module Data.LLVM.BitCode.Record where

import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Bitstream
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.BitString hiding (drop,take)
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Match
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.Parse

import Data.Bits (Bits,testBit,shiftR,bit)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Int  (Int64)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import Control.Monad ((<=<),MonadPlus(..),guard)

-- Generic Records -------------------------------------------------------------

data Record = Record
  { recordCode   :: !Int
  , recordFields :: [Field]
  } deriving (Show)

fromEntry :: Match Entry Record
fromEntry  = (fromUnabbrev <=< unabbrev) ||| (fromAbbrev <=< abbrev)

-- | Record construction from an unabbreviated record
fromUnabbrev :: Match UnabbrevRecord Record
fromUnabbrev u = return Record
  { recordCode   = unabbrevCode u
  , recordFields = map FieldLiteral (unabbrevOps u)

-- | Record construction from an abbreviated field.
fromAbbrev :: Match AbbrevRecord Record
fromAbbrev a = do
  guard (not (null (abbrevFields a)))
  let (f:fs) = abbrevFields a
  code <- numeric f
  return Record
    { recordCode   = code
    , recordFields = fs

-- | Match the record with the given code.
hasRecordCode :: Int -> Match Record Record
hasRecordCode c r | recordCode r == c = return r
                  | otherwise         = mzero

-- | Get a field from a record
fieldAt :: Int -> Match Record Field
fieldAt n = index n . recordFields

-- | Match a literal field.
fieldLiteral :: Match Field BitString
fieldLiteral (FieldLiteral bs) = return bs
fieldLiteral _                 = mzero

-- | Match a fixed field.
fieldFixed :: Match Field BitString
fieldFixed (FieldFixed bs) = return bs
fieldFixed _               = mzero

-- | Match a vbr field.
fieldVbr :: Match Field BitString
fieldVbr (FieldVBR bs) = return bs
fieldVbr _             = mzero

-- | Match a character field.
fieldChar6 :: Match Field Char
fieldChar6 (FieldChar6 c) = return c
fieldChar6 _              = mzero

-- | Match the array field.
fieldArray :: Match Field a -> Match Field [a]
fieldArray p (FieldArray fs) = mapM p fs
fieldArray _ _               = mzero

-- | Match a blob field.
fieldBlob :: Match Field ByteString
fieldBlob (FieldBlob bs) = return bs
fieldBlob _              = mzero

type LookupField a = Int -> Match Field a -> Parse a

-- | Flatten arrays inside a record.
flattenRecord :: Record -> Record
flattenRecord r = r { recordFields = concatMap flatten (recordFields r) }
  flatten (FieldArray as) = as
  flatten f               = [f]

-- | Parse a field from a record.
parseField :: Record -> LookupField a
parseField r n p = case (p <=< fieldAt n) r of
  Just a  -> return a
  Nothing -> fail $ unwords
    [ "parseField: unable to parse record field", show n, "of record", show r ]

-- | Parse all record fields starting from an index.
parseFields :: Record -> Int -> Match Field a -> Parse [a]
parseFields r n = parseSlice r n (length (recordFields r))

-- | Parse out a sublist from a record
parseSlice :: Record -> Int -> Int -> Match Field a -> Parse [a]
parseSlice r l n p = loop (take n (drop l (recordFields r)))
  loop (f:fs) = do
    case p f of
      Just a  -> (a:) `fmap` loop fs
      Nothing -> fail $ unwords
        ["parseSlice: unable to parse record field", show n, "of record", show r]

  loop []     = return []

-- | Parse a @Field@ as a numeric value.
numeric :: Num a => Match Field a
numeric  = fmap fromBitString . (fieldLiteral ||| fieldFixed ||| fieldVbr)

signedImpl :: (Bits a, Num a) => Match Field a
signedImpl = fmap decode . (fieldLiteral ||| fieldFixed ||| fieldVbr)
  decode bs
    | not (testBit n 0) =         n `shiftR` 1
    | n /= 1            = negate (n `shiftR` 1)
    | otherwise         = bit 63 -- not really right, but it's what llvm does
    n = fromBitString bs

-- | Parse a @Field@ as a sign-encoded number.
signedWord64 :: Match Field Word64
signedWord64 = signedImpl

-- | Parse a @Field@ as a sign-encoded number.
signedInt64 :: Match Field Int64
signedInt64 = signedImpl

boolean :: Match Field Bool
boolean  = decode <=< (fieldFixed ||| fieldLiteral ||| fieldVbr)
  decode bs
    | bsData bs == 1 = return True
    | bsData bs == 0 = return False
    | otherwise      = mzero

nonzero :: Match Field Bool
nonzero  = decode <=< (fieldFixed ||| fieldLiteral ||| fieldVbr)
  decode bs
    | bsData bs == 0 = return False
    | otherwise      = return True

char :: Match Field Char
char  = fmap chr . numeric

string :: Match Field String
string  = fieldArray char

cstring :: Match Field String
cstring  = fieldArray (fieldChar6 ||| char)