{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}

module Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Metadata (
  , parseMetadataKindEntry
  , PartialUnnamedMd(..)
  , finalizePartialUnnamedMd
  , finalizePValMd
  , InstrMdAttachments
  , PFnMdAttachments
  , PKindMd
  ) where

import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Bitstream
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Match
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Parse
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Record
import Text.LLVM.AST
import Text.LLVM.Labels

import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad (foldM,guard,mplus,unless,when)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 (unpack)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

-- Parsing State ---------------------------------------------------------------

data MetadataTable = MetadataTable
  { mtEntries   :: MdTable
  , mtNextNode  :: !Int
  , mtNodes     :: Map.Map Int (Bool,Bool,Int)
                   -- ^ The entries in the map are: is the entry function local,
                   -- is the entry distinct, and the implicit id for the node.
  } deriving (Show)

emptyMetadataTable ::
  Int {- ^ globals seen so far -} ->
  MdTable -> MetadataTable
emptyMetadataTable globals es = MetadataTable
  { mtEntries   = es
  , mtNextNode  = globals
  , mtNodes     = Map.empty

metadata :: PValMd -> Typed PValue
metadata  = Typed (PrimType Metadata) . ValMd

addMetadata :: PValMd  -> MetadataTable -> (Int,MetadataTable)
addMetadata val mt = (ix, mt { mtEntries = es' })
  (ix,es') = addValue' (metadata val) (mtEntries mt)

addMdValue :: Typed PValue -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addMdValue tv mt = mt { mtEntries = addValue tv (mtEntries mt) }

nameNode :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
nameNode fnLocal isDistinct ix mt = mt
  { mtNodes    = Map.insert ix (fnLocal,isDistinct,mtNextNode mt) (mtNodes mt)
  , mtNextNode = mtNextNode mt + 1

addString :: String -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addString str = snd . addMetadata (ValMdString str)

addStrings :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addStrings strs mt = foldl (flip addString) mt strs

addLoc :: Bool -> PDebugLoc -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addLoc isDistinct loc mt = nameNode False isDistinct ix mt'
  (ix,mt') = addMetadata (ValMdLoc loc) mt

  :: Bool
  -> DebugInfo' Int
  -> MetadataTable
  -> MetadataTable
addDebugInfo isDistinct di mt = nameNode False isDistinct ix mt'
  (ix,mt') = addMetadata (ValMdDebugInfo di) mt

-- | Add a new node, that might be distinct.
addNode :: Bool -> [Maybe PValMd] -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addNode isDistinct vals mt = nameNode False isDistinct ix mt'
  (ix,mt') = addMetadata (ValMdNode vals) mt

addOldNode :: Bool -> [Typed PValue] -> MetadataTable -> MetadataTable
addOldNode fnLocal vals mt = nameNode fnLocal False ix mt'
  (ix,mt') = addMetadata (ValMdNode [ Just (ValMdValue tv) | tv <- vals ]) mt

mdForwardRef :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> Int -> PValMd
mdForwardRef cxt mt ix = fromMaybe fallback nodeRef
  fallback          = case forwardRef cxt ix (mtEntries mt) of
                        Typed { typedValue = ValMd md } -> md
                        tv                              -> ValMdValue tv
  reference (_,_,r) = ValMdRef r
  nodeRef           = reference `fmap` Map.lookup ix (mtNodes mt)

mdForwardRefOrNull :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> Int -> Maybe PValMd
mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt ix | ix > 0 = Just (mdForwardRef cxt mt (ix - 1))
                             | otherwise = Nothing

mdNodeRef :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> Int -> Int
mdNodeRef cxt mt ix =
  maybe (throw (BadValueRef cxt ix)) prj (Map.lookup ix (mtNodes mt))
  prj (_,_,x) = x

mdString :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> Int -> String
mdString cxt mt ix =
  fromMaybe (throw (BadValueRef cxt ix)) (mdStringOrNull cxt mt ix)

mdStringOrNull :: [String] -> MetadataTable -> Int -> Maybe String
mdStringOrNull cxt mt ix =
  case mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt ix of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (ValMdString str) -> Just str
    Just _ -> throw (BadTypeRef cxt ix)

