{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Data.LLVM.BitCode.Bitstream (
  , Entry(..)
  , AbbrevIdWidth, AbbrevId(..)
  , Block(..), BlockId
  , RecordId
  , UnabbrevRecord(..)
  , DefineAbbrev(..), AbbrevOp(..)
  , AbbrevRecord(..), Field(..)

  , getBitstream, parseBitstream
  , getBitCodeBitstream, parseBitCodeBitstream, parseBitCodeBitstreamLazy
  , parseMetadataStringLengths
  ) where

import Data.LLVM.BitCode.BitString as BS
import Data.LLVM.BitCode.GetBits

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (unless,replicateM,guard)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Word (Word8,Word16,Word32)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Serialize as C

-- Primitive Reads -------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Parse a @Bool@ out of a single bit.
boolean :: GetBits Bool
boolean  = do
  bs <- fixed 1
  return (bsData bs == 1)

-- | Parse a Num type out of n-bits.
numeric :: Num a => Int -> GetBits a
numeric n = do
  bs <- fixed n
  return (fromIntegral (bsData bs))

-- | Get a @BitString@ formatted as vbr.
vbr :: Int -> GetBits BitString
vbr n = loop mempty
  len      = n - 1
  loop acc = acc `seq` do
    chunk <- fixed len
    cont  <- boolean
    let acc' = acc `mappend` chunk
    if cont
       then loop acc'
       else return acc'

-- | Process a variable-bit encoded integer.
vbrNum :: Num a => Int -> GetBits a
vbrNum n = fromBitString <$> vbr n

-- | Decode a 6-bit encoded character.
char6 :: GetBits Char
char6  = do
  word <- numeric 6
  case word of
    n | 0  <= n && n <= 25 -> return (toEnum (n + 97))
      | 26 <= n && n <= 51 -> return (toEnum (n + 39))
      | 52 <= n && n <= 61 -> return (toEnum (n - 4))
    62                     -> return '.'
    63                     -> return '_'
    _                      -> fail "invalid char6"

-- Bitstream Parsing -----------------------------------------------------------

data Bitstream = Bitstream
  { bsAppMagic :: !Word16
  , bsEntries  :: [Entry]
  } deriving (Show)

parseBitstream :: S.ByteString -> Either String Bitstream
parseBitstream  = C.runGet (runGetBits getBitstream)

parseBitCodeBitstream :: S.ByteString -> Either String Bitstream
parseBitCodeBitstream  = C.runGet (runGetBits getBitCodeBitstream)

parseBitCodeBitstreamLazy :: L.ByteString -> Either String Bitstream
parseBitCodeBitstreamLazy  = C.runGetLazy (runGetBits getBitCodeBitstream)

-- | The magic constant at the beginning of all llvm-bitcode files.
bcMagicConst :: BitString
bcMagicConst  = BitString 8 0x42 `mappend` BitString 8 0x43

-- | Parse a @Bitstream@ from either a normal bitcode file, or a wrapped
-- bitcode.
getBitCodeBitstream :: GetBits Bitstream
getBitCodeBitstream  = label "llvm-bitstream" $ do
  mb <- try guardWrapperMagic
  case mb of
    Nothing -> getBitstream
    Just () -> do
      skip 32 -- Version
      off <- fixed 32
      -- the offset should always be 20 (5 word32 values)
      unless (fromBitString off == (20 :: Int))
          (fail ("invalid offset value: " ++ show off))
      size <- fixed 32
      skip 32 -- CPUType
      isolate (fromBitString size `div` 4) getBitstream

bcWrapperMagicConst :: BitString
bcWrapperMagicConst  = mconcat [byte 0xDE, byte 0xC0, byte 0x17, byte 0x0B]
  byte = BitString 8

guardWrapperMagic :: GetBits ()
guardWrapperMagic  = do
  magic <- fixed 32
  guard (magic == bcWrapperMagicConst)

-- | Parse a @Bitstream@.
getBitstream :: GetBits Bitstream
getBitstream  = label "bitstream" $ do
  bc       <- fixed 16
  unless (bc == bcMagicConst) (fail "Invalid magic number")
  appMagic <- numeric 16
  entries  <- getTopLevelEntries
  return Bitstream
    { bsAppMagic = appMagic
    , bsEntries  = entries

data Entry
  = EntryBlock          Block
  | EntryUnabbrevRecord UnabbrevRecord
  | EntryDefineAbbrev   DefineAbbrev
  | EntryAbbrevRecord   AbbrevRecord
    deriving (Show)

-- | Parse top-level entries.
getTopLevelEntries :: GetBits [Entry]
getTopLevelEntries  = fst <$> getEntries 2 Map.empty emptyAbbrevMap True

-- | Get as many entries as we can parse.
getEntries :: AbbrevIdWidth -> BlockInfoMap -> AbbrevMap -> Bool
           -> GetBits ([Entry],BlockInfoMap)
getEntries aw bim0 am0 endBlocksFail = loop bim0 am0
  loop bim am = do
    let finish = return ([],bim)
    mb <- try (getAbbrevId aw)
    case mb of
      Nothing  -> finish
      Just aid -> do
        let continue bim' am' k = do
              (rest,bim'') <- loop bim' am'
              return (k rest,bim'')
        label (show aid) $ case aid of

