Cabal: A framework for packaging Haskell software
The Haskell Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries: a framework defining a common interface for authors to more easily build their Haskell applications in a portable way.
The Haskell Cabal is meant to be a part of a larger infrastructure for distributing, organizing, and cataloging Haskell libraries and tools.
- Distribution
- Compat
- Distribution.Compat.FilePath
- Distribution.Compiler
- Distribution.Extension
- Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
- Distribution.License
- Distribution.Make
- Distribution.Package
- Distribution.PackageDescription
- Distribution.ParseUtils
- Distribution.PreProcess
- Distribution.Program
- Distribution.Setup
- Distribution.Simple
- Distribution.Simple.Build
- Distribution.Simple.Configure
- Distribution.Simple.GHC
- Distribution.Simple.GHCPackageConfig
- Distribution.Simple.Hugs
- Distribution.Simple.Install
- Distribution.Simple.JHC
- Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
- Distribution.Simple.NHC
- Distribution.Simple.Register
- Distribution.Simple.SrcDist
- Distribution.Simple.Utils
- Distribution.Version
- Compat
- Language
- Haskell
- Cabal-1.1.6.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (revised from the package)
Note: This package has metadata revisions in the cabal description newer than included in the tarball. To unpack the package including the revisions, use 'cabal get'.
Maintainer's Corner
- AndresLoeh, BenGamari, DuncanCoutts, HerbertValerioRiedel, MikhailGlushenkov, MikolajKonarski, fffaaa, phadej, Bodigrim, topos, ArtemPelenitsyn, hecate
For package maintainers and hackage trustees