
texmath is a Haskell library for converting between formats used to
represent mathematics. Currently it provides functions to read and
write TeX math, presentation MathML, and OMML (Office Math Markup
Language, used in Microsoft Office), and to write Gnu eqn, typst, and
pandoc's native format (allowing conversion, using pandoc, to
a variety of different markup formats). The TeX reader and
writer supports basic LaTeX and AMS extensions, and it can parse
and apply LaTeX macros. The package also includes several
utility modules which may be useful for anyone looking to
manipulate either TeX math or MathML. For example, a copy of
the MathML operator dictionary is included.
You can try it out online here.
By default, only the Haskell library is installed. To install a
test program, texmath
, use the executable
Cabal flag:
cabal install -fexecutable
By default, the executable will be installed in ~/.cabal/bin
Alternatively, texmath can be installed using
stack. Install
the stack binary somewhere in your path. Then, in the texmath
stack setup
stack install --flag texmath:executable
The texmath
binary will be put in ~/.local/bin
Macro definitions may be included before a LaTeX formula.
Running texmath as a server
will behave as a CGI script when called under the name
(e.g. through a symbolic link).
The file cgi/texmath.html
contains an example of how it can
be used.
But it is also possible to compile a full webserver with a JSON
API. To do this, set the server
cabal flag, e.g.
stack install --flag texmath:server
To run the server on port 3000:
texmath-server -p 3000
Sample of use, with httpie
% http --verbose localhost:3000/convert text='2^2' from=tex to=mathml display:=false Accept:'text/plain'
POST /convert HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/plain
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 64
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:3000
User-Agent: HTTPie/3.1.0
"display": false,
"from": "tex",
"text": "2^2",
"to": "mathml"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 18:29:26 GMT
Server: Warp/3.3.17
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<math display="inline" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
Possible values for from
are tex
, mathml
, and omml
Possible values for to
are tex
, mathml
, omml
, eqn
, and
(JSON-encoded Pandoc).
Alternatively, you can use the convert-batch
endpoint to pass
in a JSON-encoded list of conversions and get back a JSON-encoded
list of results.
Generating lookup tables
There are three main lookup tables which are built form externally compiled lists.
This section contains information about how to modify and regenerate these tables.
In the lib
direction there are two sub-directories which contain the
necessary files.
The utility program xsltproc
is required.
You can find these files in lib/mmldict/
- If desired replace
with and updated version (you can download a copy from here
xsltproc -o dictionary.xml operatorDictionary.xsl unicode.xml
runghc generateMMLDict.hs
- Replace the operator table at the bottom of
with the contents of mmldict.hs
You can find these files in lib/totexmath/
- If desired, replace
with an updated version from here
runghc unicodetotex.hs
- Replace the record table at the bottom of
with the contents of UnicodeToLaTeX.hs
You can find these files in lib/tounicode/
- If desired, replace
with an updated verson from
runghc mkUnicodeTable.hs
- Replace the table at the bottom of
with the output.
Editing the tables
It is not necessary to edit the source files to add records to
the tables. To add to or modify a table it is easier to add
modify either unicodetotex.hs
or generateMMLDict.hs
. This is
easily achieved by adding an item to the corresponding updates
lists. After making the changes, follow the above steps to
regenerate the table.
The test suite
To run the test suite, do cabal test
or stack test
In its standard mode, the test suite will run golden tests of
the individual readers and writers. Reader tests can be found
in test/reader/{mml,omml,tex}
, and writer tests in
. Regression tests linked
to specific issues are in test/regression
Each test file consists of an input and an expected output.
The input begins after a line <<< FORMAT
and the output
begins after a line >>> FORMAT
If many tests fail as a result of changes, but the test
failures are all because of improvements in the output,
you can pass --accept
to the test suite (e.g., with
on stack test
), and the existing
golden files will be overwritten. If you do this, inspect
the outputs very carefully to make sure they are correct.
If you pass the --roundtrip
option into the test suite
(e.g., using --test-arguments=--roundtrip
with stack test
round-trip tests will be run instead. Many of these will
fail. In these tests, the native inputs in test/roundtrip/*.native
will be converted to (respectively) mml
, omml
, or tex
then converted back, and the result will be compared with the
starting point. Although we don't guarantee that this kind
of round-trip transformation will be the identity, looking
at cases where it fails can be a guide to improvements.
John MacFarlane wrote the original TeX reader, MathML writer, Eq
writer, and OMML writer. Matthew Pickering contributed the
MathML reader, the TeX writer, and many of the auxiliary
modules. Jesse Rosenthal contributed the OMML reader. Thanks
also to John Lenz for many contributions.