This package provides two pattern synonyms Strict
and Rnf
to constrain value strictness.
Use Strict
when you can and Rnf
when you must.
The Rnf pattern
The Rnf
pattern matches every value of a type with an NFData
instance, forcing it to rigid normal form before binding it.
> let !(Rnf x) = [trace "One" 1, trace "Two" 2]
The bang pattern is needed to force the Rnf x
closure to weak head normal form (whnf).
is very handy to avoid space leaks when working with non-strict data, but forcing structured data with rnf
has a cost even if the data is already forced, and it should be avoided in inner loops. Too few Rnf
patterns and one risks a space leak, too many and one ends up with squared complexity factors.
The Strict pattern
If our datatypes are strict, then their weak head normal form is already fully evaluated and Rnf
is morally just seq
. In practice, it depends on what the NFData
instance does. One would hope it would be implemented as a noop, but in practice this is not always the case for first order types, and can never be for higher kinded types which cannot make any assumptions about the strictness of their type parameters.
But not all is lost! We can ask the typechecker to inspect the GHC Generics representation for a type to check if it is strict, and avoid calling rnf
if that is the case. This is what the Strict
pattern synonym does:
> let !(Strict x) = [1, 2]
<interactive>:1:7: error:
• [Int] has an unnamed lazy field in constructor :
• In the pattern: Strict y
In the pattern: !(Strict y)
In a pattern binding:
!(Strict y) = [trace "1" 1, trace "2" (2 :: Int)]
Lists are not strict, so the expression above does not type check.
If we define our own strict list datatype with a Generic
instance, the type checker can certify the property that !(Strict x)
is equivalent to !(Rnf x)
> data StrictList a = Nil | Cons !a (StrictList a) deriving Generic ; infixr :!
> let !(Strict y) = trace "one" 1 :! trace "two" 2 :! Nil
The StrictType class
Not all strict types derive Generic
. For such cases where the type checker is unable to see the strictness information we can "promise" that a type is deep strict by adding an instance of the StrictType
Non regular recursive types, also known as nested datatypes, will cause the type checker to loop and run out of fuel when trying to prove deep strictness.
- What about the
and StrictData
pragmas ?
The Strict
pragma adds an implicit bang pattern on every binding, but it doesn't force values to normal form.
The StrictData
pragma adds an implicit bang pattern on every field of a data type guaranteeing that first order types are strict, but does not help with higher kinded types.