weekdaze: A school-timetable problem-solver.
An application which searches for a solution to the configured school-timetable problem.
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- WeekDaze
- Aggregate
- Colour
- WeekDaze.Configuration
- Data
- Database
- WeekDaze.Database.Selector
- Enhanced
- ExecutionConfiguration
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.Criterion
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.CriterionWeight
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.EvolutionStrategies
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.ExecutionOptions
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.LessonCriteriaWeights
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.OptimiseLessonCriteriaWeights
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.TimetableBreederFecundity
- WeekDaze.ExecutionConfiguration.TimetableCriteriaWeights
- Identifiers
- Input
- LinearModel
- LocationView
- Model
- WeekDaze.Model.GeneralisedBooking
- WeekDaze.Model.GenerateLessonColourFrom
- WeekDaze.Model.Lesson
- WeekDaze.Model.Meeting
- WeekDaze.Model.ResourceUser
- WeekDaze.Model.Timetable
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableAxis
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableAxisTraversal
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableAxisTriple
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableCoordinates
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableForDay
- WeekDaze.Model.TimetableForWeek
- WeekDaze.Model.Traverse
- OutputConfiguration
- ProblemConfiguration
- WeekDaze.Size
- StudentView
- TeacherView
- Temporal
- Text
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
hdbc-mysql | Link with the package "HDBC-mysql" & consequently the native MySQL-interface (which will require a development package for | Disabled |
hdbc-odbc | Link with the package "HDBC-odbc", which the application can use to connect to a generic data-server. | Disabled |
llvm | Whether the | Disabled |
printdbqueries | Whether to print SQL-queries as the database is read. N.B.: only relevant when either of the flags 'HDBC-odbc' or 'HDBC-mysql' is True. N.B.: the output will be more readable when | Disabled |
printdbrows | Whether to print the rows read from the database. N.B.: only relevant when either of the flags 'HDBC-odbc' or 'HDBC-mysql' is True. N.B.: the output will be more readable when | Disabled |
querydbconcurrently | Whether database-queries should be issued concurrently. | Enabled |
static | Link statically, perhaps for deployment in an environment where one doesn't have root access. | Disabled |
threaded | Build for parallel runtime. | Enabled |
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
unix | Link with package "unix" when available. | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- weekdaze- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] |,, |
Change log | changelog.markdown |
Dependencies | array, base (>=4 && <5), bytestring, Cabal (>=1.10), containers (>=, cryptohash (>=0.8.0), data-default, deepseq (>=1.1), directory, extra, factory (>=0.3.1), filepath, hxt (>=, mtl, parallel (>=3.0), random, time, toolshed (>=0.17), unix, weekdaze, xhtml [details] |
Tested with | ghc ==8.0, ghc ==8.2, ghc ==8.4, ghc ==8.6, ghc ==8.8, ghc ==8.10 |
License | LicenseRef-GPL |
Copyright | (C) 2013-2015 Dr. Alistair Ward |
Author | Dr. Alistair Ward |
Maintainer | mailto:weekdaze@functionalley.com |
Category | Application, Teaching |
Home page | https://functionalley.com/WeekDaze/weekdaze.html |
Bug tracker | mailto:weekdaze@functionalley.com |
Source repo | head: git clone https://github.com/functionalley/WeekDaze |
Uploaded | by AlistairWard at 2020-08-10T10:38:21Z |
Distributions | |
Executables | weekdaze |
Downloads | 892 total (7 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |