{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Function where

import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Bitstream
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Blocks
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Constants
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Metadata
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Values
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Match
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Parse
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Record
import Text.LLVM.AST
import Text.LLVM.Labels
import Text.LLVM.PP

import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad (unless,mplus,mzero,foldM,(<=<))
import Data.Bits (shiftR,bit,shiftL,testBit,(.&.),(.|.),complement)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

-- Function Aliases ------------------------------------------------------------

type AliasList = Seq.Seq PartialAlias

data PartialAlias = PartialAlias
  { paName   :: Symbol
  , paType   :: Type
  , paTarget :: !Int
  } deriving Show

parseAlias :: Int -> Record -> Parse PartialAlias
parseAlias n r = do
  let field = parseField r
  ty  <- getType   =<< field 0 numeric
  tgt <-               field 1 numeric
  sym <- entryName n
  let name = Symbol sym
  _   <- pushValue (Typed ty (ValSymbol name))
  return PartialAlias
    { paName   = name
    , paType   = ty
    , paTarget = tgt

finalizePartialAlias :: PartialAlias -> Parse GlobalAlias
finalizePartialAlias pa = do
  tv  <- getValue (paType pa) (paTarget pa)
  tgt <- relabel (const requireBbEntryName) (typedValue tv)
  return GlobalAlias
    { aliasName   = paName pa
    , aliasType   = paType pa
    , aliasTarget = tgt

-- Function Attribute Record ---------------------------------------------------

type DeclareList = Seq.Seq FunProto

-- | Turn a function prototype into a declaration.
finalizeDeclare :: FunProto -> Parse Declare
finalizeDeclare fp = case protoType fp of
  PtrTo (FunTy ret args va) -> return Declare
    { decRetType = ret
    , decName    = Symbol (protoName fp)
    , decArgs    = args
    , decVarArgs = va
  _ -> fail "invalid type on function prototype"

-- Function Body ---------------------------------------------------------------

type DefineList = Seq.Seq PartialDefine

-- | A define with a list of statements for a body, instead of a list of basic
-- bocks.
data PartialDefine = PartialDefine
  { partialAttrs    :: FunAttrs
  , partialSection  :: Maybe String
  , partialRetType  :: Type
  , partialName     :: Symbol
  , partialArgs     :: [Typed Ident]
  , partialVarArgs  :: Bool
  , partialBody     :: BlockList
  , partialBlock    :: StmtList
  , partialBlockId  :: !Int
  , partialSymtab   :: ValueSymtab
  , partialMetadata :: Map.Map PKindMd PValMd
  , partialGlobalMd :: [PartialUnnamedMd]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Generate a partial function definition from a function prototype.
emptyPartialDefine :: FunProto -> Parse PartialDefine
emptyPartialDefine proto = do
  (rty,tys,va) <- elimFunPtr (protoType proto)
      `mplus` fail "invalid function type in prototype"
  names <- mapM nameNextValue tys

  symtab <- initialPartialSymtab

  return PartialDefine
    { partialAttrs    = protoAttrs proto
    , partialSection  = protoSect proto
    , partialRetType  = rty
    , partialName     = Symbol (protoName proto)
    , partialArgs     = zipWith Typed tys names
    , partialVarArgs  = va
    , partialBody     = Seq.empty
    , partialBlock    = Seq.empty
    , partialBlockId  = 0
    , partialSymtab   = symtab
    , partialMetadata = Map.empty
    , partialGlobalMd = []

-- | Set the statement list in a partial define.
setPartialBlock :: StmtList -> PartialDefine -> PartialDefine
setPartialBlock stmts pd = pd { partialBlock = stmts }

-- | Set the block list in a partial define.
setPartialBody :: BlockList -> PartialDefine -> PartialDefine
setPartialBody blocks pd = pd { partialBody = blocks }

initialPartialSymtab :: Parse ValueSymtab
initialPartialSymtab  = do
  mb     <- bbEntryName 0
  case mb of
    Just{}  -> return emptyValueSymtab
    Nothing -> do
      i <- nextResultId
      return (addBBAnon 0 i emptyValueSymtab)

updateLastStmt :: (PStmt -> PStmt) -> PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
updateLastStmt f pd = case updatePartialBlock `mplus` updatePartialBody of
  Just pd' -> return pd'
  Nothing  -> fail "No statement to update"
  updatePartialBlock = updateStmts partialBlock setPartialBlock pd

