AMQP Worker
Type-safe and simplified message queues with AMQP. Compatible with RabbitMQ.
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.AMQP.Worker
import qualified Network.AMQP.Worker as Worker
newtype Greeting = Greeting
{message :: Text}
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON Greeting
instance ToJSON Greeting
newGreetings :: Key Route Greeting
newGreetings = key "greetings" & word "new"
anyGreetings :: Key Bind Greeting
anyGreetings = key "greetings" & any1
example :: IO ()
example = do
conn <- Worker.connect (fromURI "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")
simple conn
publishing :: Connection -> IO ()
publishing conn = do
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello"
-- | Create a queue to process messages
simple :: Connection -> IO ()
simple conn = do
-- create a queue to receive them
q <- Worker.queue conn "main" newGreetings
-- publish a message (delivered to queue)
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello"
-- wait until we receive the message
m <- Worker.takeMessage conn q
print (value m)
-- | Multiple queues with distinct names will each get copies of published messages
multiple :: Connection -> IO ()
multiple conn = do
-- create two separate queues
one <- Worker.queue conn "one" newGreetings
two <- Worker.queue conn "two" newGreetings
-- publish a message (delivered to both)
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello"
-- Each of these queues will receive the same message
m1 <- Worker.takeMessage conn one
m2 <- Worker.takeMessage conn two
print $ value m1
print $ value m2
-- | Create workers to continually process messages
workers :: Connection -> IO ()
workers conn = do
-- create a single queue
q <- Worker.queue conn "main" newGreetings
-- publish some messages
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello1"
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello2"
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello3"
-- Create a worker to process any messages on the queue
_ <- forkIO $ Worker.worker conn q $ \m -> do
putStrLn "one"
print (value m)
-- Listening to the same queue with N workers will load balance them
_ <- forkIO $ Worker.worker conn q $ \m -> do
putStrLn "two"
print (value m)
putStrLn "Press any key to exit"
_ <- getLine
return ()
-- | You can bind to messages dynamically with wildcards in Binding Keys
dynamic :: Connection -> IO ()
dynamic conn = do
-- anyGreetings matches `greetings.*`
q <- Worker.queue conn "main" anyGreetings
-- You can only publish to a specific Routing Key, like ``
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "Hello"
-- We cannot publish to anyGreetings because it is a Binding Key (with wildcards in it)
-- Worker.publish conn anyGreetings $ Greeting "Compiler Error"
m <- Worker.takeMessage conn q
print $ value m