- unicode-data-parser library: Parsers for Unicode Character Database (UCD) files
- unicode-data-scripts library, test and benchmark: Unicode characters scripts
- unicode-data-security library, test and benchmark: Unicode security mechanisms database
- unicode-transforms library, program, tests and benchmark: Unicode normalization
- uniform-http library: uniform text based operations to call http
- uniform-pair library: Uniform pairs with class instances
- uniform-webserver library: uniform text based operations to call http
- union library and benchmark: Extensible type-safe unions
- union-angle library and test: Union type that include radian angle and degree angle
- union-color library and test: Unify verious color formats
- union-find library: Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets.
- union-find-array library: union find data structure
- union-map library: Heterogeneous map by open unions.
- Unique library, test and benchmark: It provides the functionality like unix "uniq" utility
- unique library: Fully concurrent unique identifiers
- uniqueid library: Splittable Unique Identifier Supply
- uniqueness-periods-vector-filters library: A library allows to change the structure of the 'RealFrac' function output.
- uniqueness-periods-vector-stats library: A very basic descriptive statistics.
- unit library and test: Aliases for `()`.
- universal-binary library: Parser for OS X Universal Binary format.
- universe library: A class for finite and recursively enumerable types.
- universe-base library and test: A class for finite and recursively enumerable types.
- universe-dependent-sum library: Universe instances for types from dependent-sum
- universe-instances-base library: Universe instances for types from the base package
- universe-instances-extended library: Universe instances for types from selected extra packages
- universe-instances-trans library: Universe instances for types from the transformers and mtl packages
- universe-reverse-instances library: Instances of standard classes that are made possible by enumerations
- universe-some library and test: Universe instances for Some from some
- unix-time library and test: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities
- unjson library and test: Bidirectional JSON parsing and generation.
- unlifted library: Unlifted and levity-polymorphic types
- unlifted-list library: GHC Haskell lists of non-thunks (things of kind TYPE 'UnliftedRep)
- unliftio-pool library: Data.Pool generalized to MonadUnliftIO.
- unliftio-streams library: Generalization of io-streams to MonadUnliftIO
- unordered-containers library, test and benchmark: Efficient hashing-based container types
- unordered-intmap library and test: A specialization of `HashMap Int v`
- unpacked-maybe-numeric library and tests: maybes of numeric values with fewer indirections
- unpacked-maybe-text library: optional text that unpacks well
- unsafely library and programs: Flexible access control for unsafe operations and instances
- unwrapped-functors library: Unwrapping sums/products lifted to functors
- url-bytes library, test and benchmark: Memory efficient url type and parser.
- urlpath library: Painfully simple URL deployment.
- urn library and test: Universal Resource Names
- urn-random library: A package for updatable discrete distributions
- userid library: The UserId type and useful instances for web development
- users-persistent library and test: A persistent backend for the users package
- utc library and test: A pragmatic time and date library.
- utf8-conversions library and test: A string conversion library that assumes utf8
- util-plus library and test: A collection of commonly used utils
- utility-ht library and test: Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions
- uuid library and test: For creating, comparing, parsing and printing Universally Unique Identifiers
- uuid-aeson library: Aeson types for UUID instances.
- uuid-bytes library and test: UUID parsing using byteverse packages
- uuid-le library: Universally Unique Identifiers with little-endian-ish encoding tools
- uuid-quasi library: Supplemental package for 'uuid' allowing quasiquotation.
- uuid-types library and test: Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers
- uvector library: Fast unboxed arrays with a flexible interface
- uvector-algorithms library: Efficient algorithms for uvector unboxed arrays
- uxadt library: Cross-language extensible representation for algebraic data type instances.
- valida library and test: Simple applicative validation for product types, batteries included!
- valida-base library and test: Simple applicative validation for product types, batteries included!
- validated-literals library and test: Compile-time checking for partial smart-constructors
- Validation library: A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative
- validation library and tests: A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative
- validation-selective library and tests: Lighweight pure data validation based on Applicative and Selective functors
- validators library and tests: Composable validations for your Haskell data types
- value-supply library: A library for generating values without having to thread state.
- var library, test and benchmarks: Mutable variables and tuples
- variadic-function library and test: Create and transform functions with variable arity.
- variation library: nominal value with possible variations
- vary library and tests: Vary: Friendly and fast polymorphic variants (open unions/coproducts/extensible sums)
- vault library: a persistent store for values of arbitrary types
- vcd library: Reading and writing VCD files.
- vcs-revision library: Facilities for accessing the version control revision of the current directory.
- Vec library: Fixed-length lists and low-dimensional linear algebra.
- vec library, test and benchmark: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list
- Vec-Boolean library: Provides Boolean instances for the Vec package
- vec-lens library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: lens support
- vec-optics library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: optics support
- VecN library: a simple peano-indexed vector type
- vector library, tests and benchmark: Efficient Arrays
- vector-algorithms library, test and benchmark: Efficient algorithms for vector arrays
- vector-binary library: Binary instances for vector types (deprecated)
- vector-binary-instances library, test and benchmark: Instances of Data.Binary for vector
- vector-buffer library: A buffer compatible with Data.Vector.*
- vector-bytes-instances library and test: Serial (from the bytes package) for Vector (from the vector package)
- vector-bytestring library, program and test: ByteStrings as type synonyms of Storable Vectors of Word8s
- vector-circular library and test: circular vectors
- vector-clock library and test: Vector clocks for versioning message flows
- vector-conduit library and test: Conduit utilities for vectors
- vector-doublezip library: Some special functions to work with Vector (with zip).
- vector-endian library: Storable vectors with cpu-independent representation.
- vector-functorlazy library: vectors that perform the fmap operation in constant time
- vector-hashtables library, test and benchmark: Efficient vector-based mutable hashtables implementation.
- vector-heterogenous library: A type-safe library for vectors whose elements can be of any type, ...
- vector-instances library: Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector'
- vector-instances-collections library: Instances of the Data.Collections classes for Data.Vector.*
- vector-mmap library and test: Memory map immutable and mutable vectors
- vector-random library: Generate vectors filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers
- vector-read-instances library: (deprecated) Read instances for 'Data.Vector'
- vector-rotcev library and test: Vectors with O(1) reverse
- vector-sized library: Size tagged vectors
- vector-split library and test: Combinator library for splitting vectors.
- vector-static library: Statically checked sizes on Data.Vector
- vector-stream library: Efficient Streams
- vector-text library: Text implementation based on unboxed char vector.
- vector-th-unbox library and test: Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell
- verbosity library: Simple enum that encodes application verbosity.
- version-natural library: A simple version type.
- version-natural-dhall-instance library: FromDhall and ToDhall instances for version-natural.
- versioning library and test: Type-safe data versioning.
- versioning-servant library and test: Servant combinators for the versioning library.
- versions library and test: Types and parsers for software version numbers.
- vessel library: Functor-parametric containers
- vflow-types library and tests: types for ingesting vflow data with aeson
- vinyl-generics library and test: Convert plain records to vinyl (and vice versa), generically.
- vinyl-named-sugar library: Syntax sugar for vinyl records using overloaded labels.
- vocabulary-kadma library: Smaoin vocabulary definitions of the base framework.
- vp-tree library, test and benchmark: Vantage Point Trees
- vpq library and test: Priority queue based on vector
- warc library and program: A parser for the Web Archive (WARC) format
- WAVE library and program: WAVE audio file IO library
- wavesurfer library: Parse WaveSurfer files
- wd program: Run a command on a specified directory.
- weak-bag library: Mutable bag backed by weak pointers to each item
- WeakSets library and test: Simple set types. Useful to create sets of arbitrary types and nested sets.
- wide-word library and tests: Data types for large but fixed width signed and unsigned integers
- wide-word-instances library: Instances for wide-word
- winery library, program, tests and benchmark: A compact, well-typed seralisation format for Haskell values
- wire-streams library, test and benchmark: Fast binary io-streams adapter.
- wiring library and test: Wiring, promotion and demotion of types.
- witch library and test: Convert values from one type into another.
- with library: Simple open product type
- with-index library: A tiny library for composing indexed traversals
- with-location library and test: Use ImplicitParams-based source locations in a backward compatible way
- witherable library and test: filterable traversable
- witherable-class library: Witherable = Traversable + Filterable
- witness library: values that witness types
- wizard library: the fantastical wizard monoid
- wkt library and test: Parsec parsers and types for geographic data in well-known text (WKT) format.
- wkt-geom library and tests: A parser of WKT, WKB and eWKB.
- WMSigner library and test: WebMoney authentication module
- woe library: Convenient typeclass for defining arbitrary-index enums.
- woffex program: Web Open Font Format (WOFF) unpacker.
- woot library and test: Real time group editor without operational transform.
- word library and test: Words of arbitrary size
- word-array library, test and benchmark: treat integral types as arrays of smaller integral types
- word-compat library and test: Compatibility shim for the Int/Word internal change in GHC 9.2
- word-trie library and test: Implementation of a finite trie over words.
- word12 library and test: Word12 library.
- word24 library, test and benchmark: 24-bit word and int types for GHC
- word8 library, test and benchmark: Word8 library
- word8set library and test: Word8 set
- wordn library, test and benchmark: arbitrary bit size Words
- world-peace library and tests: Open Union and Open Product Types
- wrap library: Wrap a function's return value with another function
- wraparound library: Convenient handling of points on a seamless 2-dimensional plane
- wright library and test: Colour space transformations and metrics.
- x509 library and test: X509 reader and writer
- x509-ocsp library and test: Basic X509 OCSP implementation
- x509-store library and test: X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
- x509-system library: Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
- x509-util program: Utility for X509 certificate and chain
- x509-validation library and test: X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
- xcb-types library: Parses XML files used by the XCB project
- xls library, program and test: Parse Microsoft Excel xls files (BIFF/Excel 97-2004)
- XML library and test: Extensible Markup Language
- xml-conduit-selectors library and test: jQuery-style CSS selectors for xml-conduit
- xml-isogen library and test: Generate XML-isomorphic types
- xml-query library: A parser-agnostic declarative API for querying XML-documents
- xml-query-xml-conduit library: A binding for the "xml-query" and "xml-conduit" libraries
- xml-query-xml-types library and test: An interpreter of "xml-query" queries for the "xml-types" documents
- xml-syntax library and test: Parse XML from bytes
- xor library, test and benchmark: Efficient XOR masking
- xournal-types library: Data types for programs for xournal file format
- xxhash library, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of the xxHash algorithm
- yahoo-finance-conduit library: Streaming aproach to the yahoo finance api
- yall library: Lenses with a southern twang
- yamemo library: Simple memoisation function
- yaml library, programs and test: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents.
- yaml-light library: A light-weight wrapper with utility functions around HsSyck
- yaml-light-lens library and test: Lens interface to yaml-light.
- yaml-marked library and tests: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents with marks.
- yaml-pretty-extras library and test: Extra functionality for pretty printing Yaml documents.
- yaml-streamly library, programs, test and benchmark: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents.
- yaml-union library, programs and test: Read multiple yaml-files and override fields recursively
- yarl library, test and benchmark: Yet another records libraries
- yarn-lock library and test: Represent and parse yarn.lock files
- Z-Botan library and test: Crypto for Haskell
- Z-Data library and test: Array, vector and text
- Z-IO library, program, test and benchmark: Simple and high performance IO toolkit for Haskell
- Z-MessagePack library and test: MessagePack
- Z-YAML library and test: YAML tools
- z85 library and test: Implementation of the z85 binary codec
- zalgo library: Z-algorithm implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists.
- zcache library: Zobrist keys for game state tracking
- zero library: Semigroups with absorption
- zigzag library and test: Zigzag encoding of integers into unsigned integers.
- ZipFold library: Zipping folds
- zippo library: A simple lens-based, generic, heterogenous, type-checked zipper library
- zlib-bytes library and test: zlib compression bindings
- zlib-conduit library: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (deprecated)
- zm library and tests: Language independent, reproducible, absolute types
- zsdd library: Zero-Suppressed and Reduced Decision Diagrams
Data Conduit
- tar-conduit tests and benchmark: Extract and create tar files using conduit for streaming
Data Control
- oops library and tests: Combinators for handling errors of many types in a composable way
- oops-examples library: Oops examples
Data Flow
- cached library and test: Cache values to disk.
- dynamic-pipeline library, program and test: Library Type Safe implementation of Dynamic Pipeline Paradigm (DPP).
- yarr library: Yet another array library
Data Mining
- algebraic-graphs-io library and test: I/O utilities and datasets for algebraic-graphs
- closed-intervals library and test: Closed intervals of totally ordered types
- datasets library, test and benchmark: Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning
- depq library and test: Double-ended priority queues
- dtw library and test: (Fast) Dynamic Time Warping
- Emping program: derives heuristic rules from nominal data
- gdelt library and test: GDELT V2 (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone)
- heidi library, program, test and benchmarks: Tidy data in Haskell
- hinduce-associations-apriori library: Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
- hinduce-classifier library: Interface and utilities for classifiers
- hinduce-classifier-decisiontree library: Decision Tree Classifiers for hInduce
- hinduce-examples library: Example data for hInduce
- hlcm library and programs: Fast algorithm for mining closed frequent itemsets
- HLearn-algebra library: Algebraic foundation for homomorphic learning
- HLearn-approximation library
- HLearn-classification library
- HLearn-datastructures library
- HLearn-distributions library: Distributions for use with the HLearn library
- HMM library: A hidden markov model library
- hmm library: A hidden markov model library
- hps-kmeans library: A nice implementation of the k-Means algorithm.
- hsgsom library: An implementation of the GSOM clustering algorithm.
- KdTree library and test: KdTree, for efficient search in K-dimensional point clouds.
- kmeans library: K-means clustering algorithm
- mnist-idx-conduit library and test: conduit utilities for MNIST IDX files
- record-encode library and tests: Generic encoding of records
- rp-tree library, program, test and benchmark: Random projection trees
- vp-tree library, test and benchmark: Vantage Point Trees
Data Network
- network-messagepack-rpc library: MessagePack RPC
Data Science
- analyze library and test: making data science easy and safe with data frames
- Frames-beam library and test: A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures.
- hasklepias library, programs and tests: embedded DSL for defining epidemiologic cohorts
- heidi library, program, test and benchmarks: Tidy data in Haskell
- javelin library, program, test and benchmarks: Labeled one-dimensional arrays
- javelin-frames library, test and benchmark: Type-safe data frames based on higher-kinded types.
- javelin-io library and test: IO operations for the `javelin` package
- mnist-idx-conduit library and test: conduit utilities for MNIST IDX files
- record-encode library and tests: Generic encoding of records
- rigel-viz library and test: A mid-level wrapper for vega-lite
- sibe library and programs: Machine Learning algorithms
Data Structure
- IntGraph library and test: Dynamically sized graph library
- red-black-tree library and test: Red Black Trees implemented in Haskell
- tree-fun library: Library for functions pertaining to tree exploration and manipulation
Data Structures
- ac-library-hs library, program, tests and benchmark: Data structures and algorithms
- adjunctions library and test: Adjunctions and representable functors
- adp-multi library, programs and test: ADP for multiple context-free languages
- adp-multi-monadiccp library, program and test: Subword construction in adp-multi using monadiccp
- ADPfusion library, programs and test: Efficient, high-level dynamic programming.
