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parameterized-utils-1.0.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2014-2015
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This defines a type NatRepr for representing a type-level natural at runtime. This can be used to branch on a type-level value. For each n, NatRepr n contains a single value containing the vlaue n. This can be used to help use type-level variables on code with data dependendent types.

The TestEquality instance for NatRepr is implemented using unsafeCoerce, as is the isZeroNat function. This should be typesafe because we maintain the invariant that the integer value contained in a NatRepr value matches its static type.



data NatRepr (n :: Nat) Source #

A runtime presentation of a type-level Nat.

This can be used for performing dynamic checks on a type-level natural numbers.


TestEquality Nat NatRepr Source # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NatRepr :~: a) b) #

HashableF Nat NatRepr Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

ShowF Nat NatRepr Source # 


withShow :: p f -> q tp -> (Show (f tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: f tp -> String Source #

showsF :: f tp -> String -> String Source #

OrdF Nat NatRepr Source # 


compareF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> OrderingF NatRepr x y Source #

leqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

KnownNat n => KnownRepr Nat NatRepr n Source # 


knownRepr :: n ctx Source #

Eq (NatRepr m) Source # 


(==) :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr m -> Bool #

(/=) :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr m -> Bool #

Show (NatRepr n) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> NatRepr n -> ShowS #

show :: NatRepr n -> String #

showList :: [NatRepr n] -> ShowS #

Hashable (NatRepr n) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> NatRepr n -> Int #

hash :: NatRepr n -> Int #

PolyEq (NatRepr m) (NatRepr n) Source # 


polyEqF :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> Maybe ((* :~: NatRepr m) (NatRepr n)) Source #

polyEq :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> Bool Source #

natValue :: NatRepr n -> Integer Source #

The underlying integer value of the number.

knownNat :: forall n. KnownNat n => NatRepr n Source #

This generates a NatRepr from a type-level context.

withKnownNat :: forall n r. NatRepr n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r Source #

Deprecated: This function is potentially unsafe and is schedueled to be removed.

data IsZeroNat n where Source #


ZeroNat :: IsZeroNat 0 
NonZeroNat :: IsZeroNat (n + 1) 

data NatComparison m n where Source #

Result of comparing two numbers.


NatLT :: !(NatRepr y) -> NatComparison x (x + (y + 1)) 
NatEQ :: NatComparison x x 
NatGT :: !(NatRepr y) -> NatComparison (x + (y + 1)) x 

decNat :: 1 <= n => NatRepr n -> NatRepr (n - 1) Source #

Decrement a NatRepr

predNat :: NatRepr (n + 1) -> NatRepr n Source #

Get the predicessor of a nat

incNat :: NatRepr n -> NatRepr (n + 1) Source #

Increment a NatRepr

addNat :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> NatRepr (m + n) Source #

subNat :: n <= m => NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> NatRepr (m - n) Source #

withDivModNat :: forall n m a. NatRepr n -> NatRepr m -> (forall div mod. n ~ ((div * m) + mod) => NatRepr div -> NatRepr mod -> a) -> a Source #

maxNat :: NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> Some NatRepr Source #

Return the maximum of two nat representations.

natRec :: forall m f. NatRepr m -> f 0 -> (forall n. NatRepr n -> f n -> f (n + 1)) -> f m Source #

Recursor for natural numbeers.

natForEach :: forall l h a. NatRepr l -> NatRepr h -> (forall n. (l <= n, n <= h) => NatRepr n -> a) -> [a] Source #

Apply a function to each element in a range; return the list of values obtained.

data NatCases m n where Source #


NatCaseLT :: LeqProof (m + 1) n -> NatCases m n 
NatCaseEQ :: NatCases m m 
NatCaseGT :: LeqProof (n + 1) m -> NatCases m n 

testNatCases :: forall m n. NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> NatCases m n Source #

Bitvector utilities

widthVal :: NatRepr n -> Int Source #

Return the value of the nat representation.

minUnsigned :: NatRepr w -> Integer Source #

Return minimum unsigned value for bitvector with given width (always 0).