mkMdRefTable :: MetadataTable -> MdRefTable
mkMdRefTable mt = Map.mapMaybe step (mtNodes mt)
  step (fnLocal,_,ix) = do
    guard (not fnLocal)
    return ix

data PartialMetadata = PartialMetadata
  { pmEntries          :: MetadataTable
  , pmNamedEntries     :: Map.Map String [Int]
  , pmNextName         :: Maybe String
  , pmInstrAttachments :: InstrMdAttachments
  , pmFnAttachments    :: PFnMdAttachments
  } deriving (Show)

emptyPartialMetadata ::
  Int {- ^ globals seen so far -} ->
  MdTable -> PartialMetadata
emptyPartialMetadata globals es = PartialMetadata
  { pmEntries          = emptyMetadataTable globals es
  , pmNamedEntries     = Map.empty
  , pmNextName         = Nothing
  , pmInstrAttachments = Map.empty
  , pmFnAttachments    = Map.empty

updateMetadataTable :: (MetadataTable -> MetadataTable)
                    -> (PartialMetadata -> PartialMetadata)
updateMetadataTable f pm = pm { pmEntries = f (pmEntries pm) }

setNextName :: String -> PartialMetadata -> PartialMetadata
setNextName name pm = pm { pmNextName = Just name }

addFnAttachment :: PFnMdAttachments -> PartialMetadata -> PartialMetadata
addFnAttachment att pm =
  -- left-biased union, since the parser overwrites metadata as it encounters it
  pm { pmFnAttachments = Map.union att (pmFnAttachments pm) }

addInstrAttachment :: Int -> [(KindMd,PValMd)]
                   -> PartialMetadata -> PartialMetadata
addInstrAttachment instr md pm =
  pm { pmInstrAttachments = Map.insert instr md (pmInstrAttachments pm) }

nameMetadata :: [Int] -> PartialMetadata -> Parse PartialMetadata
nameMetadata val pm = case pmNextName pm of
  Just name -> return $! pm
    { pmNextName     = Nothing
    , pmNamedEntries = Map.insert name val (pmNamedEntries pm)
  Nothing -> fail "Expected a metadata name"

namedEntries :: PartialMetadata -> [NamedMd]
namedEntries  = map (uncurry NamedMd)
              . Map.toList
              . pmNamedEntries

data PartialUnnamedMd = PartialUnnamedMd
  { pumIndex    :: Int
  , pumValues   :: PValMd
  , pumDistinct :: Bool
  } deriving (Show)

finalizePartialUnnamedMd :: PartialUnnamedMd -> Parse UnnamedMd
finalizePartialUnnamedMd pum = mkUnnamedMd `fmap` finalizePValMd (pumValues pum)
  mkUnnamedMd v = UnnamedMd
    { umIndex  = pumIndex pum
    , umValues = v
    , umDistinct = pumDistinct pum

finalizePValMd :: PValMd -> Parse ValMd
finalizePValMd = relabel (const requireBbEntryName)

-- | Partition unnamed entries into global and function local unnamed entries.
unnamedEntries :: PartialMetadata -> ([PartialUnnamedMd],[PartialUnnamedMd])
unnamedEntries pm = foldl resolveNode ([],[]) (Map.toList (mtNodes mt))
  mt = pmEntries pm
  es = valueEntries (mtEntries mt)

  resolveNode (gs,fs) (ref,(fnLocal,d,ix)) = case lookupNode ref d ix of
    Just pum | fnLocal   -> (gs,pum:fs)
             | otherwise -> (pum:gs,fs)

    -- TODO: is this silently eating errors with metadata that's not in the
    -- value table?
    Nothing              -> (gs,fs)

  lookupNode ref d ix = do
    Typed { typedValue = ValMd v } <- Map.lookup ref es
    return PartialUnnamedMd
      { pumIndex  = ix
      , pumValues = v
      , pumDistinct = d

type InstrMdAttachments = Map.Map Int [(KindMd,PValMd)]

type PKindMd = Int
type PFnMdAttachments = Map.Map PKindMd PValMd

type ParsedMetadata =
  ( [NamedMd]
  , ([PartialUnnamedMd],[PartialUnnamedMd])
  , InstrMdAttachments
  , PFnMdAttachments

parsedMetadata :: PartialMetadata -> ParsedMetadata
parsedMetadata pm =
  ( namedEntries pm
  , unnamedEntries pm
  , pmInstrAttachments pm
  , pmFnAttachments pm

