Unification for unbound-generics
This package implements (first-order) unification by reusing the framework of unbound-generics
To use it, declare your data types as usual, including the generically-derived instances for alpha-equivalence (Alpha
) and substitution (Subst
) from unbound-generics
In addition to those, ask for a new instance of Unify
with the same arguments as Subst
, that is, the type from which we build variables, and the type we want to unify.
The packages provides a function unify
which works on a Unification
monad. This monad is parametrized by the type we draw variables from. That means you can have as many types as you want, but there should be a single type of variables. In many cases the compiler fails to infer that argument to the Unification
monad, so we recommend enabling TypeApplications
for that matter.
The result of unify
is either a single value which is an instance of both arguments, or a UnificationError
. That error explains where the process has failed by a Path
consisting of constructor, fields, and indices; and a cause.
This is an example in which Type
is the one we draw variables from. Since we also use TypeConstructor
inside the TyCon
constructor, we also need to "request" to derive Unify Type TypeConstructor
type TypeVar = Name Type
data Type = TyVar { var :: TypeVar }
| TyFun { args :: [Type], ret :: Type }
| TyCon { con :: TypeConstructor, args :: [Type] }
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TypeConstructor = TyConInt | TyConBool deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
pattern TyInt, TyBool :: Type
pattern TyInt = TyCon TyConInt []
pattern TyBool = TyCon TyConBool []
instance Alpha Type
instance Alpha TypeConstructor
instance Subst Type Type where
isvar (TyVar v) = Just $ SubstName v
isvar _ = Nothing
instance Subst Type TypeConstructor
instance Unify Type Type
instance Unify Type TypeConstructor
Here are some example runs, using the explicitly-typed version of runUnification
to declare that we are using Type
-variables. To create new variables we use the usual s2n
function from unbound-generics
>>> runUnification @Type $ let x = s2n "x" in unify' (TyFun [TyVar x] TyInt) (TyFun [TyVar x] (TyVar x))
( Right (TyFun {args = [TyCon {con = TyConInt, args = []}], ret = TyCon {con = TyConInt, args = []}})
, fromList [(x,TyCon {con = TyConInt, args = []})] )
>>> runUnification @Type $ let x = s2n "x" in unify' (TyFun [TyVar x] TyInt) (TyFun [TyBool] (TyVar x))
( Left ([PathConstructor "TyFun", PathSelector "ret", PathConstructor "TyCon", PathSelector "con"], DifferentConstructor)
, fromList [(x,TyCon {con = TyConBool, args = []})] )