realworldhaskell: The Real World Haskell Book

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Author Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, John Goerzen
Category Learning
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Real World Haskell

Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, and Don Stewart

To Cian, Ruairi, and Shannon, for the love and joy they bring. -- Bryan

For my wife, Terah, with thanks for all her love, encouragement, and support. -- John

To Suzie, for her love and support. -- Don

This is a living version of the legendary Real World Haskell book by the Three Immortals.

Their contribution to the Haskell ecosystem will forever remain unparalleled, not only with regard to writing this book, but also in the industrial application of the Haskell Programming Language -- breaking the boundaries that had largely come to be set in academia alone. Since then, the community has steadily been gathering to the point that now we have the Haskell Foundation to direct its progress.

It is clear that The Three wanted to bring this phenomenal langauge to mainstream industry in order to save themselves (and the rest of the world) from the toil of working with non-functional programming languages.

The Haskell ecosystem has come a long way since this book was published, and moreover, the onward march of our beloved Haskellers towards programming-language-nirvana is relentless. All are welcome to help this book keep up with the party!