nonlinear: Low-dimensional vectors

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A lightweight, opinionated clone of the low-dimensional vector parts of linear. See for more information.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1.0
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License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2022 Cross Compass Ltd
Author Jonas Carpay
Category Web
Uploaded by jonascarpay at 2022-06-26T23:04:04Z
Distributions NixOS:0.1.0
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Last success reported on 2022-06-27 [all 1 reports]

Readme for nonlinear-0.1.0

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Low-dimensional vectors.

More specifically, a lightweight, opinionated clone of the low-dimensional vector parts of linear.

Differences from linear

Our primary focus is on providing a set of low-dimensional vector types (i.e. V1 through V4), and avoiding dependencies. We specifically don't aim to make functions/classes general/principled/robust enough to be used for e.g. sparse vectors. This means there is just a single type class, Vec, equivalent to Traversable Representable Obviously, that makes certain operations more restrictive than they are in linear.

Anything related to projective/homogeneous coordinates has been moved to the Nonlinear.Projective namespace. There is Hom2 and Hom3 for 2- and 3-dimensional homogeneous coordinates, respectively.