tsuntsun: Interacts with tesseract to ease reading of RAW Japanese manga.

[ bsd3, natural-language-processing, program ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Interacts with tesseract to ease reading of RAW Japanese manga.

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Dependencies base (<5), conduit, conduit-combinators, conduit-extra, directory, filepath, gtk3, optparse-applicative, resourcet, stm, template-haskell, text, typed-process [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2014-2017 Mateusz Kowalczyk
Author Mateusz Kowalczyk
Maintainer fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk
Category Natural Language Processing
Home page https://github.com/Fuuzetsu/tsuntsun
Uploaded by MateuszKowalczyk at 2017-09-03T20:38:27Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables tsuntsun
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Last success reported on 2017-09-03 [all 3 reports]

Readme for tsuntsun-

[back to package description]

Interacts with tesseract to ease reading of RAW Japanese manga.

The usage is fairly simple. Start the program, passing some temporary filename to use. Use the provided scrot button to take snippets of parts of your screen containing Japanese text. Once scrot has take the image, tesseract will run on it and the output will be visible in the UI. Mind that tesseract is not the fastest so there may be a small delay depending on size of the image.

The radio buttons change the modes tesseract operates in. Please read the tesseract manpage to find out more. Vertical text is the default.

Sample usage