chu2: FFI for Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface

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FFI for Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface

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Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS] 2012.11.16, 2012.11.16.1, 2012.11.17, 2012.11.17.1, 2012.11.17.2, 2012.11.18, 2012.11.18.1, 2012.11.18.2, 2012.11.19, 2012.11.20
Dependencies base (>=4 && <6), bytestring, data-default, hack2, hack2-handler-snap-server, utf8-string [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Jinjing Wang
Maintainer Jinjing Wang <>
Category Web
Home page
Uploaded by JinjingWang at 2012-11-20T02:11:49Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 7830 total (17 in the last 30 days)
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Readme for chu2-2012.11.20

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Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface

hello world example

module Hello where

open import IO              using (return) renaming (run to io)
open import Data.List       using ([])
open import Function        using (const)
open import Chu2            using (response; OK; Application) 

hello-world-response = response OK [] ("Hello Agda!")

hello-world-app : Application
hello-world-app = const (return hello-world-response)

open import Chu2.Handler.SnapServer using (on-port_run)
main = io (on-port 3000 run hello-world-app)

Using Middleware

module Hello2 where

-- simple-logger middleware
open import Chu2.Middleware.SimpleLogger using (simple-logger)

open import IO              using (return) renaming (run to io)
open import Function        using (const)
open import Chu2            using (Application; default-response)

default-app : Application
default-app = const (return default-response)

app : Application
app = simple-logger default-app

open import Chu2.Handler.SnapServer using (on-port_run)
main = io (on-port 3001 run app)

Full spec

