mathblog: A program for creating and managing a static weblog with LaTeX math and diagrams
This package provides a program for creating and
managing a statically-generated, VCS-friendly,
mathematically-inclined weblog. If you're
interested in managing a blog with few moving
parts and support for embedded LaTeX math,
embedded function plotting, and the UNIX editor
of your choice, then this is the blogging
platform for you! For detailed information and a
full feature list, please see the manual PDF in the
[Skip to Readme]
- mathblog-0.6.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 |
Change log | |
Dependencies | base (>=3 && <5), bytestring, ConfigFile (>=1.1), containers (>=0.3), data-default, deepseq (>=1.2), directory (>=1.0), either (>=3.4), filepath (>=1.1), fsnotify (>=0.0.6), HStringTemplate (>=0.6), HTTP, http-server (>=1.0.2), HUnit, JuicyPixels (>=3.1), mtl (>=2.0), network, old-locale (>=1.0), pandoc (>=1.12), pandoc-types (>=1.12), process (>=1.0), SHA (>=1.4), system-filepath, temporary (>=1.1.2), test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time (>=1.1), unix (>=2.3), url [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Author | Jonathan Daugherty <> |
Maintainer | Jonathan Daugherty <> |
Category | Web |
Home page | |
Source repo | head: git clone git:// |
Uploaded | by JonathanDaugherty at 2015-10-03T22:14:47Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | mb-tests, mb |
Downloads | 4313 total (7 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs not available [build log] All reported builds failed as of 2016-12-01 [all 5 reports] |