          END_BLOCK | endBlocksFail -> fail "unexpected END_BLOCK"
                    | otherwise     -> align32bits >> finish

          ENTER_SUBBLOCK -> do
            (block,bim') <- getBlock bim
            continue bim' am (EntryBlock block :)

          DEFINE_ABBREV -> do
            def <- getDefineAbbrev
            continue bim (insertAbbrev def am) (EntryDefineAbbrev def :)

          UNABBREV_RECORD -> do
            record <- getUnabbrevRecord
            continue bim am (EntryUnabbrevRecord record :)

          ABBREV_RECORD rid -> case lookupAbbrev rid am of
            Nothing  -> fail ("unknown abbrev id: " ++ show rid)
            Just def -> do
              record <- getAbbrevRecord aw rid def
              continue bim am (EntryAbbrevRecord record :)

-- Abbreviation IDs ------------------------------------------------------------

type AbbrevIdWidth = Int

data AbbrevId
    deriving (Ord,Eq,Show)

-- | Retrieve an @AbbrevId@, with the current width for the containing block.
getAbbrevId :: AbbrevIdWidth -> GetBits AbbrevId
getAbbrevId aw = label "abbreviation" $ do
  aid <- numeric aw
  case aid of
    0 -> return END_BLOCK
    1 -> return ENTER_SUBBLOCK
    2 -> return DEFINE_ABBREV
    3 -> return UNABBREV_RECORD
    _ -> return (ABBREV_RECORD aid)

-- Abbreviation Definitions ----------------------------------------------------

data DefineAbbrev = DefineAbbrev
  { defineOps    :: [AbbrevOp]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Parse an abbreviation definition.
getDefineAbbrev :: GetBits DefineAbbrev
getDefineAbbrev  =
  label "define abbrev" (DefineAbbrev `fmap` (getAbbrevOps =<< vbrNum 5))

data AbbrevOp
  = OpLiteral !BitString
  | OpFixed   !Int
  | OpVBR     !Int
  | OpArray    AbbrevOp
  | OpChar6
  | OpBlob
    deriving (Show)

-- | Parse n abbreviation operands.
getAbbrevOps :: Int -> GetBits [AbbrevOp]
getAbbrevOps 0 = return []
getAbbrevOps n = do
  (op,consumed) <- getAbbrevOp
  rest          <- getAbbrevOps (n - consumed)
  return (op:rest)

-- | Parse an abbreviation operand.
getAbbrevOp :: GetBits (AbbrevOp,Int)
getAbbrevOp  = label "abbrevop" $ do
  let one = fmap (\x -> (x,1))
  isLiteral <- boolean
  if isLiteral
     then one (OpLiteral <$> vbr 8)
     else do
       enc <- numeric 3
       case enc :: Word8 of
         1 -> one (OpFixed <$> vbrNum 5)
         2 -> one (OpVBR   <$> vbrNum 5)
         3 -> do
           (op,n) <- getAbbrevOp
           return (OpArray op, n+1)
         4 -> one (return OpChar6)
         5 -> one (return OpBlob)
         _ -> fail ("invalid encoding: " ++ show enc)

-- Abbrev Definition Maps ------------------------------------------------------

data AbbrevMap = AbbrevMap
  { amNextId  :: !RecordId
  , amDefines :: Map.Map RecordId DefineAbbrev
  } deriving (Show)

emptyAbbrevMap :: AbbrevMap
emptyAbbrevMap  = AbbrevMap
  { amNextId  = 4
  , amDefines = Map.empty

insertAbbrev :: DefineAbbrev -> AbbrevMap -> AbbrevMap
insertAbbrev def m = m
  { amNextId  = amNextId m + 1
  , amDefines = Map.insert (amNextId m) def (amDefines m)

lookupAbbrev :: RecordId -> AbbrevMap -> Maybe DefineAbbrev
lookupAbbrev aid = Map.lookup aid . amDefines

-- Blocks ----------------------------------------------------------------------

type BlockId = Word32

-- XXX Are 32-bit words big enough to house the encoded numbers?  Are they too
-- big, and waste space in most cases?
data Block = Block
  { blockId           :: !BlockId
  , blockNewAbbrevLen :: !AbbrevIdWidth
  , blockLength       :: !Int
  , blockEntries      :: [Entry]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Parse a block, optionally extending the known block info metadata.
getBlock :: BlockInfoMap -> GetBits (Block, BlockInfoMap)
getBlock bim = do
  (block,bim') <- getGenericBlock bim
  case blockId block of

    0 -> do
      bim'' <- processBlockInfo block bim'
      return (block,bim'')

    _ -> return (block, bim')

