{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Strategies can be configured at their labeled positions. Possible actions

-- are remove/reinsert, collapse/expand, and hide/reveal.



module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Configuration

   ( StrategyCfg, byName, ConfigAction(..)

   , configure, configureS

   , remove, collapse, hide, multi

   , isConfigId

   ) where

import Data.Char

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Data.Semigroup as Sem

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.Rule

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Abstract

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree hiding (label)

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Derived (repeat1)

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Process hiding (fold)

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.StrategyTree

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Symbol

import qualified Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree as Tree


-- Types and constructors

newtype StrategyCfg = Cfg [(ConfigLocation, ConfigAction)]

instance Show StrategyCfg where

   show (Cfg xs) = show xs

instance Sem.Semigroup StrategyCfg where

   (Cfg xs) <> (Cfg ys) = Cfg (xs ++ ys)

instance Monoid StrategyCfg where

   mempty  = Cfg []

   mconcat xs = Cfg [ y | Cfg ys <- xs, y <- ys ]

   mappend = (<>)

newtype ConfigLocation = ByName Id

instance Show ConfigLocation where

   show (ByName a) = show a

data ConfigAction = Remove | Reinsert | Collapse | Expand | Hide | Reveal

   deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Read ConfigAction where

   readsPrec _ s =

      let f = map toLower

      in [ (x, "") | x <- concat actionGroups, f s == f (show x) ]

actionGroups :: [[ConfigAction]]

actionGroups = [[Remove, Reinsert], [Collapse, Expand], [Hide, Reveal]]

byName :: HasId a => ConfigAction -> a -> StrategyCfg

byName action a = Cfg [(ByName (getId a), action)]


-- Configure

configure :: StrategyCfg -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a

configure cfg ls = label (getId ls) (configureS cfg (unlabel ls))

configureS :: StrategyCfg -> Strategy a -> Strategy a

configureS = onStrategyTree . configureStrategyTree

configureStrategyTree :: StrategyCfg -> StrategyTree a -> StrategyTree a

configureStrategyTree (Cfg pairs) tree = foldr handle tree pairs


   handle (ByName l, action) =

      case action of

         Remove   -> insertAtLabel l removeDecl

         Reinsert -> removeAtLabel l removeDecl

         Collapse -> insertAtLabel l collapseDecl

         Expand   -> removeAtLabel l collapseDecl

         Hide     -> insertAtLabel l hideDecl

         Reveal   -> removeAtLabel l hideDecl

insertAtLabel :: Id -> Decl Unary -> StrategyTree a -> StrategyTree a

insertAtLabel n comb = replaceLeaf f . replaceLabel g


   f a | n == getId a = fromUnary (applyDecl comb) (leaf a)

       | otherwise    = leaf a

   g l a | n == l    = fromUnary (applyDecl comb) (Tree.label l a)

         | otherwise = Tree.label l a

removeAtLabel :: Id -> Decl Unary -> StrategyTree a -> StrategyTree a

removeAtLabel n _decl = replaceNode $ \d xs -> -- fix me: use decl

   case map nextId xs of

      [Just l] | n == l -> head xs

      _ -> node d xs

nextId :: StrategyTree a -> Maybe Id

nextId = fold monoidAlg

   { fNode  = \d xs -> if isConfigId d && length xs == 1

                       then head xs

                       else Nothing

   , fLeaf  = Just . getId

   , fLabel = \l _  -> Just l


isConfigId :: HasId a => a -> Bool

isConfigId = (`elem` map getId configIds) . getId


-- Combinator definitions

remove, collapse, hide :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a

remove   = decl1 removeDecl

collapse = decl1 collapseDecl

hide     = decl1 hideDecl

-- | Apply a strategy at least once, but collapse into a single step

multi :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> Strategy a

multi l = collapse . label l . decl1 repeatDecl . toStrategy

repeatDecl :: Decl Unary -- fix me: overlap with combinators

repeatDecl = "repeat1" .=. Unary repeat1

configIds :: [Id]

configIds = map getId [removeDecl, collapseDecl, hideDecl]

removeDecl :: Decl Unary

removeDecl = "removed" .=. Unary (const empty)

collapseDecl :: Decl Unary

collapseDecl = "collapsed" .=. Unary f


   f a = case firsts a of

            [(LeafRule r, _)] -> maybe empty (`collapseWith` a) (isEnterRule r)

            _ -> empty

   collapseWith l =

      single . LeafRule . makeRule l . runProcess

hideDecl :: Decl Unary

hideDecl = "hidden" .=. Unary (fmap minor)