  Copyright   :  (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente,
                          2017, Google Inc.
  License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer  :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Term representation in the CoreHW language: System F + LetRec + Case

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Clash.Core.Term
  ( Term (..)
  , mkAbstraction
  , mkTyLams
  , mkLams
  , mkApps
  , mkTyApps
  , mkTmApps
  , mkTicks
  , TmName
  , idToVar
  , varToId
  , LetBinding
  , Pat (..)
  , patIds
  , patVars
  , Alt
  , TickInfo (..)
  , stripTicks
  , partitionTicks
  , NameMod (..)
  , PrimInfo (..)
  , WorkInfo (..)
  , CoreContext (..)
  , Context
  , isLambdaBodyCtx
  , isTickCtx
  , walkTerm
  , collectArgs
  , collectArgsTicks
  , collectTicks
  , collectTermIds
  , collectBndrs
  , primArg
  ) where

-- External Modules
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Binary                             (Binary)
import Data.Coerce                             (coerce)
import qualified Data.DList                    as DList
import Data.Either                             (lefts, rights)
import Data.Foldable                           (foldl')
import Data.Maybe                              (catMaybes)
import Data.Hashable                           (Hashable)
import Data.List                               (nub, partition)
import Data.Text                               (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import SrcLoc                                  (SrcSpan)

-- Internal Modules
import Clash.Core.DataCon                      (DataCon)
import Clash.Core.Literal                      (Literal)
import Clash.Core.Name                         (Name (..))
import {-# SOURCE #-} Clash.Core.Subst         () -- instance Eq Type
import {-# SOURCE #-} Clash.Core.Type
import Clash.Core.Var                          (Var(Id), Id)
import Clash.Util                              (curLoc)

-- | Term representation in the CoreHW language: System F + LetRec + Case
data Term
  = Var     !Id                             -- ^ Variable reference
  | Data    !DataCon                        -- ^ Datatype constructor
  | Literal !Literal                        -- ^ Literal
  | Prim    !PrimInfo                       -- ^ Primitive
  | Lam     !Id Term                        -- ^ Term-abstraction
  | TyLam   !TyVar Term                     -- ^ Type-abstraction
  | App     !Term !Term                     -- ^ Application
  | TyApp   !Term !Type                     -- ^ Type-application
  | Letrec  [LetBinding] Term               -- ^ Recursive let-binding
  | Case    !Term !Type [Alt]               -- ^ Case-expression: subject, type of
                                            -- alternatives, list of alternatives
  | Cast    !Term !Type !Type               -- ^ Cast a term from one type to another
  | Tick    !TickInfo !Term                 -- ^ Annotated term
  deriving (Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

data TickInfo
  = SrcSpan !SrcSpan
  -- ^ Source tick, will get added by GHC by running clash with `-g`
  | NameMod !NameMod !Type
  -- ^ Modifier for naming module instantiations and registers, are added by
  -- the user by using the functions @Clash.Magic.[prefixName,suffixName,setName]@
  | DeDup
  -- ^ Deduplicate, i.e. try to share expressions between multiple branches.
  | NoDeDup
  -- ^ Do not deduplicate, i.e. /keep/, an expression inside a case-alternative;
  -- do not try to share expressions between multiple branches.
  deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

-- | Tag to indicate which instance/register name modifier was used
data NameMod
  = PrefixName
  -- ^ @Clash.Magic.prefixName@
  | SuffixName
  -- ^ @Clash.Magic.suffixName@
  | SuffixNameP
  -- ^ @Clash.Magic.suffixNameP@
  | SetName
  -- ^ @Clash.Magic.setName@
  deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

data PrimInfo = PrimInfo
  { primName     :: !Text
  , primType     :: !Type
  , primWorkInfo :: !WorkInfo
  } deriving (Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

data WorkInfo
  = WorkConstant
  -- ^ Ignores its arguments, and outputs a constant
  | WorkNever
  -- ^ Never adds any work
  | WorkVariable
  -- ^ Does work when the arguments are variable
  | WorkAlways
  -- ^ Performs work regardless of whether the variables are constant or
  -- variable; these are things like clock or reset generators
  deriving (Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

-- | Term reference
type TmName     = Name Term
-- | Binding in a LetRec construct
type LetBinding = (Id, Term)