  updatePartialBody = case Seq.viewr (partialBody pd) of
    blocks Seq.:> b -> do
      b' <- updateStmts partialStmts setPartialStmts b
      return (setPartialBody (blocks Seq.|> b') pd)
    Seq.EmptyR          -> mzero

  updateStmts prj upd a = case Seq.viewr (prj a) of
    stmts Seq.:> stmt -> return (upd (stmts Seq.|> f stmt) a)
    Seq.EmptyR        -> mzero

type BlockLookup = Symbol -> Int -> Parse BlockLabel

lookupBlockName :: DefineList -> BlockLookup
lookupBlockName dl = lkp
  syms = Map.fromList [ (partialName d, partialSymtab d) | d <- F.toList dl ]
  lkp fn bid = case Map.lookup fn syms of
    Nothing -> fail ("symbol " ++ show (ppLLVM (ppSymbol fn)) ++ " is not defined")
    Just st -> case Map.lookup (SymTabBBEntry bid) st of
      Nothing -> fail ("block id " ++ show bid ++ " does not exist")
      Just sn -> return (mkBlockLabel sn)

-- | Finalize a partial definition.
finalizePartialDefine :: BlockLookup -> PartialDefine -> Parse Define
finalizePartialDefine lkp pd =
  -- augment the symbol table with implicitly named anonymous blocks, and
  -- generate basic blocks.
  withValueSymtab (partialSymtab pd) $ do
    body <- finalizeBody lkp (partialBody pd)
    md <- finalizeMetadata (partialMetadata pd)
    return Define
      { defAttrs    = partialAttrs pd
      , defRetType  = partialRetType pd
      , defName     = partialName pd
      , defArgs     = partialArgs pd
      , defVarArgs  = partialVarArgs pd
      , defBody     = body
      , defSection  = partialSection pd
      , defMetadata = md

finalizeMetadata :: PFnMdAttachments -> Parse FnMdAttachments
finalizeMetadata patt = Map.fromList <$> mapM f (Map.toList patt)
  where f (k,md) = (,) <$> getKind k <*> finalizePValMd md

-- | Individual label resolution step.
resolveBlockLabel :: BlockLookup -> Maybe Symbol -> Int -> Parse BlockLabel
resolveBlockLabel lkp mbSym = case mbSym of
  Nothing  -> requireBbEntryName
  Just sym -> lkp sym

-- | Name the next result with either its symbol, or the next available
-- anonymous result id.
nameNextValue :: Type -> Parse Ident
nameNextValue ty = do
  vs   <- getValueTable
  let nextId = valueNextId vs
  name <- entryName nextId `mplus` (show <$> nextResultId)
  let i   = Ident name
      tv  = Typed ty (ValIdent i)
  setValueTable (addValue tv vs)
  return i

-- | The record that defines the number of blocks in a function.
declareBlocksRecord :: Match Entry UnabbrevRecord
declareBlocksRecord  = hasUnabbrevCode 1 <=< unabbrev

-- | Emit a statement to the current partial definition.
addStmt :: Stmt' Int -> PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
addStmt s d
  | isTerminator (stmtInstr s) = terminateBlock d'
  | otherwise                  = return d'
  d' = d { partialBlock = partialBlock d Seq.|> s }

-- | Terminate the current basic block.  Resolve the name of the next basic
-- block as either its symbol from the symbol table, or the next available
-- anonymous identifier.
terminateBlock :: PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
terminateBlock d = do
  let next = partialBlockId d + 1
  mb <- bbEntryName next
  d' <- case mb of
    Just _  -> return d
    Nothing -> do
      -- no label, use the next result id
      l <- nextResultId
      return d { partialSymtab = addBBAnon next l (partialSymtab d) }

  return d'
    { partialBody  = partialBody d Seq.|> PartialBlock
      { partialLabel = partialBlockId d
      , partialStmts = partialBlock   d
    , partialBlockId = next
    , partialBlock   = Seq.empty

type BlockList = Seq.Seq PartialBlock

-- | Process a @BlockList@, turning it into a list of basic blocks.
finalizeBody :: BlockLookup -> BlockList -> Parse [BasicBlock]
finalizeBody lkp = fmap F.toList . T.mapM (finalizePartialBlock lkp)

data PartialBlock = PartialBlock
  { partialLabel :: !Int
  , partialStmts :: StmtList
  } deriving (Show)

setPartialStmts :: StmtList -> PartialBlock -> PartialBlock
setPartialStmts stmts pb = pb { partialStmts = stmts }