- ADPfusionSet library and test: Dynamic programming for Set data structures.
- algebraic-graphs library and test: A library for algebraic graph construction and transformation
- AlignmentAlgorithms library: Collection of alignment algorithms
- appendmap library and test: Map with a Semigroup and Monoid instances delegating to Semigroup of the elements
- array library: Mutable and immutable arrays
- array-utils library: Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once
- atomic-counter library, test and benchmark: Mutable counters that can be modified with atomic operatinos
- AvlTree library: Balanced binary trees using the AVL algorithm.
- bag library: A simple stable bag.
- barbies library and test: Classes for working with types that can change clothes.
- barbies-th library and tests: Create strippable HKD via TH
- bcp47 library and tests: Language tags as specified by BCP 47
- BiobaseTypes library and test: Collection of types for bioinformatics
- bit-array library and test: A bit array (aka bitset, bitmap, bit vector) API for numeric types
- bitset library, test and benchmark: A space-efficient set data structure.
- bitwise library, test and benchmark: fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays
- bitwise-enum library, test and benchmark: Bitwise operations on bounded enumerations
- bk-tree library: BK-tree implementation
- bktrees library: A set data structure with approximate searching
- bookkeeper library, program, tests and benchmark: Anonymous records and overloaded labels
- bookkeeper-permissions library: Permissions for bookkeeper records
- boolexpr library: Boolean expressions with various representations and search queries.
- btree-concurrent library and test: A backend agnostic, concurrent BTree
- build library and test: Build Systems à la Carte
- bytestring-to-vector library and test: Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying
- bytestring-trie library, test and benchmarks: An efficient finite map from bytestrings to values.
- circular library, test and benchmark: Circular fixed-sized mutable vectors
- cmph library and test: low level interface to CMPH
- collections library: Useful standard collections types and related functions.
- collections-api library: API for collection data structures.
- collections-base-instances library: Useful standard collections types and related functions.
- comfort-array library and test: Arrays where the index type is a function of the shape type
- comfort-array-shape library and test: Additional shape types for the comfort-array package
- composite-tuple library: Tuple functions for composite records.
- composite-xstep library: ReaderT transformer pattern for higher kinded composite data.
- container-classes library: Generic classes for interacting with different container types
- containers library: Assorted concrete container types
- containers-good-graph library and test: Data.Graph, but it doesn't suck!
- CTRex library: Open records using closed type families.
- ctrie library, test and benchmarks: Non-blocking concurrent map
- data-clist library and test: Simple functional ring type.
- data-forest library and test: A simple multi-way tree data structure
- data-functor-logistic library: Updatable analogue of Distributive functors
- data-lens-ixset library and test: A Lens for IxSet
- data-r-tree library and tests: R-Tree is a spatial data structure similar to Quadtrees or B-Trees.
- data-stringmap library and tests: An efficient implementation of maps from strings to arbitrary values
- data-vector-growable library and test: Dynamic growable resizable mutable generic vector
- dawg library: Directed acyclic word graphs
- dawg-ord library and test: Directed acyclic word graphs
- day-comonoid library: A comonoid w.r.t. Day
- decision-diagrams library and tests: Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) and Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDD)
- depq library and test: Double-ended priority queues
- dequeue library and test: A typeclass and an implementation for double-ended queues.
- diffarray library: DiffArray
- disjoint-sets-st library: Imperative ST/IO based disjoint set data structure.
- distributive library and test: Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
- dph-base library: Data Parallel Haskell common config and debugging functions.
- dph-examples programs: Data Parallel Haskell example programs.
- dph-lifted-base library: Data Parallel Haskell common definitions used by other dph-lifted packages.
- dph-lifted-copy library: Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators. (deprecated version)
- dph-lifted-vseg library: Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators.
- dph-par library: (deprecated)
- dph-prim-interface library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (abstract interface)
- dph-prim-par library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (production version)
- dph-prim-seq library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (sequential implementation)
- dph-seq library: (deprecated)
- DrIFT library and programs: Program to derive type class instances
- DrIFT-cabalized programs: Program to derive type class instances
- EdisonAPI library: A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (API)
- EdisonCore library: A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)
- edit-distance-vector library and test: Calculate edit distances and edit scripts between vectors.
- EnumMap library: More general IntMap replacement.
- enummapmap library, tests and benchmark: Map of maps using Enum types as keys
- enummaps library: Enum wrappers for IntMap and IntSet
- enummapset library and test: IntMap and IntSet with Enum keys/elements.
- Etage-Graph library and program: Data-flow based graph algorithms
- ethereum-client-haskell programs and test: A Haskell version of an Ethereum client
- ethereum-merkle-patricia-db library and test: A modified Merkle Patricia DB
- ethereum-rlp library and test: Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
- exposed-containers library and tests: A distribution of the 'containers' package, with all modules exposed.
- extended-containers library and test: Heap and Vector container types
- extended-containers-lens library: lens instances for extended-containers
- FenwickTree library and test: Data structure for fast query and update of cumulative sums
- fgl library, test and benchmark: Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library
- fgl-extras-decompositions library: Graph decomposition algorithms
- fingertree library and test: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
- fingertree-psqueue library: Implementation of priority search queues as finger trees.
- fingertree-tf library: Generic finger-tree structure using type families.
- flux-monoid library: A monoid for tracking changes
- function-builder library and test: Create poly variadic functions for monoidal results
- functor-friends library: Friendly helpers for your recursion schemes.
- generic-tree library: Generic Tree data type
- GiST library: A Haskell implementation of a Generalized Search Tree (GiST)
- gmap library: Composable maps and generic tries.
- graph-matchings library: An implementation of algorithms for matchings in graphs
- graph-utils library: A simple wrapper & quasi quoter for fgl.
- graph-wrapper library and test: A wrapper around the standard Data.Graph with a less awkward interface
- graphite library, test and benchmark: Graphs and networks library
- graphs library: A simple monadic graph library
- grids library, test and benchmark
- gtk-largeTreeStore library and test: Large TreeStore support for gtk2hs
- haggle library and test: A graph library offering mutable, immutable, and inductive graphs
- hamtmap library: A purely functional and persistent hash map
- hash-cons library and test: Opportunistic hash-consing data structure
- hashmap-throw library: Throw behaviour for hashmap lookup.
- hashtables-plus library and benchmark: Extensions for a "hashtables" library
- hCM library, program and test: Conceptual modelling support for Haskell
- heap library and test: Heaps in Haskell
- heaps library: Asymptotically optimal Brodal/Okasaki heaps.
- hetero-map library: Pure heterogeneous maps.
- hgal library and test: library for computation automorphism group and canonical labelling of a graph
- hkd library and tests: "higher-kinded data"
- HLearn-approximation library
- HLearn-datastructures library
- HMap library: Fast heterogeneous maps and unconstrained typeable-like functionality.
- hobbits library: A library for canonically representing terms with binding
- HoleyMonoid library: Monoids with holes.
- hw-balancedparens library, program, tests and benchmark: Balanced parentheses
- hw-dsv library, program, tests and benchmark: Unbelievably fast streaming DSV file parser
- hw-eliasfano library, program, tests and benchmark: Elias-Fano
- hw-excess library, tests and benchmark: Excess
- hw-fingertree library and tests: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
- hw-fingertree-strict library and tests: Generic strict finger-tree structure
- hw-json-lens library, tests and benchmark: Lens for hw-json
- hw-rankselect library, program, tests and benchmark: Rank-select
- hw-rankselect-base library, tests and benchmark: Rank-select base
- hw-xml library, program, tests and benchmark: XML parser based on succinct data structures.
- I1M library and test: Code for the Haskell course taught at the University of Seville.
- igraph library: Bindings to the igraph C library.
- impure-containers library, test and benchmark: Mutable containers in Haskell.
- indexed-containers library and test: Simple, no-frills indexed lists.
- int-like library: Newtype wrappers over IntSet and IntMap
- intern library: Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary data types
- InternedData library, test and benchmark: Data interning (with compact regions where possible)
- interval library and test: Intervals with adherences.
- interval-patterns library and test: Intervals, and monoids thereof
- interval-tree-clock library and test: Interval Tree Clocks
- intset-imperative library, tests and benchmark: An imperative integer set written in Haskell.
- iterable library: API for hierarchical multilevel collections.
- ixset library and test: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets.
- ixset-typed library and test: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets.
- ixset-typed-binary-instance library: Binary instance for ixset-typed.
- ixset-typed-conversions library: Conversions from ixset-typed to other containers.
- ixset-typed-hashable-instance library: Hashable instance for ixset-typed.
- javelin library, program, test and benchmarks: Labeled one-dimensional arrays
- javelin-frames library, test and benchmark: Type-safe data frames based on higher-kinded types.
- javelin-io library and test: IO operations for the `javelin` package
- justified-containers library and test: Keyed container types with type-checked proofs of key presence.
- kan-extensions library: Kan extensions, Kan lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
- KdTree library and test: KdTree, for efficient search in K-dimensional point clouds.
- keys library: Keyed functors and containers
- knead library and test: Repa-like array processing using LLVM JIT
- knit library and test: Ties the knot on data structures that reference each other by unique keys.
- labeled-graph library: Labeled graph structure
- labeled-tree library: Labeled tree structure
- lca library: O(log n) persistent online lowest common ancestor search without preprocessing
- libgraph library: Store and manipulate data in a graph.
- linked-list-with-iterator library and test: A pure linked list which is mutable through iterators.
- list-t library and test: ListT done right
- list-tries library and test: Tries and Patricia tries: finite sets and maps for list keys
- listlike-instances library: Extra instances of the ListLike class
- loc library and test: Line and column positions and ranges in text files
- localization library: Library for localization (l10n)
- magma library and test: magma is an algebraic structure.
- map-exts library and programs: Extensions to Data.Map
- map-syntax library and test: Syntax sugar for defining maps
- mappings library, program and test: Types which represent functions k -> v
- massiv library and test: Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library.
- massiv-io library, tests and benchmark: Import/export of Image files into massiv Arrays
- massiv-persist library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'persist'
- massiv-serialise library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'serialise'
- massiv-test library and tests: Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library.
- megastore library and program: Bulk image or strict bytestring storage
- meldable-heap library: Asymptotically optimal, Coq-verified meldable heaps, AKA priority queues
- merkle-patricia-db library and test: A modified Merkle Patricia DB
- min-max-pqueue library, test and benchmark: Double-ended priority queues.
- miso library and program: A tasty Haskell front-end web framework
- miso-examples programs: A tasty Haskell front-end web framework
- monadic-arrays library: Boxed and unboxed arrays for monad transformers
- mono-traversable-keys library: Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key
- monoidmap library, test and benchmark: Monoidal map type
- monus-weighted-search library, test and benchmark: Efficient search weighted by an ordered monoid with monus.
- more-containers library and test: A few more collections
- multi-containers library and test: A few multimap variants.
- multimap library: A multimap.
- multiset library and tests: The Data.MultiSet container type
- naperian library: Efficient representable functors
- nested-sequence library and test: List-like data structures with O(log(n)) random access
- nested-sets library and test: Nested set model implementation
- nibblestring library and test: Packed, strict nibble arrays with a list interface (ByteString for nibbles)
- nonempty-containers library and test: Non-empty variants of containers data types, with full API
- nonempty-zipper library and test: A non-empty comonadic list zipper
- nonemptymap library: A NonEmptyMap Implementation
- nspace library and test: Efficient, infinite-precision 2D and 3D spatial containers.
- nthable library
- overeasy library and test: A purely functional E-Graph library
- pangraph library and test: A set of parsers for graph languages and conversions to graph libaries.
- parameterized-utils library and test: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types
- partialord library and test: Data structure supporting partial orders
- path-tree library: `Data.Tree` for file paths
- pedestrian-dag library: A pedestrian implementation of directed acyclic graphs
- perfect-hash-generator library, programs and test: Perfect minimal hashing implementation in native Haskell
- PerfectHash library: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values.
- perfecthash library, test and benchmark: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values.
- permutation library: A library for permutations and combinations.
- pomaps library, tests and benchmark: Maps and sets of partial orders
- pqueue library, test and benchmarks: Reliable, persistent, fast priority queues.
- primitive-containers library, test and benchmark: containers backed by arrays
- provide library and test: Lightweight dependency injection / namespaced+typed implicit-ish arguments
- PSQueue library and test: Priority Search Queue
- psqueues library, test and benchmark: Pure priority search queues
- q4c12-twofinger library and tests: Efficient alternating finger trees
- quickset library: Very fast and memory-compact query-only set and map structures
- r-tree library, test and benchmarks: R-/R*-trees.
- radix-tree library and test: Radix trees
- ralist library, test and benchmark: Random access list with a list compatible interface.
- random-access-list library: Random-access lists in Haskell
- random-tree library: Create random trees
- randproc library: Data structures and support functions for working with random processes
- rational-list library and test: finite or repeating lists
- rbst library, tests and benchmark: Randomized Binary Search Trees
- RBTree library: Pure haskell Red-Black-Tree implemetation
- record library: Anonymous records
- reflection-without-remorse library: Efficient free and operational monads.
- relacion library: A relation data structure.
- relation library and tests: A data structure representing Relations on Sets.
- repa library: High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays.
- repa-algorithms library: Algorithms using the Repa array library.
- repa-array library: Bulk array representations and operators.
- repa-bytestring library: (deprecated)
- repa-convert library: Packing and unpacking flat tables.
- repa-devil library: Support for image reading and writing of Repa arrays using in-place FFI calls
- repa-eval library: Low-level parallel operators on bulk random-accessble arrays.
- repa-examples programs: Examples using the Repa array library.
- repa-fftw library, test and benchmark: Perform fft with repa via FFTW
- repa-flow library: Data-parallel data flows.
- repa-io library: Read and write Repa arrays in various formats.
- repa-plugin library: Data Flow Fusion GHC Plugin.
- repa-scalar library: Scalar data types and conversions.
- repa-series library: Series Expressionss API
- repa-sndfile library, programs and test: Reading and writing sound files with repa arrays
- repa-stream library: Stream functions not present in the vector library.
- representable-functors library: Representable functors
- representable-tries library: Tries from representations of polynomial functors
- rle library and test: A data type of run-length-encoded lists
- rosezipper library: Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree
- row-types library, test and benchmark: Open Records and Variants
- row-types-aeson library: aeson instances for Open Records and Variants
- row-types-barbies library: barbies instances for Open Records and Variants
- rp-tree library, program, test and benchmark: Random projection trees
- rrb-vector library, test and benchmark: Efficient RRB-Vectors
- rstream library: stream-fusion framework from vector
- sdp library: Simple Data Processing
- sdp-binary library: Binary instances for SDP
- sdp-deepseq library: DeepSeq SDP extension.
