binance-exports: Generate CSV Exports of your Binance Trade History.

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binance-exports is a CLI program that queries the API for your Trade History & exports all trades to a CSV file.

Sometime during February 2022, Binance removed their Trade History page, along with the ability to export your completed trades. The Order History export is still available, but the format is more difficult to parse.

This package contains a replacement executable for the Trade History export, generating CSVs with an almost-identical format. There are two differences: we split the trade symbol into two separate asset columns & include the trade ID.

You can install binance-exports with Stack: stack install --resolver nightly binance-exports. Then run the following to print out your trades for a given symbol:

$ binance-exports -k <API_KEY> -s <API_SECRET> SOLUSD
2022-03-01 21:20:44,SOL,USD,BUY,42.2424,0.42,42.90010000,0.0009001,BNB,9001

See binance-exports --help for additional options.

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Dependencies aeson (<3), base (>=4.7 && <5), binance-exports, bytedump (<2), bytestring (<1), cassava (<1), cmdargs (>=0.10 && <1), cryptohash-sha256 (<1), directory (<2), http-client (<1), http-types (<1), mtl (<3), raw-strings-qq (<2), req (<4), safe-exceptions (<1), scientific (<1), text (<3), time (<2), xdg-basedir (<1), yaml (<1) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2022 Pavan Rikhi
Author Pavan Rikhi
Category Web, Finance, Console
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by lysergia at 2023-06-24T17:32:49Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage:
Executables binance-exports
Downloads 482 total (13 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2023-06-24 [all 1 reports]

Readme for binance-exports-

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binance-exports Build Status

Export Your Binance Trade History to a CSV.

Sometime during February 2022, Binance removed their Trade History page, along with the ability to export your completed trades. The Order History export is still available, but the format is more difficult to parse. This command is a replacement for the Trade History export, generating CSVs with an almost-identical format. There are two differences: we split the trade symbol into two separate asset columns & include the trade ID.

Requires stack & a API key & secret:

stack run -- -k <API_KEY> -s <API_SECRET> <SYMBOL1> <SYMBOL2> etc
stack run -- --help


  • Switch between Binance & Binance US APIs
  • Include Fiat/Crypto Deposits & Withdrawals


You can install the CLI exe by running stack install. This lets you call the executable directly instead of through stack:

$ stack install
$ export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin/:${PATH}"
$ binance-exports -k <API_KEY> -s <API_SECRET> SOLUSD
2022-03-01 21:20:44,SOL,USD,BUY,42.2424,0.42,42.90010000,0.0009001,BNB,9001


You can build the project with stack:

stack build

For development, you can enable fast builds with file-watching, documentation-building, & test-running:

stack test --haddock --fast --file-watch --pedantic

To build & open the documentation, run:

stack haddock --open binance-exports