-- | Process a partial basic block into a full basic block.
finalizePartialBlock :: BlockLookup -> PartialBlock -> Parse BasicBlock
finalizePartialBlock lkp pb = BasicBlock
                          <$> bbEntryName (partialLabel pb)
                          <*> finalizeStmts lkp (partialStmts pb)

type PStmt = Stmt' Int

type StmtList = Seq.Seq PStmt

-- | Process a list of statements with explicit block id labels into one with
-- textual labels.
finalizeStmts :: BlockLookup -> StmtList -> Parse [Stmt]
finalizeStmts lkp = mapM (finalizeStmt lkp) . F.toList

finalizeStmt :: BlockLookup -> Stmt' Int -> Parse Stmt
finalizeStmt lkp = relabel (resolveBlockLabel lkp)

-- Function Block Parsing ------------------------------------------------------

-- | Parse the function block.
parseFunctionBlock ::
  Int {- ^ unnamed globals so far -} ->
  [Entry] -> Parse PartialDefine
parseFunctionBlock unnamedGlobals ents =
  label "FUNCTION_BLOCK" $ enterFunctionDef $ do

  -- parse the value symtab block first, so that names are present during the
  -- rest of the parse
  symtab <- label "VALUE_SYMTAB" $ do
    mb <- match (findMatch valueSymtabBlockId) ents
    case mb of
      Just es -> parseValueSymbolTableBlock es
      Nothing -> return Map.empty

  -- pop the function prototype off of the internal stack
  proto <- popFunProto

  label (protoName proto) $ withValueSymtab symtab $ do

    -- generate the initial partial definition
    pd  <- emptyPartialDefine proto
    rec pd' <- foldM (parseFunctionBlockEntry unnamedGlobals vt) pd ents
        vt  <- getValueTable

    -- merge the symbol table with the anonymous symbol table
    return pd' { partialSymtab = partialSymtab pd' `Map.union` symtab }

-- | Parse the members of the function block
parseFunctionBlockEntry ::
  Int {- ^ unnamed globals so far -} ->
  ValueTable -> PartialDefine -> Entry ->
  Parse PartialDefine

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ _ d (constantsBlockId -> Just es) = do
  parseConstantsBlock es
  return d

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ t d (fromEntry -> Just r) = case recordCode r of

  -- [n]
  1 -> label "FUNC_CODE_DECLARE_BLOCKS" (return d)

  -- [opval,ty,opval,opcode]
  2 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_BINOP" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (lhs,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    rhs      <- getValue (typedType lhs) =<< field ix numeric
    mkInstr  <- field (ix + 1) binop
    -- if there's an extra field on the end of the record, it's for designating
    -- the value of the nuw and nsw flags.  the constructor returned from binop
    -- will use that value when constructing the binop.
    let mbWord = numeric =<< fieldAt (ix + 2) r
    result (typedType lhs) (mkInstr mbWord lhs (typedValue rhs)) d

  -- [opval,opty,destty,castopc]
  3 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_CAST" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    resty   <- getType =<< field ix numeric
    cast'   <-             field (ix+1) castOp
    result resty (cast' tv resty) d

  4 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_GEP_OLD" (parseGEP t (Just False) r d)

  -- [opval,ty,opval,opval]
  5 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_SELECT" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (tval,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    fval      <- getValue (typedType tval)       =<< field  ix    numeric
    cond      <- getValue (PrimType (Integer 1)) =<< field (ix+1) numeric
    result (typedType tval) (Select cond tval (typedValue fval)) d

  -- [ty,opval,opval]
  6 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_EXTRACTELT" $ do
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    idx     <- getValue (PrimType (Integer 32)) =<< parseField r ix numeric
    (_, ty) <- elimVector (typedType tv)
        `mplus` fail "invalid EXTRACTELT record"
    result ty (ExtractElt tv (typedValue idx)) d

  -- [ty,opval,opval,opval]
  7 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_INSERTELT" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    (_,pty) <- elimVector (typedType tv)
                 `mplus` fail "invalid INSERTELT record (not a vector)"
    elt     <- getValue pty                     =<< field  ix    numeric
    idx     <- getValue (PrimType (Integer 32)) =<< field (ix+1) numeric
    result (typedType tv) (InsertElt tv elt (typedValue idx)) d

  -- [opval,ty,opval,opval]
  8 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_SHUFFLEVEC" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (vec1,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    vec2      <- getValue (typedType vec1) =<< field  ix    numeric
    (mask,_)  <- getValueTypePair t r (ix+1)
    result (typedType vec1) (ShuffleVector vec1 (typedValue vec2) mask) d