- sdp-hashable library: Hashable instances for SDP
- sdp-io library: SDP IO extension
- sdp-quickcheck library, tests and benchmarks: SDP QuickCheck support
- sdp4bytestring library and tests: SDP wrapper for ByteString.
- sdp4text library and tests: SDP wrapper for Text.
- sdp4unordered library: SDP classes for unordered containers
- sdp4vector library and tests: SDP wrapper for Vector
- selections library: Combinators for operating with selections over an underlying functor
- semigroups library: Anything that associates
- semigroups-actions library: Semigroups actions
- semilattices library and test: Semilattices
- semirings library: two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
- seqn library and test: Sequences and measured sequences
- sequence library and tests: A type class for sequences and various sequence data structures.
- signed-multiset library: Multisets with negative membership.
- sirkel library: Sirkel, a Chord DHT
- slist library and tests: Sized list
- sparse-merkle-trees library, test and benchmark: Sparse Merkle trees with proofs of inclusion and exclusion
- sparsebit library: Sparse bitmaps for pattern match coverage
- splay library: Generic splay-based sequence representation
- spool library: Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying
- srtree library, programs and test: A general library to work with Symbolic Regression expression trees.
- stable-heap library, test and benchmark: Purely functional stable heaps (fair priority queues)
- Stack library: Stack data structure
- statethread library: The ST monad and STRefs
- static-hash library: Immutable hash
- stm-containers library and test: Containers for STM
- stm-hamt library, test and benchmark: STM-specialised Hash Array Mapped Trie
- strict-containers library and tests: Strict containers.
- strict-containers-lens library: Strict containers - Lens instances
- strict-containers-serialise library: Strict containers - Serialise instances
- subwordgraph library and test: Subword graph implementation
- subzero library and test: Helps when going "seed values" -> alternatives and optional -> answers
- suffix library and test: Suffix arrays and friends
- suffix-array library, program, test and benchmark: Simple and moderately efficient suffix array implementation
- SuffixStructures library, program and benchmark: Suffix array construction
- suffixtree library: Efficient, lazy suffix tree implementation
- swapper library: Transparently swapping data from in-memory structures to disk
- symantic-base library: Basic symantic combinators for Embedded Domain-Specific Languages (EDSL)
- symbolize library and tests: Efficient global Symbol table, with Garbage Collection.
- tangle library and programs: Heterogenous memoisation monad
- TernaryTrees library and program: Efficient pure ternary tree Sets and Maps
- text-compression library: A text compression library.
- text-containers library and test: Memory-efficient string-indexed container types.
- text-trie library and test: An efficient finite map from Text to values, based on bytestring-trie.
- thrist library: Type-threaded list
- tie-knot library: "Ties the knot" on a given set of structures that reference each other by keys.
- total-maps library: Dense and sparse total maps.
- translatable-intset library and program: Integer sets with a constant time translate operation.
- treap library and tests: Efficient implementation of the implicit treap data structure
- treemap library and test: A tree of Data.Map.
- treeseq library: Library for a multi-way tree (rose tree), using Seq (finger tree) for forests
- TreeStructures library: A collection of heaps and search trees
- trial library and tests: Trial Data Structure
- trial-tomland library: Trial helper functions for tomland
- trie-simple library, test and benchmark: Simple Map-based Trie
- tst library: BK-tree implementation
- type-aligned library: Various type-aligned sequence data structures.
- type-indexed-queues library, test and benchmark: Queues with verified and unverified versions.
- type-level-bst library: type-level binary search trees in haskell
- type-level-sets library: Type-level sets and finite maps (with value-level counterparts)
- typerep-map library, test and benchmark: Efficient implementation of a dependent map with types as keys
- unboxing-vector library, tests and benchmark: A newtype-friendly variant of unboxed vectors
- unordered-graphs library: Graph library using unordered-containers
- vary library and tests: Vary: Friendly and fast polymorphic variants (open unions/coproducts/extensible sums)
- vector library, tests and benchmark: Efficient Arrays
- vector-clock library and test: Vector clocks for versioning message flows
- vector-endian library: Storable vectors with cpu-independent representation.
- vector-functorlazy library: vectors that perform the fmap operation in constant time
- vector-heterogenous library: A type-safe library for vectors whose elements can be of any type, ...
- vector-instances library: Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector'
- vector-mmap library and test: Memory map immutable and mutable vectors
- vector-read-instances library: (deprecated) Read instances for 'Data.Vector'
- vector-rotcev library and test: Vectors with O(1) reverse
- vector-split library and test: Combinator library for splitting vectors.
- vector-static library: Statically checked sizes on Data.Vector
- vector-stream library: Efficient Streams
- void library: A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
- vp-tree library, test and benchmark: Vantage Point Trees
- yarr library: Yet another array library
Data Text JSON YAML Pandoc
- uniform-json library and test: handling of JSON and YAML in an uniform way
Data Text Uniform
- uniform-fileio library and test: Uniform file handling operations
- uniform-strings library and test: Manipulate and convert strings of characters uniformly and consistently
- barbies-layered library and tests: Barbies with layered clothes.
- acid-state library, program, tests and benchmark: Add ACID guarantees to any serializable Haskell data structure.
- acid-state-dist library, tests and benchmarks: A replication backend for acid-state
- acid-state-tls library: Add TLS support for Data.Acid.Remote
- airgql library, program and test: Automatically generate a GraphQL API for an SQLite database
- algebra-dag library: Infrastructure for DAG-shaped relational algebra plans
- algebra-sql library and programs: Relational Algebra and SQL Code Generation
- anki-tools library and program: Tools for interacting with Anki database
- anydbm library and program: Interface for DBM-like database systems
- arena library, tests and benchmark: A journaled data store
- basex-client library: A BaseX client for Haskell
- bbdb library and test: Ability to read, write, and modify BBDB files
- beam library: A type-safe SQL mapper for Haskell that doesn't use Template Haskell
- beam-automigrate library, programs, test and benchmark: DB migration library for beam, targeting Postgres.
- beam-core library and test: Type-safe, feature-complete SQL query and manipulation interface for Haskell
- beam-migrate library: SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam
- beam-mysql library: Connection layer between beam and MySQL/MariaDB
- beam-newtype-field library: A newtype for wrapping newtypes into beam schemas
- beam-postgres library and test: Connection layer between beam and postgres
- beam-sqlite library and test: Beam driver for SQLite
- beam-th library and tests: Template Haskell utilities for beam
- BerkeleyDB library: Berkeley DB binding
- berkeleydb library: Pretty BerkeleyDB v4 binding.
- BerkeleyDBXML library: Berkeley DB XML binding
- bindings-monetdb-mapi library: Low-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi)
- bindings-sophia library: Low-level bindings to sophia library
- blacktip library, test and benchmark: Decentralized, k-ordered unique ID generator.
- bloodhound library and tests: Elasticsearch client library for Haskell
- bolt library and test: Bolt driver for Neo4j
- cassandra-cql library: Haskell client for Cassandra's CQL protocol
- cassandra-thrift library: thrift bindings to the cassandra database
- cassy library and test: A high level driver for the Cassandra datastore
- cayley-client library and test: A Haskell client for the Cayley graph database
- classy-influxdb-simple library: Super simple InfluxDB package in Classy-MTL style
- clickhouse-haskell library and test: A Haskell library as database client for Clickhouse
- consumers library and tests: Concurrent PostgreSQL data consumers
- couch-hs library and program: A CouchDB view server for Haskell.
- couch-simple library and test: A modern, lightweight, complete client for CouchDB
- CouchDB library and test: CouchDB interface
- couchdb-conduit library and test: Couch DB client library using http-conduit and aeson
- couchdb-enumerator library and test: Couch DB client library using http-enumerator and aeson
- cozo-hs library and test: Haskell bindings to the CozoDB C API
- cql library and test: Cassandra CQL binary protocol.
- cql-io library and test: Cassandra CQL client.
- cql-io-tinylog library: Tinylog integration for cql-io.
- CurryDB library, programs, tests and benchmark: CurryDB: In-memory Key/Value Database
- cypher library: Haskell bindings for the neo4j "cypher" query language
- data-basic library and test: A database library with a focus on ease of use, type safety and useful error messages
- database-id-class library: Class for types with a database id
- database-id-groundhog library: HasId/Groundhog interop
- database-migrate library: Database versioning and migration (experimental)
- database-study library: Demonstrate how a database can be implemented the functional way
- datalog library, program and tests: An implementation of datalog in Haskell
- dawdle library and program: Generates DDL suggestions based on a CSV file
- dbcleaner library and test: Clean database tables automatically around hspec tests
- dbf library: Read and write XBase ".dbf" files
- DBlimited program: A command-line SQL interface for flat files (tdf,csv,etc.)
- dbm program: A *simple* database migration tool.
- dbmigrations library, program and test: An implementation of relational database "migrations"
- dbmigrations-mysql library, program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for MySQL databases
- dbmigrations-postgresql program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for PostgreSQL databases
- dbmigrations-sqlite program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for SQLite databases
- dbmonitor library and program: Data consistency alerting for PostgreSQL
- dfinity-radix-tree library, program and test: A generic data integrity layer.
- direct-rocksdb library and test: Bindings to RocksDB.
- direct-sqlite library and test: Low-level binding to SQLite3. Includes UTF8 and BLOB support.
- doi library and program: Automatic Bibtex and fulltext of scientific articles
- drifter library and test: Simple schema management for arbitrary databases.
- drifter-postgresql library and test: PostgreSQL support for the drifter schema migration tool
- drifter-sqlite library and test: SQLite support for the drifter schema migraiton tool
- DSH library and program: Database Supported Haskell
- dsh-sql library and program: SQL backend for Database Supported Haskell (DSH)
- duckdb-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings for duckdb.
- dynamodb-simple library and test: Typesafe library for working with DynamoDB database
- edis library: Statically typechecked client for Redis
- ejdb2-binding library and test: Binding to EJDB2 C library, an embedded JSON noSQL database
- elm-export-persistent library: elm-export persistent entities
- encryptable library and test: Typed encryption with persistent support
- erd program and test: An entity-relationship diagram generator from a plain text description.
- esqueleto library and test: Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends.
- esqueleto-pgcrypto library and test: Esqueleto support for the pgcrypto PostgreSQL module
- esqueleto-postgis library and test: postgis bindings for esqueleto.
- esqueleto-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Esqueleto results from PostgreSQL
- esqueleto-textsearch library and test: PostgreSQL full text search for Esqueleto
- eternity library and test: Native event-sourcing database
- eternity-timestamped library: Automatic timestamping for Eternity
- eventful-core library and test: Core module for eventful
- eventful-dynamodb library and test: Library for eventful DynamoDB event stores
- eventful-memory library and test: In-memory implementations for eventful
- eventful-postgresql library and test: Postgres implementations for eventful
- eventful-sql-common library: Common library for SQL event stores
- eventful-sqlite library and test: SQLite implementations for eventful
- eventful-test-helpers library: Common module used for eventful tests
- eventsourcing library and test: CQRS/ES library.
- eventsourcing-postgresql library: PostgreSQL adaptor for eventsourcing.
- eventstore library and test: EventStore TCP Client
- exigo-schema library and test: database schema for exigo marking/assessment tools
- ez-couch library: A high level static library for working with CouchDB
- fcg program: TBA
- FerryCore library: Ferry Core Components
- firebase-database library, test and benchmark: Google Firebase Database SDK
- firestore library and test: Wrapper for Google Firestore/Datastore API
- Frames-beam library and test: A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures.
- franz library, programs and test: Append-only database
- freckle-kafka library: Some extensions to the hw-kafka-client library
- freckle-memcached library and test: ..
- genders library and test: Bindings to libgenders.
- generic-persistence library and test: Database persistence using generics
- geoip2 library: Pure haskell interface to MaxMind GeoIP database
- gitson library, tests and benchmark: A document store library for Git + JSON.
- gothic library: A Haskell Vault KVv2 secret engine client
- grakn library and tests: A Haskell client for Grakn
- graphql-w-persistent library: GraphQL interface middleware for SQL databases.
- graql library and test: Execute Graql queries on a Grakn graph
- gremlin-haskell library, program and test: Graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server
- gridfs library: GridFS (MongoDB file storage) implementation
- groundhog library: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library.
- groundhog-converters library and test: Extended Converter Library for groundhog embedded types
- groundhog-inspector library and program: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library.
- groundhog-mysql library: MySQL backend for the groundhog library.
- groundhog-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for the groundhog library.
- groundhog-sqlite library: Sqlite3 backend for the groundhog library
- groundhog-th library: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library.
- hamsql library, program and test: Interpreter for SQL-structure definitions in YAML (YamSql)
- HandlerSocketClient library: Haskell implementation of a HandlerSocket client (API).
- hasbolt library, test and benchmark: Haskell driver for Neo4j 3+ (BOLT protocol)
- hasbolt-extras library, program and test: Extras for hasbolt library
- hascas library and test: Cassandra driver for haskell
- haskell-disque library and test: Client library for the Disque datastore
- haskell-neo4j-client library and test: A Haskell neo4j client
- haskell-postgis library and test: A haskell library for PostGIS geometry types.
- haskell-tyrant library: Haskell implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant binary protocol
- haskelldb library: A library of combinators for generating and executing SQL statements.
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc library: Bracketed HDBC session for HaskellDB
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-mtl library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-mtl
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-tf library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-transformers library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-lifted library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using lifted-base
- haskelldb-dynamic library and program: HaskellDB support for the dynamically loaded drivers.
- haskelldb-flat library and program: An experimental HaskellDB back-end in pure Haskell (no SQL)
- haskelldb-hdbc library: HaskellDB support for HDBC.
- haskelldb-hdbc-mysql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC MySQL driver.
- haskelldb-hdbc-odbc library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC ODBC driver.
- haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC PostgreSQL driver.
- haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3 library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC SQLite driver.
- haskelldb-hsql library: HaskellDB support for HSQL.
- haskelldb-hsql-mysql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL MySQL driver.
- haskelldb-hsql-odbc library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL ODBC driver.
- haskelldb-hsql-oracle library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL Oracle driver.
- haskelldb-hsql-postgresql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL PostgreSQL driver.
- haskelldb-hsql-sqlite library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite driver.
- haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3 library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite3 driver.
- haskelldb-th library: Template Haskell utilities for HaskellDB.
- haskelldb-wx library: HaskellDB support for WXHaskell.
- haskey library and tests: A transactional, ACID compliant, embeddable key-value store.
- haskey-btree library and tests: B+-tree implementation in Haskell.
- haskey-mtl library and test: A monad transformer supporting Haskey transactions.
- HaskRel library: HaskRel, Haskell as a DBMS with support for the relational algebra
- hasparql-client library: This package enables to write SPARQL queries to remote endpoints.