-- | A generic block.
getGenericBlock :: BlockInfoMap -> GetBits (Block,BlockInfoMap)
getGenericBlock bim = label "block " $ do
  blockid      <- vbrNum 8
  newabbrevlen <- vbrNum 4
  blocklen     <- numeric 32
  let am = lookupAbbrevMap blockid bim
  (entries,bim') <- isolate blocklen (getEntries newabbrevlen bim am False)
  let block = Block
        { blockId           = blockid
        , blockNewAbbrevLen = newabbrevlen
        , blockLength       = blocklen
        , blockEntries      = entries
  return (block,bim')

-- Block Metadata --------------------------------------------------------------

data BlockInfo = BlockInfo
  { infoId      :: !BlockId
  , infoAbbrevs :: AbbrevMap
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Extend the set of abbreviation definitions for a @BlockInfo@.
addAbbrev :: DefineAbbrev -> BlockInfo -> BlockInfo
addAbbrev a bi = bi { infoAbbrevs = insertAbbrev a (infoAbbrevs bi) }

type BlockInfoMap = Map.Map BlockId BlockInfo

-- | Add a @BlockInfo@ to the set of known metadata.
insertBlockInfo :: BlockInfo -> BlockInfoMap -> BlockInfoMap
insertBlockInfo bi bim = Map.insert (infoId bi) bi bim

-- | Lookup the abbreviations defined for a block, falling back on an empty set
-- if there aren't any.
lookupAbbrevMap :: BlockId -> BlockInfoMap -> AbbrevMap
lookupAbbrevMap bid bim = maybe emptyAbbrevMap infoAbbrevs (Map.lookup bid bim)

-- | Process a generic block with blockid 0, adding all the metadata that it
-- defines to the BlockInfoMap provided.
processBlockInfo :: Block -> BlockInfoMap -> GetBits BlockInfoMap
processBlockInfo bl bim0 = case blockEntries bl of
  EntryUnabbrevRecord record:es
    | Just bi0 <- unabbrevSetBid record -> loop bim0 bi0 es
  _                                     -> fail "invalid BLOCKINFO block"
  closeInfo bi bim   = insertBlockInfo bi bim
  loop bim bi []     = return (closeInfo bi bim)
  loop bim bi (e:es) = case e of

    EntryDefineAbbrev def -> loop bim (addAbbrev def bi) es

    EntryUnabbrevRecord record
      | Just bi' <- unabbrevSetBid record -> loop (closeInfo bi bim) bi' es

    -- XXX there are more interesting records, but we don't process them yet
    _ -> loop bim bi es

-- Unabbreviated Records -------------------------------------------------------

type RecordId = Int

data UnabbrevRecord = UnabbrevRecord
  { unabbrevCode :: !RecordId
  , unabbrevOps  :: [BitString]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Parse an unabbreviated record.
getUnabbrevRecord :: GetBits UnabbrevRecord
getUnabbrevRecord  = label "unabbreviated record" $ do
  code   <- vbrNum 6
  numops <- vbrNum 6
  ops    <- replicateM numops (vbr 6)
  return UnabbrevRecord
    { unabbrevCode = code
    , unabbrevOps  = ops

-- | Turn a SETBIT unabbreviated record into an empty @BlockInfo@.
unabbrevSetBid :: UnabbrevRecord -> Maybe BlockInfo
unabbrevSetBid record = do
  guard (unabbrevCode record == 1)
  guard (not (null (unabbrevOps record)))
  return BlockInfo
    { infoId      = fromBitString (unabbrevOps record !! 0)
    , infoAbbrevs = emptyAbbrevMap

-- Abbreviated Records ---------------------------------------------------------

data AbbrevRecord = AbbrevRecord
  { abbrevIdWidth :: !AbbrevIdWidth
  , abbrevId      :: !RecordId
  , abbrevFields  :: [Field]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Given its definition, parse an abbreviated record.
getAbbrevRecord :: AbbrevIdWidth -> RecordId -> DefineAbbrev
                -> GetBits AbbrevRecord
getAbbrevRecord aw aid def =
  label "abbreviated record" (AbbrevRecord aw aid <$> getFields def)

data Field
  = FieldLiteral !BitString
  | FieldFixed   !BitString
  | FieldVBR     !BitString
  | FieldArray    [Field]
  | FieldChar6   !Char
  | FieldBlob    !S.ByteString
    deriving Show

getFields :: DefineAbbrev -> GetBits [Field]
getFields def = mapM interpAbbrevOp (defineOps def)

-- | Interpret a single abbreviation operation.
interpAbbrevOp :: AbbrevOp -> GetBits Field
interpAbbrevOp op = label (show op) $ case op of

  OpLiteral val -> return (FieldLiteral val)

  OpFixed width -> FieldFixed <$> fixed width

  OpVBR width -> FieldVBR <$> vbr width

  OpArray ty -> do
    len <- vbrNum 6
    FieldArray <$> replicateM len (interpAbbrevOp ty)

  OpChar6 -> FieldChar6 <$> char6

  OpBlob -> do
    len   <- vbrNum 6
    bytes <- bytestring len
    return (FieldBlob bytes)

-- Metadata String Lengths -----------------------------------------------------

parseMetadataStringLengths :: Int -> S.ByteString -> Either String [Int]
parseMetadataStringLengths n = C.runGet (runGetBits (replicateM n (vbrNum 6)))