hp2pretty: generate pretty graphs from heap profiles
hp2pretty is a rewrite of hp2ps, implemented in Haskell, with the aims of being maintainable, with more flexible output, and more beautiful output. Currently hp2pretty outputs Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) only, though PostScript (PS) is planned. Not all of hp2ps' options are implemented yet in hp2pretty.
In hp2pretty-0.10 parsing of very large files is made possible by reading the file(s) twice as Text.Lazy.
In hp2pretty-0.9 a mode for detached key is added:
hp2pretty --key=inline *.hp hp2pretty --key=key.txt *.hp hp2pretty --key=- *.hp
The output file is an simple text file, that mentions additional SVG files for the legend - how you format it is up to you.
A mode for detached titles is also added:
hp2pretty --title=inline *.hp hp2pretty --title=title.txt *.hp hp2pretty --title=- *.hp
The output file is an simple text file, that mentions the image SVG files. You could use this for figure captions, etc.
See the examples/ directory in the source distribution for hints.
In hp2pretty-0.8 output filtering and sorting flags are added, as well as low-ink pattern fills for printing:
hp2pretty --trace=1 *.hp hp2pretty --bands=15 *.hp hp2pretty --sort=size *.hp hp2pretty --sort=stddev *.hp hp2pretty --sort=name *.hp hp2pretty --reverse *.hp hp2pretty --pattern *.hp
In hp2pretty-0.7 a parsing bug is fixed.
In hp2pretty-0.6 ByteString is replaced by Text, fixing bugs with Unicode.
In hp2pretty-0.5 using attoparsec and floatshow internally should give a healthy speedup.
In hp2pretty-0.4 usage changed since the previous release:
hp2pretty *.hp hp2pretty --uniform-scale=time *.hp hp2pretty --uniform-scale=memory *.hp hp2pretty --uniform-scale=both *.hp
Colours also changed: now they are based on a hash of the cost label, which should make colours have stable semantics across program runs.
[Skip to Readme]
- hp2pretty-0.10.1.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] | 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8,,, 0.9, 0.10, 0.10.1 |
Change log | NEWS |
Dependencies | array, attoparsec, base (>=4 && <5), containers (>=0.5), filepath, floatshow, mtl, optparse-applicative, semigroups, text [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | (C) 2010,2011,2015,2017,2018,2021 Claude Heiland-Allen |
Author | Claude Heiland-Allen |
Maintainer | claude@mathr.co.uk |
Category | Development |
Home page | https://mathr.co.uk/blog/hp2pretty.html |
Source repo | head: git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/hp2pretty.git this: git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/hp2pretty.git(tag v0.10.1) |
Uploaded | by ClaudeHeilandAllen at 2024-10-25T10:15:28Z |
Distributions | LTSHaskell:0.10.1, NixOS:0.10.1, Stackage:0.10.1 |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | hp2pretty |
Downloads | 11138 total (61 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 2.25 (votes: 2) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs not available [build log] Last success reported on 2024-10-25 [all 1 reports] |