- hasql library, tests and benchmark: Fast PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API
- hasql-backend library: API for backends of "hasql"
- hasql-class library and test: Encodable and Decodable classes for hasql
- hasql-cursor-query library and test: A declarative abstraction over PostgreSQL Cursor
- hasql-cursor-transaction library: An abstraction for simultaneous fetching from multiple PostgreSQL cursors
- hasql-effectful library, program and test: Effectful bindings for hasql
- hasql-interpolate library and test: QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql
- hasql-migration library and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations
- hasql-mover library: Hasql migrations library
- hasql-notifications library, program and test: LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql
- hasql-optparse-applicative library: "optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql"
- hasql-pipes library: A pipe to stream a postgres database cursor in the hasql ecosystem
- hasql-pool library and test: Pool of connections for Hasql
- hasql-postgres library, tests and benchmark: A "PostgreSQL" backend for the "hasql" library
- hasql-postgres-options library: An "optparse-applicative" parser for "hasql-postgres"
- hasql-resource-pool library and test: A pool of connections for Hasql based on resource-pool.
- hasql-streams-conduit library: Stream Hasql queries with Conduit
- hasql-streams-core library: Stream Hasql queries
- hasql-streams-example program: An example program that shows how to use Hasql streams with Rel8
- hasql-streams-pipes library: Stream Hasql queries with Pipes
- hasql-streams-streaming library: Stream Hasql queries with Streaming
- hasql-streams-streamly library: Stream Hasql queries with Streamly
- hasql-th library: Template Haskell utilities for Hasql
- hasql-transaction library and test: Composable abstraction over retryable transactions for Hasql
- hasql-transaction-io library: Perform IO actions during transactions for Hasql
- hasqlator-mysql library: composable SQL generation
- hasqly-mysql library: composable SQL generation
- HDBC library and program: Haskell Database Connectivity
- hdbc-aeson library: Deserialize from HDBC rows to FromJSON instances
- HDBC-mysql library: MySQL driver for HDBC
- HDBC-odbc library and programs: ODBC driver for HDBC
- HDBC-postgresql library and program: PostgreSQL driver for HDBC
- HDBC-postgresql-hstore library: Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns.
- hdbc-postgresql-hstore library: Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns.
- HDBC-session library: Bracketed connection for HDBC
- HDBC-sqlite3 library and program: Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC
- hdbc-tuple library: Type save tuples for HDBC
- hdbi library and tests: Haskell Database Independent interface
- hdbi-conduit library and test: Conduit glue for HDBI
- hdbi-postgresql library and tests: PostgreSQL driver for hdbi
- hdbi-sqlite library and test: SQlite driver for HDBI
- hdf5 library and test: Haskell interface to the HDF5 scientific data storage library.
- hedis library, tests and benchmark: Client library for the Redis datastore: supports full command set, pipelining.
- hedis-config library: Easy trivial configuration for Redis
- hedis-envy library
- hedis-monadic library: A la MonadReader for Redis connection
- hedis-pile library and test: Caching mandatory data with Redis
- hedis-simple library: A simplified API for hedis
- hedis-tags library and test: Tags for hedis
- hesql program: Haskell's embedded SQL
- HGraphStorage library, test and benchmark: Graph database stored on disk
- higher-leveldb library and test: A rich monadic API for working with leveldb databases.
- hlrdb library: High-level Redis Database
- hlrdb-core library: High-level Redis Database Core API
- hmemdb library: In-memory relational database
- hocilib library and test: FFI binding to OCILIB
- HongoDB library and test: A Simple Key Value Store
- hpqtypes library and test: Haskell bindings to libpqtypes
- hpqtypes-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the hpqtypes library for the effectful ecosystem.
- hpqtypes-extras library, test and benchmark: Extra utilities for hpqtypes library
- hRESP library: haskell implementation of RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol).
- hs-cdb library: A library for reading CDB (Constant Database) files.
- hs-rqlite library: A Haskell client for RQlite
- hscassandra library: cassandra database interface
- hSimpleDB library: Interface to Amazon's SimpleDB service.
- hsparql library and test: A SPARQL query generator and DSL, and a client to query a SPARQL server.
- hsql library: Database access from Haskell.
- hsql-mysql library: MySQL driver for HSQL.
- hsql-odbc library: A Haskell Interface to ODBC.
- hsql-postgresql library: A Haskell Interface to PostgreSQL via the PQ library.
- hsql-sqlite3 library: SQLite3 driver for HSQL.
- hsSqlite3 library: Sqlite3 bindings
- hssqlppp library and test: SQL parser and type checker
- hssqlppp-th library and test: hssqlppp extras which need template-haskell
- hw-kafka-client library, program and tests: Kafka bindings for Haskell
- hw-kafka-conduit library, program and test: Conduit bindings for hw-kafka-client
- hypher library and test: A Haskell neo4j client
- hzk library and test: Haskell client library for Apache Zookeeper
- influxdb library, programs and tests: InfluxDB client library for Haskell
- io-storage library: A key-value store in the IO monad.
- IPv6DB library, program and test: A RESTful microService for IPv6-related data
- json-state library: Keep program state in JSON files.
- json2-hdbc library: Support JSON for SQL Database.
- JunkDB library
- JunkDB-driver-gdbm library
- JunkDB-driver-hashtables library
- kawa library, program and test: Key-value store in single files.
- keyvaluehash library: Pure Haskell key/value store implementation
- KyotoCabinet library: Kyoto Cabinet DB bindings
- kyotocabinet library: Mid level bindings to Kyoto Cabinet
- LambdaDB library, program and test: On-memory Database using Lambda Function environment.
- language-sqlite library: Full parser and generator for SQL as implemented by SQLite3
- leveldb-haskell library, programs and test: Haskell bindings to LevelDB
- leveldb-haskell-fork library, programs and test: Haskell bindings to LevelDB
- libinfluxdb library: libinfluxdb
- libmdbx library, program and test: Bindings for libmdbx, an embedded key/value store
- libpq library: libpq binding for Haskell
- liszt library, programs and benchmark: Append only key-list database
- lmdb library: Lightning MDB bindings
- lmdb-simple library, tests and benchmark: Simple API for LMDB
- mallard library and program: Database migration and testing as a library.
- mbtiles library and test: Haskell MBTiles client.
- mealstrom library and test: Manipulate FSMs and store them in PostgreSQL.
- memcache library, test and benchmark: A memcached client library.
- memcached-binary library and test: memcached client using binary protocol.
- memdb library and test: Efficient in memory indexed database
- memo-sqlite library: memoize functions using SQLite3 database
- message-db-temp library: Temporary message-db for integration testing
- MetaHDBC library: Statically checked database access
- migrant-core library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations
- migrant-hdbc library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations
- migrant-postgresql-simple library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations
- migrant-sqlite-simple library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations
- monad-persist library and test: An mtl-style typeclass and transformer for persistent.
- monarch library, tests and benchmark: Monadic interface for TokyoTyrant.
- monetdb-mapi library: Mid-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi)
- mongoDB library, test and benchmark: Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS
- mongodb-queue library and test: message queue using MongoDB
- morph library and program: A simple database migrator for PostgreSQL
- moto library and test: General purpose migrations library
- moto-postgresql library: PostgreSQL-based migrations registry for moto.
- ms-tds library and test: TDS Protocol implemented in Haskell
- mssql-simple library and test: SQL Server client library implemented in Haskell
- muesli library: A simple document-oriented database
- multipool library and test: ...
- multipool-persistent library and test: Read and write from appropriate persistent sql instances in replicated environments.
- multipool-persistent-postgresql library and test: Read and write appropriately from both master and replicated postgresql instances.
- mysql library and test: A low-level MySQL client library.
- mysql-effect library: An extensible mysql effect using extensible-effects and mysql-simple
- mysql-haskell library, test and benchmarks: pure haskell MySQL driver
- mysql-haskell-nem library: Adds a interface like mysql-simple to mysql-haskell.
- mysql-haskell-openssl library: TLS support for mysql-haskell package using openssl
- mysql-json-table library and program: Using MySQL to store id-to-json tables.
- mysql-pure library, test and benchmarks: pure haskell MySQL driver
- mysql-simple library and test: A mid-level MySQL client library.
- mysql-simple-quasi library: Quasi-quoter for use with mysql-simple.
- mysql-simple-typed library: Typed extension to mysql simple
- narc library: Query SQL databases using Nested Relational Calculus embedded in Haskell.
- Neks library and programs: Simple networked key/value store
- net-spider library and tests: A graph database middleware to maintain a time-varying graph.
- net-spider-cli library and tests: CLI option parsers for NetSpider objects
- net-spider-pangraph library and tests: Conversion between net-spider and pangraph
- net-spider-rpl library and tests: NetSpider data model and utility for RPL networks
- net-spider-rpl-cli library, program and test: CLI executable of NetSpider.RPL.
- odpic-raw library and test: Oracle Database Bindings
- opaleye library and tests: An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL
- opaleye-classy library: Opaleye wrapped up in classy MTL attire.
- opaleye-sqlite library and tests: An SQL-generating DSL targeting SQLite
- opaleye-textsearch library and test: Text search utilities for Opaleye
- opaleye-trans library and programs: A monad transformer for Opaleye
- orchestrate library and test: An API client for
- OrchestrateDB library and tests: Unofficial Haskell Client Library for the API
- orville-postgresql library and test: A Haskell library for PostgreSQL
- Pathfinder library: Relational optimiser and code generator
- PCLT-DB library: An addon to PCLT package: enchance PCLT catalog with PostgreSQL powers.
- perdure library and program: Robust persistence for acyclic immutable data
- peregrin library and test: Database migration support for use in other libraries.
- persist2er program: Transforms persist's quasi-quoted syntax into ER format
- persistable-record library and test: Binding between SQL database values and haskell records.
- persistable-types-HDBC-pg library and test: HDBC and Relational-Record instances of PostgreSQL extended types
- persistent library, test and benchmark: Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization.
- persistent-audit library, program and test: Parses a Persist Model file and produces Audit Models
- persistent-cereal library: Helper functions for writing Persistent instances
- persistent-database-url library and test: Parse DATABASE_URL into configuration types for Persistent
- persistent-documentation library and test: Documentation DSL for persistent entities
- persistent-event-source library and test: Persistent based event sourcing.
- persistent-eventsource library and test: Persistent based event sourcing.
- persistent-generic library: Derive Persistent classes generically
- persistent-hssqlppp library: Declare Persistent entities using SQL SELECT query syntax
- persistent-instances-iproute library: Persistent instances for types in iproute
- persistent-iproute library: Persistent instances for types in iproute
- persistent-lens library: lens helpers for persistent.
- persistent-migration library and tests: Manual migrations for the persistent library
- persistent-mongoDB library and test: Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB.
- persistent-mtl test: Monad transformer for the persistent API
- persistent-mysql library and test: Backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server.
- persistent-mysql-haskell library, program and test: A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server.
- persistent-mysql-pure library, program and test: A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server.
- persistent-odbc library and program: Backend for the persistent library using ODBC
- persistent-pagination library and test: Efficient and correct pagination for persistent or esqueleto queries.
- persistent-parser library and test: Parse persistent model files
- persistent-postgresql library, program and test: Backend for the persistent library using postgresql.
- persistent-postgresql-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Persistent entities from PostgreSQL
- persistent-protobuf library: Template-Haskell helpers for integrating protobufs with persistent.
- persistent-qq library and test: Provides a quasi-quoter for raw SQL for persistent
- persistent-ratelimit library: A library for rate limiting activities with a persistent backend.
- persistent-redis library and test: Backend for persistent library using Redis.
- persistent-relational-record library and tests: relational-record on persisten backends.
- persistent-spatial library and test: Database agnostic, spatially indexed type for geographic points.
- persistent-sql-lifted library: Monad classes for running queries with Persistent and Esqueleto
- persistent-sqlite library, program and test: Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3.
- persistent-stm library and test: STM transactions involving persistent storage
- persistent-template library: Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence.
- persistent-template-classy library and test: Generate classy lens field accessors for persistent models
- persistent-test library: Tests for Persistent
- persistent-zookeeper library and test: Backend for persistent library using Zookeeper.
- pg library and test: Mid-level PostgreSQL client library
- pg-entity library, program and test: A pleasant PostgreSQL layer
- pg-extras library and test: PostgreSQL database performance insights.
- pg-query library and test: Parse PostgreSQL DDL and DML: Haskell bindings for libpg_query
- pg-store library and test: Simple storage interface to PostgreSQL
- pgsql-simple library: A mid-level PostgreSQL client library.
- pgvector library and test: pgvector support for Haskell
- pipes-mongodb library and test: Stream results from MongoDB
- pipes-postgresql-simple library: Convert various postgresql-simple calls to work with pipes
- pipes-sqlite-simple library: Functions that smash Pipes and sqlite-simple together
- plist-buddy library and test: Remote monad for editing plists
- polysemy-db library: Polysemy effects for databases
- polysemy-hasql library and test: Polysemy effects for databases
- polysemy-hasql-test library and test: Test utilities for polysemy-hasql
- pool library: Thread-safe resource pools. (deprecated)
- pool-conduit library: Resource pool allocations via ResourceT. (deprecated)
- poseidon library and test: Simple extensible library to run SQL file against PostgreSQL database.
- poseidon-postgis library and test: Extension of Poseidon library for Postgis (Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL)
- positron library and test: Experiment
- postgres-options library and test: An Options type representing options for postgres connections
- postgres-tmp library: Create a temporary database that is deleted after performing some operation
- postgres-websockets library, program and test: Middleware to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets
- PostgreSQL library: Thin wrapper over the C postgresql library
- postgresql-binary library, test and benchmarks: Encoders and decoders for the PostgreSQL's binary format
- postgresql-config library: Types for easy adding postgresql configuration to your program
- postgresql-cube library: Cube support for postgresql-simple
- postgresql-error-codes library: PostgreSQL error codes
- postgresql-libpq library and test: low-level binding to libpq
- postgresql-libpq-configure library: low-level binding to libpq: configure based provider
- postgresql-libpq-notify library and test: Minimal dependency PostgreSQL notifications library
- postgresql-libpq-pkgconfig library: low-level binding to libpq: pkg-config based provider
- postgresql-lo-stream library: Utilities for streaming PostgreSQL LargeObjects
- postgresql-ltree library and test: Types and functions for representing PostgreSQL's ltree
- postgresql-migration library, program and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations
- postgresql-orm library and program: An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.
- postgresql-placeholder-converter library and test: Converter for question mark style and dollar sign style of PostgreSQL SQL.