-- Metadata Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------

parseMetadataBlock ::
  Int {- ^ globals seen so far -} ->
  ValueTable -> [Entry] -> Parse ParsedMetadata
parseMetadataBlock globals vt es = label "METADATA_BLOCK" $ do
  ms <- getMdTable
  let pm0 = emptyPartialMetadata globals ms
  rec pm <- foldM (parseMetadataEntry vt (pmEntries pm)) pm0 es
  let entries = pmEntries pm
  setMdTable (mtEntries entries)
  setMdRefs  (mkMdRefTable entries)
  return (parsedMetadata pm)

-- | Parse an entry in the metadata block.
-- XXX this currently relies on the constant block having been parsed already.
-- Though most bitcode examples I've seen are ordered this way, it would be nice
-- to not have to rely on it.
parseMetadataEntry :: ValueTable -> MetadataTable -> PartialMetadata -> Entry
                   -> Parse PartialMetadata
parseMetadataEntry vt mt pm (fromEntry -> Just r) =
 case recordCode r of
  -- [values]
  1 -> label "METADATA_STRING" $ do
    str <- parseFields r 0 char `mplus` parseField r 0 string
    return $! updateMetadataTable (addString str) pm

  -- [type num, value num]
  2 -> label "METADATA_VALUE" $ do
    unless (length (recordFields r) == 2)
           (fail "Invalid record")

    let field = parseField r
    ty  <- getType =<< field 0 numeric
    when (ty == PrimType Metadata || ty == PrimType Void)
         (fail "invalid record")

    cxt <- getContext
    ix  <- field 1 numeric
    let tv = forwardRef cxt ix vt

    return $! updateMetadataTable (addMdValue tv) pm

  -- [n x md num]
  3 -> label "METADATA_NODE" (parseMetadataNode False mt r pm)

  -- [values]
  4 -> label "METADATA_NAME" $ do
    name <- parseFields r 0 char `mplus` parseField r 0 cstring
    return $! setNextName name pm

  -- [n x md num]
  5 -> label "METADATA_DISTINCT_NODE" (parseMetadataNode True mt r pm)

  -- [n x [id, name]]
  6 -> label "METADATA_KIND" $ do
    kind <- parseField  r 0 numeric
    name <- parseFields r 1 char
    addKind kind name
    return pm

  -- [distinct, line, col, scope, inlined-at?]
  7 -> label "METADATA_LOCATION" $ do
    -- TODO: broken in 3.7+; needs to be a DILocation rather than an
    -- MDLocation, but there appears to be no difference in the
    -- bitcode. /sigh/
    cxt       <- getContext
    let field = parseField r
    isDistinct <- field 0 nonzero
    dlLine     <- field 1 numeric
    dlCol      <- field 2 numeric
    dlScope    <- mdForwardRef cxt mt <$> field 3 numeric
    dlIA       <- mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> field 4 numeric
    let loc = DebugLoc { .. }
    return $! updateMetadataTable (addLoc isDistinct loc) pm

  -- [n x (type num, value num)]
  8 -> label "METADATA_OLD_NODE" (parseMetadataOldNode False vt mt r pm)

  -- [n x (type num, value num)]
  9 -> label "METADATA_OLD_FN_NODE" (parseMetadataOldNode True vt mt r pm)

  -- [n x mdnodes]
  10 -> label "METADATA_NAMED_NODE" $ do
    mdIds <- parseFields r 0 numeric
    cxt   <- getContext
    let ids = map (mdNodeRef cxt mt) mdIds
    nameMetadata ids pm

  -- [m x [value, [n x [id, mdnode]]]
  11 -> label "METADATA_ATTACHMENT" $ do
    let recordSize = length (recordFields r)
    when (recordSize == 0)
      (fail "Invalid record")
    ctx <- getContext
    if (recordSize `mod` 2 == 0)
      then label "function attachment" $ do
        att <- Map.fromList <$> parseAttachment r 0
        return $! addFnAttachment att pm
      else label "instruction attachment" $ do
        inst <- parseField r 0 numeric
        patt <- parseAttachment r 1
        att <- mapM (\(k,md) -> (,md) <$> getKind k) patt
        return $! addInstrAttachment inst att pm

