Crude fonts suitable for plotting.
There are many good looking fonts which optimize for appearance. I wanted
some cruder fonts which had a simpler representation: a relatively small
number of straight lines which could easily be plotted by a machine, or
perhaps a person.
Here is an example using diagrams to generate a SVG file:
import qualified Graphics.PlotFont as PF
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG
strokes :: [[(Double,Double)]]
strokes = PF.render' PF.canvastextFont "Hello World!"
toDiag :: [[(Double,Double)]] -> Diagram SVG
toDiag = extrudeLeft 20 . mconcat . map (fromVertices . map p2)
main :: IO ()
main = renderSVG "hello.svg" (mkSizeSpec2D (Just 800) (Just 200)) $
toDiag strokes # lw 3
The code written by me is licensed under the GPL, version 2 or later.
The data for the fonts come from Jim Studt's canvastext.js which he placed in the public
domain. He cites the original source as the Hershey fonts:
The Hershey fonts appear to have this license:
The following acknowledgements must be distributed with
the font data:
The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr.
A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S.
National Bureau of Standards.
The format of the Font data in this distribution
was originally created by
James Hurt
Cognition, Inc.
900 Technology Park Drive
Billerica, MA 01821
The font data in this distribution may be converted into
any other format EXCEPT the format distributed by
the U.S. NTIS (which organization holds the rights
to the distribution and use of the font data in that
particular format). Not that anybody would really
want to use their format... each point is described
in eight bytes as "xxx yyy:", where xxx and yyy are
the coordinate values as ASCII numbers.
It is not clear to me if Mr Studt used 'this distribution'.