Packages tagged email

15 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (13), bsd3 (10), program (5), web (5), aws (3), mit (3), network (3), deprecated (2), snap (2), agpl (1), data (1), foreign (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
carboncopy80.01Drop emails from threads being watched into special CC folder. (bsd3, email, program)2011-03-170.1.2EugenyDzhurinsky
email-postmark (deprecated in favor of postmark)70.01A simple wrapper to send emails via the api of the service postmark ( (bsd3, deprecated, email, library)2012-03-310.2DanielPatterson
gmail-simple340.00Simple library for Google Mail (GMail). (bsd3, email, google, library)2024-02-
mail-pool220.00Preconfigured email connection pool on top of smtp. (email, library, mit, program)2024-08-142.3.1Jappie
mailgun192.02API binding for Mailgun (bsd3, email, library, web)2019-05-060.2andrewrademacher, davean
mailtrap230.00Mailtrap API library. (email, library, mit)2024-03-
mbox-tools220.01A collection of tools to process mbox files (bsd3, email, program, utility)2011-10-
mime-mail2882.030Compose MIME email messages. (email, library, mit)2021-02-230.5.1DanielChoi, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MarekSuchanek
newsletter50.01A basic newsletter implimentation, using various backends. (bsd3, email, library, program, web)2019-05-060davean
newsletter-mailgun50.00A mailgun backend for the newsletter package. (bsd3, email, library)2019-05-060davean
notmuch-haskell90.01Binding for notmuch MUA library (email, foreign, library, program)2015-04-
purebred-email530.00types and parser for email messages (including MIME) (agpl, data, email, library)2023-10-, romanofski
ses-html370.03Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, web)2017-10-
ses-html-snaplet (deprecated in favor of snaplet-ses-html)60.01Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, deprecated, email, library, network, snap, web)2014-09-
snaplet-ses-html80.01Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, snap, web)2015-06-