{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Clash.Core.VarEnv
  ( -- * Environment with variables as keys
    -- ** Accessors
    -- *** Size information
  , nullVarEnv
    -- ** Indexing
  , lookupVarEnv
  , lookupVarEnv'
  , lookupVarEnvDirectly
    -- ** Construction
  , emptyVarEnv
  , unitVarEnv
  , mkVarEnv
    -- ** Modification
  , extendVarEnv
  , extendVarEnvList
  , extendVarEnvWith
  , delVarEnv
  , delVarEnvList
  , unionVarEnv
  , unionVarEnvWith
    -- ** Element-wise operations
    -- *** Mapping
  , mapVarEnv
  , mapMaybeVarEnv
    -- ** Folding
  , foldlWithUniqueVarEnv'
    -- ** Working with predicates
    -- *** Searching
  , elemVarEnv
  , notElemVarEnv
    -- ** Conversions
    -- *** Lists
  , eltsVarEnv
    -- * Sets of variables
  , VarSet
    -- ** Construction
  , emptyVarSet
  , unitVarSet
    -- ** Modification
  , delVarSetByKey
  , unionVarSet
    -- ** Working with predicates
    -- *** Searching
  , elemVarSet
  , notElemVarSet
    -- ** Conversions
    -- *** Lists
  , mkVarSet
  , eltsVarSet
    -- * In-scope sets
  , InScopeSet
    -- ** Accessors
    -- *** Size information
  , emptyInScopeSet
    -- *** Indexing
  , lookupInScope
    -- ** Construction
  , mkInScopeSet
    -- ** Modification
  , extendInScopeSet
  , extendInScopeSetList
  , unionInScope
    -- ** Working with predicates
    -- *** Searching
  , elemInScopeSet
  , elemUniqInScopeSet
  , notElemInScopeSet
  , varSetInScope
    -- ** Unique generation
  , uniqAway
  , uniqAway'
    -- * Dual renaming
  , RnEnv
    -- ** Construction
  , mkRnEnv
    -- ** Renaming
  , rnTmBndr
  , rnTyBndr
  , rnTmBndrs
  , rnTyBndrs
  , rnOccLId
  , rnOccRId
  , rnOccLTy
  , rnOccRTy

import           Data.Binary               (Binary)
import           Data.Coerce               (coerce)
import qualified Data.List                 as List
import qualified Data.List.Extra           as List
import           Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import           GHC.Exts                  (Any)
import           GHC.Generics

import           Clash.Core.Pretty         ()
import           Clash.Core.Var
import           Clash.Debug               (debugIsOn)
import           Clash.Unique
import           Clash.Util
import           Clash.Pretty

-- * VarEnv

-- | Map indexed by variables
type VarEnv a = UniqMap a

-- | Empty map
  :: VarEnv a
emptyVarEnv = emptyUniqMap

-- | Environment containing a single variable-value pair
  :: Var b
  -> a
  -> VarEnv a
unitVarEnv = unitUniqMap

-- | Look up a value based on the variable
  :: Var b
  -> VarEnv a
  -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv = lookupUniqMap

-- | Lookup a value based on the unique of a variable
  :: Unique
  -> VarEnv a
  -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnvDirectly = lookupUniqMap

-- | Lookup a value based on the variable
-- Errors out when the variable is not present
  :: VarEnv a
  -> Var b
  -> a
lookupVarEnv' = lookupUniqMap'

-- | Remove a variable-value pair from the environment
  :: VarEnv a
  -> Var b
  -> VarEnv a
delVarEnv = delUniqMap

-- | Remove a list of variable-value pairs from the environment
  :: VarEnv a
  -> [Var b]
  -> VarEnv a
delVarEnvList = delListUniqMap

-- | Add a variable-value pair to the environment; overwrites the value if the
-- variable already exists
  :: Var b
  -> a
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv = extendUniqMap

-- | Add a variable-value pair to the environment; if the variable already
-- exists, the two values are merged with the given function
  :: Var b
  -> a
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnvWith = extendUniqMapWith

-- | Add a list of variable-value pairs; the values of existing keys will be
-- overwritten
  :: VarEnv a
  -> [(Var b, a)]
  -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnvList = extendListUniqMap

-- | Is the environment empty
  :: VarEnv a
  -> Bool
nullVarEnv = nullUniqMap

-- | Get the (left-biased) union of two environments
  :: VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
unionVarEnv = unionUniqMap

-- | Get the union of two environments, mapped values existing in both
-- environments will be merged with the given function.
  :: (a -> a -> a)
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv a
unionVarEnvWith = unionUniqMapWith

-- | Create an environment given a list of var-value pairs
  :: [(Var a,b)]
  -> VarEnv b
mkVarEnv = listToUniqMap

-- | Apply a function to every element in the environment
  :: (a -> b)
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv b
mapVarEnv = mapUniqMap

-- | Apply a function to every element in the environment; values for which the
-- function returns 'Nothing' are removed from the environment
  :: (a -> Maybe b)
  -> VarEnv a
  -> VarEnv b
mapMaybeVarEnv = mapMaybeUniqMap