- postgresql-pure library, tests and benchmarks: pure Haskell PostgreSQL driver
- postgresql-query library and tests: Sql interpolating quasiquote plus some kind of primitive ORM using it
- postgresql-replicant library, program and test: PostgreSQL logical streaming replication library
- postgresql-resilient library: Automatic re-connection support for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-schema library and programs: PostgreSQL Schema Management
- postgresql-simple library, tests and benchmark: Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library
- postgresql-simple-bind library and tests: FFI-like bindings for PostgreSQL stored functions
- postgresql-simple-interpolate library and benchmark: Interpolated SQL queries via quasiquotation
- postgresql-simple-ltree library and test: Instances for using ltree with postgresql-simple
- postgresql-simple-migration library, program and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations
- postgresql-simple-named library and tests: Implementation of named parameters for `postgresql-simple` library
- postgresql-simple-opts library and test: An optparse-applicative and envy parser for postgres options
- postgresql-simple-typed library: Typed extension for PostgreSQL simple
- postgresql-simple-url library and test: Parse postgres:// url into ConnectInfo
- postgresql-syntax library and tests: PostgreSQL AST parsing and rendering
- postgresql-transactional library: a transactional monad on top of postgresql-simple
- postgresql-tx library: A safe transaction monad for use with various PostgreSQL Haskell libraries.
- postgresql-tx-monad-logger library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with monad-logger.
- postgresql-tx-query library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with postgresql-query.
- postgresql-tx-simple library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with postgresql-simple.
- postgresql-tx-squeal library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with squeal-postgresql.
- postgresql-tx-squeal-compat-simple library: Connection interop from postgresql-simple connections to postgresql-libpq connections.
- postgresql-typed library, tests and benchmark: PostgreSQL interface with compile-time SQL type checking, optional HDBC backend
- postgresql-typed-lifted library: postgresql-typed operations lifted to any instance of MonadBase or MonadBaseControl.
- potoki-hasql library: Integration of "potoki" and "hasql".
- preql library, test and benchmark: safe PostgreSQL queries using Quasiquoters
- presto-hdbc library: An HDBC connector for Presto
- psql library and test: PostgreSQL client
- pure-cdb library and test: Another pure-haskell CDB (Constant Database) implementation
- qudb program: Quite Useless DB
- queryparser library and benchmark: Analysis and parsing library for SQL queries.
- queryparser-demo library: Demo package containing queryparser examples
- queryparser-hive library: Parsing for Hive SQL queries
- queryparser-presto library: Parsing for Presto SQL queries
- queryparser-vertica library: Parsing for Vertica SQL queries
- quibble-core library and test: Convenient SQL query language for Haskell (but only for single tables)
- quokka library and test: Test helpers which help generate data for projects that use postgresql.
- redis library: A driver for Redis key-value database
- redis-hs library: A simple Redis library for Haskell
- redis-io library, test and benchmark: Yet another redis client.
- redis-schema library: Typed, schema-based, composable Redis library
- redis-simple library: Simple redis bindings for Haskell
- rediscaching-haxl library: Combine redis caching and haxl.
- redland library: Redland RDF library bindings
- RefSerialize library: Write to and read from ByteStrings maintaining internal memory references
- refurb library and test: Tools for maintaining a database
- relational-postgresql8 library: PostgreSQL v8.x driver for haskell-relational-record
- relational-query library and tests: Typeful, Modular, Relational, algebraic query engine
- relational-query-HDBC library and test: HDBC instance of relational-query and typed query interface for HDBC
- relational-query-postgresql-pure library and test: The connector of relational-record and postgresql-pure.
- relational-record library: Meta package of Relational Record
- relational-record-examples library and programs: Examples of Haskell Relationa Record
- relational-schemas library: RDBMSs' schema templates for relational-query
- resource-pool library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
- resource-pool-catchio library: Fork of resource-pool, with a MonadCatchIO constraint
- resource-pool-fork-avanov library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
- resourcet-pool library: A small library to convert a Pool into an Acquire
- rethinkdb library, program, test and benchmark: A driver for RethinkDB 2.2
- rethinkdb-client-driver library, test and benchmark: Client driver for RethinkDB
- rethinkdb-model library: Useful tools for modeling data with rethinkdb
- rethinkdb-wereHamster library: RethinkDB driver for Haskell
- rfc-psql library: The PostgreSQL extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons.
- ribbit library: [Unmaintained] Type-level Relational DB combinators.
- rivet-autoimporter program: Database migration library; automatic importer.
- rivet-core library and test: Database migration library; core functionality.
- rocksdb-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings to RocksDB
- rocksdb-haskell-jprupp library and test: Haskell bindings for RocksDB
- rocksdb-query library and test: RocksDB database querying library for Haskell
- ron library and benchmark: RON
- ron-rdt library: Replicated Data Types (RON-RDT)
- ron-schema library: RON-Schema
- ron-storage library: RON Storage
- scidb-hquery library and program: Haskell query for SciDB via shim
- seakale library: Pure SQL layer on top of other libraries
- seakale-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for Seakale
- seakale-tests library: Helpers to test code using Seakale
- sednaDBXML library: Sedna C API XML Binding
- selda library: Multi-backend, high-level EDSL for interacting with SQL databases.
- selda-json library: JSON support for the Selda database library.
- selda-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for the Selda database EDSL.
- selda-sqlite library: SQLite backend for the Selda database EDSL.
- servant-db-postgresql library, program and test: Derive a postgres client to database API specified by servant-db
- servant-postgresql library: Useful functions and instances for using servant with a PostgreSQL context
- servant-util-beam-pg library, program and test: Implementation of servant-util primitives for beam-postgres.
- shake-extras library: Extra utilities for shake build systems
- shapefile library: Parser and related tools for ESRI shapefile format
- simple-sql-parser library and tests: A parser for SQL.
- simplest-sqlite library: Simplest SQLite3 binding
- sirkel library: Sirkel, a Chord DHT
- snaplet-riak library: A Snaplet for the Riak database
- snaplet-sedna library: Snaplet for Sedna Bindings. Essentailly a rip of snaplet-hdbc.
- sophia library, test and benchmark: Bindings to Sophia library
- sparql-protocol library and test: An SPARQL 1.1 Protocol client library.
- sphinx library: Haskell bindings to the Sphinx full-text searching daemon.
- sphinx-cli program: Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library
- sqel library and test: Guided derivation for Hasql statements
- sql-simple library: common middle-level sql client.
- sql-simple-mysql library: mysql backend for sql-simple
- sql-simple-pool library: conection pool for sql-simple
- sql-simple-postgresql library: postgresql backend for sql-simple
- sql-simple-sqlite library: sqlite backend for sql-simple
- sql-words library and test: SQL keywords data constructors into OverloadedString
- sqlcipher library and test: Haskell binding to sqlcipher
- sqlcli library: Bindings for SQL/CLI (ODBC) C API.
- sqlcli-odbc library: ODBC specific definitions to be used by SQL CLI clients.
- SQLDeps library: Calculate db-data dependencies of functions
- sqlite library and test: Haskell binding to sqlite3
- sqlite-easy library, test and benchmark: A primitive yet easy to use sqlite library.
- sqlite-simple library and test: Mid-Level SQLite client library
- sqlite-simple-errors library and test: Wrapper around errors from sqlite-simple
- sqlite-simple-interpolate library and test: Interpolated SQLite queries via quasiquotation
- sqlite-simple-typed library: Typed extension to sqlite simple
- sqlvalue-list library: Class and instances for conversion to list of SqlValue.
- squeal-postgresql library, program, tests and benchmark: Squeal PostgreSQL Library
- squeal-postgresql-ltree library: LTree extension for Squeal
- squeal-postgresql-uuid-ossp library: UUID OSSP extension for Squeal
- streaming-postgresql-simple library: Stream postgresql-query results using the streaming library
- streamly-lmdb library and test: Stream data to or from LMDB databases using the streamly library.
- structured-mongoDB library: Structured MongoDB interface
- superevent library and test: A simple opinionated event store implementation
- Sysmon library: Sybase 15 sysmon reports processor
- ta library: Transito Abierto: convenience library when using Takusen and Oracle.
- TableAlgebra library: Ferry Table Algebra
- Tables program: A client for Quill databases
- tablestorage library: Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper
- Takusen programs: Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC.
- takusen-oracle library and programs: Database library with left-fold interface for Oracle.
- TCache library and test: A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence
- tcache-AWS library: tcache using Amazon Web Services as default persistence mechanism
- tccli program: TokyoCabinet CLI interface
- tds library and program: Pure Haskell TDS protocol implementation. Mainly for beam-mssql and beam-sybase
- templatepg library: A PostgreSQL access library with compile-time SQL type inference
- tempodb library: A small Haskell wrapper around the TempoDB api.
- text-postgresql library and test: Parser and Printer of PostgreSQL extended types
- tokyocabinet-haskell library and tests: Haskell binding of Tokyo Cabinet
- tokyotyrant-haskell library: FFI bindings to libtokyotyrant
- tonatona-google-server-api library and tests: tonatona plugin for google-server-api
- tonatona-persistent-postgresql library and tests: tonatona plugin for accessing PostgreSQL database.
- tonatona-persistent-sqlite library and tests: tonatona plugin for accessing Sqlite database.
- traction library and test: Tools for postgresql-simple.
- traildb library, program and benchmark: TrailDB bindings for Haskell
- transfer-db library, program and test: ODBC database transfer
- trek-app library, program and test: A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
- trek-db library and test: A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
- tripLL library: A very simple triple store
- tx library: Persistent transactions on top of STM.
- txt-sushi library and programs: The SQL link in your *NIX chain
- typedquery library: Parser for SQL augmented with types
- typson-beam library and test: Typson Beam Integration
- typson-core library: Type-safe PostgreSQL JSON Querying
- typson-esqueleto library and test: Typson Esqueleto Integration
- typson-selda library and test: Typson Selda Integration
- ulid library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of ULID - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- unliftio-pool library: Data.Pool generalized to MonadUnliftIO.
- vcache library: semi-transparent persistence for Haskell using LMDB, STM
- vcache-trie library: patricia tries modeled above VCache
- wai-middleware-cache-redis library: Redis backend for wai-middleware-cache
- wheb-mongo library: MongoDB plugin for Wheb
- yeshql library: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (legacy compatibility wrapper)
- yeshql-core library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (core)
- yeshql-hdbc library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (HDBC backend)
- yeshql-postgresql-simple library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (postgresql-simple backend)
- yesod-persistent library and test: Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod.
- yesod-session-redis library: Redis-Powered Sessions for Haskell
- yxdb-utils library, programs and test: Utilities for reading and writing Alteryx .yxdb files
- zoovisitor library and test: A haskell binding to Apache Zookeeper C library(mt) using Haskell Z project.
Database Design
- ampersand program and test: Toolsuite for automated design of business processes.
Database Driver
- postgis-trivial library and test: PostGIS extention driver based on postgresql-simple package
Database Testing Web
- pg-harness library and program: REST service and library for creating/consuming temporary PostgreSQL databases
- pg-harness-client library: Client library for pg-harness-server
- pg-harness-server program: REST service for creating temporary PostgreSQL databases
- tempgres-client library: Client library for Tempgres.
- job library and test: Job queue
- juandelacosa program: Manage users in MariaDB >= 10.1.1
- mywatch program: Web application to view and kill MySQL queries
- resourcet-extra library: ResourceT extras
- sproxy2 program: Secure HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2
- sq library, test and benchmark: High-level SQLite client.
- streamly library: Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency
- streamly-core library: Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more
- HasGP library: A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes
- hslibsvm library: A FFI binding to libsvm.
- HSvm library: Haskell Bindings for libsvm
- date-conversions library and test: Date conversions
- discordian-calendar library: library for handling Discordian calendar dates
- holidays library and test: Library for country public holidays
- cabal-debian library, program and test: Create a Debianization for a Cabal package
- debian library, programs and test: Modules for working with the Debian package system
- debian-build library and program: Debian package build sequence tools
- dpkg library and test: libdpkg bindings
- mbug library and program: download bugs mailboxes
- ap-reflect library: Partial evaluation reflection a la simple-reflect.
- asn1dump program: Dump ASN1 structure
- box-tuples library: A hack to use GHC.Prim primitives in GHCi
- bytedump library and program: Flexible byte dump helpers for human readers.
- DataTreeView library: A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances
- debug-diff library: Display a colorized diff between two Haskell values
- debug-dump library: File-based debug output
- debug-time library and test: Debug.Trace equivalent for timing computations
- debug-trace-file library and test: Like Debug.Trace but writing to files.
- debug-trace-var library: You do not have to write variable names twice in Debug.Trace
- DebugTraceHelpers library: Convenience functions and instances for Debug.Trace
- ghc-datasize library: Determine the size of data structures in GHC's memory
- ghc-dup library: Explicitly prevent sharing
- ghc-events library, program and tests: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC
- ghc-events-parallel library, program and test: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from parallel GHC
- ghc-heap-view library and test: Extract the heap representation of Haskell values and thunks
- ghc-vis library: Live visualization of data structures in GHCi
- ghci-history-parser library and tests: parse output of ghci ":history" command
- ghcitui library, program and test: A Terminal User Interface (TUI) for GHCi
- GHood library: A graphical viewer for Hood
- graph-trace library: Trace the call graph of a program
- graph-trace-dot library and program: Converts a graph-trace log into a DOT file for use with Graphviz
- graph-trace-viz program: Converts a graph-trace log into an HTML document
- guarded-allocation library: Memory allocation with added stress tests and integrity checks
- haskell-stack-trace-plugin library, program and test: haskell-stack-trace-plugin
- heapsize library and benchmark: Determine the size of runtime data structures
- Hoed library and tests: Lightweight algorithmic debugging.
- hood library and test: Debugging by observing in place
- hood-off library: Dummy package to disable Hood without having to remove all the calls to observe
- hood2 library: Debugging by observing in place
- hpc-strobe library: Hpc-generated strobes for a running Haskell program
- htrace library: Hierarchical tracing for debugging of lazy evaluation
- jdi library and program: Implementation of Java Debug Interface
- KiCS-debugger library and program: debug features for kics
- KiCS-prophecy library and program: a transformation used by the kics debugger
- linux-perf library and programs: Read files generated by perf on Linux
- nonfree library: Free structures sans laws
- print-debugger library: Debug print formatting library.
- remote-debugger program: Interface to ghci debugger
- repr-tree-syb library: Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB
- show-please library: A wrapper type V with improved Show instances
- simple-reflect library: Simple reflection of expressions containing variables
- todo library: A replacement for undefined that gives warnings.
- trace-call library: functions for logging the arguments and results of function calls
- trace-function-call library: Easy lightweight tracing of function arguments and results for ad hoc debugging
- traced library: Simple evaluation trace
- tracer library and test: Tracing utilities for Functor/Applicative/Monad types
- vacuum library: Graph representation of the GHC heap
- vacuum-graphviz library: A library for transforming vacuum graphs into GraphViz output
- dap library and test: A debug adaptor protocol library
- debug library, program and test: Simple trace-based debugger
- debug-pp program: A preprocessor for the debug package
- debugger-hs library and test: Write your GDB scripts in Haskell.
