Packages tagged reactivity

39 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (33), frp (32), bsd3 (28), gui (12), user-interfaces (12), reactive (9), html (8), javascript (8), user-interface (8), web (8), program (7), control (5), mit (4), reflex (4), concurrency (3), filesystem (2), game (2), network (2), streaming (2), streamly (2), agpl (1), apache (1), array (1), data (1), dataflow (1), deprecated (1), error-handling (1), failure (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Animas100.01Updated version of Yampa: a library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2011-03-270.2EdwardAmsden
Dflow40.01Processing Real-time event streams (bsd3, library, reactivity)2012-04-290.0.1PaulJohnson
YFrob80.01Yampa-based library for programming robots (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity, yampa, yampa-)2010-10-120.4TristanSkudlik
Yampa2322.516Elegant Functional Reactive Programming Language for Hybrid Systems (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2024-12-080.14.12IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
Yampa-core50.01Library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2015-06-250.2.0NikolayOrlyuk
bot140.01bots for functional reactive programming (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2010-02-250.3ConalElliott
dow330.01Dungeons of Wor (bsd3, frp, game, program, reactivity)2016-06-190.2.6GergelyPatai
dunai1110.07Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2024-12-230.14.0IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci, keera_studios_ci_dunai
dunai-core30.01Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP. (Core library fork.) (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2018-10-
elerea842.05A minimalistic FRP library (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2016-06-192.9.0GergelyPatai
elerea-examples490.01Example applications for Elerea (bsd3, frp, program, reactivity)2016-06-192.9.0GergelyPatai
grapefruit-examples320.01Examples using the Grapefruit library (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-frp280.05Functional Reactive Programming core (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2017-04-
grapefruit-records240.04A record system for Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, data, frp, library, reactivity)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui230.03Declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui-gtk240.01GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
haskanoid352.251A breakout game written in Yampa using SDL (frp, game, program, reactivity)2023-04-080.1.6IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
io-reactive50.02An API for generating TIMBER style reactive objects. (bsd3, control, library, program, reactivity)2008-09-230.1.1AndyGill
machinecell710.01Arrow based stream transducers (bsd3, control, frp, library, reactivity)2018-04-174.0.1HidenoriAzuma
midair232.01Hot-swappable FRP (concurrency, control, frp, gpl, interaction, library, music, reactive, reactivity, user-interfaces)2018-11-
reaction-logic70.01pluggable pure logic serializable reactor (bsd3, library, program, reactivity)2010-11-162010.11.17PaoloVeronelli
reactive690.04Push-pull functional reactive programming (frp, reactivity)2010-07-280.11.5ConalElliott, RussellOConnor
reactive-banana-automation580.01home (etc) automation using reactive-banana (agpl, frp, library, reactivity)2024-10-110.5.7JoeyHess
reactive-haskell (deprecated)80.01minimal fork of io-reactive (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, reactivity)2014-09-230.0.1Heather
reactivity170.01An alternate implementation of push-pull FRP. (frp, reactivity)2016-06-
reenact250.02A reimplementation of the Reactive library. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2013-07-230.9HansHoglund
reflex-dom882.59Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-core1002.011Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-ionic120.00Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-04-
reflex-dom-retractable202.00Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2020-11-
reflex-dom-th250.00reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-10-010.3.4ChristophBauer
reflex-external-ref110.02External reference with reactivity support (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-localize160.01Localization library for reflex (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-localize-dom130.00Helper widgets for reflex-localize (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
resumable-exceptions100.01A monad transformer for resumable exceptions (control, error-handling, failure, library, monads, reactivity)2010-09-
simple-affine-space440.09A simple library for affine and vector spaces. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2023-04-070.2.1IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
streamly2542.534Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency (array, bsd3, concurrency, dataflow, filesystem, library, list, logic, network, non-determinism, parsing, pipes, reactivity, streaming, streamly, time, unicode)2024-01-180.10.1harendra, pranaysashank, adithyaov
streamly-examples122.00Examples for Streamly (apache, concurrency, filesystem, network, program, reactivity, streaming, streamly, text)2023-12-150.2.0harendra, adithyaov, ranjeetra
wxFruit140.01An implementation of Fruit using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library, program, reactivity)2010-12-, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas