
Welcome to discord-haskell-voice
! This library provides you with a high-level
interface for interacting with Discord's Voice API, building on top of the
by Karl.
For a quick intuitive introduction to what this library enables you to do, see
the following snippet of code:
rickroll :: Channel -> DiscordHandler ()
rickroll c@(ChannelVoice {}) = do
void $ runVoice $ do
join (channelGuild c) (channelId c)
playYouTube "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
The library actively uses and supports conduit, which enables you to write
something like the following as well!
rickrollHalfVolume :: Channel -> DiscordHandler ()
rickrollHalfVolume c@(ChannelVoice {}) = do
void $ runVoice $ do
join (channelGuild c) (channelId c)
let halfAmplitude = awaitForever $ \current ->
yield $ round $ fromIntegral current * 0.5
playYouTube' "rickroll" $ packInt16C .| halfAmplitude .| unpackInt16C
liftIO $ print "finished playing!"
- The library uses
for encryption
and decryption of audio packets. This requires libsodium to be installed on
your system. See their README for information.
- The library requires Opus libraries to be installed on your system. The
package available on package repositories should be sufficient
on most *nix systems. The opus
brew package suffices on Mac. Windows
is unexplored yet (WSL works).
- If you are to use any variants of
, playYouTube
, you will need
FFmpeg installed. To specify a custom executable name, see the -With
- If you are to use any variants of
, you will additionally need
youtube-dl installed. This is used to get the stream URL to pass to FFmpeg. To
specify a custom executable name (such as yt-dlp), use playYouTubeWith
What is supported:
- Can join/leave Discord voice channels. It is possible to join multiple of them
simultaneously (one per sever) and stream different contents to each.
- It is also possible to join many voice channels (across many servers) and play
the same content, radio/subscriber-style.
- You can play arbitrary PCM audio, arbitrary audio (with FFmpeg), and arbitrary
internet audio (with youtube-dl).
- You can transform audio arbitrarily using Conduit.
- As it streams content, the library /should/ use constant memory (unverified).
- OPUS encoding and specific implementation details such as handshakes and
encryption are done opaquely, and a nice abstraction layer is provided.
What is not supported:
- Decrypting audio packets sent from Discord (other people's voices), and
decoding them to PCM.
See examples/BasicMusicBot.hs
for a bot that uses many advanced features of
the library, including dynamically adjusting the stream audio using a TVar
(and allowing users to change the TVar using a /volume
This library is available on Hackage, at https://hackage.haskell.org/package/discord-haskell-voice.
To use it in your Cabal-based project, add discord-haskell-voice
as a dependency in your .cabal
# --- myproject.cabal <truncated>
base >=4.7 && <5
, discord-haskell ==1.14.0
, discord-haskell-voice ==2.3.1
To use it in your Stack-based project, add discord-haskell-voice
in both your package.yaml
and stack.yaml
files (since this library is not available in Stackage for the same reason discord-haskell
is not on Stackage)
# --- stack.yaml <truncated>
- discord-haskell-1.14.0
- discord-haskell-voice-2.3.1
# --- package.yaml <truncated>
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- discord-haskell == 1.14.0
- discord-haskell-voice == 2.3.1
See the Haddock documentation on the Hackage page, at https://hackage.haskell.org/package/discord-haskell-voice/docs/Discord-Voice.html.
Future Plans
- Use
and stm
for a safer Chan?
- Look into SubprocessException seemingly never been thrown (e.g. when SIGINT
is signalled to the libarry while FFmpeg is running)
- Consider, document, and improve the distinction of errors (VoiceError) vs
exceptions, and note down why any choices are made