- NoHoed library: Placeholder package to preserve debug ability via conditional builds
- recover-rtti library and test: Recover run-time type information from the GHC heap
- double-x-encoding library and test: Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_]
- mrifk program: Decompiles Glulx files
Deep Learning
- menoh library, programs and test: Haskell binding for Menoh DNN inference library
- typedflow library: Typed frontend to TensorFlow and higher-order deep learning
- aeson-default library and test: Apply default value to FromJSON instacnes' Maybe fields
- hkd-default library and test: Apply default value for optional field of HKD
- schedule library and tests: Pure deterministic scheduled computations
- deltaq library, test and benchmark: Framework for ∆Q System Development
- probability-polynomial library, test and benchmark: Probability distributions via piecewise polynomials
- bowntz program: audio-visual pseudo-physical simulation of colliding circles
- gearbox program: zooming rotating fractal gears graphics demo
- lame-tester library and test: A strange and unnecessary selective test-running library
- pathfindingcore library and test: A toy pathfinding library
- Pup-Events-Demo programs: A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs.
- snowglobe program: randomized fractal snowflakes demo
- wedged program: Wedged postcard generator.
Dependency Injection
- cauldron library, program and tests: Dependency injection library
- hs-di library, program and test: Dependency Injection library for Haskell
Dependent Types
- aeson-dependent-sum library and test: JSON encoding/decoding for dependent-sum
- Agda programs: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
- Agda-executable program: Command-line program for type-checking and compiling Agda programs
- agda-server program: Http server for Agda (prototype)
- agda-snippets library and program: Render just the Agda snippets of a literate Agda file to HTML
- agda-snippets-hakyll library: Literate Agda support using agda-snippets, for Hakyll pages.
- agda-unused library, program and test: Check for unused code in an Agda project.
- agda2lagda program and test: Translate .agda files into .lagda.tex files.
- bin library: Bin: binary natural numbers.
- compare-type library: compare types of any kinds in haskell
- constrained-some library and test: Existential type that can be constrained
- cubical program: Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets
- dec library: Decidable propositions.
- decidable library: Combinators for manipulating dependently-typed predicates.
- dependent-map library: Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)
- dependent-sum library: Dependent sum type
- eliminators library and test: Dependently typed elimination functions using singletons
- fin library and test: Nat and Fin: peano naturals and finite numbers
- helf program: Typechecking terms of the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF).
- hoq program: A language based on homotopy type theory with an interval type
- idris library, programs and test: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
- instance-map library and test: Template haskell utilities for helping with deserialization etc. of existential types
- ivor library: Theorem proving library based on dependent type theory
- lens-typelevel library: Type-level lenses using singletons
- list-witnesses library: Witnesses for working with type-level lists
- MiniAgda program and test: A toy dependently typed programming language with type-based termination.
- nanoAgda program: A toy dependently-typed language
- open-typerep library, test and benchmark: Open type representations and dynamic types
- PandocAgda library and program: Pandoc support for literate Agda
- parameterized-utils library and test: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types
- path-sing library: A singleton wrapper for the `path` library.
- pisigma library and program: A dependently typed core language
- poly-rec library: Polykinded extensible records
- prim-uniq library: Opaque unique identifiers in primitive state monads
- proof-assistant-bot library and program: Telegram bot for proof assistants
- ral library and benchmark: Random access lists
- ral-lens library: Length-indexed random access lists: lens utilities.
- ral-optics library: Length-indexed random access lists: optics utilities.
- reflection library and test: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
- rzk library, program and tests: An experimental proof assistant for synthetic ∞-categories
- show-type library: convert types into string values in haskell
- singleton-bool library: Type level booleans
- singleton-dict library: Typelevel balanced search trees via a singletonized Data.Map
- singleton-nats library: Unary natural numbers relying on the singletons infrastructure.
- singletons library and test: Basic singleton types and definitions
- singletons-base library and test: A promoted and singled version of the base library
- singletons-base-code-generator program: Code generator for the singletons-base test suite
- singletons-th library: A framework for generating singleton types
- Sit library, program and test: Prototypical type checker for Type Theory with Sized Natural Numbers
- some library and test: Existential type: Some
- symbols library: Symbol manipulation
- tensor-safe library and program: Create valid deep neural network architectures
- type-equality library: Data.Type.Equality compat package
- type-fun library and test: Collection of widely reimplemented type families
- type-level-bst library: type-level binary search trees in haskell
- typeparams library: ...
- uAgda program: A simplistic dependently-typed language with parametricity.
- vec library, test and benchmark: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list
- vec-lens library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: lens support
- vec-optics library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: optics support
- derive-monoid library, program and test: derive Semigroup/Monoid/IsList
- derivingvia-extras library: DerivingVia extras - Miscellaneous /via/ types.
- arbtt programs and test: Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker
- bustle programs and tests: Draw sequence diagrams of D-Bus traffic
- credential-store library, program and test: Library to access secure credential storage providers
- d-bus library, programs and test: Permissively licensed D-Bus client library
- DBus library: D-Bus bindings
- dbus library and test: A client library for the D-Bus IPC system.
- dbus-client library: Monadic and object-oriented interfaces to DBus
- dbus-core library: Low-level D-Bus protocol implementation
- desktop-portal library and test: Desktop Portal.
- fdo-notify library: Desktop Notifications client
- fdo-trash library and program: Utilities related to freedesktop Trash standard.
- git-checklist program: Maintain per-branch checklists in Git
- gnome-keyring library: Bindings for libgnome-keyring
- libnotify library: Bindings to libnotify library
- place-cursor-at program: A utility for X11 that moves the mouse cursor using the keyboard
- status-notifier-item library and programs: A wrapper over the StatusNotifierItem/libappindicator dbus specification
- systranything program: Let you put anything in the system tray
- todos library and program: Easy-to-use TODOs manager.
- tracker library: Client library for Tracker metadata database, indexer and search tool
- wacom-daemon library and programs: Manage Wacom tablet settings profiles, including Intuos Pro ring modes
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings
Desktop Environment
- manatee library and program: The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment
- manatee-all library and program: Virtual package to install all Manatee packages.
- manatee-anything library and program: Multithread interactive input/search framework for Manatee
- manatee-core library: The core of Manatee.
- place-cursor-at program: A utility for X11 that moves the mouse cursor using the keyboard
- accuerr library: Data type like Either but with accumulating error type
- addLicenseInfo program: Adds license info to the top of a file.
- ag-pictgen program: Attribute Grammar picture generation
- agda-language-server library, program and test: An implementation of language server protocal (LSP) for Agda 2.
- agda2lagda program and test: Translate .agda files into .lagda.tex files.
- air library: air
- air-extra library: air-extra
- air-spec library: air spec helper
- air-th library: air
- alex program and tests: Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
- alex-meta library: Quasi-quoter for Alex lexers
- alex-tools library: A set of functions for a common use case of Alex.
- AlgorithmW program: Example implementation of Algorithm W for Hindley-Milner type inference.
- anansi library and program: Simple literate programming preprocessor
- anansi-hscolour library: Colorized looms for Anansi
- anansi-pandoc library: Looms which use Pandoc to parse and produce a variety of formats.
- anatomy library and program: Anatomy: Atomo documentation system
- AndroidViewHierarchyImporter program: Android view hierarchy importer
- apigen library, program and test: FFI API generator for several languages
- apply-refact library, program and test: Perform refactorings specified by the refact library.
- argon program and tests: Measure your code's complexity
- arrowp program: preprocessor translating arrow notation into Haskell 98
- arrowp-qq library, program and test: A preprocessor and quasiquoter for translating arrow notation
- assembler library and program: Haskell Assembler
- ats-format program: A source-code formatter for ATS
- ats-pkg library and program: A build tool for ATS
- ats-setup library: ATS scripts for Cabal builds
- Aurochs program: Yet another parser generator for C/C++
- auto-split library and test: Case splitting plugin
- autopack library: Custom Setup to automate package modules discovery
- avr-shake library: AVR Crosspack actions for shake build systems.
- aws-lambda-runtime library and program: Haskell on AWS Lambda Runtime API
- azurify library and program: A simple library for accessing Azure blob storage
- b9 library, program and test: A tool and library for building virtual machine images.
- backstop library, program and test: Backstop a target directory by source directories
- bake library and program: Continuous integration system
- base-compat-migrate library and program: Helps migrating projects to base-compat(-batteries).
- base-feature-macros library: Semantic CPP feature macros for base
- base-noprelude library: "base" package sans "Prelude" module
- basic-lens library: Basic lens type and functions
- bf-cata library
- bhoogle program: Simple terminal GUI for local hoogle.
- BigPixel program: Image editor for pixel art
- bindings-bfd library: Bindings for libbfd, a library of the GNU `binutils'
- BirdPP program: A preprocessor for Bird-style Literate Haskell comments with Haddock markup.
- bisect-binary program: Determine relevant parts of binary data
- bliplib library: Support code for Blip.
- BNFC-meta library: Deriving Parsers and Quasi-Quoters from BNF Grammars
- borel library and test: Metering System for OpenStack metrics provided by Vaultaire.
- botpp library and program: Build tool for Lambdabot
- breakpoint library and test: Set breakpoints using a GHC plugin
- bson-lens library: BSON lenses
- buffet library, program and test: Assembles many Dockerfiles in one.
- bug library: Better alternatives to the "error" function
- buildbox library: Rehackable components for writing buildbots and test harnesses.
- buildbox-tools program: Tools for working with buildbox benchmark result files.
- buildwrapper library, program and test: A library and an executable that provide an easy API for a Haskell IDE
- bumper program: Automatically bump package versions, also transitively.
- c-storable library: CStorable class
- c2hs programs and tests: C->Haskell FFI tool that gives some cross-language type safety
- c2hs-extra library: Convenient marshallers for complicate C types.
- c2hsc library, program and test: Convert C API header files to .hsc and .hsc.helper.c files
- cabal library: placeholder for Cabal package, you want the upper case Cabal
- cabal-add library, program and test: Extend Cabal build-depends from the command line
- cabal-appimage library: Cabal support for creating AppImage applications
- cabal-bounds library, program and test: A command line program for managing the dependency versions in a cabal file.
- cabal-bundle-clib library: Bundling C/C++ projects in Cabal package made easy
- cabal-cache library, program and test: CI Assistant for Haskell projects
- cabal-cargs library, program and test: A command line program for extracting compiler arguments from a cabal file.
- cabal-clean program: Remove outdated cabal build artefacts from `dist-newstyle`.
- cabal-constraints program: Repeatable builds for cabalized Haskell projects.
- cabal-dev programs: Manage sandboxed Haskell build environments
- cabal-edit program: Cabal utility
- cabal-file-th library and test: Template Haskell expressions for reading fields from a project's cabal file.
- cabal-fmt library, program and tests: Format .cabal files
- cabal-ghc-dynflags library: Conveniently configure GHC's dynamic flags for use with Cabal projects
- cabal-ghci library and program: Set up ghci with options taken from a .cabal file
- cabal-gild library, program and test: Formats package descriptions.
- cabal-graphdeps program: Generate graphs of install-time Cabal dependencies
- cabal-hoogle library, program and test: generate hoogle database for cabal project and dependencies
- cabal-info library and program: Read information from cabal files
- cabal-install-parsers library, tests and benchmark: Utilities to work with cabal-install files
- cabal-lenses library: Lenses and traversals for the Cabal library.
- cabal-meta library, program and test: build multiple packages at once
- cabal-mon program: A monitor for cabal builds
- cabal-plan library and program: Library and utility for processing cabal's plan.json file
- cabal-scripts library: Shell scripts for support of Cabal maintenance
- cabal-sign program: Sign and verify Cabal packages.
- cabal2ghci program: A tool to generate .ghci file from .cabal
- cabalQuery library and program: A simple tool to query cabal files.
- cached-io library and program: A simple library to cache IO actions
- cairo-appbase program: A template for building new GUI applications using GTK and Cairo.
- cake library and program: A build-system library and driver
- cake3 library and programs: Third cake the Makefile EDSL
- calligraphy library, program and test: HIE-based Haskell call graph and source code visualizer
- canteven-listen-http library: data types to describe HTTP services
- canteven-log library: A canteven way of setting up logging for your program.
- casa-client library: Client for Casa
- casa-types library: Types for Casa
- caseof library: Combinators for casing on constructors
- castle program: A tool to manage shared cabal-install sandboxes.
- catamorphism library and test: Exposes a Template Haskell function for generating catamorphisms.
- CCA library and program: preprocessor and library for Causal Commutative Arrows (CCA)
- cdeps library, program, test and benchmark: Extract dependencies from C code.
- ceilometer-common library and test: Common Haskell types and encoding for OpenStack Ceilometer
- cerberus library, program and test: Protect and control API access with cerberus
- cgen library and programs: generates Haskell bindings and C wrappers for C++ libraries
- change-monger library and program: Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs
- changelogged library, program and test: Changelog manager for Git projects.
- checkmate library, program and tests: Generate checklists relevant to a given patch
- cherry-core-alpha library and test: The core library for Cherry Haskell.
- chr-data library: Datatypes required for chr library
- chr-lang library and program: AST + surface language around chr
- chr-parse library: Parsing for chr library
- chr-pretty library: Pretty printing for chr library
- chronos library, test and benchmark: A high-performance time library
- chronos-bench library, program and benchmark: Benchmarking tool with focus on comparing results.
- chs-deps library, test and benchmark: c2hs dependency analyzer
- clashilator library and program: Automated Clash to Verilator bridge
- cli-setup library: Helper setup scripts for packaging command-line tools.
- clone-all program: Clone all github repositories from a given user
- Coadjute library: A generic build tool
- codex library and program: A ctags file generator for cabal project dependencies.
- colorize-haskell library and program: Highligt Haskell source
- Commando library and program: Watch some files; Rerun a command
- compiler-warnings library and test: Parser for common compiler warning formats
- constable library and test: A safe interface for Const summarization
- Contract library: Practical typed lazy contracts.
- cookbook library: Tiered general-purpose libraries with domain-specific applications.
- coordinate library and test: A representation of latitude and longitude
- court programs: Simple and flexible CI system
- cpphs library and program: A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor.
- criterion library, program and tests: Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis
- criterion-cmp program: A simple tool for comparing in Criterion benchmark results
- criterion-compare program: A simple tool for visualising differences in Criterion benchmark results
- criterion-measurement library: Criterion measurement functionality and associated types
- criterion-to-html program: Convert criterion output to HTML reports
- crunghc program: A runghc replacement with transparent caching
- csv-nptools programs: A collection of CSV tools
- darcs library, program and test: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
- darcs-beta programs: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
- darcs-cabalized program: David's Advanced Version Control System
- darcs-fastconvert program: Import/export git fast-import streams to/from darcs.
- darcs-scripts library: Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow
- darcs2dot program: Outputs dependencies of darcs patches in dot format.
- darcsden programs: Darcs repository UI and hosting/collaboration app ( branch).