  -- 9 is handled lower down, as it's processed the same way as 28

  -- [opval,opval<optional>]
  10 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_RET" $ case length (recordFields r) of
    0 -> effect RetVoid d
    _ -> do
      (tv,_) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
      effect (Ret tv) d

  -- [bb#,bb#,cond] or [bb#]
  11 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_BR" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    bb1 <- field 0 numeric
    let jump   = effect (Jump bb1) d
        branch = do
          bb2  <- field 1 numeric
          n    <- field 2 numeric
          cond <- getValue (PrimType (Integer 1)) n
          effect (Br cond bb1 bb2) d
    branch `mplus` jump

  12 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_SWITCH" $ do
    let field = parseField r

    -- switch implementation magic, May 2012 => 1205 => 0x4B5
    let switchInstMagic :: Int
        switchInstMagic  = 0x4B5

    n <- field 0 numeric

    -- parse the new switch format.
    let newSwitch = do
          opty <- getType =<< field 1 numeric

          width <- case opty of
            PrimType (Integer w) -> return w
            _                    -> fail "invalid switch discriminate"

          cond     <- getValue opty =<< field 2 numeric
          def      <-                   field 3 numeric -- Int id of a label
          numCases <-                   field 4 numeric
          ls       <- parseNewSwitchLabels width r numCases 5
          effect (Switch cond def ls) d

    -- parse the old switch format
    -- [opty, op0, op1, ...]
    let oldSwitch = do
          opty <- getType n
          cond <- getValue opty =<< field 1 numeric
          def  <-                   field 2 numeric
          ls   <- parseSwitchLabels opty r 3
          effect (Switch cond def ls) d

    -- NOTE: there's a message in BitcodeReader.cpp that indicates that the
    -- newSwitch format is not used as of sometime before 3.4.2.  It's still
    -- supported, but 3.4.2 at least doesn't generate it anymore.
    if n `shiftR` 16 == switchInstMagic then newSwitch else oldSwitch

  -- [attrs,cc,normBB,unwindBB,fnty,op0,op1..]
  13 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_INVOKE" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    normal      <- field 2 numeric
    unwind      <- field 3 numeric
    (f,ix)      <- getValueTypePair t r 4
    (ret,as,va) <- elimFunPtr (typedType f)
        `mplus` fail "invalid INVOKE record"
    args        <- parseInvokeArgs t va r ix as
    result ret (Invoke (typedType f) (typedValue f) args normal unwind) d

  14 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_UNWIND" (effect Unwind d)

  15 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_UNREACHABLE" (effect Unreachable d)

  -- [ty,val0,bb0,...]
  16 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_PHI" $ do
    ty     <- getType =<< parseField r 0 numeric

    -- NOTE: we use getRelIds here, as that uses a table that's not currently
    -- stuck in the recursive loop.  Attempting to use valueRelIds on t will
    -- cause a loop.
    useRelIds <- getRelIds
    args      <- parsePhiArgs useRelIds t r
    result ty (Phi ty args) d

  -- 17 is unused
  -- 18 is unused

  -- [instty,opty,op,align]
  19 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_ALLOCA" $ do
    unless (length (recordFields r) == 4)
        (fail "Invalid ALLOCA record")
    let field = parseField r

    instty <- getType           =<< field 0 numeric -- pointer type
    ty     <- getType           =<< field 1 numeric -- size type
    size   <- getFnValueById ty =<< field 2 numeric -- size value
    align  <-                       field 3 numeric -- alignment value

    let sval = case typedValue size of
          ValInteger i | i == 1 -> Nothing
          _                     -> Just size
        mask :: Word32
        mask = (1 `shiftL` 5) .|. -- inalloca
               (1 `shiftL` 6) .|. -- explicit type
               (1 `shiftL` 7)     -- swift error
        aval = (1 `shiftL` (fromIntegral (align .&. complement mask))) `shiftR` 1
        explicitType = testBit align 6
        ity = if explicitType then PtrTo instty else instty

    ret <- if explicitType
              then return instty
              else elimPtrTo instty
                      `mplus` fail "invalid return type in INST_ALLOCA"

    result ity (Alloca ret sval (Just aval)) d

  -- [opty,op,align,vol]
  20 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_LOAD" $ do
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0