-- | Patterns in the LHS of a case-decomposition
data Pat
  = DataPat !DataCon [TyVar] [Id]
  -- ^ Datatype pattern, '[TyVar]' bind existentially-quantified
  -- type-variables of a DataCon
  | LitPat  !Literal
  -- ^ Literal pattern
  | DefaultPat
  -- ^ Default pattern
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)

type Alt = (Pat,Term)

-- | Get the list of term-binders out of a DataType pattern
patIds :: Pat -> ([TyVar],[Id])
patIds (DataPat _  tvs ids) = (tvs,ids)
patIds _                    = ([],[])

patVars :: Pat -> [Var a]
patVars (DataPat _ tvs ids) = coerce tvs ++ coerce ids
patVars _ = []

-- | Abstract a term over a list of term and type variables
mkAbstraction :: Term -> [Either Id TyVar] -> Term
mkAbstraction = foldr (either Lam TyLam)

-- | Abstract a term over a list of term variables
mkTyLams :: Term -> [TyVar] -> Term
mkTyLams tm = mkAbstraction tm . map Right

-- | Abstract a term over a list of type variables
mkLams :: Term -> [Id] -> Term
mkLams tm = mkAbstraction tm . map Left

-- | Apply a list of types and terms to a term
mkApps :: Term -> [Either Term Type] -> Term
mkApps = foldl' (\e a -> either (App e) (TyApp e) a)

-- | Apply a list of terms to a term
mkTmApps :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
mkTmApps = foldl' App

-- | Apply a list of types to a term
mkTyApps :: Term -> [Type] -> Term
mkTyApps = foldl' TyApp

mkTicks :: Term -> [TickInfo] -> Term
mkTicks tm ticks = foldl' (\e s -> Tick s e) tm (nub ticks)

-- | Context in which a term appears
data CoreContext
  = AppFun
  -- ^ Function position of an application
  | AppArg (Maybe (Text, Int, Int))
  -- ^ Argument position of an application. If this is an argument applied to
  -- a primitive, a tuple is defined containing (name of the primitive, #type
  -- args, #term args)
  | TyAppC
  -- ^ Function position of a type application
  | LetBinding Id [Id]
  -- ^ RHS of a Let-binder with the sibling LHS'
  | LetBody [Id]
  -- ^ Body of a Let-binding with the bound LHS'
  | LamBody Id
  -- ^ Body of a lambda-term with the abstracted variable
  | TyLamBody TyVar
  -- ^ Body of a TyLambda-term with the abstracted type-variable
  | CaseAlt Pat
  -- ^ RHS of a case-alternative with the bound pattern on the LHS
  | CaseScrut
  -- ^ Subject of a case-decomposition
  | CastBody
  -- ^ Body of a Cast
  | TickC TickInfo
  -- ^ Body of a Tick
  deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Binary)

-- | A list of @CoreContext@ describes the complete navigation path from the
-- top-level to a specific sub-expression.
type Context = [CoreContext]

-- [Note] Custom @Eq@ instance for @CoreContext@
-- We need a manual equality instance here, due to the argument of `AppArg`.
-- Specifically, it is the only piece of information kept in `CoreContext`,
-- which references information about its children, breaking the invariant
-- that contexts represent a navigation to a specific sub-expression.
-- One would expect equal contexts to navigate to the same place, but if
-- these navigate to an argument position that contains different children,
-- we will get inequality from the derived `Eq`.
instance Eq CoreContext where
  c == c' = case (c, c') of
    (AppFun,          AppFun)            -> True
    (AppArg _,        AppArg _)          -> True
    -- NB: we do not see inside the argument here
    (TyAppC,          TyAppC)            -> True
    (LetBinding i is, LetBinding i' is') -> i == i' && is == is'
    (LetBody is,      LetBody is')       -> is == is'
    (LamBody i,       LamBody i')        -> i == i'
    (TyLamBody tv,    TyLamBody tv')     -> tv == tv'
    (CaseAlt p,       CaseAlt p')        -> p == p'
    (CaseScrut,       CaseScrut)         -> True
    (CastBody,        CastBody)          -> True
    (TickC sp,        TickC sp')         -> sp == sp'
    (_,               _)                 -> False

-- | Is the Context a Lambda/Term-abstraction context?
isLambdaBodyCtx :: CoreContext -> Bool
isLambdaBodyCtx (LamBody _) = True
isLambdaBodyCtx _           = False

