
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Many entities of the Ideas framework carry an 'Id' for identification.

-- Identifiers have a hierarchical structure of an arbitrary depth (e.g.

-- @algebra.equation@ or @a.b.c@). Valid symbols for identifiers are the

-- alpha-numerical characters, together with @-@ and @_@. Each identifier

-- carries a description and a hash value for fast comparison.


-- Functionality for identifiers is provided by means of three type classes:


-- * Type class 'IsId' for constructing identifiers


-- * Type class 'HasId' for accessing (and changing) the identifier of an

--   entity. Instances of this type class must always have exactly one

--   identifier (although this identifier can be empty).


-- * Type class 'Identify' for labeling entities with an identifier. Instances

-- of this type class typically allow labels to appear at multiple locations

-- within their structure.


-- The 'Id' datatype implements and re-exports the Monoid interface.



module Ideas.Common.Id

   ( -- * Constructing identifiers

     Id, IsId(..), ( # )

     -- * Accessing (and changing) identifiers

   , HasId(..), unqualified, qualifiers, qualification

   , describe, description, showId, compareId

     -- * Labeling with identifiers

   , Identify(..)

     -- re-export

   , module Data.Monoid

   , (<>)

   ) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.List

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Data.Ord

import Data.Semigroup as Sem

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (splitsWithElem)

import Ideas.Utils.StringRef

import Test.QuickCheck


-- Abstract data type and its instances

-- | Abstract data type for identifiers with a hierarchical name, carrying

-- a description. The data type provides a fast comparison implementation.

data Id = Id

   { idList        :: [String]

   , idDescription :: String

   , idRef         :: !StringRef


instance Show Id where

   show = intercalate "." . idList

instance Read Id where

   readsPrec _ =

      return . mapFirst stringId . span isIdChar . dropWhile isSpace

instance Eq Id where

   a == b = idRef a == idRef b

instance Ord Id where

   compare = comparing idRef

instance Sem.Semigroup Id where

   (<>) = ( # )

instance Monoid Id where

   mempty  = emptyId

   mappend = (<>)

instance Arbitrary Id where

   arbitrary = frequency

      [ (4, do n  <- choose (0, 8)

               xs <- replicateM n (elements ['a' .. 'z'])

               return $ newId xs)

      , (1, liftM2 mappend arbitrary arbitrary)


-- | Type class 'IsId' for constructing identifiers. Examples are

-- @newId \"algebra.equation\"@, @newId (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\")@, and @newId ()@

-- for the empty identifier.

class IsId a where

   newId    :: a   -> Id

   concatId :: [a] -> Id -- for String instance

   -- default definition

   concatId = mconcat . map newId

instance IsId Id where

   newId = id

instance IsId Char where

   newId c  = stringId [c]

   concatId = stringId

instance IsId a => IsId [a] where

   newId    = concatId

   concatId = mconcat . map newId

instance IsId () where

   newId = const emptyId

instance (IsId a, IsId b) => IsId (a, b) where

   newId (a, b) = newId a # newId b

instance (IsId a, IsId b, IsId c) => IsId (a, b, c) where

   newId (a, b, c) = newId a # newId b # newId c

instance IsId a => IsId (Maybe a) where

   newId = maybe emptyId newId

instance (IsId a, IsId b) => IsId (Either a b) where

   newId = either newId newId

infixr 8 #

-- | Appends two identifiers. Both parameters are overloaded.

( # ) :: (IsId a, IsId b) => a -> b -> Id

a # b = appendId (newId a) (newId b)


-- Type class for structures containing an identifier

-- | Type class for labeling entities with an identifier

class HasId a => Identify a where

   (@>) :: IsId n => n -> a -> a

-- | Type classfor accessing (and changing) the identifier of an entity.

class HasId a where

   getId    :: a -> Id

   changeId :: (Id -> Id) -> a -> a

instance HasId Id where

   getId    = id

   changeId = id

instance (HasId a, HasId b) => HasId (Either a b) where

   getId      = either getId getId

   changeId f = biMap (changeId f) (changeId f)


-- Private constructors

appendId :: Id -> Id -> Id

appendId a b

   | null (idList a) = b

   | null (idList b) = a

   | otherwise       = Id (idList a ++ idList b) "" ref


   ref = stringRef (show a ++ "." ++ show b)

-- Only allow alphanum and '-' and '_' ('.' has a special meaning)

stringId :: String -> Id

stringId txt = Id (make s) "" (stringRef s)


   s    = norm txt

   make = filter (not . null) . splitsWithElem '.'

   norm = filter isIdChar . map toLower

isIdChar :: Char -> Bool

isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ".-_"

emptyId :: Id

emptyId = Id [] "" (stringRef "")


-- Additional functionality (overloaded)

-- | Get the unqualified part of the identifier (i.e., last string).

unqualified :: HasId a => a -> String

unqualified a

   | null xs   = ""

   | otherwise = last xs


   xs = idList (getId a)

-- | Get the list of qualifiers of the identifier (i.e., everything but the

-- last string).

qualifiers :: HasId a => a -> [String]

qualifiers a

   | null xs   = []

   | otherwise = init xs


   xs = idList (getId a)

-- | Get the qualified part of the identifier. If the identifier consists of

-- more than one part, the parts are separated by a period (@'.'@).

qualification :: HasId a => a -> String

qualification = intercalate "." . qualifiers

-- | Get the current description.

description :: HasId a => a -> String

description = idDescription . getId

-- | Give a description for the current entity. If there already is a

-- description, both strings are combined.

describe :: HasId a => String -> a -> a

describe = changeId . describeId


   describeId s a

      | null (idDescription a) =

           a {idDescription = s}

      | otherwise =

           a {idDescription = s ++ " " ++ idDescription a}

-- | Show the identifier.

showId :: HasId a => a -> String

showId = show . getId

-- | Compare two identifiers based on their names. Use @compare@ for a fast

-- ordering based on hash values.

compareId :: HasId a => a -> a -> Ordering

compareId = comparing showId