    (ret,ix') <-
      if length (recordFields r) == ix + 3
         then do ty <- getType =<< parseField r ix numeric
                 return (ty,ix+1)

         else do ty <- elimPtrTo (typedType tv)
                           `mplus` fail "invalid type to INST_LOAD"
                 return (ty,ix)

    aval    <- parseField r ix' numeric
    let align | aval > 0  = Just (bit aval `shiftR` 1)
              | otherwise = Nothing
    result ret (Load (tv { typedType = PtrTo ret }) align) d

  -- 21 is unused
  -- 22 is unused

  23 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_VAARG" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    ty    <- getType     =<< field 0 numeric
    op    <- getValue ty =<< field 1 numeric
    resTy <- getType     =<< field 2 numeric
    result resTy (VaArg op resTy) d

  -- [ptrty,ptr,val,align,vol]
  24 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_STORE_OLD" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (ptr,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    ty       <- elimPtrTo (typedType ptr)
                  `mplus` fail "invalid type to INST_STORE"
    val      <- getValue ty =<< field ix numeric
    aval     <- field (ix+1) numeric
    let align | aval > 0  = Just (bit aval `shiftR` 1)
              | otherwise = Nothing
    effect (Store val ptr align) d

  -- 25 is unused

  -- [opty, opval, n x indices]
  26 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_EXTRACTVAL" $ do
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    ixs     <- parseIndexes r ix
    ret     <- interpValueIndex (typedType tv) ixs
    result ret (ExtractValue tv ixs) d

  27 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_INSERTVAL" $ do
    (tv,ix)   <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    (elt,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r ix
    ixs       <- parseIndexes r ix'
    result (typedType tv) (InsertValue tv elt ixs) d

  -- 28 is handled lower down, as it's processed the same way as 9

  29 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_VSELECT" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (tv,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    fv      <- getValue (typedType tv) =<< field ix numeric
    (c,_)   <- getValueTypePair t r (ix+1)
    result (typedType tv) (Select c tv (typedValue fv)) d

  30 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_INBOUNDS_GEP_OLD" (parseGEP t (Just True) r d)

  31 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_INDIRECTBR" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    ty   <- getType     =<< field 0 numeric
    addr <- getValue ty =<< field 1 numeric
    ls   <- parseIndexes r 2
    effect (IndirectBr addr ls) d

  -- 32 is unused

  33 -> label "FUNC_CODE_DEBUG_LOC_AGAIN" $ do
    loc <- getLastLoc
    updateLastStmt (extendMetadata ("dbg", ValMdLoc loc)) d

  -- [paramattrs, cc, fnty, fnid, arg0 .. arg n]
  34 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_CALL" $ do
    let field = parseField r

    -- pal <- field 0 numeric
    ccinfo <- field 1 numeric

    (mbFnTy, ix) <- if testBit (ccinfo :: Word32) 15
                       then do fnTy <- getType =<< field 2 numeric
                               return (Just fnTy, 3)
                       else    return (Nothing,   2)

    (Typed opTy fn, ix') <- getValueTypePair t r ix
                                `mplus` fail "Invalid record"

    op <- elimPtrTo opTy `mplus` fail "Callee is not a pointer type"

    fnty <- case mbFnTy of
             Just ty | ty == op  -> return op
                     | otherwise -> fail "Explicit call type does not match \
                                         \pointee type of callee operand"

             Nothing ->
               case op of
                 FunTy{} -> return op
                 _       -> fail "Callee is not of pointer to function type"

    label (show fn) $ do
      (ret,as,va) <- elimFunTy fnty `mplus` fail "invalid CALL record"
      args <- parseCallArgs t va r ix' as
      result ret (Call False opTy fn args) d

  -- [Line,Col,ScopeVal, IAVal]
  35 -> label "FUNC_CODE_DEBUG_LOC" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    line    <- field 0 numeric
    col     <- field 1 numeric
    scopeId <- field 2 numeric
    iaId    <- field 3 numeric

    scope <- if scopeId > 0
                then getMetadata (scopeId - 1)
                else fail "No scope provided"

    ia <- if iaId > 0
             then Just `fmap` getMetadata (iaId - 1)
             else return Nothing

    let loc = DebugLoc
          { dlLine  = line
          , dlCol   = col
          , dlScope = typedValue scope
          , dlIA    = typedValue `fmap` ia
    setLastLoc loc
    updateLastStmt (extendMetadata ("dbg", ValMdLoc loc)) d

  -- [ordering, synchscope]
  36 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_FENCE" $ do

  -- [ptrty,ptr,cmp,new, align, vol,
  --  ordering, synchscope]
  37 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_CMPXCHG" $ do

  -- [ptrty,ptr,val, operation,
  --  align, vol,
  --  ordering,synchscope]
  38 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_ATOMICRMW" $ do

  -- [opval]
  39 -> label "FUNC_CODE_RESUME" $ do
    (tv,_) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    effect (Resume tv) d

  -- [ty,val,val,num,id0,val0...]
  40 -> label "FUNC_CODE_LANDINGPAD_OLD" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    ty          <- getType =<< field 0 numeric
    (persFn,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 1
    val         <- field ix numeric
    let isCleanup = val /= (0 :: Int)
    len         <- field (ix + 1) numeric
    clauses     <- parseClauses t r len (ix + 2)
    result ty (LandingPad ty persFn isCleanup clauses) d

  -- [opty, op, align, vol,
  --  ordering, synchscope]
  41 -> label "FUNC_CODE_LOADATOMIC" $ do

  -- [ptrty, ptr, val, align, vol, ordering, synchscope]

  43 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_GEP" (parseGEP t Nothing r d)

  44 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_STORE" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (ptr,ix)  <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    (val,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r ix
    aval      <- field ix' numeric
    let align | aval > 0  = Just (bit aval `shiftR` 1)
              | otherwise = Nothing
    effect (Store val ptr align) d

  45 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_STOREATOMIC" $ do

  46 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CMPXCHG" $ do

  47 -> label "FUNC_CODE_LANDINGPAD" $ do

  48 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CLEANUPRET" $ do

  49 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CATCHRET" $ do

  50 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CATCHPAD" $ do

  51 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CLEANUPPAD" $ do

  52 -> label "FUNC_CODE_CATCHSWITCH" $ do

  -- 53 is unused
  -- 54 is unused

  55 -> label "FUNC_CODE_OPERAND_BUNDLE" $ do

  -- [opty,opval,opval,pred]
   |  code == 9
   || code == 28 -> label "FUNC_CODE_INST_CMP2" $ do
    let field = parseField r
    (lhs,ix) <- getValueTypePair t r 0
    rhs      <- getValue (typedType lhs) =<< field ix numeric

    let ty = typedType lhs
        parseOp | isPrimTypeOf isFloatingPoint ty ||
                  isVectorOf (isPrimTypeOf isFloatingPoint) ty =
                  return . FCmp <=< fcmpOp

                | otherwise =
                  return . ICmp <=< icmpOp

    op <- field (ix+1) parseOp

    let boolTy = Integer 1
    let rty = case ty of
          Vector n _ -> Vector n (PrimType boolTy)
          _          -> PrimType boolTy
    result rty (op lhs (typedValue rhs)) d

  -- unknown
   | otherwise -> fail ("instruction code " ++ show code ++ " is unknown")

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ _ d (valueSymtabBlockId -> Just _) = do
  -- this is parsed before any of the function block
  return d

parseFunctionBlockEntry globals t d (metadataBlockId -> Just es) = do
  (_, (globalUnnamedMds, localUnnamedMds), _, _) <- parseMetadataBlock globals t es
  unless (null localUnnamedMds)
     (fail "parseFunctionBlockEntry PANIC: unexpected local unnamed metadata")
  return d { partialGlobalMd = globalUnnamedMds ++ partialGlobalMd d }

parseFunctionBlockEntry globals t d (metadataAttachmentBlockId -> Just es) = do
  (_,(globalUnnamedMds, localUnnamedMds),instrAtt,fnAtt)
     <- parseMetadataBlock globals t es
  unless (null localUnnamedMds)
     (fail "parseFunctionBlockEntry PANIC: unexpected local unnamed metadata")
  unless (null globalUnnamedMds)
     (fail "parseFunctionBlockEntry PANIC: unexpected global unnamed metadata")
  return d { partialBody     = addInstrAttachments instrAtt (partialBody d)
           , partialMetadata = Map.union fnAtt (partialMetadata d)

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ _ d (abbrevDef -> Just _) =
  -- ignore any abbreviation definitions
  return d

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ _ d (uselistBlockId -> Just _) = do
  -- ignore the uselist block
  return d

parseFunctionBlockEntry _ _ _ e = do
  fail ("function block: unexpected: " ++ show e)

addInstrAttachments :: InstrMdAttachments -> BlockList -> BlockList
addInstrAttachments atts blocks = go 0 (Map.toList atts) (Seq.viewl blocks)
  go _   []  (b Seq.:< bs) = b Seq.<| bs
  go off mds (b Seq.:< bs) =
    b' Seq.<| go (off + numStmts) delay (Seq.viewl bs)
    numStmts = Seq.length (partialStmts b)

    -- partition the attachments into those that apply to this block, and those
    -- that don't
    (use,delay)   = span applies mds
    applies (i,_) = i - off < numStmts

    b' | null use  = b
       | otherwise = b { partialStmts = foldl addMd (partialStmts b) use }

    addMd stmts (i,md') = Seq.adjust update i stmts
      update (Result n s md) = Result n s (md ++ md')
      update (Effect   s md) = Effect   s (md ++ md')

  go _ _ Seq.EmptyL = Seq.empty

baseType :: Type -> Type
baseType (PtrTo ty) = ty
baseType (Array _ ty) = ty
baseType (Vector _ ty) = ty
baseType ty = ty

-- [n x operands]
parseGEP :: ValueTable -> Maybe Bool -> Record -> PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
parseGEP t mbInBound r d = do
  (ib, tv, r', ix) <-
      case mbInBound of

        Just ib -> do
          (tv,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r 0
          return (ib, tv, r, ix')

        Nothing -> do
          let r' = flattenRecord r
          let field = parseField r'
          ib <- field 0 boolean
          ty <- getType =<< field 1 numeric
          (tv,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r' 2
          -- TODO: the following sometimes fails, but it doesn't seem to matter.
          unless (baseType (typedType tv) == ty)
              (fail $ unlines [ "Explicit gep type does not match base type of pointer operand"
                              , "Declared type: " ++ show (ppType ty)
                              , "Operand type: " ++ show (ppType (typedType tv))
                              , "Base type of operand: " ++ show (ppType (baseType (typedType tv)))
          return (ib, tv { typedType = PtrTo ty }, r', ix')

  args    <- label "parseGepArgs" (parseGepArgs t r' ix)
  rty     <- label "interpGep"    (interpGep (typedType tv) args)
  result rty (GEP ib tv args) d

-- | Generate a statement that doesn't produce a result.
effect :: Instr' Int -> PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
effect i d = addStmt (Effect i []) d

-- | Try to name results, fall back on leaving them as effects.
result :: Type -> Instr' Int -> PartialDefine -> Parse PartialDefine
result (PrimType Void) i d = effect i d
result ty              i d = do
  res <- nameNextValue ty
  addStmt (Result res i []) d

-- | Loop, parsing arguments out of a record in pairs, as the arguments to a phi
-- instruction.
parsePhiArgs :: Bool -> ValueTable -> Record -> Parse [(PValue,Int)]
parsePhiArgs relIds t r = loop 1
  field = parseField r
  len   = length (recordFields r)

  getId n
    | relIds    = do
      i   <- field n signedWord64
      pos <- getNextId
      return (pos - fromIntegral i)
    | otherwise =
      field n numeric

  parse n = do
    i   <- getId n
    cxt <- getContext
    let val = forwardRef cxt i t
    bid <- field (n+1) numeric
    return (typedValue val,bid)

  loop n
    | n >= len  = return []
    | otherwise = do
      entry <- parse n
      rest  <- loop (n+2)
      return (entry:rest)

-- | Parse the arguments for a call record.
parseCallArgs :: ValueTable -> Bool -> Record -> Int -> [Type] -> Parse [Typed PValue]
parseCallArgs t = parseArgs t $ \ ty i ->
  case ty of
    PrimType Label -> return (Typed ty (ValLabel i))
    _              -> getValue ty i

-- | Parse the arguments for an invoke record.
parseInvokeArgs :: ValueTable -> Bool -> Record -> Int -> [Type] -> Parse [Typed PValue]
parseInvokeArgs t = parseArgs t getValue

-- | Parse arguments for the invoke and call instructions.
parseArgs :: ValueTable -> (Type -> Int -> Parse (Typed PValue))
          -> Bool -> Record -> Int -> [Type] -> Parse [Typed PValue]
parseArgs t parse va r = loop
  field = parseField r

  len = length (recordFields r)

  loop ix (ty:tys) = do
    tv   <- parse ty =<< field ix numeric
    rest <- loop (ix+1) tys
    return (tv:rest)
  loop ix []
    | va        = varArgs ix
    | otherwise = return []

  varArgs ix
    | ix < len  = do
      (tv,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r ix
      rest     <- varArgs ix'
      return (tv:rest)
    | otherwise = return []

parseGepArgs :: ValueTable -> Record -> Int -> Parse [Typed PValue]
parseGepArgs t r = loop
  loop n = parse `mplus` return []
    parse = do
      (tv,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r n
      rest     <- loop ix'
      return (tv:rest)

