acme-zero: The absorbing element of package dependencies

[ acme, library, public-domain ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Cabal package dependencies form a commutative monoid with an absorbing element. They satisfy the following axioms:


For all dependencies a, b and c,

(a , b) , c = a , (b , c)

In fact, the Cabal syntax does not even allow you to use the parentheses for this reason.


For all dependencies a and b,

a , b = b , a
Identity element

For all dependencies a,

acme-one , a = a
a , acme-one = a

Depending on acme-one has no additional effect.

Absorbing element

For all dependencies a,

acme-zero , a = acme-zero
a , acme-zero = acme-zero

Depending on acme-zero in addition has the same effect as only depending on acme-zero.

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Versions [RSS] 0.0.1, 0.0.2
Dependencies acme-zero (==0) [details]
License LicenseRef-PublicDomain
Author Johan Kiviniemi <>
Maintainer Johan Kiviniemi <>
Category ACME
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by ion at 2015-06-21T23:21:47Z
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Readme for acme-zero-0.0.2

[back to package description]

acme-zero and acme-one

Cabal package dependencies form a commutative monoid with an absorbing element. They satisfy the following axioms:

  • Associativity

    For all dependencies a, b and c,

    (a , b) , c = a , (b , c)

    In fact, the Cabal syntax does not even allow you to use the parentheses for this reason.

  • Commutativity

    For all dependencies a and b,

    a , b = b , a
  • Identity element

    For all dependencies a,

    acme-one , a = a
    a , acme-one = a

    Depending on acme-one has no additional effect.

  • Absorbing element

    For all dependencies a,

    acme-zero , a = acme-zero
    a , acme-zero = acme-zero

    Depending on acme-zero in addition has the same effect as only depending on acme-zero.