Freer: Extensible Effects with Freer Monads
Freer is an implementation of
"Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects". Much
of the implementation is a repackaging and cleaning up of the
reference materials provided
The key features of Freer are:
- An efficient effect system for Haskell as a library
- Implementations for several common Haskell monad instances:
- Reader
- Writer
- State
- StateRW: State in terms of Reader/Writer
- Trace
- Exception
- Core components for defining your own Effects
Example: Teletype DSL
Here's what using Freer looks like:
module Teletype where
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
import System.Exit hiding (ExitSuccess)
data Teletype s where
PutStrLn :: String -> Teletype ()
GetLine :: Teletype String
ExitSuccess :: Teletype ()
putStrLn' :: Member Teletype r => String -> Eff r ()
putStrLn' = send . PutStrLn
getLine' :: Member Teletype r => Eff r String
getLine' = send GetLine
exitSuccess' :: Member Teletype r => Eff r ()
exitSuccess' = send ExitSuccess
runTeletype :: Eff '[Teletype] w -> IO w
runTeletype (Val x) = return x
runTeletype (E u q) = case extract u of
(PutStrLn msg) -> putStrLn msg >> runTeletype (qApp q ())
GetLine -> getLine >>= \s -> runTeletype (qApp q s)
ExitSuccess -> exitSuccess
runTeletypePure :: [String] -> Eff '[Teletype] w -> [String]
runTeletypePure inputs req =
reverse . snd $ run (handleRelayS (inputs, []) (\s _ -> pure s) go req)
go :: ([String], [String])
-> Teletype v
-> (([String], [String]) -> Arr '[] v ([String], [String]))
-> Eff '[] ([String], [String])
go (is, os) (PutStrLn msg) q = q (is, msg : os) ()
go (i:is, os) GetLine q = q (is, os) i
go ([], _) GetLine _ = error "Not enough lines"
go (_, os) ExitSuccess _ = pure ([], os)
Contributions are welcome! Documentation, examples, code, and
feedback - they all help.
Be sure to review the included code of conduct. This project adheres
to the Contributor's Covenant. By
participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Developer Setup
The easiest way to start contributing is to install
stack. stack can install
GHC/Haskell for you, and automates common developer tasks.
The key commands are:
- stack setup : install GHC
- stack build
- stack clean
- stack haddock : builds documentation
- stack test
- stack bench
- stack ghci : start a REPL instance
This project is distrubted under a BSD3 license. See the included
LICENSE file for more details.
This package would not be possible without the paper and the reference
implementation. In particular:
There will be deviations from the source.