Note this lib is still pretty new and relatively experimental, as such it
doesn't have great performance characteristics. Maybe don't use it in
performance critical applications.
Grids can have an arbitrary amount of dimensions, specified by a type-level
list of Nat
Each grid has Functor, Applicative, and Representable instances making it easy
to do Matlab-style matrix programming. The Applicative
instance operates
piecewise making it easy to do most math operations. There's a Num
for grids holding numbers, so piecewise addition is just grid1 + grid2
, the
implementation allows things like myGrid * 5
to perform
multiplication (although it's likely less efficient than using fmap!)
By combining with Control.Comonad.Representable.Store
you can do context-wise
linear transformations for things like Image Processing or Cellular
All in a typesafe package!
Grids backed by a single contiguous Vector and gain the
associated performance benefits. Currently only boxed immutable vectors are
supported, but let me know if you need other variants.
Here's how we might represent a Tic-Tac-Toe board which we'll fill with
alternating X's and O's:
data Piece = X | O deriving Show
toPiece :: Int -> Piece
toPiece n = if even n then X
else O
ticTacToe :: Grid [3, 3] Piece
ticTacToe = generate toPiece
You can collapse the grid down to nested lists! The output type of
depends on your dimensions, e.g.:
Grid [3, 3] Piece
will generate: [[Piece]]
Grid [2, 2, 2] Char
will generate: [[[Char]]]
- ...etc
λ> toNestedLists ticTacToe
[ [X,O,X]
, [O,X,O]
, [X,O,X]]
You can even create a grid from nested lists! fromNestedLists
returns a grid
if possible, or Nothing
if the provided lists don't match the structure of
the grid you specify:
λ> fromNestedLists [[1, 2], [3, 4]] :: Maybe (Grid '[2, 2] Int)
Just (Grid [[1,2]
λ> fromNestedLists [[1], [2]] :: Maybe (Grid '[2, 2] Int)
Grids are Representable Functors, Applicatives, Foldable, and are Traversable!
You can do things like piecewise addition using their applicative instance:
λ> let g = generate id :: Grid '[2, 3] Int
λ> g
(Grid [[0,1,2]
λ> liftA2 (+) g g
(Grid [[0,2,4]
λ> liftA2 (*) g g
(Grid [[0,1,4]
You can index into a grid using the Coord
type. The number of
coordinates you need depends on the shape of the grid.
is really just a wrapping over a list of integers. It's recommended that
you use coord
to safely construct Coord
values, but you can cheat and use
the Coord
constructor or even OverLoadedLists
if you want to.
You can get a value out of a grid for a particular index out using index
from Data.Functor.Rep
λ> let g = generate id :: Grid '[2, 3] Int
λ> g
(Grid [[0,1,2]
λ> g `index` Coord [1 , 1]
λ> g `index` Coord [1, 0]
λ> g `index` Coord [0, 2]
You can also use the cell
Lens from Data.Grid.Lens
to access and mutate
λ> g ^. cell (Coord [0, 1])
λ> g & cell (Coord [0, 1]) *~ 1000
(Grid [[0,1000,2]
You can generate a grid by providing a function over the integer position in the grid (generate
) or by providing
a function over the coordinate position of the cell (tabulate
). Or of course you can just use pure
You can also use the fromList
and fromNestedLists
functions which return a
Maybe (Grid dims a)
depending on whether the input list is well formed.
fromList :: [a] -> Maybe (Grid dims a)
fromNestedLists :: NestedLists dims a -> Maybe (Grid dims a)
generate :: (Int -> a) -> Grid dims a
tabulate :: (Coord dims -> a) -> Grid dims a
pure :: a -> Grid dims a
Use either the cell
lens, or fmap, applicative, traversable.
For batch updates using the underlying Vector implementation use (//)
(//) :: Grid dims a -> [(Coord dims, a)] -> Grid dims a
Cellular Automata
See the haddock docs
for a guide on building Conway's game of life in only a few lines.
Coming soon