proof-assistant-bot: Telegram bot for proof assistants

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Bridge between Telegram Bot and several proof assistants.

Currently following proof assistant supported: Agda, Arend, Coq, Idris 2, Lean, Rzk

See for more details.

[Skip to Readme]


[Last Documentation]

  • Agda
    • Interaction
      • Agda.Interaction.Command
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.EvalIn
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.EvalTerm
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.GiveMeta
        • Internal
          • Agda.Interaction.Command.Internal.Parser
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.RefineMeta
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.Reload
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.RetryConstraints
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.ShowConstraints
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.ShowContext
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.ShowMetas
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.ShowScope
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.TypeIn
        • Agda.Interaction.Command.TypeOf
      • Agda.Interaction.State
  • Idris
    • Interaction
      • Idris.Interaction.Command
  • Proof
    • Assistant
      • Proof.Assistant.Agda
      • Proof.Assistant.Alloy
      • Proof.Assistant.Arend
      • Proof.Assistant.Bot
      • Proof.Assistant.Helpers
      • Proof.Assistant.Idris
      • Proof.Assistant.Interpreter
      • Proof.Assistant.Lean
      • Proof.Assistant.RefreshFile
      • Proof.Assistant.Request
      • Proof.Assistant.ResourceLimit
      • Proof.Assistant.Response
      • Proof.Assistant.Rzk
      • Proof.Assistant.Settings
      • Proof.Assistant.State
      • Proof.Assistant.Transport
      • Proof.Assistant.Version


Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS] 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2
Change log
Dependencies Agda (>=2.6.4), async, base (<4.18), bytestring, dhall, directory, filepath, mtl (>=2.3.1), process, proof-assistant-bot, rzk, stm, telegram-bot-api, telegram-bot-simple (==0.13), text, unix, unordered-containers [details]
License MIT
Author Andrey Prokopenko
Category Dependent types
Home page
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Readme for proof-assistant-bot-0.2.2

[back to package description]

Proof Assistant Bot

  1. Description
  2. Installation
    1. Coq
    2. Agda
    3. Idris 2
    4. Lean
    5. Arend
    6. Rzk
    7. Alloy
  3. Usage
  4. Available instances
  5. Acknowledgements


This bot provides limited Telegram interfaces to following proof assistant programs (in order of implementation):

  • Coq
  • Agda
  • Idris 2
  • Lean
  • Arend
  • Rzk


  1. Bot could be built via following commands:
cabal update
cabal build
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always
  1. To launch bot you need to set environmental variables, see ./config/settings.dhall for more details.

One of them is PROOF_ASSISTANT_BOT_TOKEN. Obtain it via @BotFather and set it:

  1. Another environmental variable that unfortunately needed is NIX_PROFILE. Please add it as
export NIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.nix-profile"


  1. Install opam >= 2.1.0, e.g. from here.
cd $HOME
opam --version
  1. Install Coq.
cd $HOME
opam init
eval $(opam env)
opam pin add coq 8.16.1
  1. Locate coqtop and set enviromental variable. Should be similar to:
export COQ_BIN_PATH="$HOME/.opam/default/bin/coqtop"


We do not need to worry about Agda since it is included in package dependencies. It will be installed automatically. Meantime, Agda standard library should be installed manually.

  1. Get agda-stdlib from Github.

  2. Unpack archive.

cp agda-stdlib-1.7.1.tar.gz $PROOF_ASSISTANT_BOT_DIR/agda
tar -xzvf agda-stdlib-1.7.1.tar.gz
export AGDA_STDLIB_PATH=$PROOF_ASSISTANT_BOT_DIR/agda/agda-stdlib-1.7.1
  1. Create file $HOME/.agda/defaults with following content:
  1. Create file $HOME/.agda/libraries with following content:

Idris 2

  1. Get nix from

  2. Install idris2 via nix:

nix-env -i idris2
  1. Set environmental variable:
export IDRIS2_BIN_PATH="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin/idris2"


  1. Get nix from

  2. Install lean via nix:

nix-env -i lean
  1. Install leanproject via nix:
nix-env -i mathlibtools
  1. Run leanproject new lean.

  2. Set LEAN_BIN_PATH environmental variable:

export LEAN_BIN_PATH="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin/lean"
  1. Set LEAN_PROJECT_PATH to the newly created project directory.


  1. Get nix from

  2. Get java and openjdk17 via nix:

nix-env -i openjdk-17.0.4+8
  1. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to your openjdk location. You can use readlink $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/java and strip /bin/java from the end.