- data-structure-inferrer program: Program that infers the fastest data structure available for your program
- data-util library: utilities for handle data
- DataTreeView library: A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances
- dbus-th-introspection library and program: Generate bindings for DBus calls by using DBus introspection and dbus-th
- dead-code-detection program and test: detect dead code in haskell projects
- debruijn library: de Bruijn indices and levels
- debruijn-safe library: de Bruijn indices and levels
- debug library, program and test: Simple trace-based debugger
- debug-tracy library and program: More useful trace functions for investigating bugs
- debuggable library and test: Utilities for making your applications more debuggable.
- delimiter-separated library: Library for dealing with tab and/or comma (or other) separated files
- demangler library, program and test: Demangler for C++ mangled names.
- dependency library, test and benchmark: Dependency resolution for package management
- derive library and program: A program and library to derive instances for data types
- derive-gadt library and programs: Instance deriving for (a subset of) GADTs.
- derive-lifted-instances library: Derive class instances though various kinds of lifting
- derive-prim library and test: Derive Prim and PrimUnaligned
- derive-topdown library and test: Derive type class instances
- dhall-check program: Check all dhall files in a project
- dib library and program: A simple, forward build system.
- dictionary-sharing library: Sharing/memoization of class members
- difftodo library, programs and test: Generate todo lists from source code
- disassembler library: Disassembler for X86 & AMD64 machine code
- dockercook library, program and test: A build tool for multiple docker image layers
- docvim library, program and tests: Documentation generator for Vim plug-ins
- DPM library and programs: Darcs Patch Manager
- dr-cabal library and program: See README for more info
- driving-classes-plugin library and test: Deriving without spelling out "deriving"
- dump library and test: Dumps the names and values of expressions to ease debugging.
- dump-core library: A plug-in for rendering GHC core
- dupIO library, programs and test: Duplicate any closure
- dwarfadt library and programs: High-level wrapper around the dwarf library
- dynamic library: A dynamic type for Haskell
- dyre library and test: Dynamic reconfiguration in Haskell
- early library, program and test: Early return syntax in do-notation (GHC plugin)
- edentv program: A Tool to Visualize Parallel Functional Program Executions
- effectful-zoo library and test: Effectful effects for testing
- elm-init program: Set up basic structure for an elm project
- envstatus library, program and test: Display efficiently the state of the local environment
- erd program and test: An entity-relationship diagram generator from a plain text description.
- error-analyze library and test: Parse ghc and cabal error messages and give their causes for easier resolution
- error-location library: error functions that show file location information
- error-message library: Composable error messages.
- eventlog2html library and program: Visualise an eventlog
- extra library and test: Extra functions I use.
- extract-dependencies library and program: Given a hackage package outputs the list of its dependencies.
- extractelf program: Extract an ELF's metadata and sections into files
- fail library: Forward-compatible MonadFail class
- fast-tags library, program and test: Fast incremental vi and emacs tags.
- fathead-util library: Utilities for working with DuckDuckHack's FatHead Instant Answers
- fay library and programs: A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript.
- fay-base library: The base package for Fay.
- file-location library and test: common functions that show file location information
- file-modules library and program: Takes a Haskell source-code file and outputs its modules.
- filepath-io-access library: IO Access for filepath
- filepattern library and test: File path glob-like matching
- firstify library and program: Defunctionalisation for Yhc Core
- flamingra library and program: FlameGraphs of profiling
- flexible-unlit library and program: A configurable reimplementation of unlit
- flo library and program: Generate flow charts from your code base.
- floskell library, program, test and benchmark: A flexible Haskell source code pretty printer
- foreign-store library: Store a stable pointer in a foreign context to be retrieved later.
- fourmolu library, program and test: A formatter for Haskell source code
- fpco-api library and program: Simple interface to the FP Complete IDE API.
- fresco-binding library: Fresco binding for Haskell
- friendly program: Attempt to pretty-print any input
- fugue library: A recapitulated prelude with minimal dependencies and profligate exports.
- fused-effects-readline library and test: A readline-like effect and carrier for fused-effects
- fusion-plugin library: GHC plugin to make stream fusion more predictable.
- fusion-plugin-types library: Types for the fusion-plugin package.
- gauge tests and benchmark: small framework for performance measurement and analysis
- generic-env library: Generic Environment Generator
- geodetic library and test: Geodetic calculations
- gerrit library and test: A gerrit client library
- ghc : The GHC API
- ghc-api-compat library: GHC-API compatibility helpers
- ghc-check library: detect mismatches between compile-time and run-time versions of the ghc api
- ghc-clippy-plugin library: Override GHC error messages to the user's liking
- ghc-core program: Display GHC's core and assembly output in a pager
- ghc-core-html program: Core to HTML display
- ghc-datasize library: Determine the size of data structures in GHC's memory
- ghc-debug-client library: Useful functions for writing heap analysis tools which use ghc-debug.
- ghc-debug-common library: ...
- ghc-debug-stub library: ...
- ghc-dump-core library: An AST and compiler plugin for dumping GHC's Core representation.
- ghc-dump-tree library and program: Dump GHC's parsed, renamed, and type checked ASTs
- ghc-dump-util library and program: Handy tools for working with ghc-dump dumps
- ghc-events library, program and tests: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC
- ghc-events-analyze program: Analyze and visualize event logs
- ghc-events-parallel library, program and test: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from parallel GHC
- ghc-exactprint programs and test: ExactPrint for GHC
- ghc-experimental library: Experimental features of GHC's standard library
- ghc-gc-tune program: Graph performance of Haskell programs with different GC flags
- ghc-generic-instances library: Derived instances of GHC.Generic of the GHC AST
- ghc-imported-from library, programs and test: Find the Haddock documentation for a symbol.
- ghc-lib library: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions
- ghc-lib-parser library: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions
- ghc-lib-parser-ex library, program and test: Programming with GHC parse trees
- ghc-make program: Accelerated version of ghc --make
- ghc-man-completion program: Generate a bash completion from the GHC manpage
- ghc-mod library, programs, tests and benchmark: Happy Haskell Hacking
- ghc-mtl library: An mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monads and monad-transformers.
- ghc-parmake library, program and test: A parallel wrapper for 'ghc --make'.
- ghc-paths library: Knowledge of GHC's installation directories
- ghc-pkg-autofix program: Simple utility to fix BROKEN package dependencies for cabal-install.
- ghc-pkg-lib library: Provide library support for ghc-pkg information
- ghc-prof library, program and test: Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports
- ghc-simple library: Simplified interface to the GHC API.
- ghc-source-gen library and tests: Constructs Haskell syntax trees for the GHC API.
- ghc-stdin library: Compile source code from the standard input
- ghc-syb library: Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API.
- ghc-syb-utils library: Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API.
- ghc-tags program: Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API.
- ghc-tags-core library: CTags and ETags from Haskell syntax tree.
- ghc-tags-pipes library: Streaming interface for ghc-tags-core
- ghc-tags-plugin library and program: A compiler plugin which generates tags file from GHC parsed syntax tree.
- ghc-time-alloc-prof library, program and test: Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports
- ghc-trace-events library and benchmarks: Faster traceEvent and traceMarker, and binary object logging for eventlog
- ghc-usage library and program: Print minimal export lists
- ghc-vis library: Live visualization of data structures in GHCi
- ghci-dap library and program: ghci-dap is a GHCi having DAP interface.
- ghci-history-parser library and tests: parse output of ghci ":history" command
- ghci-ng program: Next generation GHCi
- ghci-pretty library: colored pretty-printing within ghci
- ghcid library, program and test: GHCi based bare bones IDE
- ghcide library and programs: The core of an IDE
- ghcide-bench library, program and test: An LSP client for running performance experiments on HLS
- ghcide-test-utils library: Test utils for ghcide
- ghcprofview program: GHC .prof files viewer
- ghczdecode program: Decode Z-encoded strings from GHC
- ght library and program: Trivial routines for inspecting git repositories
- giak program: Fuzzy finder for cabal executables
- gipeda program: Git Performance Dashboard
- git library and tests: Git operations in haskell
- git-all program: Determine which Git repositories need actions to be taken
- git-checklist program: Maintain per-branch checklists in Git
- git-fmt program: Custom git command for formatting code.
- git-gpush program: More intelligent push-to-GitHub utility.
- git-jump program: Move a git branch
- git-mediate program: Tool to help resolving git conflicts
- git-monitor program: Passively snapshots working tree changes efficiently.
- git-sanity library and program: A sanity checker for your git history.
- git-vogue library, programs and test: A framework for pre-commit checks.
- githash library and test: Compile git revision info into Haskell projects
- github-tools library, programs and test: Various Github helper utilities.
- gitHUD library, program and test: More efficient replacement to the great git-radar
- githud library, programs and test: Heads up, and you see your GIT context
- gitignore program: Apply GitHub .gitignore templates to already existing repositories.
- gitrev library: Compile git revision info into Haskell projects
- graph-trace library: Trace the call graph of a program
- graph-trace-dot library and program: Converts a graph-trace log into a DOT file for use with Graphviz
- graph-trace-viz program: Converts a graph-trace log into an HTML document
- graph-visit library: Graph walk abstraction
- graphmod library and program: Present the module dependencies of a program as a "dot" graph.
- graphql-w-persistent library: GraphQL interface middleware for SQL databases.
- grasp library, program and test: GRASP implementation for the AMMM project.
- greencard-lib library: A foreign function interface pre-processor library for Haskell
- grm library and program: grm grammar converter
- gtk2hs-buildtools library and programs: Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries.
- guardian library, program and test: The border guardian for your package dependencies
- guess-combinator library: Generate simple combinators given their type
- GuiHaskell program: A graphical REPL and development environment for Haskell
- hackage-cli library, program and test: CLI tool for Hackage
- hackage-proxy program: Provide a proxy for Hackage which modifies responses in some way. (deprecated)
- hackage-revdeps library and programs: List Hackage reverse dependencies
- hackmanager library and program: Generate useful files for Haskell projects
- haddock-leksah program: A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
- hadolint library, program and test: Dockerfile Linter JavaScript API
- hake library and program: make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake
- halberd library, program and test: A tool to generate missing import statements for Haskell modules.
- halive library, program and tests: A live recompiler
- haltavista program: looks for functions given a set of example input/outputs
- hannahci program: Simple Continuous Integration/Deployment System
- happraise program: A small program for counting the comments in haskell source
- happy program and test: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell
- happy-lib library: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell implemented using this library
- happy-meta library: Quasi-quoter for Happy parsers
- happybara library: Acceptance test framework for web applications
- happybara-webkit library: WebKit Happybara driver
- happybara-webkit-server library: WebKit Server binary for Happybara (taken from capybara-webkit)
- HaRe program and test: the Haskell Refactorer.
- harmony library, program and tests: A web service specification compiler that generates implementation and tests.
- haskdogs program: Generate tags file for Haskell project and its nearest deps
- haskell-ci library, program and test: Cabal package script generator for Travis-CI
- haskell-dap library: Haskell implementation of the DAP interface data.
- haskell-debug-adapter program and test: Haskell Debug Adapter.
- haskell-docs library, program and test: A program to find and display the docs and type of a name
- haskell-docs-cli library, program and test: Search Hoogle and navigate Hackage from the command line.
- haskell-formatter library, program and test: Haskell source code formatter
- haskell-gi library and test: Generate Haskell bindings for GObject Introspection capable libraries
- haskell-gi-base library: Foundation for libraries generated by haskell-gi
- haskell-import-graph library and program: create haskell import graph for graphviz
- haskell-language-server library, programs, tests and benchmark: LSP server for GHC
- haskell-lsp library, program and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
- haskell-lsp-client library and program: A haskell package to build your own Language Server client.
- haskell-lsp-types library: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types
- haskell-src-exts-simple library: A simplified view on the haskell-src-exts AST
- haskell-stack-trace-plugin library, program and test: haskell-stack-trace-plugin
- haskell-token-utils library and test: Utilities to tie up tokens to an AST
- haskellscript program: Command line tool for running Haskell scripts with a hashbang.
- hasktags library, program and test: Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
- hat library and programs: The Haskell tracer, generating and viewing Haskell execution traces
- hayoo-cli program: Hayoo CLI
- hbb program: Haskell Busy Bee, a backend for text editors.
- hCM library, program and test: Conceptual modelling support for Haskell
- hdevtools program: Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell development tools
- hdirect library and program: An IDL compiler for Haskell
- hdocs library, program and test: Haskell docs tool
- headergen program: Creates a header for a haskell source file.
- heapsize library and benchmark: Determine the size of runtime data structures
- hedgehog-generic library: GHC Generics automatically derived hedgehog generators
- hein program: An extensible build helper for haskell, in the vein of leiningen.
- help-esb library: A Haskell client for the team's ESB.
- hesh library and program: the Haskell Extensible Shell: Haskell for Bash-style scripts
- hfd program: Flash debugger
- hgdbmi library and tests: GDB Machine Interface: program-driven control of GDB
- hgrev library: Compile Mercurial (hg) version info into Haskell code
- hhp library, programs and test: Happy Haskell Programming
- hi-file-parser library and test: Parser for GHC's hi files
- hie-bios library, program and tests: Set up a GHC API session
- hie-compat library: HIE files for GHC 8.8 and other HIE file backports
- hie-core library, program and test: The core of an IDE
- hiedb library, program and test: Generates a references DB from .hie files
- hiedb-plugin library: See README on Github for more information
- highWaterMark program: Memory usage statistics
- hindent library, program, test and benchmark: Extensible Haskell pretty printer
- hit program: Git like program in haskell
- hit-graph library: Use graph algorithms to access and manipulate Git repos
- hlint library and program: Source code suggestions
- HListPP program: A preprocessor for HList labelable labels
- hls-alternate-number-format-plugin library and test: Provide Alternate Number Formats plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-brittany-plugin test: Integration with the Brittany code formatter
- hls-cabal-fmt-plugin library and test: Integration with the cabal-fmt code formatter
- hls-cabal-plugin library and test: Cabal integration plugin with Haskell Language Server
- hls-call-hierarchy-plugin library and test: Call hierarchy plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-change-type-signature-plugin library and test: Change a declarations type signature with a Code Action
- hls-class-plugin test: Class/instance management plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-code-range-plugin library and test: HLS Plugin to support smart selection range and Folding range
- hls-eval-plugin library and test: Eval plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-explicit-fixity-plugin library and test: Show fixity explicitly while hovering
- hls-explicit-imports-plugin library and test: Explicit imports plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin library and test: Explicit record fields plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-floskell-plugin test: Integration with the Floskell code formatter
- hls-fourmolu-plugin library and test: Integration with the Fourmolu code formatter
- hls-gadt-plugin test: Convert to GADT syntax plugin
- hls-graph library and test: Haskell Language Server internal graph API
- hls-haddock-comments-plugin test: Haddock comments plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-hlint-plugin test: Hlint integration plugin with Haskell Language Server
- hls-module-name-plugin library and test: Module name plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-ormolu-plugin library and test: Integration with the Ormolu code formatter
- hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin test: Overloaded record dot plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-plugin-api library, test and benchmark: Haskell Language Server API for plugin communication
- hls-pragmas-plugin library and test: Pragmas plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin library and test: A Haskell Language Server plugin that qualifies imported names
- hls-refactor-plugin test: Exactprint refactorings for Haskell Language Server
- hls-refine-imports-plugin library and test: Refine imports plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-rename-plugin test: Rename plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-retrie-plugin test: Retrie integration plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-selection-range-plugin library and test: HLS Plugin to support smart selection range
- hls-semantic-tokens-plugin library and test: Call hierarchy plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-splice-plugin test: HLS Plugin to expand TemplateHaskell Splices and QuasiQuotes
- hls-stan-plugin test: Stan integration plugin with Haskell Language Server
- hls-stylish-haskell-plugin test: Integration with the Stylish Haskell code formatter
- hls-tactics-plugin test: Wingman plugin for Haskell Language Server
- hls-test-utils library: Utilities used in the tests of Haskell Language Server
- hmk library and program: A make alternative based on Plan9's mk.
