uuagc-bootstrap: Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht

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Generates Haskell files from an attribute grammar specification

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Versions [RSS],,,,,,,,
Dependencies array (>=, base (>=4 && <5), containers (>=0.3), directory (>=, filepath (>=, ghc-prim (>=, haskell-src-exts (>=1.11.1), mtl (>=, uulib (>=0.9.14) [details]
Tested with ghc >=6.12
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Universiteit Utrecht
Author Software Technology at Universiteit Utrecht
Maintainer Arie Middelkoop <ariem@cs.uu.nl>
Category Development
Home page http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/HUT/WebHome
Bug tracker hut-developers@cs.uu.nl
Uploaded by JeroenBransen at 2011-12-19T12:46:48Z
Distributions FreeBSD:
Reverse Dependencies 2 direct, 13 indirect [details]
Executables uuagc-bootstrap
Downloads 7442 total (28 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs uploaded by user
Build status unknown [no reports yet]

Readme for uuagc-bootstrap-

[back to package description]
This is the bootstrapping-version of UUAGC.
The UUAGC tool is fully functional. The essential difference with the
bootstrapped version is that this one is called "uuagc-bootstrap"
instead of "uuagc".

It should be used to compile the actual version of UUAG from source.
This package should be updated to prevent it from bitrotting with
respect to library and language changes.
This package does *not* require UUAG to be installed. Instead, it
has the "derived" files in the src-derived directory.

Note about updating the boostrapping package:

To update it this package in the repository version some
manual labour is unfortunately required:
* build the bootstrapped version of UUAG using cabal build.
  This produces Haskell sources compiled from the AG files of the
  src-ag directory in dist/build/uuagc/uuagc-tmp.
* Copy dist/build/uuagc/uuagc-tmp/*.hs to
  -> Use the update-derived.sh script for this.
  Since these files are also added to the repository, you may want
  to add new files also to the repository or delete obsolete files.
* Update the uuagc-bootstrap.cabal file if new modules are added
  or settings change. Bump the version number.
  -> Use the update-cabalfile.sh script for this. It takes the
  cabal file of the bootstrapping version and replaces some
  lines in it with the x-bootstrap lines in that file.
* Compile and publish.

Note about the directory structure:

src:          sources common to the bootstrapping and bootstrapped version of UUAGC
src-derived:  haskell files compiled from the ag files of the bootstrapped version.
src-version:  version information only for the bootstrapping version.