  2. Create project directory to store arend projects (for different Telegram chats) and set AREND_ROOT_PROJECT_DIR.

  3. Get Arend standard library from the official site and store in ${AREND_ROOT_PROJECT_DIR}/libs.

  4. Point AREND_STDLIB_PATH environment variable to the same location as AREND_ROOT_PROJECT_DIR.

  5. Download Arend.jar and set AREND_PATH environment variable to its location, e.g.



No actions required. See cabal.project for more details.

Alloy 6 / Alloy CLI Wrapper

You can read about CLI Wrapper here:

  1. Get nix from

  2. Get java and openjdk17 via nix:

nix-env -i openjdk-17.0.4+8
  1. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to your openjdk location. You can use readlink $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/java and strip /bin/java from the end.

  2. Get alloy6 via nix:

nix-env -i alloy6
  1. Create project directory to store Alloy projects (for different telegram chats) and set ALLOY_PROJECT_DIR.

  2. Create directory for Alloy CLI wrapper and prepare Alloy CLI Wrapper:

mkdir -p $ALLOY_PROJECT_DIR/bin
# Download Alloy CLI Wrapper
curl > bin/
javac -cp "$NIX_PROFILE/share/alloy/*" -Xlint:all bin/
# Test: should be empty output and exit code 0
java -cp $NIX_PROFILE/share/alloy/alloy6.jar:$ALLOY_PROJECT_DIR/bin Main
  1. Set up graphviz and imagemagick for generating plots based on Alloy CLI Wrapper output:
nix-env -i graphviz imagemagick
  1. Set ALLOY_PATH environment variable to $NIX_PROFILE/share/alloy/alloy6.jar.


  • Coq supports only typecheck of the user input via /coq command. Example:
/coq Inductive day : Type :=
  | monday
  | tuesday
  | wednesday
  | thursday
  | friday
  | saturday
  | sunday.

Definition next_weekday (d:day) : day :=
  match d with
  | monday => tuesday
  | tuesday => wednesday
  | wednesday => thursday
  | thursday => friday
  | friday => monday
  | saturday => monday
  | sunday => monday

Compute (next_weekday friday).

Compute (next_weekday (next_weekday saturday)).

Example test_next_weekday:
  (next_weekday (next_weekday saturday)) = tuesday.

Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
  • Agda is available via /agda command. Bot supports several subcommands for Agda:

    • /agda /load <input>. E.g.
    /agda /load import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
    open Eq using (_≡_; refl)
    open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _∎)
    data ℕ : Set where
      zero : ℕ
      suc  : ℕ → ℕ
    _+_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
    zero + n = n
    (suc m) + n = suc (m + n)
    _ : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
    _ =
        2 + 3
      ≡⟨⟩    -- is shorthand for
        (suc (suc zero)) + (suc (suc (suc zero)))
      ≡⟨⟩    -- inductive case
        suc ((suc zero) + (suc (suc (suc zero))))
      ≡⟨⟩    -- inductive case
        suc (suc (zero + (suc (suc (suc zero)))))
      ≡⟨⟩    -- base case
        suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))
      ≡⟨⟩    -- is longhand for
    • /agda /reload
    • /agda /typeOf <expr>. E.g. /agda /typeOf suc.
    • /agda <expr>. E.g. /agda suc zero + suc zero.
  • Idris 2 via /idris2 command. Bot supports several subcommands for Idris 2:

    • /idris2 /load <input>. E.g.
    /idris2 /load module Main
    import System.File.ReadWrite
    tryPrint : Either FileError String -> IO ()
    tryPrint (Left _) = putStrLn "error"
    tryPrint (Right r) = putStrLn r
    main : IO ()
    main = do c <- readFile "hello.idr"
              tryPrint c
    • /idris2 /typeOf <expr>. E.g. /idris2 /typeOf Nat.
    • /idris2 <expr>. E.g. /idris2 2 + 3.
  • Lean is available via /lean command. Typecheck supported for the user input. Only several modes were tested (calc mode, conv mode, simplifier).

    • Example 1:
    /lean import data.nat.basic
    variables (a b c d e : ℕ)
    variable h1 : a = b
    variable h2 : b = c + 1
    variable h3 : c = d
    variable h4 : e = 1 + d
    theorem T : a = e :=
      a     = b      : h1
        ... = c + 1  : h2
        ... = d + 1  : congr_arg _ h3
        ... = 1 + d  : add_comm d (1 : ℕ)
        ... =  e     : eq.symm h4
    • Example 2:
    /lean import topology.basic
    #check topological_space
    • Example 3:
    /lean import
    variables (G : Type) [group G] (a b c : G)
    example : a * a⁻¹ * 1 * b = b * c * c⁻¹ :=
  • Arend is available via /arend command. Only typecheck supported.

    • Example:
    /arend \func f => 0
  • Rzk is available via /rzk command. Typechecker supported for every language.