  12 -> label "METADATA_GENERIC_DEBUG" $ do
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    tag <- parseField r 1 numeric
    version <- parseField r 2 numeric
    header <- parseField r 3 string
    -- TODO: parse all remaining fields
    fail "not yet implemented"

  13 -> label "METADATA_SUBRANGE" $ do
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    disrCount <- parseField r 1 numeric
    disrLowerBound <- parseField r 2 signedInt64
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoSubrange DISubrange{..})) pm

  -- [distinct, value, name]
  14 -> label "METADATA_ENUMERATOR" $ do
    ctx        <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    value      <- parseField r 1 signedInt64
    name       <- mdString ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoEnumerator name value)) pm

  15 -> label "METADATA_BASIC_TYPE" $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dibtTag <- parseField r 1 numeric
    dibtName <- mdString ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dibtSize <- parseField r 3 numeric
    dibtAlign <- parseField r 4 numeric
    dibtEncoding <- parseField r 5 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoBasicType DIBasicType{..})) pm

  -- [distinct, filename, directory]
  16 -> label "METADATA_FILE" $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    difFilename <- mdString ctx mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    difDirectory <- mdString ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoFile DIFile{..})) pm

  17 -> label "METADATA_DERIVED_TYPE" $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct    <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    didtTag       <- parseField r 1 numeric
    didtName      <- mdStringOrNull     ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    didtFile      <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    didtLine      <- parseField r 4 numeric
    didtScope     <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 5 numeric
    didtBaseType  <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 6 numeric
    didtSize      <- parseField r 7 numeric
    didtAlign     <- parseField r 8 numeric
    didtOffset    <- parseField r 9 numeric
    didtFlags     <- parseField r 10 numeric
    didtExtraData <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 11 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoDerivedType DIDerivedType{..})) pm

  18 -> label "METADATA_COMPOSITE_TYPE" $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct         <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dictTag            <- parseField r 1 numeric
    dictName           <- mdStringOrNull     ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dictFile           <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    dictLine           <- parseField r 4 numeric
    dictScope          <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 5 numeric
    dictBaseType       <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 6 numeric
    dictSize           <- parseField r 7 numeric
    dictAlign          <- parseField r 8 numeric
    dictOffset         <- parseField r 9 numeric
    dictFlags          <- parseField r 10 numeric
    dictElements       <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 11 numeric
    dictRuntimeLang    <- parseField r 12 numeric
    dictVTableHolder   <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 13 numeric
    dictTemplateParams <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 14 numeric
    dictIdentifier     <- mdStringOrNull     ctx mt <$> parseField r 15 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoCompositeType DICompositeType{..})) pm

  19 -> label "METADATA_SUBROUTINE_TYPE" $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct    <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    distFlags     <- parseField r 1 numeric
    distTypeArray <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
         (DebugInfoSubroutineType DISubroutineType{..}))

  20 -> label "METADATA_COMPILE_UNIT" $ do
    let recordSize = length (recordFields r)
    when (recordSize < 14 || recordSize > 16)
      (fail "Invalid record")

    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct             <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dicuLanguage           <- parseField r 1 numeric
    dicuFile               <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dicuProducer           <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    dicuIsOptimized        <- parseField r 4 nonzero
    dicuFlags              <- parseField r 5 numeric
    dicuRuntimeVersion     <- parseField r 6 numeric
    dicuSplitDebugFilename <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 7 numeric
    dicuEmissionKind       <- parseField r 8 numeric
    dicuEnums              <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 9 numeric
    dicuRetainedTypes      <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 10 numeric
    dicuSubprograms        <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 11 numeric
    dicuGlobals            <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 12 numeric
    dicuImports            <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 13 numeric
    dicuMacros <-
      if recordSize <= 15
      then pure Nothing
      else mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 15 numeric
    dicuDWOId <-
      if recordSize <= 14
      then pure 0
      else parseField r 14 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoCompileUnit DICompileUnit {..})) pm

