  Copyright   :  (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente,
                     2016     , Myrtle Software Ltd,
                     2017     , Google Inc.
  License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer  :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Turn CoreHW terms into normalized CoreHW Terms

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Clash.Normalize where

import           Control.Concurrent.Supply        (Supply)
import           Control.Exception                (throw)
import qualified Control.Lens                     as Lens
import           Control.Monad                    (when)
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict       (State)
import           Data.Default                     (def)
import           Data.Either                      (lefts,partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.IntMap                      as IntMap
import           Data.IntMap.Strict               (IntMap)
import           Data.List
  (intersect, mapAccumL)
import qualified Data.Map                         as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe                       as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set                         as Set
import qualified Data.Set.Lens                    as Lens
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc        (vcat)

import           BasicTypes                       (InlineSpec (..))

import           Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal
import           Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types       (PrimStep, PrimUnwind)
import           Clash.Core.FreeVars
  (freeLocalIds, globalIds, globalIdOccursIn, localIdDoesNotOccurIn)
import           Clash.Core.Pretty                (PrettyOptions(..), showPpr, showPpr', ppr)
import           Clash.Core.Subst
  (extendGblSubstList, mkSubst, substTm)
import           Clash.Core.Term                  (Term (..), collectArgsTicks
                                                  ,mkApps, mkTicks)
import           Clash.Core.Type                  (Type, splitCoreFunForallTy)
import           Clash.Core.TyCon
  (TyConMap, TyConName)
import           Clash.Core.Type                  (isPolyTy)
import           Clash.Core.Var                   (Id, varName, varType)
import           Clash.Core.VarEnv
  (VarEnv, elemVarSet, eltsVarEnv, emptyInScopeSet, emptyVarEnv,
   extendVarEnv, lookupVarEnv, mapVarEnv, mapMaybeVarEnv,
   mkVarEnv, mkVarSet, notElemVarEnv, notElemVarSet, nullVarEnv, unionVarEnv)
import           Clash.Debug                      (traceIf)
import           Clash.Driver.Types
  (BindingMap, Binding(..), ClashOpts (..), DebugLevel (..))
import           Clash.Netlist.Types
  (HWMap, FilteredHWType(..))
import           Clash.Netlist.Util
import           Clash.Normalize.Strategy
import           Clash.Normalize.Transformations
  (appPropFast, bindConstantVar, caseCon, flattenLet, reduceConst, topLet,
   reduceNonRepPrim, removeUnusedExpr, deadCode)
import           Clash.Normalize.Types
import           Clash.Normalize.Util
import           Clash.Primitives.Types           (CompiledPrimMap)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Combinators        ((>->),(!->),repeatR,topdownR)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Types
  (RewriteEnv (..), RewriteState (..), bindings, dbgLevel, extra,
   tcCache, topEntities)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Util
  (apply, isUntranslatableType, runRewriteSession)
import           Clash.Util
import           Clash.Util.Interpolate           (i)

#ifdef HISTORY
import           Data.Binary                      (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString                  as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy             as BL

import           System.IO.Unsafe                 (unsafePerformIO)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Types (RewriteStep(..))

-- | Run a NormalizeSession in a given environment
  :: ClashOpts
  -- ^ Level of debug messages to print
  -> Supply
  -- ^ UniqueSupply
  -> BindingMap
  -- ^ Global Binders
  -> (CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type ->
      State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType)))
  -- ^ Hardcoded Type -> HWType translator
  -> CustomReprs
  -> TyConMap
  -- ^ TyCon cache
  -> IntMap TyConName
  -- ^ Tuple TyCon cache
  -> (PrimStep, PrimUnwind)
  -- ^ Hardcoded evaluator (delta-reduction)
  -> CompiledPrimMap
  -- ^ Primitive Definitions
  -> VarEnv Bool
  -- ^ Map telling whether a components is part of a recursive group
  -> [Id]
  -- ^ topEntities
  -> NormalizeSession a
  -- ^ NormalizeSession to run
  -> a
runNormalization opts supply globals typeTrans reprs tcm tupTcm eval primMap rcsMap topEnts
  = runRewriteSession rwEnv rwState
    rwEnv     = RewriteEnv
                  (opt_dbgLevel opts)
                  (opt_dbgTransformations opts)
                  (opt_dbgTransformationsFrom opts)
                  (opt_dbgTransformationsLimit opts)
                  (opt_aggressiveXOpt opts)
                  (mkVarSet topEnts)

