phladiprelio-rhythmicity-shared: Allows to estimate some kind of the rhythmicity properties for the text

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The part of the package phonetic-languages-rhythmicity- See: here. Inspired by the ancient Greek and Latin poetry.

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Dependencies base (>=4.13 && <5) [details]
License MIT
Copyright Oleksandr Zhabenko
Author Oleksandr-Zhabenko
Category Math, Language, Music
Uploaded by OleksandrZhabenko at 2023-03-13T22:43:55Z
Distributions NixOS:
Reverse Dependencies 3 direct, 5 indirect [details]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2023-03-13 [all 1 reports]

Readme for phladiprelio-rhythmicity-shared-

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The shared between different implementations functionality for some types of rhythmicity evaluation. Based on the ideas related to PhLADiPreLiO (Phonetic Languages Approach to Discovering the Preferred Line Options) for Ukrainian language. Is previously located at:

Ukrainian documentation

English documentation

P.S.: the author would like to devote this project to support the Foundation GASTROSTARS. At the 12/03/2023 there was the foundation founder's (this is Emma Kok) Birthday. If you would like to share some financial support, please, contact the foundation using the URL:

Contact Foundation GASTROSTARS