-- | Is the Context a Tick context?
isTickCtx :: CoreContext -> Bool
isTickCtx (TickC _) = True
isTickCtx _         = False

stripTicks :: Term -> Term
stripTicks (Tick _ e) = stripTicks e
stripTicks e = e

-- | Split a (Type)Application in the applied term and it arguments
collectArgs :: Term -> (Term, [Either Term Type])
collectArgs = go []
    go args (App e1 e2) = go (Left e2:args) e1
    go args (TyApp e t) = go (Right t:args) e
    go args (Tick _ e)  = go args e
    go args e           = (e, args)

collectTicks :: Term -> (Term, [TickInfo])
collectTicks = go []
  go ticks (Tick s e) = go (s:ticks) e
  go ticks e          = (e,ticks)

collectArgsTicks :: Term -> (Term, [Either Term Type], [TickInfo])
collectArgsTicks = go [] []
  go args ticks (App e1 e2) = go (Left e2:args) ticks     e1
  go args ticks (TyApp e t) = go (Right t:args) ticks     e
  go args ticks (Tick s e)  = go args           (s:ticks) e
  go args ticks e           = (e, args, ticks)

-- | Split a (Type)Abstraction in the bound variables and the abstracted term
collectBndrs :: Term -> ([Either Id TyVar], Term)
collectBndrs = go []
  go bs (Lam v e')    = go (Left v:bs) e'
  go bs (TyLam tv e') = go (Right tv:bs) e'
  go bs e'            = (reverse bs,e')

-- | Given a function application, find the primitive it's applied. Yields
-- Nothing if given term is not an application or if it is not a primitive.
  :: Term
  -- ^ Function application
  -> Maybe (Text, Int, Int)
  -- ^ If @Term@ was a primitive: (name of primitive, #type args, #term args)
primArg (collectArgs -> t) =
  case t of
    (Prim p, args) ->
      Just (primName p, length (rights args), length (lefts args))
    _ ->

-- | Partition ticks in source ticks and nameMod ticks
  :: [TickInfo]
  -> ([TickInfo], [TickInfo])
  -- ^ (source ticks, nameMod ticks)
partitionTicks = partition (\case {SrcSpan {} -> True; _ -> False})

-- | Visit all terms in a term, testing it with a predicate, and returning
-- a list of predicate yields.
walkTerm :: forall a . (Term -> Maybe a) -> Term -> [a]
walkTerm f = catMaybes . DList.toList . go
  go :: Term -> DList.DList (Maybe a)
  go t = DList.cons (f t) $ case t of
    Var _ -> mempty
    Data _ -> mempty
    Literal _ -> mempty
    Prim _ -> mempty
    Lam _ t1 -> go t1
    TyLam _ t1 -> go t1
    App t1 t2 -> go t1 <> go t2
    TyApp t1 _ -> go t1
    Letrec bndrs t1 -> go t1 <> mconcat (map (go . snd) bndrs)
    Case t1 _ alts -> go t1 <> mconcat (map (go . snd) alts)
    Cast t1 _ _ -> go t1
    Tick _ t1 -> go t1

-- Collect all term ids mentioned in a term
collectTermIds :: Term -> [Id]
collectTermIds = concat . walkTerm (Just . go)
  go :: Term -> [Id]
  go (Var i) = [i]
  go (Lam i _) = [i]
  go (Letrec bndrs _) = map fst bndrs
  go (Case _ _ alts) = concatMap (pat . fst) alts
  go (Data _) = []
  go (Literal _) = []
  go (Prim _) = []
  go (TyLam _ _) = []
  go (App _ _) = []
  go (TyApp _ _) = []
  go (Cast _ _ _) = []
  go (Tick _ _) = []

  pat :: Pat -> [Id]
  pat (DataPat _ _ ids) = ids
  pat (LitPat _) = []
  pat DefaultPat = []

-- | Make variable reference out of term variable
idToVar :: Id -> Term
idToVar i@(Id {}) = Var i
idToVar tv        = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "idToVar: tyVar: " ++ show tv

-- | Make a term variable out of a variable reference
varToId :: Term -> Id
varToId (Var i) = i
varToId e       = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "varToId: not a var: " ++ show e