    rwState   = RewriteState
                  (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Report as bug: no curFun",noSrcSpan)
                  (IntMap.empty, 0)

    normState = NormalizeState
                  (opt_specLimit opts)
                  (opt_inlineLimit opts)
                  (opt_inlineFunctionLimit opts)
                  (opt_inlineConstantLimit opts)
                  (opt_newInlineStrat opts)
                  (opt_ultra opts)
                  (opt_inlineWFCacheLimit opts)

  :: [Id]
  -> NormalizeSession BindingMap
normalize []  = return emptyVarEnv
normalize top = do
  (new,topNormalized) <- unzip <$> mapM normalize' top
  newNormalized <- normalize (concat new)
  return (unionVarEnv (mkVarEnv topNormalized) newNormalized)

normalize' :: Id -> NormalizeSession ([Id], (Id, Binding))
normalize' nm = do
  exprM <- lookupVarEnv nm <$> Lens.use bindings
  let nmS = showPpr (varName nm)
  case exprM of
    Just (Binding nm' sp inl tm) -> do
      tcm <- Lens.view tcCache
      topEnts <- Lens.view topEntities
      let isTop = nm `elemVarSet` topEnts
          ty0 = varType nm'
          ty1 = if isTop then tvSubstWithTyEq ty0 else ty0

      -- check for polymorphic types
      when (isPolyTy ty1) $
        let msg = $curLoc ++ [i|
              Clash can only normalize monomorphic functions, but this is polymorphic:
              #{showPpr' def{displayUniques=False\} nm'}
            msgExtra | ty0 == ty1 = Nothing
                     | otherwise = Just $ [i|
              Even after applying type equality constraints it remained polymorphic:
              #{showPpr' def{displayUniques=False\} nm'{varType=ty1\}}
        in throw (ClashException sp msg msgExtra)

      -- check for unrepresentable result type
      let (args,resTy) = splitCoreFunForallTy tcm ty1
          isTopEnt = nm `elemVarSet` topEnts
          isFunction = not $ null $ lefts args
      resTyRep <- not <$> isUntranslatableType False resTy
      if resTyRep
         then do
            tmNorm <- normalizeTopLvlBndr isTopEnt nm (Binding nm' sp inl tm)
            let usedBndrs = Lens.toListOf globalIds (bindingTerm tmNorm)
            traceIf (nm `elem` usedBndrs)
                    (concat [ $(curLoc),"Expr belonging to bndr: ",nmS ," (:: "
                            , showPpr (varType (bindingId tmNorm))
                            , ") remains recursive after normalization:\n"
                            , showPpr (bindingTerm tmNorm) ])
                    (return ())
            prevNorm <- mapVarEnv bindingId <$> Lens.use (extra.normalized)
            let toNormalize = filter (`notElemVarSet` topEnts)
                            $ filter (`notElemVarEnv` (extendVarEnv nm nm prevNorm)) usedBndrs
            return (toNormalize,(nm,tmNorm))
            -- Throw an error for unrepresentable topEntities and functions
            when (isTopEnt || isFunction) $
              let msg = $(curLoc) ++ [i|
                    This bndr has a non-representable return type and can't be normalized:
                    #{showPpr' def{displayUniques=False\} nm'}
              in throw (ClashException sp msg Nothing)

            -- But allow the compilation to proceed for nonrepresentable values.
            -- This can happen for example when GHC decides to create a toplevel binder
            -- for the ByteArray# inside of a Natural constant.
            -- (GHC-8.4 does this with tests/shouldwork/Numbers/Exp.hs)
            -- It will later be inlined by flattenCallTree.
            lvl <- Lens.view dbgLevel
            traceIf (lvl > DebugNone)
                    (concat [$(curLoc), "Expr belonging to bndr: ", nmS, " (:: "
                            , showPpr (varType nm')
                            , ") has a non-representable return type."
                            , " Not normalising:\n", showPpr tm] )
                    (return ([],(nm,(Binding nm' sp inl tm))))

    Nothing -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Expr belonging to bndr: " ++ nmS ++ " not found"

-- | Check whether the normalized bindings are non-recursive. Errors when one
-- of the components is recursive.
  :: BindingMap
  -- ^ List of normalized binders
  -> BindingMap
checkNonRecursive norm = case mapMaybeVarEnv go norm of
  rcs | nullVarEnv rcs  -> norm
  rcs -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Callgraph after normalization contains following recursive components: "
                   ++ show (vcat [ ppr a <> ppr b
                                 | (a,b) <- eltsVarEnv rcs
  go (Binding nm _ _ tm) =
    if nm `globalIdOccursIn` tm
       then Just (nm,tm)
       else Nothing

-- | Perform general \"clean up\" of the normalized (non-recursive) function
-- hierarchy. This includes:
--   * Inlining functions that simply \"wrap\" another function
  :: Id
  -> BindingMap
  -> NormalizeSession BindingMap
cleanupGraph topEntity norm
  | Just ct <- mkCallTree [] norm topEntity
  = do ctFlat <- flattenCallTree ct
       return (mkVarEnv $ snd $ callTreeToList [] ctFlat)
cleanupGraph _ norm = return norm

-- | A tree of identifiers and their bindings, with branches containing
-- additional bindings which are used. See "Clash.Driver.Types.Binding".
data CallTree
  = CLeaf   (Id, Binding)
  | CBranch (Id, Binding) [CallTree]

  :: [Id]
  -- ^ Visited
  -> BindingMap
  -- ^ Global binders
  -> Id
  -- ^ Root of the call graph
  -> Maybe CallTree
mkCallTree visited bindingMap root
  | Just rootTm <- lookupVarEnv root bindingMap
  = let used   = Set.toList $ Lens.setOf globalIds $ (bindingTerm rootTm)
        other  = Maybe.mapMaybe (mkCallTree (root:visited) bindingMap) (filter (`notElem` visited) used)
    in  case used of
          [] -> Just (CLeaf   (root,rootTm))
          _  -> Just (CBranch (root,rootTm) other)
mkCallTree _ _ _ = Nothing

  :: [Id]
  -> [Id]
  -> [Either Term Type]
  -> Maybe [Either Term Type]
stripArgs _      (_:_) []   = Nothing
stripArgs allIds []    args = if any mentionsId args
                                then Nothing
                                else Just args
    mentionsId t = not $ null (either (Lens.toListOf freeLocalIds) (const []) t

stripArgs allIds (id_:ids) (Left (Var nm):args)
      | id_ == nm = stripArgs allIds ids args
      | otherwise = Nothing
stripArgs _ _ _ = Nothing

  :: CallTree
  -> NormalizeSession (Either CallTree ((Id,Term),[CallTree]))
flattenNode c@(CLeaf (_,(Binding _ _ NoInline _))) = return (Left c)
flattenNode c@(CLeaf (nm,(Binding _ _ _ e))) = do
  isTopEntity <- elemVarSet nm <$> Lens.view topEntities
  if isTopEntity then return (Left c) else do
    tcm  <- Lens.view tcCache
    let norm = splitNormalized tcm e
    case norm of
      Right (ids,[(bId,bExpr)],_) -> do
        let (fun,args,ticks) = collectArgsTicks bExpr
        case stripArgs ids (reverse ids) (reverse args) of
          Just remainder | bId `localIdDoesNotOccurIn` bExpr ->
               return (Right ((nm,mkApps (mkTicks fun ticks) (reverse remainder)),[]))
          _ -> return (Right ((nm,e),[]))
      _ -> return (Right ((nm,e),[]))
flattenNode b@(CBranch (_,(Binding _ _ NoInline _)) _) =
  return (Left b)
flattenNode b@(CBranch (nm,(Binding _ _ _ e)) us) = do
  isTopEntity <- elemVarSet nm <$> Lens.view topEntities
  if isTopEntity then return (Left b) else do
    tcm  <- Lens.view tcCache
    let norm = splitNormalized tcm e
    case norm of
      Right (ids,[(bId,bExpr)],_) -> do
        let (fun,args,ticks) = collectArgsTicks bExpr
        case stripArgs ids (reverse ids) (reverse args) of
          Just remainder | bId `localIdDoesNotOccurIn` bExpr ->
               return (Right ((nm,mkApps (mkTicks fun ticks) (reverse remainder)),us))
          _ -> return (Right ((nm,e),us))
      _ -> do
        newInlineStrat <- Lens.use (extra.newInlineStrategy)
        if newInlineStrat || isCheapFunction e
           then return (Right ((nm,e),us))
           else return (Left b)

  :: CallTree
  -> NormalizeSession CallTree
flattenCallTree c@(CLeaf _) = return c
flattenCallTree (CBranch (nm,(Binding nm' sp inl tm)) used) = do
  flattenedUsed   <- mapM flattenCallTree used
  (newUsed,il_ct) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM flattenNode flattenedUsed
  let (toInline,il_used) = unzip il_ct
      subst = extendGblSubstList (mkSubst emptyInScopeSet) toInline
  newExpr <- case toInline of
    [] -> return tm
    _  -> do
      let tm1 = substTm "flattenCallTree.flattenExpr" subst tm
#ifdef HISTORY
      -- NB: When HISTORY is on, emit binary data holding the recorded rewrite steps
      let !_ = unsafePerformIO
             $ BS.appendFile "history.dat"
             $ BL.toStrict
             $ encode RewriteStep
                 { t_ctx    = []
                 , t_name   = "INLINE"
                 , t_bndrS  = showPpr (varName nm')
                 , t_before = tm
                 , t_after  = tm1
      rewriteExpr ("flattenExpr",flatten) (showPpr nm, tm1) (nm', sp)
  let allUsed = newUsed ++ concat il_used
  -- inline all components when the resulting expression after flattening
  -- is still considered "cheap". This happens often at the topEntity which
  -- wraps another functions and has some selectors and data-constructors.
  if inl /= NoInline && isCheapFunction newExpr
     then do
        let (toInline',allUsed') = unzip (map goCheap allUsed)
            subst' = extendGblSubstList (mkSubst emptyInScopeSet)
                                        (Maybe.catMaybes toInline')
        let tm1 = substTm "flattenCallTree.flattenCheap" subst' newExpr
        newExpr' <- rewriteExpr ("flattenCheap",flatten) (showPpr nm, tm1) (nm', sp)
        return (CBranch (nm,(Binding nm' sp inl newExpr')) (concat allUsed'))
     else return (CBranch (nm,(Binding nm' sp inl newExpr)) allUsed)
    flatten =
      repeatR (topdownR (apply "appPropFast" appPropFast >->
                 apply "bindConstantVar" bindConstantVar >->
                 apply "caseCon" caseCon >->
                 (apply "reduceConst" reduceConst !-> apply "deadcode" deadCode) >->
                 apply "reduceNonRepPrim" reduceNonRepPrim >->
                 apply "removeUnusedExpr" removeUnusedExpr >->
                 apply "flattenLet" flattenLet)) !->
      topdownSucR (apply "topLet" topLet)

    goCheap c@(CLeaf   (nm2,(Binding _ _ inl2 e)))
      | inl2 == NoInline = (Nothing     ,[c])
      | otherwise        = (Just (nm2,e),[])
    goCheap c@(CBranch (nm2,(Binding _ _ inl2 e)) us)
      | inl2 == NoInline = (Nothing, [c])
      | otherwise        = (Just (nm2,e),us)

callTreeToList :: [Id] -> CallTree -> ([Id], [(Id, Binding)])
callTreeToList visited (CLeaf (nm,bndr))
  | nm `elem` visited = (visited,[])
  | otherwise         = (nm:visited,[(nm,bndr)])
callTreeToList visited (CBranch (nm,bndr) used)
  | nm `elem` visited = (visited,[])
  | otherwise         = (visited',(nm,bndr):(concat others))
    (visited',others) = mapAccumL callTreeToList (nm:visited) used