darcs-monitor: Darcs repository monitor (sends email)

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Darcs-monitor will send email to a specified recipient about new changes added to a specific darcs repository. It can be run as an apply posthook (resulting in near-instantaneous "push" emails), or periodically from Cron, or occasionally by hand, whatever seems most convenient.

[Skip to Readme]


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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.3.4, 0.3.5, 0.3.6, 0.3.7, 0.3.8, 0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.4.2
Change log ChangeLog
Dependencies base (<5), containers, directory, HaXml (>=1.20 && <1.21), mtl, process [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Copyright 2007 Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho 2007 Benja Fallenstein 2007 Benjamin Franksen 2010 Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot@marcot.eti.br>
Author Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
Maintainer Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot@marcot.eti.br>
Category Distribution
Home page http://wiki.darcs.net/RelatedSoftware/DarcsMonitor
Uploaded by MarcoSilva at 2011-06-13T14:23:29Z
Distributions Debian:0.4.2
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables darcs-monitor
Downloads 6522 total (12 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2016-11-11 [all 9 reports]

Readme for darcs-monitor-0.4.2

[back to package description]

Darcs-monitor sends email to a specified recipient about every patch
in the repository that it has not sent mail about yet.  It can be run from
Cron or as a darcs apply posthook, whichever fits best your needs.

It ought not be too hard to extend it for other kinds of notification than
just emails; but no others are implemented at this time.

There is a DarcsWiki page on darcs-monitor at


Darcs-monitor depends on mtl and HaXml.  First, make sure they are

Darcs-monitor is Cabalised.  The standard incantations

   runhaskell Setup.hs configure
   runhaskell Setup.hs build
   runhaskell Setup.hs install

ought to work for most people.

Darcs-monitor has been tested using GHC 6.12.1.  It might not work with
older compilers; though patches are accepted for fixing any


In the following, I assume that the repository you want to monitor is
in directory $REPO.

To have darcs-monitor run every time someone pushes to the repository,
create the file $REPO/_darcs/prefs/defaults with the following content:

8<-- cut here --
apply posthook darcs-monitor --charset=CHARSET email RECIPIENT [email RECIPIENT ...]
apply run-posthook
8<-- cut here

In the above, CHARSET should be the MIME charset that patches
(including their metadata) are in, and RECIPIENT should be the email
address where emails should be sent. You can specify more than one recipient
by repeating the email parameter. Also, if darcs-monitor is not
installed in the default $PATH, you should specify th full path to the
darcs-monitor binary.

You can also run darcs-monitor from Cron or from the command line.  In
those cases, it is easiest to specify the path to the repository on
the command line after other arguments.  In fact, you can specify more
than one.

By default, mail is sent by calling /usr/sbin/sendmail.  Another sendmail
binary can be specified by using a command-line switch.

You can customise the email by providing a template.  The default one
is installed in the Cabal-specified datadir as "default-template".
You should put your own template in the file
(you can use other files, but then you have to specify where it is).

In the template you can use the following substitutions:
  %RECIPIENT%   -- the email address to which email is sent
  %DIFF%        -- the Darcs-provided diff -u of the patch
  %CHANGES%     -- a Darcs-provided summary of changes
  %REPO%        -- the path to the repository
  %SHORTREPO%   -- the final component of the path to the repository
  %AUTHOR%      -- the patch author
  %DATE%        -- the patch date
  %HASH%        -- the patch Darcs hash
  %TITLE%       -- the patch name
  %COMMENT%     -- the patch comment

Also, in the template, two percent signs in sequence (%%) start a comment
that extends to the end of the current line.


The following people, in addition to myself, have contributed code to
this program:

  Benja Fallenstein
  Benjamin Franksen

My thanks to them.


Please send comments and bug reports to marcot@marcot.eti.br.

Any patches should be prepared with Darcs against the repository
and sent using "darcs send".

Have fun,

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho