{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Abstract data type for a 'Strategy' and a 'LabeledStrategy'.



module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Abstract

   ( -- * Strategy data type


     -- * Labeled strategies

   , LabeledStrategy, label, unlabel

     -- * Lifting to strategies

   , IsStrategy(..), liftS, liftS2, liftSn

    -- * Prefixes

   , emptyPrefix, replayPath, replayPaths, replayStrategy

    -- * Rules

   , rulesInStrategy, mapRules, mapRulesS

   , cleanUpStrategy, cleanUpStrategyAfter

   , derivationList

     -- * Access to underlying representation

   , toStrategyTree, onStrategyTree

     -- * Strategy declarations

   , useDecl, decl0, decl1, decl2, declN

   ) where

import Data.Foldable (toList)

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Common.Derivation

import Ideas.Common.Environment

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting (RewriteRule)

import Ideas.Common.Rule

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree hiding (label)

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Prefix

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Process

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence (Sequence(..), ready)

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.StrategyTree

import Ideas.Common.View

import Prelude hiding (sequence)

import qualified Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree as Tree


--- Strategy data-type

-- | Abstract data type for strategies

newtype Strategy a = S { unS :: StrategyTree a }

instance Show (Strategy a) where

   show = show . unS

instance Apply Strategy where

   applyAll = runProcess . getProcess

instance Choice (Strategy a) where

   empty   = decl0 ("fail" .=. Nullary empty)

   s .|. t = choice [s, t]

   s |>  t = orelse [s, t]

   s ./. t = preference [s, t]

   choice     = declN (associative ("choice" .=. Nary choice))

   preference = declN (associative ("preference" .=. Nary preference))

   orelse     = declN (associative ("orelse" .=. Nary orelse))

instance Sequence (Strategy a) where

   type Sym (Strategy a) = Rule a

   done     = decl0 ("succeed" .=. Nullary done)

   a ~> s   = sequence [toStrategy a, s]

   s .*. t  = sequence [s, t]

   single   = toStrategy

   sequence = declN (associative ("sequence" .=. Nary sequence))

instance Fix (Strategy a) where

   fix f = S (fix (unS . f . S))


--- Type class

-- | Type class to turn values into strategies

class IsStrategy f where

   toStrategy :: f a -> Strategy a

instance IsStrategy Strategy where

   toStrategy = id

instance IsStrategy LabeledStrategy where

  toStrategy (LS info (S t)) = S (Tree.label info t)

instance IsStrategy Rule where

   toStrategy = S . leaf . LeafRule

instance IsStrategy RewriteRule where

   toStrategy = toStrategy . ruleRewrite

instance IsStrategy Dynamic where

   toStrategy = S . leaf . LeafDyn

liftS :: IsStrategy f => (Strategy a -> Strategy a) -> f a -> Strategy a

liftS f = f . toStrategy

liftS2 :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g)

       => (Strategy a -> Strategy a -> Strategy a) -> f a -> g a -> Strategy a

liftS2 f = liftS . f . toStrategy

liftSn :: IsStrategy f => ([Strategy a] -> Strategy a) -> [f a] -> Strategy a

liftSn f = f . map toStrategy


--- Labeled Strategy data-type

-- | A strategy which is labeled with an identifier

data LabeledStrategy a = LS Id (Strategy a)

instance Show (LabeledStrategy a) where

   show s = showId s ++ ": " ++ show (unlabel s)

instance Apply LabeledStrategy where

   applyAll = applyAll . toStrategy

instance HasId (LabeledStrategy a) where

   getId (LS l _)      = l

   changeId f (LS l s) = LS (changeId f l) s

-- | Labels a strategy with an identifier. Labels are used to identify

-- substrategies and to specialize feedback messages. The first argument of

-- 'label' can be of type 'String', in which case the string is used as

-- identifier (and not as description).

