This module offers opinionated helpers to declare a type-safe and a flexible pagination
mechanism for Servant APIs. This design, inspired by Heroku's API,
provides a small framework to communicate about a possible pagination feature of an endpoint,
enabling a client to consume the API in different fashions (pagination with offset / limit,
endless scroll using last referenced resources, ascending and descending ordering, etc.)
Therefore, client can provide a Range
header with their request with the following format:
Range: <field> [<value>][; offset <o>][; limit <l>][; order <asc|desc>]
For example: Range: createdAt 2017-01-15T23%3A14%3A67.000Z; offset 5; order desc
indicates that
the client is willing to retrieve the next batch of document in descending order that were
created after the fifteenth of January, skipping the first 5.
As a response, the server may return the list of corresponding document, and augment the
response with 3 headers:
: A comma-separated list of fields upon which a range can be defined
: Actual range corresponding to the content being returned
: Indicate what should be the next Range
header in order to retrieve the next range
For example:
Accept-Ranges: createdAt, modifiedAt
Content-Range: createdAt 2017-01-15T23%3A14%3A51.000Z..2017-02-18T06%3A10%3A23.000Z
Next-Range: createdAt 2017-02-19T12%3A56%3A28.000Z; offset 0; limit 100; order desc
Getting Started
Code-wise the integration is quite seamless and unobtrusive. servant-pagination
provides a
Ranges (fields :: [Symbol]) (resource :: *) -> *
data-type for declaring available ranges
on a group of fields and a target resource. To each combination (resource + field) is
associated a given type RangeType (resource :: *) (field :: Symbol) -> *
as described by
the type-family in the HasPagination
So, let's start with some imports and extensions to get this out of the way:
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, genericToJSON)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant ((:>), GetPartialContent, Handler, Header, Headers, JSON, Server)
import Servant.Pagination (HasPagination (..), PageHeaders, Range (..), Ranges, applyRange)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Servant.Pagination as Pagination
import qualified Servant
Declaring the Resource
Servant APIs are rather resource-oriented, and so is servant-pagination
. This
guide shows a basic example working with JSON
(as you could tell from the
import list already). To make the world a better colored place, let's create an API to retrieve
colors -- with pagination.
data Color = Color
{ name :: String
, rgb :: [Int]
, hex :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Color where
toJSON =
genericToJSON Aeson.defaultOptions
colors :: [Color]
colors =
[ Color "Black" [0, 0, 0] "#000000"
, Color "Blue" [0, 0, 255] "#0000ff"
, Color "Green" [0, 128, 0] "#008000"
, Color "Grey" [128, 128, 128] "#808080"
, Color "Purple" [128, 0, 128] "#800080"
, Color "Red" [255, 0, 0] "#ff0000"
, Color "Yellow" [255, 255, 0] "#ffff00"
Declaring the Ranges
Now that we have defined our resource (a.k.a Color
), we are ready to declare a new Range
that will operate on a "name" field (genuinely named after the name
fields from the Color
For that, we need to tell servant-pagination
two things:
- What is the type of the corresponding
- How do we get one of these values from our resource
This is done via defining an instance of HasPagination
as follows:
instance HasPagination Color "name" where
type RangeType Color "name" = String
getFieldValue _ = name
defaultRange :: Range "name" String
defaultRange =
getDefaultRange (Proxy @Color)
Note that getFieldValue :: Proxy "name" -> Color -> String
is the minimal complete definintion
of the class. Yet, you can define getRangeOptions
to provide different parsing options (see
the last section of this guide). In the meantime, we've also defined a defaultRange
as it will
come in handy when defining our handler.
Good, we have a resource, we have a Range
working on that resource, we can now declare our
API using other Servant combinators we already know:
type API =
:> Header "Range" (Ranges '["name"] Color)
:> GetPartialContent '[JSON] (Headers MyHeaders [Color])
type MyHeaders =
Header "Total-Count" Int ': PageHeaders '["name"] Color
is a type alias provided by the library to declare the necessary response headers
we mentionned in introduction. Expanding the alias boils down to the following:
As a result, we will need to provide all those headers with the response in our handler. Worry
not, servant-pagination provides an easy way to lift a collection of resources into such handler.
Time to connect the last bits by defining the server implementation of our colorful API. The Ranges
type we've defined above (tight to the Range
HTTP header) indicates the server to parse any Range
header, looking for the format defined in introduction with fields and target types we have just declared.
If no such header is provided, we will end up receiving Nothing
. Otherwise, it will be possible
to extract a Range
from our Ranges
server :: Server API
server = handler
handler :: Maybe (Ranges '["name"] Color) -> Handler (Headers MyHeaders [Color])
handler mrange = do
let range =
fromMaybe defaultRange (mrange >>= extractRange)
addHeader (length colors) <$> returnRange range (applyRange range colors)
main :: IO ()
main =
Warp.run 1442 $ Servant.serve (Proxy @API) server
Let's try it out using different ranges to observe the server's behavior. As a reminder, here's
the format we defined, where <field>
here can only be name
and <value>
must parse to a String
Range: <field> [<value>][; offset <o>][; limit <l>][; order <asc|desc>]
Beside the target field, everything is pretty much optional in the Range
HTTP header. Missing parts
are deducted from the RangeOptions
that are part of the HasPagination
instance. Therefore, all
following examples are valid requests to send to our server:
- 1 -
curl http://localhost:1442/colors -vH 'Range: name'
- 2 -
curl http://localhost:1442/colors -vH 'Range: name; limit 2'
- 3 -
curl http://localhost:1442/colors -vH 'Range: name Green; order asc; offset 1'
Considering the following default options:
defaultRangeLimit: 100
defaultRangeOffset: 0
defaultRangeOrder: RangeDesc
The previous ranges reads as follows:
- 1 - The first 100 colors, ordered by descending names
- 2 - The first 2 colors, ordered by descending names
- 3 - The 100 colors after
(not included), ordered by ascending names.
See examples/Simple.hs
for a running version of this guide.
Going Forward
Multiple Ranges
Note that in the simple above scenario, there's no ambiguity with extractRange
and returnRange
because there's only one possible Range
defined on our resource. Yet, as you've most probably
noticed, the Ranges
combinator accepts a list of fields, each of which must declare a HasPagination
instance. Doing so will make the other helper functions more ambiguous and type annotation are
highly likely to be needed.
instance HasPagination Color "hex" where
type RangeType Color "hex" = String
getFieldValue _ = hex
See examples/Complex.hs
for more complex examples.
Parsing Options
By default, servant-pagination
provides an implementation of getRangeOptions
for each
type-class. However, this can be overwritten when defining a instance of that
class to provide your own options. This options come into play when a Range
header is
received and isn't fully specified (limit
, offset
, order
are all optional) to provide
default fallback values for those.
For instance, let's say we wanted to change the default limit to 5
in a new range on
, we could tweak the corresponding HasPagination
instance as follows:
instance HasPagination Color "rgb" where
type RangeType Color "rgb" = String
getFieldValue _ = sum . rgb
getRangeOptions _ _ = defaultOptions { defaultRangeLimit = 5 }
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