sqsd-local: Initial project template from stack

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A local version of sqsd, the daemon that runs in Elastic Beanstalk's Worker Environments.

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS], 0.1.1, 0.2.0
Dependencies amazonka, amazonka-sqs, base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring (>=, case-insensitive (>=, exceptions (>=0.8.3), http-client (>=, lens, lifted-base (>=, resourcet (>=1.1.9), text, unordered-containers (>=, wreq [details]
License MPL-2.0
Copyright AllRightsReserved
Author Oskar Wickström
Maintainer oskar.wickstrom@gmail.com
Category Web
Home page https://github.com/owickstrom/sqsd-local#readme
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/owickstrom/sqsd-local
Uploaded by owickstrom at 2017-01-16T13:37:29Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables sqsd-local
Downloads 2112 total (5 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
Last success reported on 2017-01-16 [all 3 reports]

Readme for sqsd-local-0.2.0

[back to package description]


A local version of sqsd, the daemon that runs in Elastic Beanstalk's Worker Environments.


Usage: sqsd-local WORKER_QUEUE_NAME [options]


  -h             --help                         Print this help message
  -V             --version                      Print the CLI version
  -u URL         --worker-url=URL               Specify the worker URL to send POST requests to (default: http://localhost:5000)
  -d NAME        --dead-letter-queue-name=NAME  Name of the SQS queue to send messages to which the worker failed processing (no default)
  -T NAME        --http-timeout=NAME            Timeout in seconds for the HTTP POST request to worker (default: 30)
  -C MEDIA_TYPE  --content-type=MEDIA_TYPE      Content-Type header value to use in HTTP POST request to worker (default: application/octet-stream)
                 --sqs-host=MEDIA_TYPE          SQS endpoint host (default: localhost)
                 --sqs-port=MEDIA_TYPE          SQS endpoint port (default: 9324)
                 --forked                       If messages should be POSTed to the worker concurrently (default: false)



  • Stack
  • The stack path --bin-path on your PATH

Install from Hackage:

stack install sqsd-local

Install from source:

git clone git@github.com:owickstrom/sqsd-local.git
cd sqsd-local
stack setup
stack install


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