dobutokO-poetry-general: Helps to order the 7 or less words (first of all the Ukrainian ones) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text

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Helps to order the 7 or less words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.

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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <4.15), mmsyn3 (>=0.1.5 && <1), mmsyn6ukr (>=0.8 && <1), mmsyn7s (>=0.8 && <1), vector (>=0.11 && <0.14) [details]
License MIT
Copyright Oleksandr Zhabenko
Author OleksandrZhabenko
Category Language, Game
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Uploaded by OleksandrZhabenko at 2020-08-16T20:53:10Z
Reverse Dependencies 2 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Last success reported on 2020-08-16 [all 1 reports]

Readme for dobutokO-poetry-general-

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Is a part of previous version of the package version Now is provided as a general package because of the possibility using the uniqueness-periods and uniqueness-periods-general packages provide the same functionality for both cases of Ukrainian and similar languages.

There are different languages. They have different structure and rules. But there is a possibility to create and use (on the one of the existing vastly used and well spread languages basis, in this work, the Ukrainian one) the "phonetic" language more suitable for poetry and music. Even there can be different variants of the phonetic language. This work proposes to create at least two new "phonetic" languages on the Ukrainian basis.

Imagine, you can understand the information in the text no matter of the words order and only with the most needed grammar preserved (for example, the rule not to separate the preposition and the next word is preserved). Understand just like you can read the text (after some instruction and training might be) with the words where only the first and the last letters are preserved on their places and the rest are interchangeably mixed. So imagine, you can understand (and express your thoughts, feeling, motives and so on) the message of the text with no strict word order preserved.

In such a case, you can rearrange words (preserving the most important rules in this case to reduce or even completely eliminate ambiguity) so that they can obtain more interesting phonetic sounding. You can try to create poetic (at least somewhat rhythmic and expressive) text or music. This can be an inspiring and developing exercise itself. But how can you quickly find out which combinations are more or less suitable? Besides, can the complexity of the algorithms be reduced?

These are some of the interesting questions. The work does not at the moment answers them, but is experimental, still may be valuable.

Ukrainian is the language with no strict words order needed (though there do exist some preferences in it) and have rather pleasant sounding. So it can be a good example and instance. Besides for the author it is a native language.

Even if you would not like to create and use "phonetic" languages where phonetics is of more importance than the grammar, then you can evaluate the phonetic potential of the words used in the text in producing specially sounding texts. This can also be helpful in poetry writing and other probably related fields.