-- | Strict left-fold over an environment using both the unique of the
-- the variable and the value
  :: (a -> Unique -> b -> a)
  -> a
  -> VarEnv b
  -> a
foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' = foldlWithUnique'

-- | Extract the elements
  :: VarEnv a
  -> [a]
eltsVarEnv = eltsUniqMap

-- | Does the variable exist in the environment
  :: Var a
  -> VarEnv b
  -> Bool
elemVarEnv = elemUniqMap

-- | Does the variable not exist in the environment
  :: Var a
  -> VarEnv b
  -> Bool
notElemVarEnv = notElemUniqMap

-- * VarSet

-- | Set of variables
type VarSet = UniqSet (Var Any)

-- | The empty set
  :: VarSet
emptyVarSet = emptyUniqSet

-- | The set of a single variable
  :: Var a
  -> VarSet
unitVarSet v = unitUniqSet (coerce v)

-- | Add a variable to the set
  :: VarSet
  -> Var a
  -> VarSet
extendVarSet env v = extendUniqSet env (coerce v)

-- | Union two sets
  :: VarSet
  -> VarSet
  -> VarSet
unionVarSet = unionUniqSet

-- | Is the variable an element in the set
  :: Var a
  -> VarSet
  -> Bool
elemVarSet v = elemUniqSet (coerce v)

-- | Is the variable not an element in the set
  :: Var a
  -> VarSet
  -> Bool
notElemVarSet v = notElemUniqSet (coerce v)

-- | Is the set of variables A a subset of the variables B
  :: VarSet
  -- ^ Set of variables A
  -> VarSet
  -- ^ Set of variables B
  -> Bool
subsetVarSet = subsetUniqSet

-- | Look up a variable in the set, returns it if it exists
  :: Var a
  -> VarSet
  -> Maybe (Var Any)
lookupVarSet = lookupUniqSet

-- | Remove a variable from the set based on its 'Unique'
  :: Unique
  -> VarSet
  -> VarSet
delVarSetByKey = delUniqSetDirectly

-- | Create a set from a list of variables
  :: [Var a]
  -> VarSet
mkVarSet xs = mkUniqSet (coerce xs)

  :: VarSet
  -> [Var Any]
eltsVarSet = eltsUniqSet

-- * InScopeSet

-- | Set of variables that is in scope at some point
-- The 'Int' is a kind of hash-value used to generate new uniques. It should
-- never be zero
-- See "Secrets of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler inliner" Section 3.2 for the
-- motivation
data InScopeSet = InScopeSet VarSet {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  deriving (Generic, Binary)

instance ClashPretty InScopeSet where
  clashPretty (InScopeSet s _) = clashPretty s

-- | The empty set
  :: InScopeSet
  -> Var a
  -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSet (InScopeSet inScope n) v =
  InScopeSet (extendVarSet inScope v) (n + 1)

-- | Add a list of variables in scope
  :: InScopeSet
  -> [Var a]
  -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSetList (InScopeSet inScope n) vs =
  InScopeSet (List.foldl' extendVarSet inScope vs) (n + length vs)

-- | Union two sets of in scope variables
  :: InScopeSet
  -> InScopeSet
  -> InScopeSet
unionInScope (InScopeSet s1 _) (InScopeSet s2 n2)
  = InScopeSet (s1 `unionVarSet` s2) n2

-- | Is the set of variables in scope
  :: VarSet
  -> InScopeSet
  -> Bool
varSetInScope vars (InScopeSet s1 _)
  = vars `subsetVarSet` s1

-- | Look up a variable in the 'InScopeSet'. This gives you the canonical
-- version of the variable
  :: InScopeSet
  -> Var a
  -> Maybe (Var Any)
lookupInScope (InScopeSet s _) v = lookupVarSet v s

-- | Is the variable in scope
  :: Var a
  -> InScopeSet
  -> Bool
elemInScopeSet v (InScopeSet s _) = elemVarSet v s

-- | Check whether an element exists in the set based on the `Unique` contained
-- in that element
  :: Unique
  -> InScopeSet
  -> Bool
elemUniqInScopeSet u (InScopeSet s _) = u `elemUniqSetDirectly` s

-- | Is the variable not in scope
  :: Var a
  -> InScopeSet
  -> Bool
notElemInScopeSet v (InScopeSet s _) = notElemVarSet v s

-- | Create a set of variables in scope
  :: VarSet
  -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet is = InScopeSet is 1

-- | The empty set
  :: InScopeSet
emptyInScopeSet = mkInScopeSet emptyVarSet

-- | Ensure that the 'Unique' of a variable does not occur in the 'InScopeSet'
  :: (Uniquable a, ClashPretty a)
  => InScopeSet
  -> a
  -> a
uniqAway (InScopeSet set n) a =
  uniqAway' (`elemUniqSetDirectly` set) n a

