{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Clash.Core.FreeVars
, freeIds
, freeLocalVars
, freeLocalIds
, globalIds
, termFreeTyVars
, tyFVsOfTypes
, localFVsOfTerms
, hasLocalFreeVars
, noFreeVarsOfType
, localIdOccursIn
, globalIdOccursIn
, localIdDoesNotOccurIn
, localIdsDoNotOccurIn
, localVarsDoNotOccurIn
, countFreeOccurances
, typeFreeVars'
, termFreeVars'
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Control.Lens.Fold (Fold)
import Control.Lens.Getter (Contravariant)
import Data.Coerce
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Monoid (All (..), Any (..))
import Clash.Core.Term (Pat (..), Term (..), TickInfo (..))
import Clash.Core.Type (Type (..))
import Clash.Core.Var
(Id, IdScope (..), TyVar, Var (..), isLocalId)
import Clash.Core.VarEnv
(VarEnv, VarSet, emptyVarEnv, unionVarEnvWith, unitVarSet, unitVarEnv)
typeFreeVars :: Fold Type TyVar
typeFreeVars = typeFreeVars' (const True) IntSet.empty
:: (Contravariant f, Applicative f)
=> (forall b . Var b -> Bool)
-> IntSet.IntSet
-> (Var a -> f (Var a))
-> Type
-> f Type
typeFreeVars' interesting is f = go is where
go inScope = \case
VarTy tv -> tv1 <* go inScope1 (varType tv)
isInteresting = interesting tv
tvInScope = varUniq tv `IntSet.member` inScope
| tvInScope = inScope
| otherwise = IntSet.empty
tv1 | isInteresting
, not tvInScope
= VarTy . coerce <$> f (coerce tv)
| otherwise
= pure (VarTy tv)
ForAllTy tv ty -> ForAllTy <$> goBndr inScope tv
<*> go (IntSet.insert (varUniq tv) inScope) ty
AppTy l r -> AppTy <$> go inScope l <*> go inScope r
ty -> pure ty
goBndr inScope tv = (\t -> tv {varType = t}) <$> go inScope (varType tv)
:: Id
-> Term
-> Bool
localIdDoesNotOccurIn v e = getAll (Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalIds (All . (/= v)) e)
:: [Id]
-> Term
-> Bool
localIdsDoNotOccurIn vs e =
getAll (Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalIds (All . (`notElem` vs)) e)
:: [Var a]
-> Term
-> Bool
localVarsDoNotOccurIn vs e =
getAll (Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalVars (All . (`notElem` vs)) e)
:: Id
-> Term
-> Bool
localIdOccursIn v e = getAny (Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalIds (Any . (== v)) e)
:: Id
-> Term
-> Bool
globalIdOccursIn v e = getAny (Lens.foldMapOf globalIds (Any . (== v)) e)
freeLocalVars :: Fold Term (Var a)
freeLocalVars = termFreeVars' isLocalVar where
isLocalVar (Id {idScope = GlobalId}) = False
isLocalVar _ = True
freeIds :: Fold Term Id
freeIds = termFreeVars' isId where
isId (Id {}) = True
isId _ = False
freeLocalIds :: Fold Term Id
freeLocalIds = termFreeVars' isLocalId
globalIds :: Fold Term Id
globalIds = termFreeVars' isGlobalId where
isGlobalId (Id {idScope = GlobalId}) = True
isGlobalId _ = False
hasLocalFreeVars :: Term -> Bool
hasLocalFreeVars = Lens.notNullOf freeLocalVars
termFreeTyVars :: Fold Term TyVar
termFreeTyVars = termFreeVars' isTV where
isTV (TyVar {}) = True
isTV _ = False
:: (Contravariant f, Applicative f)
=> (forall b . Var b -> Bool)
-> (Var a -> f (Var a))
-> Term
-> f Term
termFreeVars' interesting f = go IntSet.empty where
go inLocalScope = \case
Var v -> v1 <* typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope1 f (varType v)
isInteresting = interesting v
vInScope = isLocalId v && varUniq v `IntSet.member` inLocalScope
| vInScope = inLocalScope
| otherwise = IntSet.empty
v1 | isInteresting
, not vInScope
= Var . coerce <$> f (coerce v)
| otherwise
= pure (Var v)
Lam id_ tm ->
Lam <$> goBndr inLocalScope id_
<*> go (IntSet.insert (varUniq id_) inLocalScope) tm
TyLam tv tm ->
TyLam <$> goBndr inLocalScope tv
<*> go (IntSet.insert (varUniq tv) inLocalScope) tm
App l r ->
App <$> go inLocalScope l <*> go inLocalScope r
TyApp l r ->
TyApp <$> go inLocalScope l
<*> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f r
Letrec bs e ->
Letrec <$> traverse (goBind inLocalScope') bs
<*> go inLocalScope' e
inLocalScope' = foldr IntSet.insert inLocalScope (map (varUniq.fst) bs)
Case subj ty alts ->
Case <$> go inLocalScope subj
<*> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f ty
<*> traverse (goAlt inLocalScope) alts
Cast tm t1 t2 ->
Cast <$> go inLocalScope tm
<*> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f t1
<*> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f t2
Tick tick tm ->
Tick <$> goTick inLocalScope tick
<*> go inLocalScope tm
tm -> pure tm
goBndr inLocalScope v =
(\t -> v {varType = t}) <$> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f (varType v)
goBind inLocalScope (l,r) = (,) <$> goBndr inLocalScope l <*> go inLocalScope r
goAlt inLocalScope (pat,alt) = case pat of
DataPat dc tvs ids -> (,) <$> (DataPat <$> pure dc
<*> traverse (goBndr inLocalScope') tvs
<*> traverse (goBndr inLocalScope') ids)
<*> go inLocalScope' alt
inLocalScope' = foldr IntSet.insert
(foldr IntSet.insert inLocalScope (map varUniq tvs))
(map varUniq ids)
_ -> (,) <$> pure pat <*> go inLocalScope alt
goTick inLocalScope = \case
NameMod m ty -> NameMod m <$> typeFreeVars' interesting inLocalScope f ty
tick -> pure tick
:: Type
-> Bool
noFreeVarsOfType ty = case ty of
VarTy {} -> False
ForAllTy {} -> getAll (Lens.foldMapOf typeFreeVars (const (All False)) ty)
AppTy l r -> noFreeVarsOfType l && noFreeVarsOfType r
_ -> True
:: Foldable f
=> f Type
-> VarSet
tyFVsOfTypes = foldMap go
go = Lens.foldMapOf typeFreeVars unitVarSet
:: Foldable f
=> f Term
-> VarSet
localFVsOfTerms = foldMap go
go = Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalVars unitVarSet
:: Term
-> VarEnv Int
countFreeOccurances =
Lens.foldMapByOf freeLocalIds (unionVarEnvWith (+)) emptyVarEnv
(`unitVarEnv` (1 :: Int))