  21 -> label "METADATA_SUBPROGRAM" $ do
    -- this one is a bit funky:
    -- https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/release_38/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp#L2186
    let recordSize = length (recordFields r)
        adj i | recordSize == 19 = i + 1
              | otherwise        = i
        hasThisAdjustment = recordSize >= 20
    unless (18 <= recordSize && recordSize <= 20)
      (fail "Invalid record")

    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct         <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dispScope          <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    dispName           <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dispLinkageName    <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    dispFile           <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 4 numeric
    dispLine           <- parseField r 5 numeric
    dispType           <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 6 numeric
    dispIsLocal        <- parseField r 7 nonzero
    dispIsDefinition   <- parseField r 8 nonzero
    dispScopeLine      <- parseField r 9 numeric
    dispContainingType <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 10 numeric
    dispVirtuality     <- parseField r 11 numeric
    dispVirtualIndex   <- parseField r 12 numeric
    dispThisAdjustment <- if hasThisAdjustment
                            then parseField r 19 numeric
                            else return 0
    dispFlags          <- parseField r 13 numeric
    dispIsOptimized    <- parseField r 14 nonzero
    dispTemplateParams <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 15) numeric
    dispDeclaration <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 16) numeric
    dispVariables <-
      mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 17) numeric
    -- TODO: in the LLVM parser, it then goes into the metadata table
    -- and updates function entries to point to subprograms. Is that
    -- neccessary for us?
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoSubprogram DISubprogram{..})) pm

  22 -> label "METADATA_LEXICAL_BLOCK" $ do
    when (length (recordFields r) /= 5)
      (fail "Invalid record")
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dilbScope  <- mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    dilbFile   <- mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dilbLine   <- parseField r 3 numeric
    dilbColumn <- parseField r 4 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoLexicalBlock DILexicalBlock{..})) pm

  23 -> label "METADATA_LEXICAL_BLOCK_FILE" $ do
    when (length (recordFields r) /= 4)
      (fail "Invalid record")
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dilbfScope <- do
      mScope <- mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
      maybe (fail "Invalid record: scope field not present") return mScope
    dilbfFile <- mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    dilbfDiscriminator <- parseField r 3 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
         (DebugInfoLexicalBlockFile DILexicalBlockFile{..}))

  24 -> label "METADATA_NAMESPACE" $ do
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    parseField r 3 string
    parseField r 4 numeric
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  25 -> label "METADATA_TEMPLATE_TYPE" $ do
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    parseField r 1 string
    -- getDITypeRefOrNull <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  26 -> label "METADATA_TEMPLATE_VALUE" $ do
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    parseField r 1 numeric
    parseField r 2 string
    -- getDITypeRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 4 numeric
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  27 -> label "METADATA_GLOBAL_VAR" $ do
    when (length (recordFields r) /= 11)
      (fail "Invalid record")

    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    digvScope  <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    digvName   <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    digvLinkageName <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    digvFile   <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 4 numeric
    digvLine   <- parseField r 5 numeric
    digvType   <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 6 numeric
    digvIsLocal <- parseField r 7 nonzero
    digvIsDefinition <- parseField r 8 nonzero
    digvVariable <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 9 numeric
    digvDeclaration <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r 10 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
         (DebugInfoGlobalVariable DIGlobalVariable{..})) pm

  28 -> label "METADATA_LOCAL_VAR" $ do
    -- this one is a bit funky:
    -- https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/release_38/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp#L2308
    let recordSize = length (recordFields r)
        adj i | recordSize > 8 = i + 1
              | otherwise      = i
    when (recordSize < 8 || recordSize > 10)
      (fail "Invalid record")

    ctx <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dilvScope  <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 1) numeric
    dilvName   <- mdStringOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 2) numeric
    dilvFile   <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 3) numeric
    dilvLine   <- parseField r (adj 4) numeric
    dilvType   <- mdForwardRefOrNull ctx mt <$> parseField r (adj 5) numeric
    dilvArg    <- parseField r (adj 6) numeric
    dilvFlags  <- parseField r (adj 7) numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoLocalVariable DILocalVariable{..})) pm

  29 -> label "METADATA_EXPRESSION" $ do
    let recordSize = length (recordFields r)
    when (recordSize < 1)
      (fail "Invalid record")
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 nonzero
    dieElements <- parseFields r 1 numeric
    return $! updateMetadataTable
      (addDebugInfo isDistinct (DebugInfoExpression DIExpression{..})) pm

