_____ _
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\____/\__,_|\__\___|_| | .__/ \___|\__,_|
| |
Euterpea is a domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for
computer music research, education, and development, providing
both note-level and signal-level abstractions. It is a descendant
of Haskore and HasSound, and is intended for both educational purposes
as well as serious computer music applications. Euterpea is a
wide-spectrum DSL, suitable for high-level music representation,
algorithmic composition, and analysis; mid-level concepts such as
MIDI; and low-level audio processing, sound synthesis, and instrument
design. It also includes a "musical user interface," a set of
computer-music specific GUI widgets such as keyboards, pushbuttons,
sliders, and so on. The performance of Euterpea is intended to be
as good as any other computer music language, with the goal of being
able to develop real-time applications, using both MIDI and a
high-performance back-end for real-time audio.
See Liense for licensing information.
Homepage: http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/
==== Getting the Source ====
Currently (2/8/2014), the most up-to-date version of Euterpea is
available through GitHub at:
We recommend checking out the master version, as it should always be
kept stable.
When we reach milestones, we will release stable versions to Hackage.
======= Installation =======
Installing from source RECOMMENDED (updated 2/8/2014)
1) Clone the source from github
git clone https://github.com/Euterpea/Euterpea
2) cd into the Euterpea directory
cd Euterpea
3) install Euterpea with cabal
cabal install
--------- Windows ----------
There are currently no further steps or known issues installing on Windows.
---------- Linux -----------
You may require additional steps to get MIDI sound output working on Linux.
First of all, we recommend using TiMidity (http://timidity.sourceforge.net/)
and either Freepats (http://freepats.zenvoid.org/) or PersonalCopy
(ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/Unison.sf2.gz) for MIDI support.
Make sure timidity is properly depending on the PersonalCopy soundfont
if you're using it.
Make sure timidity is the default MIDI-Through port. The easiest way to
do this is probably to remove the default dummy port:
sudo rmmod snd_seq_dummy
Then, while Euterpea programs are running, you must have timidity running
in the background:
timidity -iA -Os &
--------- Mac OS X ---------
OS X is the least desirable platform on which to run Euterpea. In fact,
the latest release of OS X (Mavericks) has trouble with GHC in general.
We, the maintainers, currently do not have a Mac to test with, and so we
have no exact instructions for how to set up GHC and Euterpea to get them
into a functioning condition.
Once Euterpea is set up, you may require additional steps to get MIDI sound
output working. Download SimpleSynth and open it before you run ghci. It�s
a software MIDI synthesizer that plays MIDI output through the speaker.
Furthermore, you will have to use the ``EnableGUI trick'' to run GUI
programs for Euterpea. To do so, first compile EnableGUI.hs from the
Euterpea/Examples directory to binary:
ghc -c -fffi EnableGUI.hs
(Note: on some systems it is necessary to add the option
``-framework ApplicationServices'')
Then, run your Euterpea GUI programs in ghci like this:
ghci UIExamples.hs EnableGUI
*UIExamples> :m +EnableGUI
*UIExamples EnableGUI> enableGUI >> main
With this, GHCi will be able to fully activate the Graphics Window. (Fully
compiled GUI programs do not suffer from this anomaly.)
------ Troubleshooting -----
If you get errors about packages not being installed, make sure that cabal
binaries are in your `$PATH`.
To add cabal binaries to your path first add
export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH
to your .bashrc and then run
source ~/.bashrc
Now you should be able to successfully cabal install.
======= Building HSoM ======
This Euterpea distribution comes with the source code for the book:
The Haskell School of Music, by Paul Hudak.
Building the source into a PDF requires LaTeX as well as the package
lhs2TeX. Information about LaTeX can be found at
and information about lhs2TeX can be found at
As lhs2TeX is available on Hackage, it can be installed with cabal:
cabal install lhs2tex
Once these are ready, building the book can be achieved by running the
batch script MakeTex.bat in the HSoM directory. This will compile the
lhs files into tex files, the tex files to a dvi, the dvi into a ps, and
finally the ps to a pdf.
Note that the files of HSoM are Literate Haskell (lhs) files. As such,
they can be run directly with GHC. However, the batch script MakeCode.bat
will extract just the code. Although they can be regenerated, these
extracted files are already included with the Euterpea distribution, and
many are important files for the proper functioning of the library.
====== Getting Started =====
A good place to begin learning about Euterpea is from the text that
accompanies this distribution: The Haskell School of Music, by Paul Hudak.
The source files are available in the HSoM directory, and building them
to a PDF is described above.
Using Euterpea is generally as easy as adding
import Euterpea
to the imports of your Haskell program. However, for specific advanced uses,
other specific imports can be appropriate.
Lastly, the Euterpea.Examples subdirectory contains many examples of using
Euterpea in practice. These examples are designed to showcase Euterpea's
powers, but they may also be useful simply as a starting off point.
======== Information =======
Euterpea was created by:
Paul Hudak <paul.hudak@cs.yale.edu>,
Eric Cheng <eric.cheng@aya.yale.edu>,
Hai (Paul) Liu <hai.liu@aya.yale.edu>
and is currently maintained by
Paul Hudak <paul.hudak@cs.yale.edu>,
Donya Quick <donya.quick@yale.edu>,
Dan Winograd-Cort <daniel.winograd-cort@yale.edu>
This file was last modified on 2/8/2014
by Daniel Winograd-Cort