  :: (Uniquable a, ClashPretty a)
  => (Unique -> Bool)
  -- ^ Unique in scope test
  -> Int
  -- ^ Seed
  -> a
  -> a
uniqAway' inScopeTest n u =
  if inScopeTest (getUnique u) then
    try 1
  origUniq = getUnique u
  try k
    | debugIsOn && k > 1000
    = pprPanic "uniqAway loop:" msg
    | inScopeTest uniq
    = try (k + 1)
    | k > 3
    = pprTraceDebug "uniqAway:" msg (setUnique u uniq)
    | otherwise
    = setUnique u uniq
      msg  = fromPretty k <+> "tries" <+> clashPretty u <+> fromPretty n
      uniq = deriveUnique origUniq (n * k)

  :: Unique
  -> Int
  -> Unique
deriveUnique i delta = i + delta

-- * RnEnv

-- | Rename environment for e.g. alpha equivalence
-- When going under binders for e.g.
-- @
-- \x -> e1  `aeq` \y -> e2
-- @
-- We want to rename @[x -> y]@  or @[y -> x]@, but we have to pick a binder
-- that is neither free in @e1@ nor @e2@ or we risk accidental capture.
-- So we must maintain:
--   1. A renaming for the left term
--   2. A renaming for the right term
--   3. A set of in scope variables
data RnEnv
  = RnEnv
  { rn_envLTy  :: VarEnv TyVar
    -- ^ Type renaming for the left term
  , rn_envLTm  :: VarEnv Id
    -- ^ Term renaming for the left term
  , rn_envRTy  :: VarEnv TyVar
    -- ^ Type renaming for the right term
  , rn_envRTm  :: VarEnv Id
    -- ^ Term renaming for the right term
  , rn_inScope :: InScopeSet
    -- ^ In scope in left or right terms

-- | Create an empty renaming environment
  :: InScopeSet -> RnEnv
mkRnEnv vars
  = RnEnv
  { rn_envLTy  = emptyVarEnv
  , rn_envLTm  = emptyVarEnv
  , rn_envRTy  = emptyVarEnv
  , rn_envRTm  = emptyVarEnv
  , rn_inScope = vars

-- | Look up the renaming of an type-variable occurrence in the left term
  :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
rnOccLTy rn v = fromMaybe v (lookupVarEnv v (rn_envLTy rn))

-- | Look up the renaming of an type-variable occurrence in the right term
  :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
rnOccRTy rn v = fromMaybe v (lookupVarEnv v (rn_envRTy rn))

-- | Simultaneously go under the type-variable binder /bTvL/ and type-variable
-- binder /bTvR/, finds a new binder /newTvB/, and return an environment mapping
-- @[bTvL -> newB]@ and @[bTvR -> newB]@
  :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar -> RnEnv
rnTyBndr rv@(RnEnv {rn_envLTy = lenv, rn_envRTy = renv, rn_inScope = inScope}) bL bR =
  rv { rn_envLTy = extendVarEnv bL newB lenv -- See Note [Rebinding and shadowing]
     , rn_envRTy = extendVarEnv bR newB renv
     , rn_inScope = extendInScopeSet inScope newB }
  -- Find a new type-binder not in scope in either term
  newB | not (bL `elemInScopeSet` inScope) = bL
       | not (bR `elemInScopeSet` inScope) = bR
       | otherwise                         = uniqAway inScope bL

{- Note [Rebinding and shadowing]

\x -> \x -> e1  `aeq` \y -> \x -> e2

Then inside

\x \y  { [x->p] [y->p]  {p} }
\x \z  { [x->q] [y->p, z->q] {p,q} }

i.e. if the new var is the same as the old var, the renaming is deleted by

-- | Applies 'rnTyBndr' to several variables: the two variable lists must be of
-- equal length.
  :: RnEnv -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> RnEnv
rnTyBndrs env tvs1 tvs2 =
  List.foldl' (\s (l,r) -> rnTyBndr s l r) env (List.zipEqual tvs1 tvs2)

-- | Look up the renaming of an occurrence in the left term
  :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id
rnOccLId rn v = fromMaybe v (lookupVarEnv v (rn_envLTm rn))

-- | Look up the renaming of an occurrence in the left term
  :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id
rnOccRId rn v = fromMaybe v (lookupVarEnv v (rn_envRTm rn))

-- | Simultaneously go under the binder /bL/ and binder /bR/, finds a new binder
-- /newTvB/, and return an environment mapping @[bL -> newB]@ and @[bR -> newB]@
  :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id -> RnEnv
rnTmBndr rv@(RnEnv {rn_envLTm = lenv, rn_envRTm = renv, rn_inScope = inScope}) bL bR =
  rv { rn_envLTm = extendVarEnv bL newB lenv -- See Note [Rebinding and shadowing]
     , rn_envRTm = extendVarEnv bR newB renv
     , rn_inScope = extendInScopeSet inScope newB }
  -- Find a new type-binder not in scope in either term
  newB | not (bL `elemInScopeSet` inScope) = bL
       | not (bR `elemInScopeSet` inScope) = bR
       | otherwise                         = uniqAway inScope bL

-- | Applies 'rnTmBndr' to several variables: the two variable lists must be of
-- equal length.
  :: RnEnv -> [Id] -> [Id] -> RnEnv
rnTmBndrs env ids1 ids2 =
  List.foldl' (\s (l,r) -> rnTmBndr s l r) env (List.zipEqual ids1 ids2)