Packages tagged list

21 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (21), bsd3 (14), data (5), array (3), mit (3), dataflow (2), logic (2), mpl (2), non-determinism (2), parsing (2), pipes (2), streaming (2), streamly (2), time (2), apache (1), bytestring (1), concurrency (1), data-structures (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
ListLike2062.052Generalized support for list-like structures (bsd3, bytestring, library, list, string, text, vector)2023-10-, DavidFox, JohnGoerzen, JohnLato
array-list52.00IsList instances of Array for OverloadedLists extension (array, data, library, list, mit)2020-06-
data-ordlist562.2522Set and bag operations on ordered lists (bsd3, data, library, list)2014-11-
do-list150.01Do notation for free (bsd3, data, library, list, syntax)2016-09-191.0.1TarasSerduke
exotic-list-monads100.00Non-standard monads on lists and non-empty lists (library, list, mit, monads)2023-11-211.1.1maciejpirog
ilist470.016Optimised list functions for doing index-related things (library, list, mpl)2020-05-, brandonhamilton
lcs70.03Find longest common sublist of two lists (library, list)2008-02-010.2IanLynagh
list-duplicate70.00Group and delete duplicates from a list (bsd3, library, list)2020-05-
list-extras220.012Common not-so-common functions for lists (bsd3, library, list)2021-10-, WrenRomano
list-filter70.00Special takes and drops on lists (bsd3, library, list)2020-05-
list-mux30.01List Multiplexing (bsd3, library, list)2012-08-231.0ChrisHeller
list-predicate101.50Predicates on lists (bsd3, library, list)2020-05-
listsafe120.09Safe wrappers for partial list functions, supporting MonadThrow. (apache, data, library, list, safe)2015-05-, jtapolczai2
opentheory-stream160.02Infinite stream types (library, list, mit)2015-10-191.49JoeHurd
ranged-list230.00The list like structure whose length or range of length can be specified (bsd3, library, list)2022-12-
scroll-list120.00This package provides functions for relocate an item within a list. (bsd3, library, list)2021-04-
slist1172.251Sized list (data-structures, library, list, mpl)2022-11-
split4402.25534Combinator library for splitting lists. (bsd3, library, list)2024-01-110.2.5BrentYorgey
streamly1922.533Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency (array, bsd3, concurrency, dataflow, filesystem, library, list, logic, network, non-determinism, parsing, pipes, reactivity, streaming, streamly, time, unicode)2024-01-180.10.1harendra, pranaysashank, adithyaov
streamly-core752.012Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more (array, bsd3, dataflow, library, list, logic, non-determinism, parsing, pipes, streaming, streamly, time)2024-01-180.2.2harendra, adithyaov
utility-ht3432.0103Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions (bsd3, data, library, list)2024-07-