secrm: Example of writing "secure" file removal in Haskell rather than C.

[ program, public-domain, security ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Writes to target file multiple times with random data, then erases it.

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Versions [RSS] 0.0
Dependencies base (>=2.1.1 && <3), haskell98 [details]
License LicenseRef-PublicDomain
Author Jon Slenk
Maintainer Jon Slenk <>
Category Security
Uploaded by JonSlenk at 2010-09-24T17:52:58Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables secrm
Downloads 995 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
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[back to package description]
An example of code to "securely" remove a file from media by over-writing
the file several times with random data, and then erasing it.

Note that this is just an example intended to show that one can write
system utilities in Haskell instead of, say, C. It does not, for example,
guarantee that the underlying OS/FS will be writing the random data over
exactly the same blocks. (In hindsight, perhaps making this not be the best
example. Living and learning, here.)