    • Example:
    /rzk  #lang rzk-1
    #def prod : (A : U) -> (B : U) -> U
      := \A -> \B -> ∑ (x : A), B
    #def isweq : (A : U) -> (B : U) -> (f : (_ : A) -> B) -> U
      := \A -> \B -> \f ->
            ∑ (g : (_ : B) -> A),
              prod ((x : A) -> g (f x) =_{A} x)
                   ((y : B) -> f (g y) =_{B} y)
    #def weq : (A : U) -> (B : U) -> U
      := \A -> \B -> ∑ (f : (_ : A) -> B), isweq A B f
    #def Theorem-4.1
      : (I : CUBE)
      -> (psi : (t : I) -> TOPE)
      -> (phi : {(t : I) | psi t} -> TOPE)
      -> (X : U)
      -> (Y : <{t : I | psi t} -> (x : X) -> U >)
      -> (f : <{t : I | phi t} -> (x : X) -> Y t x >)
      -> weq <{t : I | psi t} -> (x : X)          -> Y t x [phi t |-> f t]>
             ((x : X)         -> <{t : I | psi t} -> Y t x [phi t |-> f t x]>)
      := \I -> \psi -> \phi -> \X -> \Y -> \f ->
        (\k -> \x -> \t -> k t x,
          (\k -> \{t : I | psi t} -> \x -> (k x) t,
            (\k -> refl_{k}, \k -> refl_{k})))
    #def Theorem-4.2_uncurry_ext
      : (I : CUBE)
      -> (J : CUBE)
      -> (psi : (t : I) -> TOPE)
      -> (zeta : (s : J) -> TOPE)
      -> (X : <{t : I | psi t} -> <{s : J | zeta s} -> U> >)
      -> (chi : {(t : I) | psi t} -> TOPE)
      -> (phi : {(s : J) | zeta s} -> TOPE)
      -> (f : <{(t, s) : I * J | psi t /\ zeta s} -> X t s >)
      -> (_ : <{t : I | psi t}
                -> <{s : J | zeta s}
                     -> X t s [chi s |-> f (t, s)]>
                   [phi t |-> \s -> f (t, s)]>)
      -> <{(t, s) : I * J | psi t /\ zeta s}
            -> X t s [(phi t /\ zeta s) \/ (psi t /\ chi s) |-> f (t, s)]>
      := \I -> \J -> \psi -> \zeta -> \X -> \chi -> \phi -> \f ->
        \k -> \(t, s) -> k t s
  • Alloy is available via /alloy command.

    • Example:
    /alloy open util/ordering[Id]
    sig Node {
     id : one Id,
     succ : one Node,
     var inbox : set Id,
     var outbox : set Id
    sig Id {}
    fact ring {
     all i : Id | lone id.i
     all n : Node | Node in n.^succ
    var sig elected in Node {}
    fact elected {
     always {
      elected = {n : Node | once ( in n.inbox)}
    enum Event { Send, Compute }
    pred send [n : Node] {
     some i : n.outbox {
      n.outbox' = n.outbox - i
      n.succ.inbox' = n.succ.inbox + i
     all m : Node - n.succ | m.inbox' = m.inbox
     all m : Node - n | m.outbox' = m.outbox
    fun send : Event -> Node {
     Send -> { n : Node | send[n] }
    pred compute [n : Node] {
     some i : n.inbox {
      n.inbox' = n.inbox - i
      n.outbox' = n.outbox + (i -*(~next))
     all m : Node - n | m.inbox' = m.inbox
     all m : Node - n | m.outbox' = m.outbox
    fun compute : Event -> Node {
     Compute -> { n : Node | compute[n] }
    fun events : set Event {
    pred skip {
     inbox' = inbox
     outbox' = outbox
    fact init {
     no inbox
     outbox = id
    fact behaviour {
     always (skip or some n : Node | send[n] or compute[n])
    run {} for 4 but exactly 4 Node, 10 steps
    run example {eventually some elected} for 3 but exactly 3 Node, 6 steps
    assert safety {
     always lone elected
    check safety for 3 but 15 steps
    pred sendEnabled [n : Node] {
     some n.outbox
    pred computeEnabled [n : Node] {
     some n.inbox
    pred fairness {
     always (all n : Node | (always sendEnabled[n] implies eventually send[n]))
     always (all n : Node | (always computeEnabled[n] implies eventually compute[n]))
    assert liveness {
     fairness and some Node implies eventually some elected
    check liveness for 3
    • As result you can see:

    Alloy temporal model instance with two different states

Available instances

  1. @ProofBot (online)
  2. @ProofDebugBot (for debug purpose, offline most of the time)


  • PLTT Community
  • Nikolay Kudasov
  • Andrey Borzenkov
  • Matúš Tejiščák
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