- hmumps program: Interpreter for the MUMPS langugae
- holy-project library, programs and test: Start your Haskell project with cabal, git and tests.
- homoiconic library and tests: Constructs FAlgebras from typeclasses, making Haskell functions homoiconic
- hoobuddy program: Simple tool for fetching and merging hoogle data
- hoogle library and program: Haskell API Search
- hothasktags program: Generates ctags for Haskell, incorporating import lists and qualified imports
- houseman library, program and test: A Haskell implementation of Foreman
- hp2any-core library: Heap profiling helper library
- hp2any-graph programs: ...
- hp2any-manager program: A utility to visualise and compare heap profiles.
- hp2pretty program: generate pretty graphs from heap profiles
- hpack library, program and test: A modern format for Haskell packages
- hpack-convert library, program and test: Convert Cabal manifests into hpack's package.yamls
- hpack-dhall library, programs and test: hpack's dhalling
- hpaco program: Modular template compiler
- hpaco-lib library: Modular template compiler library
- hpage program: A scrapbook for Haskell developers
- hpc-threshold library, program and test: Ensure the code coverage is above configured thresholds
- hpp library, program and test: A Haskell pre-processor
- hs library and program: GHC-toolchain installer broker
- hs-di library, program and test: Dependency Injection library for Haskell
- hs-highlight library, program and test: A tool to highlight terminal strings
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-auto library and test: Plugin for instrumenting an application
- hs-pkg-config library: Create pkg-config configuration files
- hs-speedscope library and program: Convert an eventlog into the speedscope json format
- hs-tags program: Create tag files (ctags and etags) for Haskell code.
- Hs2lib library, programs and tests: ...
- hsb2hs program: Preprocesses a file, adding blobs from files as string literals.
- hsbencher library and tests: Launch and gather data from Haskell and non-Haskell benchmarks.
- hsc2hs program and test: A preprocessor that helps with writing Haskell bindings to C code
- hscaffold library, program and test: Very simple file/directory structure scaffolding writer monad EDSL
- hscurses-fish-ex program: hscurses swimming fish example
- hsdev library, program and test: Haskell development library
- hsenv program: Virtual Haskell Environment builder
- hsfcsh programs: Incremental builder for flash
- hsfilt program: Z-decoder.
- hsimport library, program and test: Extend the import list of a Haskell source file
- hslinks program: Resolves links to Haskell identifiers.
- hspec-dirstream library and test: Helper functions to simplify adding integration tests.
- hspec-setup library, program and test: Add an hspec test-suite in one command
- hssourceinfo programs: get haskell source code info
- HsSVN library: Partial Subversion (SVN) binding for Haskell
- hstyle program: Checks Haskell source code for style compliance.
- hsubconvert program: One-time, faithful conversion of Subversion repositories to Git
- htags program: A Haskell98 parsing tags program similar to ctags.
- http-download library and test: Verified downloads with retries
- hub program: For multiplexing GHC installations and providing development sandboxes
- hugs2yc library: Hugs Front-end to Yhc Core.
- hw-ci-assist library, program and test: CI Assistant for Haskell projects
- hw-polysemy library and test: Opinionated polysemy library
- hw-prelude library: Opinionated prelude library
- hwk program: Commandline text processing with Haskell functions
- hzenity library: Haskell interface to Zenity dialogs
- ide-backend library, program and tests: An IDE backend library
- ide-backend-common library: Shared library used be ide-backend and ide-backend-server
- ide-backend-rts library: RTS for the IDE backend
- ide-backend-server program: An IDE backend server
- idringen library, program and test: A project manage tool for Idris.
- ihaskell library, program and test: A Haskell backend kernel for the Jupyter project.
- ihaskell-aeson library: IHaskell display instances for Aeson
- ihaskell-basic library: IHaskell display instances for basic types
- ihaskell-blaze library: IHaskell display instances for blaze-html types
- ihaskell-charts library: IHaskell display instances for charts types
- ihaskell-diagrams library: IHaskell display instances for diagram types
- ihaskell-display library: IHaskell display instances for basic types
- ihaskell-gnuplot library: IHaskell display instance for Gnuplot (from gnuplot package)
- ihaskell-graphviz library: IHaskell display instance for GraphViz (external binary)
- ihaskell-hatex library: IHaskell display instances for hatex
- ihaskell-hvega library: IHaskell display instance for hvega types.
- ihaskell-inline-r library: Embed R quasiquotes and plots in IHaskell notebooks.
- ihaskell-juicypixels library: IHaskell - IHaskellDisplay instances of the image types of the JuicyPixels package.
- ihaskell-magic library: IHaskell display instances for bytestrings
- ihaskell-parsec library: IHaskell display instances for Parsec
- ihaskell-plot library: IHaskell display instance for Plot (from plot package)
- ihaskell-rlangqq library: a rDisp quasiquote to show plots from Rlang-QQ in IHaskell
- ihaskell-symtegration library and test: IHaskell extension for making the use of Symtegration more seamless.
- ImperativeHaskell library: A library for writing Imperative style haskell.
- impl library: Framework for defaulting superclasses
- implicit-hie library, program and test: Auto generate hie-bios cradles & hie.yaml
- implicit-hie-cradle library and test: Auto generate hie-bios cradles
- import-style-plugin library: Helps maintain consistency of imports
- importify library, programs and test: Tool for haskell imports refactoring
- imports library and test: Generate code for importing directories automatically
- include-env library: Include the value of an environment variable at compile time
- include-file library, test and benchmark: Inclusion of files in executables at compile-time.
- infer-license library and test: Infer software license from a given license file
- infer-upstream program: Find the repository from where a given repo was forked
- intelli-monad library, programs and test: Type level prompt with openai.
- interlude library: Replaces some Prelude functions for enhanced error reporting
- intero program and test: Complete interactive development program for Haskell
- ip2location library: IP2Location Haskell package for IP geolocation.
- ip2proxy library: IP2Proxy Haskell package for proxy detection.
- ipatch program: interactive patch editor
- ipython-kernel library and programs: A library for creating kernels for IPython frontends
- iridium library and program: Automated Local Cabal Package Testing and Uploading
- itanium-abi library and test: An implementation of name mangling/demangling for the Itanium ABI
- itcli program: Issue Tracker for the CLI
- iterm-show library and program: Enable graphical display of images inline on some terminals
- iterm-show-JuicyPixels library: Orphan Show instances for JuciyPixels image types.
- ja-base-extra library: Extra functions I require in base
- jarfind library and program: Tool for searching java classes, members and fields in classfiles and JAR archives
- java-character library: Functions to simulate Java's Character class.
- javasf program and test: A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files.
- javav program and test: A utility to print the target version of Java class files.
- jbi library and program: Just Build It - a "do what I mean" abstraction for Haskell build tools
- jenga library and program: Generate a cabal freeze file from a stack.yaml
- jl library and program: Functional sed for JSON
- json-pointy library and tests: JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) parsing, access, and modification
- jupyter library, programs and test: A library for creating and using Jupyter kernels.
- kansas-lava-shake library: Shake rules for building Kansas Lava projects
- kdesrc-build-extra program: Build profiles for kdesrc-build
- kdesrc-build-profiles program: Build profiles for kdesrc-build
- keera-hails-i18n library and tests: Rapid Gtk Application Development - I18N
- keera-hails-mvc-controller library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based controller for MVC applications
- keera-hails-mvc-environment-gtk library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based global environment for MVC applications
- keera-hails-mvc-model-lightmodel library and tests: Rapid Gtk Application Development - Reactive Protected Light Models
- keera-hails-mvc-model-protectedmodel library and tests: Rapid Gtk Application Development - Protected Reactive Models
- keera-hails-mvc-solutions-config library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Easy handling of configuration files
- keera-hails-mvc-solutions-gtk library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Solutions to recurrent problems in Gtk applications
- keera-hails-mvc-view library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Generic View for MVC applications
- keera-hails-mvc-view-gtk library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based View for MVC applications
- keera-hails-reactive-cbmvar library and tests: Reactive Haskell on Rails - CBMVars as reactive values
- keera-hails-reactive-fs library and tests: Haskell on Rails - Files as Reactive Values
- keera-hails-reactive-gtk library and tests: Haskell on Gtk rails - Reactive Fields for Gtk widgets
- keera-hails-reactive-network library and tests: Haskell on Rails - Sockets as Reactive Values
- keera-hails-reactive-polling library and tests: Haskell on Rails - Polling based Readable RVs
- keera-hails-reactive-wx library and tests: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Fields for WX widgets
- keera-hails-reactive-yampa library and tests: Haskell on Rails - FRP Yampa Signal Functions as RVs
- keera-hails-reactivelenses library and tests: Reactive Haskell on Rails - Lenses applied to Reactive Values
- keera-hails-reactivevalues library and tests: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Values
- keiretsu program: Multi-process orchestration for development and integration testing
- kit program: A dependency manager for Xcode (Objective-C) projects
- konnakol library and test: Formalising the rules of Konnakol, an Indian percussional art form.
- labels library: Anonymous records via named tuples
- lambdabot program: Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot
- lambdabot-core library: Lambdabot core functionality
- lambdabot-haskell-plugins library: Lambdabot Haskell plugins
- lambdabot-irc-plugins library: IRC plugins for lambdabot.
- lambdabot-misc-plugins library: Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins
- lambdabot-novelty-plugins library: Novelty plugins for Lambdabot
- lambdabot-reference-plugins library: Lambdabot reference plugins.
- lambdabot-social-plugins library: Social plugins for Lambdabot
- lambdabot-telegram-plugins library and program: Lambdabot for Telegram
- lambdabot-trusted library: Lambdabot trusted code.
- lambdabot-utils library: Utility libraries for the advanced IRC bot, Lambdabot
- lambdabot-xmpp program: Lambdabot plugin for XMPP (Jabber) protocol
- Lambdajudge library and test: A library to easily host Haskell based programming competitions
- lambdiff program: Diff Viewer
- language-docker library and test: Dockerfile parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL
- language-dockerfile library, programs and tests: Dockerfile linter, parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL
- Lastik library: A library for compiling programs in a variety of languages
- LazyVault program: A simple sandboxing tool for Haskell packages.
- leksah library and program: Haskell IDE written in Haskell
- lentil program and test: frugal issue tracker
- lhs2html program: Compile lhs in bird style to md, html, hs.
- lhs2tex program: Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX
- lhs2TeX-hl program: Literate highlighter preprocessor for lhs2tex
- libgit library: Simple Git Wrapper
- libhbb library, program and test: Backend for text editors to provide better Haskell editing support.
- libiserv library: Provides shared functionality between iserv and iserv-proxy.
- life-sync library, program and test: Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines.
- line-indexed-cursor library, test and benchmark: Line-indexed file reader.
- linearscan library: Linear scan register allocator, formally verified in Coq
- linearscan-hoopl library and test: Makes it easy to use the linearscan register allocator with Hoopl
- linux-perf library and programs: Read files generated by perf on Linux
- liquidhaskell-cabal library: Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack
- liquidhaskell-cabal-demo library and program: Demo of Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack
- lit program: A simple tool for literate programming
- llvm-analysis library and tests: A Haskell library for analyzing LLVM bitcode
- llvm-tools library and programs: Useful tools built on llvm-analysis
- located-base library and benchmark: Location-aware variants of partial functions
- loch library and program: Support for precise error locations in source files
- loch-th library: Support for precise error locations in source files (Template Haskell version)
- logict-state library: Library for logic programming based on haskell package logict
- lsp library, programs and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
- lsp-types library, program and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types
- lushtags program: Create ctags compatible tags files for Haskell programs
- macosx-make-standalone program: Make a macosx app standalone deployable
- make-package program: Make a cabalized package
- makedo library: Helper for writing redo scripts in Haskell
- markdown-unlit library, program and test: Literate Haskell support for Markdown
- marmalade-upload library, programs and test: Upload packages to Marmalade
- marvin library, programs and test: A framework for modular, portable chat bots.
- MASMGen library and test: Generate MASM code from haskell
- maybench library and programs: Automated benchmarking tool
- merkle-tree library and test: An implementation of a Merkle tree and merkle tree proofs of inclusion
- MetaObject library: A meta-object system for Haskell based on Perl 6
- microbench library: Microbenchmark Haskell code
- minmax library: ...
- miss library and test: A Haskell git implimentation
- miss-porcelain library: Useability extras built on top of miss.
- MissingK library: Useful types and definitions missing from other libraries
- mm2 library: ...
- mmsyn2 library: The library that can be used for multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations
- mmsyn2-array library: A library that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations.
- mmsyn2-hashable library: A library that can be used for multiple Hashable a => a -> b transformations.
- module-management library, program and test: Clean up module imports, split and merge modules
- monad-log library: A simple and fast logging monad
- monadic-bang library and test: GHC plugin to desugar ! into do-notation
- monadlog library: A simple and fast logging monad
- monadtransform library: A type-class for transforming monads (homomorphism) in a transformer
- monoid-insertleft library: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes.
- mps library: simply oo
- mueval library, program and test: Safely evaluate pure Haskell expressions
- multi-cabal library, program and test: A tool supporting multi cabal project builds.
- multiprocess library: Multiprocess architecture library
- murder library: MUtually Recursive Definitions Explicitly Represented
- mustache library, program and tests: A mustache template parser library.
- mywork library and program: Tool to keep track of what you have been working on and where.
- names-th library: Manipulate name strings for TH
- neil program: General tools for Neil
- niv library, program and test: Easy dependency management for Nix projects
- nixfmt library and programs: An opinionated formatter for Nix
- nm library and program: Network Manager, binding to libnm-glib.
- nofib-analyse program: Parse and compare nofib runs
- nofib-analyze program: Parse and compare nofib runs