{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- A rule is just a transformation with some meta-information, such as a name

-- (which should be unique) and properties such as "buggy" or "minor". Rules

-- can be lifted with a view using the LiftView type class.



module Ideas.Common.Rule.Abstract

   ( -- * Rule data type and accessors

     Rule, transformation, recognizer, checkReferences

     -- * Constructor functions

   , makeRule, ruleMaybe, ruleList, ruleTrans, ruleRewrite

   , buggyRule, minorRule, rewriteRule, rewriteRules

     -- * Special minor rules

   , idRule, checkRule, emptyRule

     -- * Rule properties

   , ruleSiblings, siblingOf

   , isRewriteRule, doAfter

     -- * Recognizer

   , addRecognizer, addRecognizerBool

   , addTransRecognizer

   ) where

import Control.Arrow

import Control.Monad

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Common.Environment

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting

import Ideas.Common.Rule.Recognizer

import Ideas.Common.Rule.Transformation

import Ideas.Common.View


--- Rule data type and accessors

-- | Abstract data type for representing rules

data Rule a = Rule

   { ruleId        :: Id  -- ^ Unique identifier of the rule

   , getTrans      :: Transformation a

   , getRecognizer :: Recognizer a

   , isBuggyRule   :: Bool -- ^ Inspect whether or not the rule is buggy (unsound)

   , isMinorRule   :: Bool -- ^ Returns whether or not the rule is minor (i.e., an administrative step that is automatically performed by the system)

   , ruleSiblings  :: [Id]


instance Show (Rule a) where

   show = showId

instance Eq (Rule a) where

   r1 == r2 = ruleId r1 == ruleId r2

instance Ord (Rule a) where

   compare = compareId

instance Apply Rule where

   applyAll r = map fst . transApply (transformation r)

instance HasId (Rule a) where

   getId        = ruleId

   changeId f r = r { ruleId = f (ruleId r) }

instance LiftView Rule where

   liftViewIn v r = r

      { getTrans      = transLiftViewIn v (getTrans r)

      , getRecognizer = liftViewIn v (getRecognizer r)


instance Recognizable Rule where

   recognizer = getRecognizer

instance Buggy (Rule a) where

   setBuggy b r = r {isBuggyRule = b}

   isBuggy = isBuggyRule

instance Minor (Rule a) where

   setMinor b r = r {isMinorRule = b}

   isMinor = isMinorRule

instance HasRefs (Rule a) where

   allRefs r = allRefs (transformation r) ++ allRefs (recognizer r)

transformation :: Rule a -> Transformation a

transformation = getTrans

checkReferences :: Rule a -> Environment -> Maybe String

checkReferences r env = do

   let xs = getRefIds r

       ys = getRefIds env

   guard (xs /= ys)

   return $ show r ++ " has " ++ show xs ++ " but produces " ++ show ys


--- Constructor functions

makeRule :: (IsId n, MakeTrans f) => n -> (a -> f a) -> Rule a

makeRule n = ruleTrans n . makeTrans

ruleMaybe :: IsId n => n -> (a -> Maybe a) -> Rule a

ruleMaybe = makeRule

ruleList :: IsId n => n -> (a -> [a]) -> Rule a

ruleList = makeRule

ruleTrans :: IsId n => n -> Transformation a -> Rule a

ruleTrans n f = Rule (newId n) f mempty False False []

ruleRewrite :: RewriteRule a -> Rule a

ruleRewrite r = ruleTrans (getId r) (transRewrite r)

rewriteRule :: (IsId n, RuleBuilder f a) => n -> f -> Rule a

rewriteRule n = rewriteRules n . return

rewriteRules :: (IsId n, RuleBuilder f a) => n -> [f] -> Rule a

rewriteRules n =

   let a = newId n

   in ruleTrans a . mconcat . map (transRewrite . makeRewriteRule a)

buggyRule :: (IsId n, MakeTrans f) => n -> (a -> f a) -> Rule a

buggyRule n = buggy . makeRule n

minorRule :: (IsId n, MakeTrans f) => n -> (a -> f a) -> Rule a

minorRule n = minor . makeRule n


--- Special minor rules

-- | A special (minor) rule that is never applicable (i.e., this rule always fails)

emptyRule :: IsId n => n -> Rule a

emptyRule n = minor $ ruleTrans n zeroArrow

-- | A special (minor) rule that always returns the identity

idRule :: IsId n => n -> Rule a

idRule n = minor $ ruleTrans n identity

-- | A special (minor) rule that checks a predicate (and returns the identity

-- if the predicate holds)

checkRule :: IsId n => n -> (a -> Bool) -> Rule a

checkRule n p = minorRule n $ \a -> [ a | p a ]


--- Rule properties

isRewriteRule :: Rule a -> Bool

isRewriteRule = not . null . getRewriteRules . transformation

siblingOf :: HasId b => b -> Rule a -> Rule a

siblingOf sib r = r { ruleSiblings = getId sib : ruleSiblings r }

-- | Perform the function after the rule has been fired

doAfter :: (a -> a) -> Rule a -> Rule a

doAfter f r = r {getTrans = getTrans r >>^ f }


--- Recognizer

addRecognizer :: Recognizer a -> Rule a -> Rule a

addRecognizer a r = r {getRecognizer = a `mappend` getRecognizer r}

addRecognizerBool :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Rule a -> Rule a

addRecognizerBool eq = addRecognizer (makeRecognizer eq)

addTransRecognizer :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Rule a -> Rule a

addTransRecognizer eq r = flip addRecognizer r $

   let t = first (transformation r) >>> transList (uncurry p)

       p x y = [ () | eq x y ]

   in makeRecognizerTrans t