label :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> LabeledStrategy a

label l = LS (newId l) . toStrategy

-- | Removes the label from a strategy

unlabel :: LabeledStrategy a -> Strategy a

unlabel (LS _ s) = s

-- | Construct the empty prefix for a labeled strategy

emptyPrefix :: IsStrategy f => f a -> a -> Prefix a

emptyPrefix = makePrefix . getProcess

-- | Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument

-- is the current term.

replayPath :: IsStrategy f => Path -> f a -> a -> ([Rule a], Prefix a)

replayPath path s a =

   let (xs, f) = replayProcess path (getProcess s)

   in (xs, f a)

-- | Construct a prefix for a list of paths and a labeled strategy. The third

-- argument is the current term.

replayPaths :: IsStrategy f => [Path] -> f a -> a -> Prefix a

replayPaths paths s a = mconcat

   [ snd (replayPath path s a) | path <- paths ]

-- | Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument

-- is the initial term.

replayStrategy :: (Monad m, IsStrategy f) => Path -> f a -> a -> m (a, Prefix a)

replayStrategy path s a =

   let (xs, f) = replayProcess path (getProcess s)

   in case applyList xs a of

         Just b  -> return (b, f b)

         Nothing -> fail "Cannot replay strategy"


--- Remaining functions

derivationList :: IsStrategy f => (Rule a -> Rule a -> Ordering) -> f a -> a -> [Derivation (Rule a, Environment) a]

derivationList cmpRule s a0 = rec a0 (toPrefix s)


   toPrefix = majorPrefix . flip makePrefix a0 . getProcess

   rec a prfx = (if ready prfx then (emptyDerivation a:) else id)

      [ prepend (a, rEnv) d | (rEnv, b, new) <- firstsOrd prfx, d <- rec b new ]

   firstsOrd = map f . firstsOrdered cmpRule


      f ((stp, b, env), new) = ((stp, env), b, new)

-- | Returns a list of all major rules that are part of a labeled strategy

rulesInStrategy :: IsStrategy f => f a -> [Rule a]

rulesInStrategy s = concatMap f (toList (toStrategyTree s))


   f (LeafRule r) | isMajor r = [r]

   f _ = []

instance LiftView LabeledStrategy where

   liftViewIn v (LS n s) = LS n (liftViewIn v s)

instance LiftView Strategy where

   liftViewIn v = S . fmap (liftViewIn v) . toStrategyTree

-- | Apply a function to all the rules that make up a labeled strategy

mapRules :: (Rule a -> Rule a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a

mapRules f (LS n s) = LS n (mapRulesS f s)

mapRulesS :: (Rule a -> Rule a) -> Strategy a -> Strategy a

mapRulesS = onStrategyTree . mapRulesInTree

-- | Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy, but

-- also use the function beforehand

cleanUpStrategy :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a

cleanUpStrategy f (LS n s) = cleanUpStrategyAfter f $

   LS n (doAfter f (idRule ()) ~> s)

-- | Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy

cleanUpStrategyAfter :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a

cleanUpStrategyAfter f = mapRules $ \r ->

   if isMajor r then doAfter f r else r


--- Functions to lift the core combinators

toStrategyTree :: IsStrategy f => f a -> StrategyTree a

toStrategyTree = unS . toStrategy

onStrategyTree :: IsStrategy f => (StrategyTree a -> StrategyTree a) -> f a -> Strategy a

onStrategyTree f = S . f . toStrategyTree

getProcess :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Process (Leaf a)

getProcess = treeToProcess . toStrategyTree


decl0 :: Decl Nullary -> Strategy a

decl0 = fromNullary . useDecl

decl1 :: IsStrategy f => Decl Unary -> f a -> Strategy a

decl1 = liftS . fromUnary . useDecl

decl2 :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => Decl Binary -> f a -> g a -> Strategy a

decl2 = liftS2 . fromBinary . useDecl

declN :: IsStrategy f => Decl Nary -> [f a] -> Strategy a

declN = liftSn . fromNary . useDecl

useDecl :: Arity f => Decl f -> f (Strategy a)

useDecl = liftIso (S <-> unS) . applyDecl