Packages tagged services

17 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (17), mit (15), bsd3 (1), program (1)

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
antiope-athena570.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-contract500.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-core590.06Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-dynamodb630.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-es100.00Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3arbornetworks
antiope-messages570.03Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-optparse-applicative270.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3arbornetworks
antiope-s3590.07Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-shell180.00Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3arbornetworks
antiope-sns570.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-sqs630.01Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2020-10-227.5.3newhoggy, alexeyraga, arbornetworks, dsturnbull
antiope-swf180.00Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)2019-10-087.4.4arbornetworks
arbor-monad-counter40.01Counter library for submitting metrics to a backend such as datadog (library, mit, services)2019-10-172.0.2newhoggy, haskellworks, arbornetworks
arbor-postgres60.01Convenience types and functions for postgresql-simple. (library, mit, services)2019-10-170.0.5newhoggy, haskellworks, arbornetworks
asif202.00Library for creating and querying segmented feeds (library, mit, program, services)2020-01-176.0.4newhoggy, haskellworks, arbornetworks
hw-kafka-avro292.02Avro support for Kafka infrastructure (bsd3, library, services)2022-03-266.0.0newhoggy, alexeyraga, haskellworks
plivo50.01Plivo API wrapper for Haskell (library, services)2014-12-