smartword: Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies

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Web based online study tool for all vocabularies in Word Smart I and II, a poular book series for studying GRE vocabularies. (FYI, I typed the vocabulary data and wrote the program in 2004, because I got too boring just going over the strange English words.) If you don't read Korean, you can just ignore the Korean translation. Installation: You can either compile CGI binaries with GHC or use Hugs to run lhs as a CGI script. Copy all .cgi files and data directories (book1, book1.ans, book2, book2.ans) into your webserver CGI directory (usually cgi-bin). Usage: If you get it wright the flash card goes away, but if you didn't get it the flash card goes to the bottom of the deck again. So, it won't end until you get all of them right.

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Dependencies base, haskell98, pretty, unix, utf8-string [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Ahn, Ki Yung
Maintainer Ahn, Ki Yung <>
Category Web, Education
Home page
Uploaded by KiYungAhn at 2009-03-28T09:53:17Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables sw.cgi, start.cgi, index.cgi, answer.cgi
Downloads 1299 total (1 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2017-01-02 [all 7 reports]

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