maxUnsigned :: NatRepr w -> Integer Source #

Return maximum unsigned value for bitvector with given width.

minSigned :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> Integer Source #

Return minimum value for bitvector in 2s complement with given width.

maxSigned :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> Integer Source #

Return maximum value for bitvector in 2s complement with given width.

toUnsigned :: NatRepr w -> Integer -> Integer Source #

toUnsigned w i maps i to a i mod 2^w.

toSigned :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> Integer -> Integer Source #

toSigned w i interprets the least-significant w bits in i as a signed number in two's complement notation and returns that value.

unsignedClamp :: NatRepr w -> Integer -> Integer Source #

unsignedClamp w i rounds i to the nearest value between 0 and 2^w-i (inclusive).

signedClamp :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> Integer -> Integer Source #

signedClamp w i rounds i to the nearest value between -2^(w-1) and 2^(w-1)-i (inclusive).


data LeqProof m n where Source #

LeqProof m n is a type whose values are only inhabited when m is less than or equal to n.


LeqProof :: m <= n => LeqProof m n 

testLeq :: forall m n. NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> Maybe (LeqProof m n) Source #

x testLeq y checks whether x is less than or equal to y.

testStrictLeq :: forall m n. m <= n => NatRepr m -> NatRepr n -> Either (LeqProof (m + 1) n) (m :~: n) Source #

leqRefl :: forall f n. f n -> LeqProof n n Source #

Apply reflexivity to LeqProof

leqTrans :: LeqProof m n -> LeqProof n p -> LeqProof m p Source #

Apply transitivity to LeqProof

leqAdd2 :: LeqProof x_l x_h -> LeqProof y_l y_h -> LeqProof (x_l + y_l) (x_h + y_h) Source #

Add both sides of two inequalities

leqSub2 :: LeqProof x_l x_h -> LeqProof y_l y_h -> LeqProof (x_l - y_h) (x_h - y_l) Source #

Subtract sides of two inequalities.

leqMulCongr :: LeqProof a x -> LeqProof b y -> LeqProof (a * b) (x * y) Source #

Congruence rule for multiplication

LeqProof combinators

leqProof :: m <= n => f m -> f n -> LeqProof m n Source #

Create a leqProof using two proxies

withLeqProof :: LeqProof m n -> (m <= n => a) -> a Source #

isPosNat :: NatRepr n -> Maybe (LeqProof 1 n) Source #

Test whether natural number is positive.

leqAdd :: forall f m n p. LeqProof m n -> f p -> LeqProof m (n + p) Source #

Produce proof that adding a value to the larger element in an LeqProof is larger

leqSub :: forall m n p. LeqProof m n -> LeqProof p m -> LeqProof (m - p) n Source #

Produce proof that subtracting a value from the smaller element is smaller.

leqMulPos :: forall p q x y. (1 <= x, 1 <= y) => p x -> q y -> LeqProof 1 (x * y) Source #

Multiplying two positive numbers results in a positive number.

addIsLeq :: f n -> g m -> LeqProof n (n + m) Source #

withAddLeq :: forall n m a. NatRepr n -> NatRepr m -> (n <= (n + m) => NatRepr (n + m) -> a) -> a Source #

addPrefixIsLeq :: f m -> g n -> LeqProof n (m + n) Source #

withAddPrefixLeq :: NatRepr n -> NatRepr m -> (m <= (n + m) => a) -> a Source #

addIsLeqLeft1 :: forall n n' m. LeqProof (n + n') m -> LeqProof n m Source #

dblPosIsPos :: forall n. LeqProof 1 n -> LeqProof 1 (n + n) Source #

Arithmetic proof

plusComm :: forall f m g n. f m -> g n -> (m + n) :~: (n + m) Source #

Produce evidence that + is commutative.

plusMinusCancel :: forall f m g n. f m -> g n -> ((m + n) - n) :~: m Source #

Cancel an add followed b a subtract

withAddMulDistribRight :: forall n m p f g h a. f n -> g m -> h p -> (((n * p) + (m * p)) ~ ((n + m) * p) => a) -> a Source #

