Packages tagged postgresql

32 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (31), database (28), mit (21), hasql (19), bsd3 (10), streaming (8), program (5), parsing (2), PostgreSQL (1), codecs (1), conduit (1), data (1), error-handling (1), eventsourcing (1), executable (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
eventful-postgresql152.01Postgres implementations for eventful (database, eventsourcing, library, mit, postgresql)2017-07-310.2.0jdreaver
gargoyle-postgresql172.02Manage PostgreSQL servers with gargoyle (bsd3, library, postgresql, program)2022-07-, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
hasql4872.545Fast PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2025-01-151.9.1NikitaVolkov
hasql-class180.01Encodable and Decodable classes for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)2018-02-
hasql-cursor-query590.01A declarative abstraction over PostgreSQL Cursor (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2025-01-
hasql-cursor-transaction520.01An abstraction for simultaneous fetching from multiple PostgreSQL cursors (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2025-01-
hasql-interpolate470.00QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)2024-07-, tstat
hasql-listen-notify130.00LISTEN/NOTIFY with hasql (bsd3, hasql, library, postgresql)2023-12-
hasql-notifications1300.03LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql, program)2024-10-
hasql-optparse-applicative1340.02"optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql" (database, hasql, library, mit, options, postgresql)2025-01-060.9NikitaVolkov
hasql-pool2780.011Pool of connections for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2025-01-061.3NikitaVolkov
hasql-resource-pool270.00A pool of connections for Hasql based on resource-pool. (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2023-03-
hasql-streams-conduit40.00Stream Hasql queries with Conduit (conduit, database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-core40.04Stream Hasql queries (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-example40.00An example program that shows how to use Hasql streams with Rel8 (database, hasql, mit, postgresql, program, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-pipes40.00Stream Hasql queries with Pipes (database, hasql, library, mit, pipes, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-streaming60.00Stream Hasql queries with Streaming (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-streamly42.00Stream Hasql queries with Streamly (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming, streamly)2022-02-
hasql-th1550.02Template Haskell utilities for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, template-haskell)2025-01-
hasql-transaction2390.09Composable abstraction over retryable transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2025-01-
hasql-transaction-io240.05Perform IO actions during transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2024-09-
orville-postgresql32.50A Haskell library for PostgreSQL (database, library, mit, postgresql)2023-10-311.0.0.0TrevisElser, onslaughtq, flipstone, qxjit
poseidon82.01Simple extensible library to run SQL file against PostgreSQL database. (PostgreSQL, bsd3, database, library, postgresql)2019-09-
poseidon-postgis50.00Extension of Poseidon library for Postgis (Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL) (bsd3, database, library, postgresql)2019-09-
postgres-websockets360.00Middleware to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets (bsd3, database, library, postgresql, program, web, websockets)2023-11-
postgresql-binary3010.011Encoders and decoders for the PostgreSQL's binary format (codecs, database, library, mit, parsing, postgresql)2024-06-240.14NikitaVolkov
postgresql-error-codes150.02PostgreSQL error codes (database, error-handling, library, mit, postgresql)2017-01-181.0.1NikitaVolkov
postgresql-simple-named220.00Implementation of named parameters for `postgresql-simple` library (database, library, mpl, postgresql)2024-01-, HolmuskTechTeam
postgresql-syntax540.02PostgreSQL AST parsing and rendering (database, library, mit, parsing, postgresql)2023-12-
postgrest1192.52REST API for any Postgres database (executable, library, mit, network-apis, postgresql, program)2022-07-129.0.1begriffs, steve_chavez
preql270.00safe PostgreSQL queries using Quasiquoters (bsd3, database, library, postgresql)2021-07-310.6bergey
psql-utils110.00PostgreSQL Simple util tools. (bsd3, data, library, postgresql)2020-09-