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  • Development
    • Scaffold
      • Development.Scaffold.Cabal
        • Actions
          • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Actions.Expand
          • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Actions.Import
          • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Actions.List
          • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Actions.New
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.App
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Config
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Constants
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Runner
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Snapshots
        • Development.Scaffold.Cabal.Template
      • Development.Scaffold.Template
  • Path
    • IO
      • Path.IO.Utils
  • Streaming
    • ByteString
      • Char8
        • Replace
          • Streaming.ByteString.Char8.Replace.Attoparsec


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Dependencies aeson, attoparsec, base (>=4.7 && <5), base64-bytestring, bytestring, cabal-scaffold, case-insensitive, conduit, containers, dlist, exceptions, foldable1-classes-compat, foldl, generic-lens, githash, http-conduit, http-types, lens, lens-aeson, mustache, optparse-applicative, path, path-io, project-template, regex-applicative-text, replace-attoparsec, rio, rio-orphans, safe-exceptions, streaming, streaming-attoparsec, streaming-bytestring, strict, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, yaml [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2023 (c) Hiromi Ishii
Author Hiromi Ishii
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Source repo head: git clone
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Readme for cabal-scaffold-

[back to package description]

cabal-scaffold - Scaffolding Tool for Cabal-based Projects with Stackage Snapshots

cabal-scaffold provides a cabal-analogue of stack new. It automatically downloads cabal.project.freeze corresponding to the specified Stackage Snapshot.


Usage: cabal-scaffold new [--resolver ARG] [-p|--param KEY:VALUE] 
                          [-w|--with-compiler COMPILER] PROJECT_NAME [TEMPLATE]

  Create New Project

Available options:
  --resolver ARG           Stackage resolver (default: lts)
  -p,--param KEY:VALUE     Parameters to specify explicitly
  -w,--with-compiler COMPILER
                           The compiler to use in the project
  PROJECT_NAME             Project name
  TEMPLATE                 Template Name or path
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Example Usage

Create a new project my-new-package with the default template, resolver, and compiler:

cabal-scaffold new my-new-package

Create a package by specifying the template name:

cabal-scaffold new my-new-package my-template

Create a package by specifying the path to the template:

cabal-scaffold new my-new-package ./path/to/my-template.hsfiles

Create a package with specified template, resolver, compiler, and custom params:

cabal-scaffold new -p category:Network --resolver lts-20.1 --with-compiler ghc-9.2.6 my-new-package default

Resolvers can be specified partially (resolved by querying to stackage):

cabal-scaffold new --resolver lts my-new-package

cabal-scaffold new --resolver lts-20 my-new-package

cabal-scaffold new --resolver nightly my-new-package


Save the following as ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/cabal-scaffold.yaml (by default, it is equivalent to ~/.config/cabal-scaffold.yaml):

templateDirs: []
hpack: true

  template: default
  snapshot: lts-20

  author-name: Your Name
  # github-username: octcat


Templates must be placed under ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/cabal-scaffold (defaulted to ~/.local/share/cabal-scaffold). The format is the same as the one used by stack; i.e. hsfiles format. You can just copy templates from ~/.stack/templates, or adding ~/.stack/templates to templateDirs config item.

Templates in the scope can be inspected by cabal-scaffold expand command:

Usage: cabal-scaffold expand TEMPLATE [DIR]

  Search and expand the template to the specified directory

Available options:
  TEMPLATE                 The template to expand
  DIR                      The directory to put the expanded template
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Directory or hsfiles can be imported by cabal-scaffold import command:

Usage: cabal-scaffold import [-S|--override] PATH [TEMPLATE_NAME]

  Import directory or .hsfiles as a new preset template

Available options:
  -S,--override            If on, this will overrides the existing templates
  PATH                     The path to the hsfiles tempalte-file or directory to
                           import as a template
  TEMPLATE_NAME            The name of the template. If omitted, uses the base
                           name (without extension) of input template path.
  -h,--help                Show this help text