-- | Interpret the getelementptr arguments, to determine the final type of the
-- instruction.
interpGep :: Type -> [Typed PValue] -> Parse Type
interpGep ty vs = check (resolveGep ty vs)
  check res = case res of
    HasType rty -> return (PtrTo rty)
    Invalid     -> fail "unable to determine the type of getelementptr"
    Resolve i k -> do
      ty' <- getType' =<< getTypeId i
      check (k ty')

parseIndexes :: Num a => Record -> Int -> Parse [a]
parseIndexes r = loop
  field  = parseField r
  loop n = do
    ix   <- field n numeric
    rest <- loop (n+1) `mplus` return []
    return (ix:rest)

interpValueIndex :: Type -> [Int32] -> Parse Type
interpValueIndex ty is = check (resolveValueIndex ty is)
  check res = case res of
    Invalid     -> fail "unable to determine the type of (extract/insert)value"
    HasType rty -> return rty
    Resolve i k -> do
      ty' <- getType' =<< getTypeId i
      check (k ty')

-- | Parse out the integer values, and jump targets (as Int labels) for a switch
-- instruction.  For example, parsing the following switch instruction
-- >  switch i32 %Val, label %truedest [i32 0, label %falsedest]
-- yields the list [0,Ident "falsedest"], if labels are just 'Ident's.
parseSwitchLabels :: Type -> Record -> Int -> Parse [(Integer,Int)]
parseSwitchLabels ty r = loop
  field = parseField r
  len   = length (recordFields r)

  loop n
    | n >= len  = return []
    | otherwise = do
      tv <- getFnValueById ty =<< field n numeric
      i <- case typedValue tv of
             ValInteger i -> return i
             ValBool b -> return (toEnum (fromEnum b))
             v -> fail $ unwords [ "Invalid value in SWITCH record. Found"
                                 , show v
                                 , "at position"
                                 , show n
      l    <- field (n+1) numeric
      rest <- loop (n+2)
      return ((i,l):rest)

-- | See the comment for 'parseSwitchLabels' for information about what this
-- does.
parseNewSwitchLabels :: Int32 -> Record -> Int -> Int -> Parse [(Integer,Int)]
parseNewSwitchLabels width r = loop
  field = parseField r
  len   = length (recordFields r)

  -- parse each group of cases as one or more numbers, and a basic block.
  loop numCases n
    | numCases <= 0 = return []
    | n >= len      = fail "invalid SWITCH record"
    | otherwise     = do
      numItems <- field n  numeric
      (ls,n')  <- parseItems numItems (n + 1)
      lab      <- field n' numeric
      rest     <- loop (numCases - 1) (n' + 1)
      return ([ (l,lab) | l <- ls ] ++ rest)

  -- different numbers that all target the same basic block
  parseItems :: Int -> Int -> Parse ([Integer],Int)
  parseItems numItems n
    | numItems <= 0 = return ([],n)
    | otherwise     = do
      isSingleNumber <- field n boolean

      -- The number of words used to represent a case is only specified when the
      -- value comes from a large type.
      (activeWords,lowStart) <-
        if width > 64
           then do aw <- field (n + 1) numeric
                   return (aw, n + 2)
           else return (1,n+1)

      -- read the chunks of the number in.  each chunk represents one 64-bit
      -- limb of a big num.
      chunks <- parseSlice r lowStart activeWords signedWord64

      -- decode limbs in big-endian order
      let low = foldr (\l acc -> acc `shiftL` 64 + toInteger l) 0 chunks

      (num,n') <-
        if isSingleNumber
           then return (low, lowStart + activeWords)
           else fail "Unhandled case in switch: Please send in this test case!"

      (rest,nFinal) <- parseItems (numItems - 1) n'

      return (num:rest,nFinal)

type PClause = Clause' Int

parseClauses :: ValueTable -> Record -> Int -> Int -> Parse [PClause]
parseClauses t r = loop
  loop n ix
    | n <= 0    = return []
    | otherwise = do
      cty       <- parseField r ix numeric
      (val,ix') <- getValueTypePair t r (ix + 1)
      cs        <- loop (n-1) ix'
      case cty :: Int of
        0 -> return (Catch  val : cs)
        1 -> return (Filter val : cs)
        _ -> fail ("Invalid clause type: " ++ show cty)