Packages tagged performance

11 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: bsd3 (10), benchmarking (9), library (8), development (6), program (6), testing (6), deprecated (3), mit (1)

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
bench-graph (deprecated in favor of bench-show)270.00Plot and compare benchmarks (benchmarking, bsd3, deprecated, library, performance)2018-09-220.1.4harendra
bench-show502.01Show, plot and compare benchmark results (benchmarking, bsd3, library, performance, program)2022-02-020.3.2harendra, adithyaov
chronos-bench170.00Benchmarking tool with focus on comparing results. (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, program, testing)2019-03-
criterion6792.7528Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, program, testing)2024-10-, RyanNewton, ryanglscott
criterion-measurement2850.06Criterion measurement functionality and associated types (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, testing)2024-10-
gauge (deprecated in favor of criterion, tasty-bench)712.52small framework for performance measurement and analysis (benchmarking, bsd3, deprecated, development, performance, testing)2019-09-080.2.5VincentHanquez
hashtable-benchmark110.01Benchmark of hash table implementations (benchmarking, bsd3, performance, program)2017-01-180.1.1HongchangWu
perf1002.01Performance methods and monad. (bsd3, library, performance, program)2025-02-
perf-analysis (deprecated in favor of perf)170.00analysis example using perf (bsd3, deprecated, library, performance, program)2020-05-210.3.0tonyday567
tasty-bench1482.03Featherlight benchmark framework (benchmarking, development, library, mit, performance, testing)2024-12-290.4.1Bodigrim
tasty-papi230.00Bencmarking using instruction counting (benchmarking, bsd3, development, performance, testing)2024-01-