  30 -> label "METADATA_OBJC_PROPERTY" $ do
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  31 -> label "METADATA_IMPORTED_ENTITY" $ do
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    parseField r 1 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 2 numeric
    -- getDITypeRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    parseField r 4 numeric
    parseField r 5 string
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  32 -> label "METADATA_MODULE" $ do
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 1 numeric
    parseField r 2 string
    parseField r 3 string
    parseField r 4 string
    parseField r 5 string
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  33 -> label "METADATA_MACRO" $ do
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    parseField r 1 numeric
    parseField r 2 numeric
    parseField r 3 string
    parseField r 4 string
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"
  34 -> label "METADATA_MACRO_FILE" $ do
    cxt <- getContext
    isDistinct <- parseField r 0 numeric
    parseField r 1 numeric
    parseField r 2 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 3 numeric
    mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt <$> parseField r 4 numeric
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  35 -> label "METADATA_STRINGS" $ do
    when (length (recordFields r) /= 3)
      (fail "Invalid record: metadata strings layout")
    count  <- parseField r 0 numeric
    offset <- parseField r 1 numeric
    bs     <- parseField r 2 fieldBlob
    when (count == 0)
      (fail "Invalid record: metadata strings with no strings")
    when (offset >= S.length bs)
      (fail "Invalid record: metadata strings corrupt offset")
    let (bsLengths, bsStrings) = S.splitAt offset bs
    lengths <- either fail return $ parseMetadataStringLengths count bsLengths
    when (sum lengths > S.length bsStrings)
      (fail "Invalid record: metadata strings truncated")
    let strings = snd (mapAccumL f bsStrings lengths)
          where f s i = case S.splitAt i s of
                          (str,rest) -> (rest, Char8.unpack str)
    return $! updateMetadataTable (addStrings strings) pm

    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  37 -> label "METADATA_GLOBAL_VAR_EXPR" $ do
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  38 -> label "METADATA_INDEX_OFFSET" $ do
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  39 -> label "METADATA_INDEX" $ do
    -- TODO
    fail "not yet implemented"

  code -> fail ("unknown record code: " ++ show code)

parseMetadataEntry _ _ pm (abbrevDef -> Just _) =
  return pm

parseMetadataEntry _ _ _ r =
  fail ("unexpected: " ++ show r)

parseAttachment :: Record -> Int -> Parse [(PKindMd,PValMd)]
parseAttachment r l = loop (length (recordFields r) - 1) []
  loop n acc | n < l = return acc
             | otherwise = do
    kind <- parseField r (n - 1) numeric
    md   <- getMetadata =<< parseField r n numeric
    loop (n - 2) ((kind,typedValue md) : acc)

-- | Parse a metadata node.
parseMetadataNode :: Bool -> MetadataTable -> Record -> PartialMetadata
                  -> Parse PartialMetadata
parseMetadataNode isDistinct mt r pm = do
  ixs <- parseFields r 0 numeric
  cxt <- getContext
  let lkp = mdForwardRefOrNull cxt mt
  return $! updateMetadataTable (addNode isDistinct (map lkp ixs)) pm

-- | Parse out a metadata node in the old format.
parseMetadataOldNode :: Bool -> ValueTable -> MetadataTable -> Record
                     -> PartialMetadata -> Parse PartialMetadata
parseMetadataOldNode fnLocal vt mt r pm = do
  values <- loop =<< parseFields r 0 numeric
  return $! updateMetadataTable (addOldNode fnLocal values) pm
  loop fs = case fs of

    tyId:valId:rest -> do
      cxt <- getContext
      ty  <- getType' tyId
      val <- case ty of
        PrimType Metadata -> return $ Typed (PrimType Metadata)
                                            (ValMd (mdForwardRef cxt mt valId))
        -- XXX need to check for a void type here
        _                 -> return (forwardRef cxt valId vt)

      vals <- loop rest
      return (val:vals)

    [] -> return []

    _ -> fail "Malformed metadata node"

parseMetadataKindEntry :: Record -> Parse ()
parseMetadataKindEntry r = do
  kind <- parseField  r 0 numeric
  name <- parseFields r 1 char
  addKind kind name