duckdb-haskell: Haskell bindings for duckdb.

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Full-featured haskell bindings for the duckdb database.

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Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), mtl (>=2 && <3), system-cxx-std-lib (==1.0) [details]
License MIT
Copyright (c) 2023 Tao He
Author Tao He
Category Database
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by sighingnow at 2023-10-22T06:39:54Z
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Readme for duckdb-haskell-

[back to package description]


Full-featured Haskell bindings for DuckDB.


The library is available on Hackage.


  • Database.DuckDB.Internal.FFI: fully FFI bindings to the DuckDB C API
  • Database.DuckDB.Connection: connection management
  • Database.DuckDB.Query: query execution
  • Database.DuckDB.Appender: bulk data loading


  • Connect to a database:

    defaultConnectionTest :: TestTree
    defaultConnectionTest = testCase "Setup the default duckdb database" $ do
        r <- runDuckDB $ do
            (conn, db) <- defaultConnection
            close (conn, db)
        r @?= Right ()

Query results

  • Query from the database:

    query42Test :: TestTree
    query42Test = testCase "Query the constant (42)" $ do
        r <- runDuckDB $ withDefaultConnection $ \(_db, conn) -> do
            r <- query conn "select 42;"
            v <- valueInt32 r 0 0
            liftIO $ v @?= 42
        r @?= Right ()
  • Query from the database, more complex example:

    queryCreateTableTest :: TestTree
    queryCreateTableTest = testCase "Create table and query" $ do
        r <- runDuckDB $ withDefaultConnection $ \(_db, conn) -> do
            _ <- query conn "CREATE TABLE integers (i INTEGER)"
            _ <- query conn "INSERT INTO integers VALUES (1), (2), (3), (999)"
            r <- query conn "SELECT i FROM integers"
            valueInt32 r 0 0 >>= \v -> liftIO $ v @?= 1
            valueInt32 r 0 1 >>= \v -> liftIO $ v @?= 2
            valueInt32 r 0 2 >>= \v -> liftIO $ v @?= 3
            valueInt32 r 0 3 >>= \v -> liftIO $ v @?= 999
        r @?= Right ()
  • Query from the database, inspecting the value using Data.Vector.Storable:

    queryDataVector :: TestTree
    queryDataVector = testCase "Create table and query as efficient vectors" $ do
        r <- runDuckDB $ withDefaultConnection $ \(_db, conn) -> do
            _ <- query conn "CREATE TABLE integers (i INTEGER)"
            _ <- query conn "INSERT INTO integers VALUES (1), (2), (3), (999)"
            r <- query conn "SELECT i FROM integers"
            nchk <- chunkCount r
            liftIO $ nchk @?= 1
            chk <- chunkAt r 0
            columns <- getChunkColumnCount chk
            liftIO $ columns @?= 1
            rows <- getChunkSize chk
            liftIO $ rows @?= 4
            pointer <- getVectorData =<< getChunkVector chk 0
            liftIO $ do
                vec <-
                    Vec.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 <$> newForeignPtr_ pointer <*> (pure rows)
                        :: IO (Vec.Vector Int32)
                vec @?= Vec.fromList [1, 2, 3, 999]
        r @?= Right ()

Bulk data loading

  • Efficiently loading data using appenders:

    appenderTableTest :: TestTree
    appenderTableTest = testCase "Create table, append data and query" $ do
        r <- runDuckDB $ withDefaultConnection $ \(_db, conn) -> do
            _ <- query conn "CREATE TABLE integers (i INTEGER, j INTEGER)"
            withAppender conn "" "integers" $ \app ->
                forM_ [1 .. 100] $ \i -> withAppenderRow app $ do
                    appendInt32 app i
                    appendInt32 app (i + 99)
            r <- query conn "SELECT i, j FROM integers"
            liftIO $ chunkCount r >>= print