Re-exports typelists basics

type family (a :: Nat) + (b :: Nat) :: Nat where ... infixl 6 #

Addition of type-level naturals.

type family (a :: Nat) - (b :: Nat) :: Nat where ... infixl 6 #

Subtraction of type-level naturals.


type family (a :: Nat) * (b :: Nat) :: Nat where ... infixl 7 #

Multiplication of type-level naturals.

type (<=) (x :: Nat) (y :: Nat) = (~) Bool ((<=?) x y) True infix 4 #

Comparison of type-level naturals, as a constraint.

class TestEquality k (f :: k -> *) where #

This class contains types where you can learn the equality of two types from information contained in terms. Typically, only singleton types should inhabit this class.

Minimal complete definition



testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((:~:) k a b) #

Conditionally prove the equality of a and b.


TestEquality Nat NatRepr # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NatRepr :~: a) b) #

TestEquality Symbol SymbolRepr # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((SymbolRepr :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k (Nonce k) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Nonce k :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k (Nonce k s) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Nonce k s :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k ((:~:) k a)



testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (((k :~: a) :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k (Index k l) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Index k l :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k (Index k ctx) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Index k ctx :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k (Index k ctx) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Index k ctx :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k ((:~~:) k1 k a)



testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (((k1 :~~: k) a :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality [k] (List k f) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((List k f :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Assignment k f :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Assignment k f :~: a) b) #

data (k :~: (a :: k)) (b :: k) :: forall k. k -> k -> * where infix 4 #

Propositional equality. If a :~: b is inhabited by some terminating value, then the type a is the same as the type b. To use this equality in practice, pattern-match on the a :~: b to get out the Refl constructor; in the body of the pattern-match, the compiler knows that a ~ b.



Refl :: (:~:) k a a 


Category k ((:~:) k)



id :: cat a a #

(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c #

TestEquality k ((:~:) k a)



testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (((k :~: a) :~: a) b) #

NFData2 ((:~:) *)



liftRnf2 :: (a -> ()) -> (b -> ()) -> (* :~: a) b -> () #

NFData1 ((:~:) * a)



liftRnf :: (a -> ()) -> (* :~: a) a -> () #

(~) k a b => Bounded ((:~:) k a b)



minBound :: (k :~: a) b #

maxBound :: (k :~: a) b #

(~) k a b => Enum ((:~:) k a b)



succ :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b #

pred :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b #

toEnum :: Int -> (k :~: a) b #

fromEnum :: (k :~: a) b -> Int #

enumFrom :: (k :~: a) b -> [(k :~: a) b] #

enumFromThen :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> [(k :~: a) b] #

enumFromTo :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> [(k :~: a) b] #

enumFromThenTo :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> [(k :~: a) b] #

Eq ((:~:) k a b) 


(==) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

(/=) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

Ord ((:~:) k a b) 


compare :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Ordering #

(<) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

(<=) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

(>) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

(>=) :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> Bool #

max :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b #

min :: (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b -> (k :~: a) b #

(~) k a b => Read ((:~:) k a b)



readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ((k :~: a) b) #

readList :: ReadS [(k :~: a) b] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec ((k :~: a) b) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [(k :~: a) b] #

Show ((:~:) k a b) 


showsPrec :: Int -> (k :~: a) b -> ShowS #

show :: (k :~: a) b -> String #

showList :: [(k :~: a) b] -> ShowS #

NFData ((:~:) k a b)



rnf :: (k :~: a) b -> () #

data Some (f :: k -> *) Source #


TestEquality k f => Eq (Some k f) Source # 


(==) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

OrdF k f => Ord (Some k f) Source # 


compare :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Ordering #

(<) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

(<=) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

(>) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

(>=) :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Bool #

max :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Some k f #

min :: Some k f -> Some k f -> Some k f #

ShowF k f => Show (Some k f) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Some k f -> ShowS #

show :: Some k f -> String #

showList :: [Some k f] -> ShowS #

HashableF k f => Hashable (Some k f) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Some k f -> Int #

hash :: Some k f -> Int #